41 of 1931 - Lighting District No. 5-B, 2d and final estimate VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, ' • ,••J 192 Burton Fehr v I move that the ordinance he passed. IESER Finch Mr.Chairman - - - Result ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, ,193 VOTING AYE NAY vI move that the ordinance be passed. Burton �J Fehrc:::40746 /i"L24 V Finch Lake Mr.Chairman AN ORDINANCE Result AN OBDINd UCLI L VOTNG `- 'TAX and for the as d2'_ sent of aro- oerty in Li<htin district No. 5-B, for the aurpose of .nrovidi.n- for the operation, maintenance anCand patrol:inr- of arc lams.s and the furnish- ing of electrical energy therefor. be it oreaincr by the roard of Com.-tissionere of Salt Lake City, Utah: SNC'SION I. ghat the !Soars of Commissioners of Salt Lake City doer hereby levy the tax and provide for the asse; ;;ient of the same omen the property hereinafter described in Liphtins District No. 5-B, for the our-Jose of proviein= for the operation, maintenance and :ua- trolling of arc lames and. the furnishins of electrical energy there- : for, to-rat: 41 Lots 2, 3, 0 and 7 of ilk. 70, Plat °C , .alt Lake City Survey, abutting on both sides of degent Street between rirst South and Second South Streets. 1hi.s tax is levied to defray the expense of providing for the operation, maintenance and i,a.trollieie of arc lambs and furniahin with electrical_ energy eleven ornamental ste.ndt.rds, each eeui�,pe,' with one ampere lu�niuous arc lam ,. (seiC_ arc lams to be eleven (ii) in number), nine of said lamps to overate on the uidni.-ht schedule onu to be so a;,lieC with electric current for the illumination of the scale each night from fifteen minutes before dark until mi_t-night, and the remain- ing two lamps to operate on the all ni;rht sched;ul_e (the coat of osera- -4-S-- tion of the all niyht lamas beini,; One Thouanne aeven Hundred twenty and 16Y100 ( 1,7:.:0.16) bollars and same to de ';aid. for by the city), for a aeriod of ten years from October :N3, 19bi, to October ; 5, 1941, said lamj)n to be illuminat,ea by electric currcnt; the 1 1 circuits for the oaeration of said system of lumps to he underyround, . and the portions of said streets odnosite the hronerty bereinbefore and herciaafter descrrbed to be endecially affectcn and benefited 1. ' by said_ improvement, eim•! it is nee d! jddnd! ,, ddturmined and es- tabliahen that said fero)erty will bc especially benefited thereby ! 'il• to the full amount of the tax hereby levieo, and said. sarced. of _and are hereby usne,sed at an equul air, uu1form rate in uccordancet with the linear foot frontare upon and to the entire de!th of the j same ownershin bock therefrom not exceeatnn d50 fset, and the tax hereby levied and to be cc, cc ddon said sdrendin or land is four 2hounand Nine fun re: l'inirty and 1:1'100 (.dd,,050.1 ) i,o7.1n ,, or Three and. 8506/1O000 (! 506) Dollars 'Cr' front or Tin.cr foot of ahuttiny 1 dronerty, there beinn IL090.s5 feet ahuttina; s:Aa, nortion or sEtid. im- nrovement end the .coot of which oleration, m0aintenance, atrolliny a0d. furninhinn of clectricaa engird and the arol!erty hencXited Lher .„. :ay is hereMnfter set out, ane. a11 cithid, L.a• sdundaricr of the lot4, '.blocks ariC street:, aHove mentioned In adid ,Tht-rf-sict, which in the :1 total abuttcrs/ cost adn cost dor at '"dot of Laid improyeffient acj ,Il 'I noisnin to the contract enured into too !,n, L:1:( arnur of ,d..id v,ork 1 , 1 J:nd ma1;ia, said, 1,1)0ovement i-th Utah dower L Li Oct Comddny, dated • I the 1dAh dey of Oct:. Ilddb1, seid levy to it and he effective :from October f35, 1971., which is the date service beyan, and the City '1 Vreauurer is hereby authorize and directed to annens in. aceordance . 