41 of 1956 - Granting to L.S. Swaner and John M. Wallace, a franchise for doing business under the name of Indust Jalt LUKe 41ty,VtalVi Al....(..vl...t,_I,t.0 -LYo VOTING Aye Nay I move that the ordinance be passed. Burbidge . . Christensen . . /� Nicholes • • • ✓` \\ Romney . . . Mr.Chairman e / AN ORDINANCE Result �� AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO L. S. SWANER AND JOHN M. WALLACE, DOING BUSINESS UNDER THE NAME AND STYLE OF INDUSTRIAL CENTER, THEIR SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN A STANDARD GAUGE RAILROAD SPUR TRACK IN, ALONG AND ACROSS FORTUNE ROAD., EXTENDING SOUTHERLY IN A CURVE A DISTANCE OF 112.1 FEET IN AN AREA LOCATED 819.39 FEET WEST FROM REDWOOD ROAD, ALL IN SALT LAKE CITY, SALT LAKE COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY, SALT LAKE COUNTY, UTAH: SECTION I: That L. S. Swaner and John M. Wallace doing business under the name and style of the Industrial center, their successors and assigns, be, and they are hereby granted the right to construct, operate and maintain a standard gauge railroad spur track in, along and across Fortune Road, extending Southerly in a curve a distance of 112.1 feet in said street, in an area 819.39 feet West of Redwood Road, all in Salt Lake •' " City, Salt Lake County, State of Utah, the location of said spur track where it is proposed to be constructed in, along and across Fortune Road being more particularly shown upon a print which is attached to and made a part of the petition, the description of the center line of said spur track being as follows: Commencing at the monument at the intersection of 1700 West tnttwood Road) and Fortune Road thence at right angles N. 41° $10 - 52" E. 25.0 feet to a point in the northeasterly line of.Fortune Road produced, thence No. 48°05'08° W. along said northeasterly line 819.39 feet to the intersection of the) center line of a proposed spur track with said northeasterly line of Fortune Road which is the true point of beginning, being at Engineer's Station 1"35.4 of said proposed spur track; thence southerly 112.1 feet along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 287.94 feet to a point in the southwest line of said Fortune Road; tangent to arc at said point bearing S. 10°19'58° E., substantially as shown in yellow on the attached print which is made a part hereof. SECTION II: During the term of this Franchise the Grantees, their successors and assigns shall be subject to the following conditions, viz? - G - a- The said track shall be laid upon and conform to the established grade of Fortune Road, but, if said grade is afterward changed by ordinance of the Board of City Commissioner, the Grantees shall at their own expense change the elevation of said track so as to conform to the same. b. Whenever said street where said track is constructed shall be paved, repaved, resurfaced or repaired, then said grantees, their successors and assigns, shall pave, resurface or repair between the rails and for a space of two feet outside of each rail with the same kind of material used on said street, or with such other material as may be approved by the Board of Commissioners. In the event said grantees shall fail to pave, repave, resurface or repair and surface any area as herein required for a period of thirty (30) days after notice from the Board of Commissioners so to do, the City shall have the right to pave, repave, resurface or repair between the rails or said surface or area and the Grantees agree to reimburse the City for the total cost of said work, labor and material. c- The said track shall be laid and the road operated so as to cause no unnecessary impediment to the common and ordinary use of said street upon which it is laid. d- Good and sufficient conduits to convey water shall be laid and maintained in good condition at the expense of said grantees in all water ditches crossed by said track ao as to admit of free passage of water. e- Salt Lake City reserves the right to regulate and control the speed of all trains, engines and cars operated by the grantees, their success- ors and assigns, upon the track aforesaid. Neither the engines nor cars shall be permitted to remain on said track. f- If, in the replacement of maintenance of said track, said grantees shall remove or in any manner