41 of 1944 - Vacating Crestline Drive from south line of Wasatch Drive to west line of the U.S. Military Reservat ROLL CALL VOTING Aye I Nay J(j Salt Lake City, Utah, 31- , 194 Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed. Matheson . . . , l- Romney / •._ . • Tedesco Mr. Chairman . . (`*. f / AN:ORDINANCE i Result AN ORDINANCE VACATING Crestline Drive from south line of Wasatch Drive to west line of the U. S. Military Reservation. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Crestline Drive from south line of Wasaten Drive to west line of the U. S. Military Reservation, more particular- ly described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 11, Virginia Heights, Plat HAn, a subdivision of a part of Lot 4, Section 33, T. 1 N., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M., S. E. 1/4 of N.E.1/4, Section 32, T. 1 N., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M., and Block 49, Plat "G", Salt Lake City Survey, said point being on the west line of the U.S.Military Reservation running thence S. 0° 00! 24n E. on said line 53.93 ft. to the northeast corner of Lot 15 said subdivision, thence N. 66° W. 58.87 ft., thence along a 350.0 ft. radius curve to the right 189.37 ft., thence along a 700.0 ft. radius curve to the right 354.30 ft., thence N. 8° W. 38.99 ft., thence along a 104.69 ft. radius curve to the left 111.46 ft., thence S. 69° E. 152.79 ft. to a point in the northerly line of Lot 5, said subdivision, thence westerly and southerly along a 20.0 ft. radius curve to the left 41.54 ft., thence S. 8° E. 38.99 ft., thence along a 650.0 ft. radius curve to the left 328.99 ft.,thence along a 300.0 ft. radius curve to the left 162.32 ft., thence S. 68° E. 38.66 ft. to point of beginning; be and the same is hereby vacated And declared no longer to be public property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way. 41 Said vacation is made expressly subject to a right of way and easement for all of the sewer lines, water pipes and gas mains /II now installed or to be installed within the above vacated area to other with the right of ingress and egress at any and all times over any portion of the property above vacated for the purpose of insp4cting, cleaning, repairing, replacing or re-locating within said area vacated any or all of said sewer lines, water pipe lines or gas mains; and rights of way for further vacation is made expressly subject to any and allAother utilities located witnin said above vaialited area as Tell as to all existing rights heretofore granted by franchise by Salt Lake City, a *2- municipal corporation of the State of Utah, for the purpose of in- stalling, erecting and maintaining utilities over, in or upon the public streets of said Salt Lake City; and further expressly sub- ject to the rights of way and easements of the Utah Light & 'Trac- tion Company and the Mountain states Telehone & Telegraph Company acquired under franchises from Salt Lake City, to maintain, repair alter and replace the eletric transmission, distribution of tele- graYJh and telephone circuits, lines, wires and poles of said corn-- r p ii:es, togetner with tl ss necesa y atogMW s- Lrm4and other at-- chrnents thereon or af44.ffed thez';Lo fo i ' s' po of said elec- txic;,, telephone and t l@ eph , roes, air flaf dt'iigta"lbution cir- w suit's; as now erected ands c ?lntair}e,a`azpori r cposr ;iee portion of ��, � . t " said strc,t to be closets ur ng lif` oz the { chisel held b= 40`� t {/ :. said companies, or any e�tenslon€�:-t�ereax r y �!Yia �. . SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of" Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective ire ediately, SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners o Salt Lake City, Utah, this clay of , a.a 944 O• o C ity itecorder. I • 4 • - 4 .42• . C rn . •• • , •.