41 of 1949 - Amending Section 6507 relating to water supply and waterworks, service pipe, meters and permits. oait Laite Ulty, Utah, 194
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Affleck . . . .
Matheson . . .
Romney . . . .
xuadr . . . .
Mr. Chairman . . AN ORDINANCE
Result . . . .
AN ONDI.?ANC . TJNDING SECTION 6507 of the Revised
Ordinances of ..,alt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordi-
nances passes'.. by the Board of Commissioners on January 15, 1947,
and August 11, 1948, relating to water supply and water works.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION I. That Section 6507 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed
by the Board of Commissioners pn January 15, 1947, and August 11,
1948, relating to water supply and water works, be and the same
is hereby amended to read as follows:
CHARGE FOR CONNECTION. (a) The service pipes and connections
from the main to the curb line, including the curb box, a
curb cock and meter to be placed within the line of the
street curb, will be put in and maintained by the Depart-
ment of Water Supply and Water "+orks and kept within its
exclusive control. -
(b) A 3/4 x 3/1 inch meter of a type approved by
the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City will be furnish-
ed and maintained by the city without cost to the consumer.
bow the installation and connection of service line and
said meter the following charges, payable in advance, shall
he made:
For a 3/4-inch connection and installing
meter, ',!>60.00.
For a.1-inch connection and installing
meter, 05.00.
The city is to maintain all water connections of
3/4 inch and 1 inch sizes from the point of connection with the
crater .Hain up to and including the meter, where the meter is
set in the rLing.pa
All meters and connections of a larger size than 1 inch
shall be furnished at the entire expense of the applicant and
installed at his expense. All maintenance and replacement,
where necessary, on all service lines above 1 inch in size,
are to be at the entire expense of the consumer. In a].l cases
the typo of meter to be furnished shall be approved by the
superintendent of water works and shall be under his exclusiv
(c) Wherever water services have been. installed, or are
to be installed in any promises, in such a locatir h that the
meter box is or nay be sub:ect to vehicular traff14, h'.ien in
that case it shall be the responsibility of the owner or occu-
pant of the premises to instcl1 or have, installed entirely at
his expense a standard heavy concrete meter box with standard
cast iron ring and cover of sufficient strength to withstand
the load of said vehicular traffic without breaking.
If the owner or occupant of any such premises shall fail
to make such installation as above provided, the Department o
Water Supply and Water Works may in addition to any and all
other remedies afforded it bylaw remove the meter if one is i
already installed and terminate all water services to such pr -
or the Department
mises until the proper installation is made or provided,/may
make such installation and bill the owner or occupant for the
cost to it of making such installation.
(d) All other charges for other size connections, and al
work done by the Department of 'Purply and :hater [Corks,
including cutting dlnd replacing pavement where necessary, shall
be fixed by the Commissioner of Water 'forks at the actual cos';
of work done. '::here an old service pipe is replaced by a now
service pipe of a larger size, the charge shall be the same as
for the installation of a new service pipe.
(e) All service and other pipes used underground shall be
of cast iron, standard galvanized iron, extra strong lead or
copper (except private pipes where the =:oard of Commissioners �
grants the use of special ::material), laid not less than four
foot below the surface of the ground and of sufficient streng h
to stand the water pressure. All work upon the alterations o
extensions of water pipes, and size of pipes, shall be to the
acceptance of the superintendent. No connection of service
pipes shall be made without first obtaining a permit therefor
from the ;nepartrrient of ':later Supply and Later .iorbs, and no
other extensions shall be made to another water taker from such
service pipe.
(f) No consumer shall be permitted to conduct water pipes
across lots or,buildings to adjoining premises, and each house
abutting on a city water main must be supplied through its own
separate service pipe running at right angles to the main.
Where the city water mains do not extend to the premises to be
served, a permit nay be issued provided applicant at his own
expense extends a service pipe to the point where the city main
is to be tapped. Two or more buildings on the same lot or on
contiguous lots may, by permission of t',e cueerintendent of
water works, be supplied though a water motor, where such pro-
mdses arc owned by I`-e same person and such person becomes re-
sponsible for the payment of all bills duo the city.
(;;) No water pipe shall be roughed out closer than three
(3) feet from the saner ripe at the foundation of any building
and shall not be laid in the sane trench with the sewer line
or be so constructed as to cross the sower line and no water
pipes shall be laid in the same trench as sewer, ,as or any
other pipe, but a separate trench must be provided for such
water pipe at least three (3) feet horizontally from all other
pipe lines."
• SECTION 2. In the opinion of the board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of .a1,t Lake '-%ity that this ordinance become effective Immediately.�
si0'TIOh 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Ifouul cation.
Passed by the Eoar< of C:oiooissioners of :Salt Lake City,
TJtah, this ?0 _t day of _, A- )/ j.^
:! , ,„, t,.... ,./.e---7
Iii 1!Iay r. C%{'`
City ,:ocordcr.
• li
i. •
Presented to the Board of Commissioners
JUL 2 0 1949
First Publication in
,,• .
377 '2tit l?.1.-41 ;
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake J
O d-
.panees-^ef Salt Lake City, Utah,
to amended bttyy ordinances
ere ton January815,r1947,and August
11, 1949,relating,to'water supply llk N, OCKEY
and water works.