interfere with the pavement sidewalk, curbs, gutters or waterways on said street, they shall replace such pavement with the same or such other material as shall be ordered by the hoard of Comm- issioners and shall replace such sidewalks, curbs, gutters and waterways to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvements and shall so construct the gutters and waterways that they will allow the free passage of water to the satisfaction of said Commissioner. SECTION III. Nothing in this grant shall be construed so as to pre- vent Salt Lake City or its authorized agents, contractors, persons or corpora- - 3 - tions to whom a franchise may have been or may hereafter be granted from paving, severing, laying gas or water mains or pipes, altering, repairing, or in any manner improving said street, but all such improvements shall be made with as little injury as practicable to said track and the operation thereof. When Salt Lake City undertakes to place any utility under said track, the grantees shall at their own expense underpin and protect their track while said utility is being placed under the track. SECTION IV. The said grantees herein, their successors and assigns, shall, and by the acceptance of the privileges and franchises herein granted and in consideration of the same, do bind themselves, their successors and assigns, upon their acceptance of this franchise, to save the City harmless from all suits, claims, demands and judgments whatsoever, whether in law or in equity, which shall be asserted, found or rendered in any manner whatso- ever, against said City for injury or damage to abutting property or otherwise by reason of the granting of this franchise or by reason of the operation of said track, and that the grantees, their successors and assigns, will pay the amount of the judgment, determination or adjudication which in any suit or proceedings may or shall be found against Salt Lake City, and the said grantees, their successors and assigns, shall appear in and defend all actions brought against Salt Lake City for any injury or damage by reason of the construction, operation, or maintenance of said track, provided, however, that said grantees, their successors and assigns, shall have had notice of any suits and an oppor- tunity to appear and defend the same. SECTION V. This franchise is granted for the period of fifty (50) years from and after the date of the passage of this ordinance, provided, how- ever, that if for a period of nine consecutive months during the life of this franchise said track or any part thereof is not used for the purpose for which this franchise is granted, or if there is a substantial abandonment of the use of said track or any part thereof, this franchise shall be voidable at the option of the Board of Commissioners, and if so ordered by the Board of Commissioners, said track shall, within thirty (30) days after notice, be by said grantees removed from the street and the street restored to a condition uniform with the balance of said street with respect to grade, materials and construction to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvements. In the event of failure of said grantees to remove said track and to restore said street upon said notice and within thirty (30) days - 4 - thereafter, the work may he done by Salt Lake City at the expense of said grantees. SECTION VI. Unless this franchise and all the terms and conditions thereof shall be accepted in writing by the grantees herein within thirty(30) days after this ordinance becomes effective, and unless said track be con- structed within two years from the effective date thereof, then this ordinance shall be null and void. SECTION VII. Whereas in the opinion of the Commission an emergency exists, this ordinance shall take effect immediately after publication hereof.. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 23rd day-of May, 1956. • p` R tfilml"" ( S E A L ) BILL NO. 41 of 1956 Published May 23d, 1956 p \ '‘, ro v u.o t,HE , )-' -___ ----------- 8 Jo \ \ v,o �_, �' T N � o 4'o ti D�. E o ,',a.'y', .a .a� Q� o P< a� tee. �r V — , O h ,lu, eB R ��O o N. 4 - Y w o//' /A b o• sue, - _o_j- -= ,..► ,,r _�-- ` �rS \', I Wa k ° ,RR.e 4�5 '/ i 4 0 \ a 0 .