„ . • , • . •. . • STATE OF UTAH, ss. City and County of Salt Lake, ` I Frank A. Shields,-DeputyCity Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, "An ordinance vacating Crestline Drive from south line of `.Yasatch Drive to -vwe-st-I ne---of--the U. Military Reservation" passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, August 31st, x 1944 as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City,this 6th day of September , 1944 pg$x (SEAL) ' �} ' ' $I NC. 41 �K / - _<._. --"L- Deputy City Recorder( Published September 2d,Tg2t 1944 i , eL SEP 6 1944 Recorded at Requ s 4 air/Z,17- el a �t7-14-L Cornelia S. Lund, Recorder S.L.County, Uta 1v p By �/72' 0R. Bcok�/4OFage427 Ref':R�9Y-�y6-1 4-1nnt -.a 7 .3 I`wc �x 3 4 AN ORDINANCE portion of the property above vacated AN ORDINANCE VACATING Crest- for the purpose Of inspecting,cleaning, line Drive from south line f Wasatch sa area replacing or relocating all d Drive to west line of the U.S.Military said ate any e of said Reservation. mains;over lines, water pipe lines isor gas Be it ordained Sr the Board Of Com- and furtherecto any andion made missioners of Salt Lake City,Utah: expressly ayf otherem to o all rights SECTION 1. That Crestllne Drive of way for utilities located within from south line of Wasatch Drive to saidall above tripod area f well as to west line of the U. S.Military Reser- by efrxisting rights Salhet Lakeakre grantedty, vatlon, more particularly described as municipal i ce or Snt City, follows: ee corporation of the Stale of Beginning at the southeast corner Utah, for the maintapurposining of installing, over, of Lot 11,Virginia Heights,Plat"A.'a in otrnupond thel public streets of said subdivision of a part of Lot 4,Section Salt Lake City, and further expressly 33,T.1 N..R.1 E.,S.L.B.&M.,S.E. subject to the rights of way and ease- Of N.E. i Section 32, T. 1 N.,R. ments of the Utah Light & Traction 1n E.,S.L.B.&M..and Block 49,Plat Company and the Mountain States G."Salt Lake City Survey,said point Telephone & Telegraph Company, - being on the west line of the II. S. quired under franchises from Salt Lake Military Reservation,running thence S. City,to maintain,repair,alter and re- 0' 00'24" E. on said line 53.93 ft. to place the electric transmission, dis- the northeast corner of Lot 15 said sub- tribution of telegraph and telephone division, thence N. 68" W. 58.87 ft., circuits, lines, wires and poles of said thence along a 350.0 ft. radius curve companies, together with the n ces- to the right 189.37 ft., thence alm:g sary stop cross-arms and other attach- e 700.0 ft. radius curve to the right ments thereon or affixed thereto fee 354.30 ft.. thence N. 8" W. 38.99 ft., the support of said electric,telephone thence along a 109.69 ft.radius curve ve d telegraph lines, wires and dis- to the left 111.46 ft..thence S. 69' E. tributlon rcuits as now erected and • 152.79 ft. to a point in the northerly maintained�upon or across the portion line Of Lot 5,said subdivision, thence of said street to be closed,during the westerly and southerly along a 20.0 ft. life of the franchises held by said corn- radius curve to the left 41.59 ft.,thence panics,or any extensions thereof. S.8' E.38.99 ft.,thence along a 650.0 SECTION 2. In the opinion Of the ft. radius curve to the left 328.99 ft., Board of Commissioners.it is necessary thence along 300.0 ft. radius curve to the peace,health and safety of the to the left 162.32 ft.,thence S.68" E. Inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this 38.66 ft. to p o i n t of beginning; ordinance become effective immedi- be and the same Is hereby vacated and ately. declared no longer to be public prop- SECTION 3. This ordinance shall arty f or t street,avenue, alley take effect upon Its first publication. or pedestria as nway. Passed by the Board of Commission- Said vacation is made expressly sub- ers of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 31st lees to a right of way and easement for day of August,A.D.1944. all of the sewer lines,water pipes and EARL J. GLADE, Mayor. gas mains now installed or to be in- (Seal) IRMA F. BITNER, stalled within the above vacated area City Recorder. together with the right of ingress and Bill No. 41. egress at any and all times Over any Published September 2nd,1949. Proof of 1nbltrat!ton 3tnItei*totes of America STATE