41 of 1928 - Vacating streets and alleys in Bast's Grove ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City, . .1 ,Utah, 1 4,, 192 8 Burton - - V I move that the ordinance be passed. Fehr - - - #' Finch - ..ATZ -. Moran - Mr.Chairman - AN ORDINANCE Result - - AN ORDINANCE VACATING all streets and alleys, with the exception of North Temple Street, in Bast'S Grove, a subdivision of part of Section F3, Township 1 N., Range 1 W., S. L. B. & M., Salt Lake City, Utah. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That all streets and alleys, with the excep- tion of North Temple Street, in East's Grove, a subdivision of part of Section 33, 'Tonship 1. N., Range 1 T., S. I,. B. & M., Salt Lake City, Utah, be and the same are hereby Vacated and de- clared no longer for use as streets and alleys. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its publication. r, Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, V 16th Oct.% Utah, this --- aay of _--_-.- , r :• 2 Pr ____-- - ------------------------ aQyy/fAA'1 Mayor. -�l.,r�/J/-tk�Oc..- - CiW Recorder. 41 3a, ij is Irr 41 3raluanOe Coz$V& ,dial,ad to ooal oi Commissioners AND PASSED OCT 16!PS X1r1,1440(10,140* CITY PECORD.F1 First Publication in CL.:144,,.4 8 '1 4 rorwv Y 4:9r2.0RDE.Ft - e4' • Proof of Publication STATE OF LJTAII,t County of Salt Lake 2 . / r' AN 011,13/efial‘tta. ..'.AS OIO•DINANCID VA.CA,i1210,..ALT„,. streets and 2.110st,Mgfet#1* 820 .-t being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the principal IlreltVGgre',b4'eTignidreePitpz—h' .4 seetiot,se,towhohlt)1.N..Einge ,1,W clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper published in Be It ordained the Board of ..pumis.1,..1.ar. ofeit-LeMe City, Salt Lake City,Salt Lake C*nty,in t , State of Pah. ihe Stoat feNtylni,l ' tEcAllitlirgq40741 ! , , al ' -uVZ 'ee,'- t4, ,vir.ple street. East's Grove, a' 3, That the notice 04bsw,stan..ot ppic of„Section ,TOwn.hili 1/•tertatirp4rog.gl.Z.B. , VighTat 4aelIZI1 ,araVktebct!Z' I I C.,,'-'"/'-'Z.d 4--C1-.7 7-.21a..2'6'. ' '.1 .7.-44-'0 deolored op Note., f0. u.. .. / BECTI,ON 2. In the emir-dot of the Board of Cqmmfasionere,,it te aecoa- 37h1°fMINgti'olirirta.4'..dwng that this ovdihrtnae beciaao-OfeetIve aproedlately • , • V,EC.TION 3. rill OnItheatoo aril, tal;Lelfe,Vy''tron iatilV,Li.- of which a copy is hereto attached,was first ished in said 4ohere ex salt Lake,dity.Utah,rhte , lath day of October. A.D.1.92& , / JOH11 V. —TIOINkl ' newspaperyitkits issue dated the //.6. day of non ta..so raWeityta Recdra,, ,,, ' 1 13,alttt.11.d. ()Of.'IJAVP-'t F. - A.D. 192d... .z.r......-=-......z.:,..7„---..... --.',-,•,---- _ and was published (""2-2.f the last publicati"thereof being in the issue dated the,/..6 — day of d'7 i9;6s.. _A.D.1921 _ subscri,bard sworn to before me this ; day of ,- Q/C-,1:9•-?-44....- A.D.1921 7, Notary P , . _ lir . t 1-1 •Fa ----.. it FS ' 1.• 1.• 'ft