� C. , NJ \ v T IC, \ 1 i Application of Industrial Center for Franchise from Salt Lake City Corporation and permit from Public Servioe Commission to cross Fortune Road with a railroad spur track. • Salt Lake City, Utah - Scale: 1a - e- 100 April 25, 1956 µ Ind ustr'43' Center SALT LAKE CITY'S IT IAL ADDRESS 1700..o.REDWOOD ROAD : i3..-.--.� _ ., SA,_AnE ciry rnH June t, .1956 RECEIVED JUN 2 195 Salt Lake City Commission City and County building )ItY����Y�/��n��� Salt Lake City, buih YNt�'nt14\08\o++ Attention: Herman J. Hogensen City Rec,,er Gentlemen: We hereby accent the terms set forth in the ordinance and franchise diving us permission to install a spur track crossing Fortune Road, as described in said ordinance dated the 23rd day of raay, 1956. Var, ruly yours, Leland S. Swa e. Manager and Ce-Owner. LSS.1g Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake D M Ockey Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is adver- tising clerk of THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE,a daily news- paper published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State of Utah. That the advertisement of which a copy is attached hereto Salt Lake City Bill No. 41 of 1956. AN ORDINANCE granting to L. S. Swaner and John M. Wallace a railroad ri6ht of way. was published in said newspaper on May 25, 1956. Advertising Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23.th day of .May A.D.19..56. Notary Public My Commission Expires Box.25--19.5.1 • 'AN ORDINANCE ON ORDINANCE GRANTING TO 1 SECTION IV. The said grantees here, S\Y- tEII ADD SOHN 117 WALLAl' in,Il i d halt, l0.Nf BUSINESS UNDER THE NAM and by the eptance of the vs AND.STYLE OE INDUSTRIAL CENTER, litgesand trauol,,.s herein€:'anted and THEIR SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, of the same.do bind 'I'11E:RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT, OPER. the nselvr...their successors and assigns. ALL AND MAINTAIN A STANDAR upon their I f this franthise. f.AI1GG RAILROAD SPUR TRAl(I to save the Cry 0 ] fro. '11 ALONG AND ACROSS 1 ORTIIN suits,claims. demands IJudgments ROAD, EXTENDING SOUTHERLY II ,whatsoever.w1 II in law or in POPO, A CURVE,A DISTANCE OF 112.1 EFF which shall be asserted, d m rew IN AN ARIA LOCATED 810,30 I'LL dared in any manner whiilsoever, WEST S]lOir .REDWOOD 110AD, Al.(( against said City f r in.,or damage !IN SALE LAKE CITY, sour L.AIC,. to abutting ty or otherwise by U_N'C' S'PATI Ol'L:TAII. reason OF.e grantingf this franchise BE 11 ORDAINED BY THE MAY0( b f thet- f and AND BOARD OE CITY COMMISSIOr( 11 k d tl t t t. their Lll1 OE SALT LACE CITY,SALT'LAI4 successors and a II. pay Ito COUNTY,UTAH t f theit/dome:it,t determination SECTION It Tell S.Swan,_ d' 1 t which -to 3 h 1 W 11 6 d dr h Il 0_ f mi Die ai l t l_ the Industrial t Salt Lake City. and the -ad ,(older, their successors and assign yy grantees,the successors nd a . be,and they r c a a nutu hereby asranted sh( shall a and defend all actions right to construct,apernte and malt; brought against Salt Lake City for a lain standard (auto nod rr9 in1nr r damage by x of the r II:,1 in, along And across a 1'orinn{ slfuction,operation. r maintenance oof n Road,extending Southerly'i rvi said track.provided,however,that said n distance of 1121 feet in d IIrce a Ices, theirsuccessors and assigns, tor' en ale l a' 0'tl [IC]woe shall have had notice 00 r ones Ronpli',l in Soh Lake City,Salt Lirk god a opportunity to aPnrat and de said County,State of here the location eSd tes said sour when:o g Proposed[ t SECTIONforthe p This ofIDliv 1 is prang be construct. i along and oa Don for the period of fifty e passage gloom 111 print m s alcnlar fro:nand ordin theance, date of the ens print av tlef l.s petition, tc 10 this or aaperi provided. however. tempt matte a part of colder line of,lh that,, for a :othe l e rude rotten of rhofooline of,sat live months r(turnip the life rod this hereof tran- sude oracle being at follows:m 1 1 ;and track act thereof ( t H I t o d for 11 for h tha intersection f re woolln,Rood t (tt.Q it franc..i -grained _f I I i 1 l tl a Isubstantial e4an oetn t the t -right angles N d. S4 2 E.25 f s d track Or s rt thereof, feet to it11,111 in the northeasteri• [this fraiighise shall be voidable at.the hoe of Comore Road nrnduord,thane( option of the Rimed of(1o.1,4 01nI n,,,' 4a'O II,,, 1V, alone said