OF UTAH ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is the Principal Clerk of the SALT LAKE TELEGRAM,a newspaper,published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County,State of Utah. That the Notice Oi:D7:._NCE—SILL of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said newspaper in its issue dated the nd day of .7TFT,T31P4 and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on 11E1.P. ?end for thereafter, the full period of 1_TIi.4; the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the nd day of , A. D. 19 n 4__. I Subscribed and sworn to before me this E;?' day of f;1111P. ,A.D. 19 4 Notary Public My commission expires llov.".5,1945 Advertising fee$ AN ORDI CE AN ORDINANCE,1[ ,IyNG Crest- line Dri f m tl`Wasatch I1(lve�-�a . Military >Ae"se>Rdk e �1�. .:.� .... Be• l*!*e ffieel bys tad Me a of com- IDlss- e {halt L •Ity Allah: i h T ;pe Drive ftd r '-t' D i to •west' oto et R e- Vattern+more'paitlptga ggi illbeds as follows: 'Beginning, t.,the ��uL�y,tV� of'Lot#11,,7ft rgin (t'7r f t A,nea *ally' .of a t Y Section T R. Ravi i . 1 S.E. Bbo ock dB,Plat }un Galt Lake''C,°' It 7.7f said point h/ng on the wAs1Bfl„4�In the U. S. Military ReservatiosA Ming thence S. b''00'24" E.onwe 53.93 ft.to the northeast cornet ft e 15 said sub- division, thence N. 88° W. 58.87 ft., thence along a 350.0 ft. radius curve to the right 189.37 ft., thence along ■700.0 ft. radius curve to the right 354.30 ft., thence N. 8° W. 3829 ft., thence along a 104.6E ft.radius curve to the left 111.46 ft.,thence S.69° E.. 16179 ft.•to a point the northerly 1/he of Lot 5,said subdivision,thence westerly and southerly along a 20.0 ft. radius curve to the left 41.54 ft.,thence •S.-8°E.38.09 ft.,thence along a 650.0 '1t.radius curve to the left 328.99 ft., thence along a 300.0 ft. radius curve to the left 162.32 ft.,thence S.68° E. 38,68 ft. to point of beginning; be and the same 1s hereby vacated and declared no longer to be public prop- r▪ty for use as a street,avenue, alley W'pedestrian way. Said vacation is made expresely ub- all of•the right of lines,waters pipe.tnfqr od gee mains sewerow lnctalleda or to be 11t stalled within the above vacated Mgt together with the right of in peee ado) egress at any portion of the and all times for the purpose of iinspe above ace gi• repairing.replacing pelvoati gj it ac g on relocating all wit said areaante any or Ii of sill eosin Bared, water Pine iinee nuns: and further vacation rail in ighbj 04erk way subject to any and ail ithlia 'of way for other utilities located w s t said above in vacated h well as e, all existing rights heretofore City. by municipal franchise bys Salt Lake t vnfclpor corporation purpose of the State o 'Utah, for the a of installing over Inne0r u andmaintainingl cs tittles over Bor pen the and streets o sal• ' Belt Lake Cithey, antl furtherfwayand ease msuerits of the rightsiviaof stay antl e Centsy the Utah Light & Tractior Company d the Mountain State: quired undhone er franchisees frh o Company.It Lak, City,to maintain.repair,alter and re place the electric transmission, din. •trlbeetfon of telegraph and telephone plrouits,lines,soiree and poles of said o ompanies, together with the n gary stop cross-arms and other ttach• meats thereon or affixed thereto for the the support of id electric, telephone telegraph lines, wires and din• tributlon circuits as now erected and Maintained upon or across the portion of said street to be closed,during the life of the franchises held by said com- panies,qr any extensions thereof. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners.it is necessary -to the peace,health and safety of the Inhabitants of Salt Lake City,that this ordinance become effective Immedi- a e1q. ornanc sal take Ceffeect upon This firsttf Publication. Passed by the Board of Commission- s of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 3lst day of August,A.D.1944. EARL J. GLADE. Mayor. (Seal) IRMA F. BITNER, Bill No.41. City Recorder. Published September 2nd,1844, 7-71" PROOF OF PUBLICATION FROM 11[p Ottlt Eake Telpgraut County Entry No