1 With the nrdvisions of this ordinance., for the aurpose herein men- • • ] tioned: • FLONTIif ON RldlddIT STIbd . Lots d and d, Lots 0 and the south 11 •-5 ft. of Lots , 1 O and 7, Lens the north 177.0 ft. or Lot .,'; and 7, of 11Th. 70, ,.'let Salt Lake City furry; 41 ,• i. I . - . _ cc the same are shown uaon the officlal pl_ats of sal city Co the entire de •th of the shme ov.nerahl Suck from aajJ1 atrLet Iona to collect suiC tax. SECTION il. that, the assesament list on hy the City Treaaurer, as corrected, ancroved and cout)TetEM! hy the oa.rd of nl'quali .stion afli! l'eview of the aroocrty descri in fection 1 of • -this ordinance in TeTa-7htin Listrict No. 5-9 of falt 7tahe City for ' the mJruocc• of -,xf!oyL_Was for the °aeration, mial.ntenance aria aatn:oll- Ing of arc la mac ane furnishinf wIth electrjcal encraT, ia hevon'hy confirmed,anC. the arae ....:ments maete aaa returned in sai6 comted lists cynd the report of the 9oar a of icualization aria Ecview to the ,• . , . iNJoare of Commiasioners of :nit I,a.17.0 City arc herehy ntifileC, aaarov- , ed. an0 confirmea. 1 1.1a2TION III. ,-:ale tax shal1 he oy' ''He in aCvLoJce in ten euual yearly installz.enta aa :royiac hy 11, ane °rain-lance wth hn-: terest at the rate of ton ocr cent aer an Urn on each trot- litment ,•not 00 saiC.; nroyiec , however, that one of mora of such. installments •:in the orser :,ayabl , or the , hole tax !day he cni.l vJthout Int(T(st . w-Ithin fifteen (15) Cy s from the Cat(: thio ocinah.ce hecocs effect- )_ye, Inn any such .e7menta ,:dthin sLi . fifteen (15) Cays also will (:, alloyea a Ciscount of threh acar chnt (4). In the cnvent any ln- stallfient aforcri,J is not oaid on the aay the aame ecome-- Cue, the i,fhole amount of the soecial tax 'Incmaie at the time .-,IC i- t; l _s Cue, shall hecome Of anci mvahlc an shall. (-rav, intercat aL the . rate of ten par cent %(::.r on no unti!l the. ahle of the o"coety cicehsce. ., -"rTIoN IV. INhi.' orCdnion.J3shall take effect one OrT after: Ito first 'Inihlicction- Sasacc bf the 7'oari of ComAssi_onro!a of Celt Thhe City, LLta ,. City hccorCer. -__ • i f!ifhtinc Cistrict No. to scl,j, L Ciuu-1 ,st.inxte. • . • , . , • . , Passed by the Board of Commissioners of at Lobe City, Wr1/ 25 lqv . Utah, this day of- -_ ; • , L. 1— 197:1. • „ . . , Ci ir i[C()corcer. .• . „'. 11 .1 . .: • . , 1 d „. • .• ,. . . . • 1; • „. . .. . ... . 1 : ; . • • . , . • .; • , . • •1 •„ : 1 1 . . . .. • ,,,,,.....z• ,,,-'_—,'\;;=''• V-__ -‘k Fr (,(--- (--„,.. ›, v s „.i.. ,,,,_ rc,•-,4 F. ri2 ra- ",:ii : . . c , , . .„, - , , ,.. .. . .., , ..._. (, v- , to Ki. c ' \ w (- , ' .:- 1 :•P :. :' 1-; ,A 0 ft) (- .k:' '%02 ':''' U i .Z1 '‘1/4 iT . ' I I'''-1 ts, C L .,'-#, . C.. 'o. ' ''t- e ' --. ''' r''' 1 -,__ ---,a ` -• 'IN % • Proof of Publication STATE OF UTAH, County of Salt Lake i AN ORDINANCE. ' AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX ,and Cot the assessment of property.In Lighting District No. 5-B,for the nov- o/oat of providing for the operation. !maintenance and patrolling of aro lamp. and the turnishng of electrical enererefor. Bo igy t th ordained by the goard of Com- !sulseloners of Salt Lake City.Utah: SECTION 1.That the Board oh Com- mlesionere of Lake City does hereby.levy the tax and provi for de the being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the advertis- ....merit.of the,Salt same upon the pro, •arty hereinafter desoribed in Lighting !District No.5-8,for the purpose of pro- ing clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper published in 1 vidIng for the operation,'maintenance and patrolling of aro lamps and the fur. nislting of electrical energy'therefor,to- Lots 2, 2, 6 and 7 of BM. 70, Plat "A,9 Salt Lake City Survey, abutting on both sides!of Regentn Street between First South and Second South.Street.. Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State of Utah. This!tax le levied to defray the ex- That the notice Penes, of providing for the operation. maintenance and patrolling of 4,0 Ianlpfs and' furnishing with electrical enerfris —__ W eteven ornamental atandards,each equIP- „ ,,Z, z Ped with one 6.6 ampere luminous aro lamp.