north, and it ordered by the Roard of 010111- -erl.v Nina 819.23 fee'. to the tlx said track shall, within i terser/lion of tl:o winter line of I thirt]oldo) days alter be PDOPO. by U track with 'd north. said L e e the street easterly1 f Fortune Road whie and the street restored to 1 L on Ilie true point of beginning,it n Imithrin with the halanoc n,said tact t Engineer's Station 1.35.4 of with t 10 urespect t d materials aid premised SPLIT trails.'ttare nD r1)' c.t,tp ion to the.,t'a cntti f the 1.1 tI fret lavi the a ofsa (;ol of Cie eye, and Dubuc of re Iht right ins having radios e t lin� _ tvlscn In the en sand failure of point a the southwest t line '1 n t to remove said Dark of tsaid lielTune Iloolt t toct t for 0-1 t 'I notice t point 1 t bearing S.10 E, L 't a(30l thereafter, I l l 11 shown inp01'a 1 0 , thirty Ivor, be done by Salt Lake th Lt hc1 -t 1 h I City at the F grantees. t 1 f t c VI. Unless bit franchise ' SECTION II, Diming the term 01 this and all the terms and writings y the 1,111 assig the Ora 0o their s shall 0 anted in writing by the o£ baid nsslun ,hell In nrbjec4 to the tolY aspires herein nce tin thirty cam days l0'1 conditions,` 1,1 v aster unless ordinance beobe constructed nstruea 1.: i —The sal<I 11'ook shall Ile laid a and aplaes seed frank be effec aid orinneconform W tl01 established rends ate t £eon the 31 Corinne Ls but,if sold grade i bete theandf,s id. this ordinance shall nitcrwat'd I by ordinance of the be null and IId. changed l City t t ( an. SECTION Co Whereas in the 0000 t shalt [their ale, the Commission anemergency tl -I t o I tack to -.tx,this 01,11111000 shall take effect conform to ter.mime. immediately tier Board of Co hereof. S. Whenever said street here said s Passed after Board o1 h,this 13,- xh 0011 Isbell be Paled,en a of Salt Lake City,Utah,this 23rd t• c e '-read red, as- der of May,LOaG. said grantees,w: a end n ADfEi,I'.STEW ART, shidl p successors «fetcc ro Maths. srepair 10,1 feet the idYils near for,t al ( 'HFAb1AN�/, It Gy Recorder. own fa et outside of each rail with theCity Rerm'dm'. same Jcled of such other ,sad o said (er,L) stre56 et.a with au rh the a Blr,i.P1O.11 of tfl110 n ocN as Pnhltsh ail Ma • y be approved by the Board Com ]'aa,lSdf, u oat nn Ill the 4event said grantees shall fail to pave,repay,resurface or repair and 't:ice any area hernia r nil for of thirty(30)days afters notice from period m the.Board of Commissioners so to • the City shall nave the tight to twerp nCoerrcila n said ve e be- s a aid the grantees agree to reimburse the City Inc the total cost ot said orlc,labm-and n.ale,nal.sv -1'Im said :ark sh air 0 laid and a the aod up'ralvd SD av to c:.rrse ono - ndimenL to the common laid. o u off said street upon which:t it laidsa A-Good and all b la conduits to water shill be laid lily main- tained said nt]condition a a the cspcose of.said in good all water ditches crossed hYD sand track s s t0 ad/nit of fa'hi p:Lakee it Water.a e out Lake City reserves the right l'Ve al regulate and c n innol the s of all stein S, engines so and n gated try the grantees, their s and the track Ce aforesaid. be Nether the upon shah be m if,i to e rouon01aid/rack, permitted ((mange a L10 ep000. sait shalt re of said track, said grantees shall the pavement m in any manner interfere111,gl with the Pavement sidewalk,curbs,they ter ,ih.strnot,tthe vatrrrvays n shall Or arc such pavement with the suchsame other Board iris- shall tompdnreil ha the hoard of Cnm mis, shall replace waterways sidewalks, the `idisfaetio bra' ;and wale:issi to Ile' Street,i it air and Commissioner of Steer la con rut11 Bnprove men is roll Shall s construct the l allow and water, ways that that will allow the free passage of to the satisfaction or aCTf"OnniasinNot '0.311 be c nst N,: hen 1 in this grant Salt Lake construe,: In ant Salt La1ee lily o its so corporations rntt'aao rs, casinos in whom a franchise igi may have been o nisy nag.laying be e anion from paying. .altering,ryhm t veer mains or aian, eeh but made Untihn'et improving halt he mode with as little improvement, a acticable In o id track and Lhc o ration therm[. When Salt Lnlce City ...ekes to plat arc/Tees l utility under said track.the sha'll a1 Ihcia o peepin and t their trackn r obi. said t=;itv is being placid undo'tee track, / 1