Bo it ordained lei the Board of Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
Cemmbetenere'of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1, That Section 5507 vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
Of th/.Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Stab, 1944, as amended
by ordinances passed by the Boardpublished in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
o1 Commissioners on January 15,
1947, and August 11, 1945, relating
PI Water eirppiy and water works, of Utah.
be d the same is hereby amended
to read ae(chows;
i e piCONNECTION.e, ctions The
lee That the advertisement
main.to.the curb fine, including
the curb box,a curb cock and meter
tG pi placedwithin the lone of the
curb, Publishing_ Ors:linKtee.-Bill.--NO.word.maintained
knedb,b, Department w111 be pat 1e and WitterSupply and Water Work and
kept within its Omissive control.
(hi A %X%•inch Meter of a Section 6507
type approved by the Board of Com
at stoners Of Belt Lake. City, willi
be furnished and maintained by the'
city without con to the consumer.
For the installation andconnection''
Of:service line.and said Meter the
f011owine charges, payable Inad-
linFOXnet,!all be ade:cOnneetm„and in-- was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
stalling meter,$60.00.
at llin For a le-'Inch'Sltrrectlon and In-
.The city ie'CO.m0aintain all water day of A. D. 19
connections of h-inch end 1.1nch
aiaee from the point of connection
eluding-the meter, heain retthend In-
meter and was published On.July 22,.-19 h9
is et in the parking.
ol metere er air,than 1�cpIh Mall ben.
f a
lA g fur-
nished t the.entire expense of the the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
applicant and metalled at-hie ex-
pense, Al] aintenance and replece-
Me„t,.whereneceesar,on all te[vice
linos sleeve.1 inch in size, re to day of A. D. 19
be at-the--entire expense of the con- /�
e[ In 11 mess the type 0f �J//�
Meter.tO be all
Shall be ap- &27
proved by the superintendent of a- j
ter works—and hall be under hie
exclusive control.
0) Wherever water ervlces have Advertising Cler
been Installed,or are to be Metalled
1n any premises,in'Such,a Iocatmn
that the meter box is or May be oath-
Sect to..Vehicular traffic, then.in
that case it shall be the r el-
bony e1 the Owner 0r occuppantant of
the premises to install or have in-
stalled !ntifely at hie expensentho f
Standard heavy concrete meter noxYl t0 before me this day
of Sufficient cast
t g with-
Mend the load of ald vehicular A.D.19.- -
trefllpp without breaking.
If li]ytt owner 000upant Of any
such has all above provided,make
the DOpaetmept of Water Supply
and`Water Werke may in addition
to an spit ell other emediee O-
W 24 It M law Tat-the meter
H n fa a water
fn tallee end ter-
1n tG all ate -! ]e to such
protases until the proper MOMS- Notary Publi
Moll 16 Made the y D 0 ded, the
Peetr font May m ks a eh iretal
opa nttn'Ind ells tn0 owner or king
Inch 004ta11st1on,at W It of making
(di All ether charges forother
size'ernnectbne,and'all work one
by tha.Dep rtmept-Of'Water Supply
and' I.dl'WOtka.including cutting
and ng pavement where en-
s d,d,--shall be fixed by the Com-
actual Of Water Works at the
coat of work done. Where an
01d.144LYiep p1p0 k depleted by a new
ahrvlc pipe of a larger site, the
charge Ohell be the same as for the
Installation Of a new service pipe.
e L)under'round shall be e}f PIP...
ground en.-o eu•d7ettt'ette
stand the water pressure. All work
elp n the alterations rie extenpsions
shell a be toe.the acceptancef oti the
euperieev nice piper shall No connection
be made without
first Obtaining a'p It therefor
from the Department eof Water Sup-
ply and shall ber ntade to and n another
water'taker from Ouch service pipe.
(1)No consumer shall'be permit-
ted to conduct water pipes
lee lots or
r, andeh Bouse adjoining
ises, os
city water•main must be supplied
through its own aeparate service
main.•Where,thecity ght•wa r,t e ter mains
do not extend to the premises to be
d,a perrn0E may be Issued vided applicantp at his own expense
extends service pipe to the point
There the city main Is to be tapped.
wo or more buildings On the tame
lot or on contiguous'late may, by
leh of the superintendent of
water works,be supplied through
water meta,where such premises ate
owned by the tame person and such
on pers becomes ep ible far the
paymentNo watf er(P Pier shall bet rough city.
t closer than three(31 feet from
the sewer pipe at the foundation
of any building and shall not be
laid in the same trench with the
sewer line or be so constructed as to
cross the sewer line, and n0 water
pipes Shall be laid in the same trench
gas or any other pipe,but
separate trench-must be provided
for such water pipe at least three(31
feet horla0irtally from all other pipe
SECTION I. In the opinion of
the Board of Commissioner., it is
❑ecessery to the peace, health and
safety of the inhabitants of Salt
Lake City that this ordinance be-
SECTION.3. This ore shall
take effect upon its first publica-
Pawed by the Board of Commis-
loners of Salt Lake City.Utah,this
20th day of July.A.D.1949.
IRMA•F.ity Eetsn;
' City Retarder.
(Published Only 221, 194A