(said arc lamps to be eleven(11) In number),nine of said lams,*to OP- be supplied with electric ourrent for the illumination cd the same each slight from fifteen minutes before dark unsii midnight,and the remaining two lamps to operate on the ail night selfedule (the cost of OperatIon of the all night lampe being. OnA Thousand! Sev- en Hundred Twenty and 16- of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said 100 01,720.16) Dollars and mune to be paid for by CI:,olty),.jot q Its3rdtool)c1Nerye2V,'11)fff...1-kT.rp.2t% • • • be Illuminated by electric current; ths newspaper,in its issue dated, the /j—__ day of circuits for the operation of said sys- tem of lamps to be under/MVO, and the portions of sold streets'opposite the ProPerty herolnbefore and hereinafter A. D. 1931. desdrIbed to be especiallY affected and benefited by bald iMProvernent,and It,s hereby adjudged, determined and es- tablished that laid PrePertY will be es, and was published peclally benefited thereby to the fell amount of the tax IterebY levied, nod said parcels ot land are hereby aswessed at an equal and uniform rate In accord- the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the once with the linear toot frontage upon Ind to the entire depth of the same ownership back therefrom not, exceed- ing at0 feet;and the tax hereby levied day of d2-'-c-e-4-1.. .......„---- A. D. 191.J. and to be Assessed upon said parcels of land it Four Thousand Nine Hundred Thirty and 12-100 ($4.620.12)Dollars or Three and WM-10,000 (12.8206) Dollars D""°""11""r 1°2115TeVnalstaMI ltd.pthonn'"olgeald IMPtovement and !the ceet of which operation,maintenanCe, Advertising Clerk. 'Patrolling.11[1 furnishing of electrical en- ergy and the property benefited thereby le hereinafter set out,and all within the boundaries of the lots, blocks and streete above mentioned in said district. which Is the total abutters' cost and cost per front foot of raid Improvement according to tho contract entered into for the performance of said work and malting said Improvement with Utah fore me this .-, / rower & Light Company, dated the day of 25th day of October.1931.said levy to date and be effective front October 25,,____ '1931, which is the date service began. A. D. 1913/.. and the City Treasury is hereby au- thOrlzed and directed to aseees In ac- ,cadence with the provisions of this or- Altiance, for the Purpose Wein Men- Wined: N7;' -/ ,,,, 7 Not71Tublic. Fronting on Regent Street. Lots 3 and 6.Lots 2 and 3.the south ;113.35 ft. of Lots 8 n d 7. and the norm 177.0 ft.of Lots 6 and 7,of Blk. 70, Plat "A." Salt Lake City Survey; slthe are shown pol the official ate ofa sai ciy to the entire dent]) of the same ownerehlp back from said Street and to collect said tax. Section II. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer, as Board of Egad alllsatlpncoande Reved wcthe of the property described in Section I of this ordinance Lighting 5-B of Salt Lake Citt1, fr the the purpose of providing for the operation, maln- tenanca d patrolling of arehones end furnishing with electrical energy. is hereby confirmed, and theegap- m Monts made an returned In id Odm. plated Oils and the report of the Board SrEqualisation and Review to the Board-of Commteeloners of Salt Lake City are hereby rattled. approved and confirmed. able Et in advanid ce In tax shall beyn n iu ten equal ar Y oytallment as provided by law and rdinance with Interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum on ach install- ent not so paid; provided, however. that ono or more of such installments In the order payable.or the whole tax may be paid without interest within fif- teen (J5)days from the date tills erdi- o becomes effective..-and any each ❑ayments within said fifteen (16) days p Ise•will be allowed a discount ot three Insant(3 per cent). In the event'any tallment aforesaid in not paid on the day the same becomes due, the whole thenVnt-of the ap0clal tax unpaid at time Said Installment Is duo shall hero me due and payable and shall draw Interest at the rate of ten per ent per minim) until the sale o1 the property assessed. Section IV- This ordinance shad take effect one day after lie first pub- lication. Passed by the Board of Commleslon- ere of Salt Lake City, Utah. this 15th day of December,A.D. 1031. JOHN P.BOWMAN, Mayor. Ethel Macdonald, City Recorder. Pill No. 41. Second District No. 5-B. Second and Final Estimate. Published December 15th, MI. • • , 0 • - - • - 7 T rt ; . • ; • • • 0 -7 I; 1-4 •