41 of 1965 - Annexation, Annexing certain property at approximately 1955 North Redwood Road and zoning the same I ,i ROLL CALL VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City, Utah, May 25 , 196 5 Christensen . . ✓ I move that the Ordinance be pass d Catmull . . //:(/ — Harrison %� HOLLLY : ,� .. = ji --- .:.- Mr. Chairman . AN ORDINANCE Result . . . AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. WHEREAS, on the 9th day of September, 1964, there was filed with the City Recorder, Petition No. 475 of 1964, by David G. Lewis requesting that the tract of land hereinafter described be taken within the limits of Salt Lake City; and WHEREAS, the said petitioner is a majority of the owners of the real property and the owner of more than one-third in value of the real property, as shown by the last assessment rolls, situated in the tract herein described; and WHEREAS, the said petitioner has caused an accurate map or plat to be made and certified to by a competent surveyor and approved by the City Engineer and to be filed with the City Recorder; and WHEREAS, the said tract of land is contiguous to Salt Lake City and there is no proper reason why it should not be annexed to and made a part of the said city; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, after examin- ing said petition of said owner of said tract of land, and considering the circumstances thereof, voted by unanimous vote of all members of said Board in favor of annexing said tract of land to Salt Lake City and directed that an ordinance should be passed annexing said territory and the exten- sion of the city limits of Salt Lake City accordingly. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the city limits of Salt Lake City be, and the same are, hereby enlarged and extended so as to include the following described tract of land in Salt Lake County, to wit: Beginning at a point on the present Salt Lake City Limit Boundary, South 37.0 feet from the Northeast corner of Lot 13, Block 1, Midland Five Acre. Plat Addition, a subdivision of a part of Sections 15, gland 23, Township One North -2- Range One West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, said point also being North 0°20' East 1923.24 feet and North 3°53' East 1320.46 feet and West 90.36 feet from a spike located in the intersection of Independence Boulevard and Redwood Road, and said point of beginning also being South 797.70 feet from a fence line assumed to be on the North line of Section 22, Township One North, Range One West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, and running thence South 687.00 feet; thence North 17°30' West 162.0 feet; thence North 19°30' West 300.0 feet; thence North 38°15' West 317.97 feet; thence East 345.71 feet to the point of beginning. Also known as all of Lot 13, Block 7, Midland Five Acre Plat Addition except the North 37.0 feet thereof. Containing 2.145 acres more or less. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED and declared that the whole of the above described property, be, and the same hereby is, zoned as Industrial "M-lA" District. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED and declared that when this ordinance takes effect the said tract of land above described shall thenceforth be within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City, and zoned as Industrial "M-1A" District as in the ordinance provided, and all ordinances, juris- dictions, rules and obligations of or pertaining to Salt Lake City are extended over and made applicable and pertinent to the said tract of land; and the streets, blocks, alleys and ways of said tract shall be controlled and governed by the ordinances, rules and regulations of said city in that behalf, and the monuments of the City Engineer shall thence- forth be taken therein as the standards of locations and distances. SECTION 2. Upon the passage of this ordinance, the City Recorder of Salt Lake City shall file, and he is hereby directed to file, with the County iecorder of Salt Lake County, a copy of the map or plat above mentioned, duly certified, and acknowledged as provided in such cases, together with a certified copy of this ordinance. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 25th day of May, 1965. 2 A ' MAYOR CIT C!RDER (SEAL) BILL NO. 41 of 1965 "Z1 Published May 28, 1965 (A Certified Copy sent to the City Auditor's Office 6/1/65 for recording in the office of the County Recorder, also to the United States Post office, Utah State Department of Highways, County Clerk and County Surveyor.) AN ORDINANCESaid point of beginningalso being AN DkUINANIE EDlENDING South]9]]0 feet from fence line TX LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. assumed to be on the North line f WHEREAS,o the 91M1 day f We%P- Section 22, Township One North, tember, 1966, there as filetl Wth Range One West,Salt Lake Base and the City Recorder, pp ion Noe des Meridian,and running thence South of 1966, by David 01 and is gee- 30'W lees;thence North 1]degrees sting mat the tract of Wand.hereinaft- er 30'West 162.0 feet;thence North 19 described be taken within the limn degree:,30'West 300.0 feet; thence ts f t Lake CilaY1 and North 3B degrees 15` Wes} 31).9] WHEREAS,the s d petitioner m feet; thence East 345.71 feet to the majority of the o f the rem point of beginning.Also known all one-third-t and the lo ooffnieof more tan of Lot Addition 7.e Mid the North y,a shown value athe last asseproper- s Pent 3)0 feet thereof. Containing 2.145 rolls,situated in the tract herein des- moreor less. Bribed; d acres AND BE IT FURTHER OR- WHEREAS,the said petitioner lido DAINED and declared that the whole caused an accuratemanor plat to of the above described properly,be, e made and c ertifiea to y a c and el-c samehereby s,zoned In petent surveyor and approved by cam and 11dl"M-l"Dlstrict. City Engineer and to be tiled with AND RE Ii FVRTHER OR- the City Recordr;and GAINED and declared that when this WHEREAS,the said tract f land ordinance stakes effect fire id tract contiguous to Salt Lake City and f d above described shall thence- there Is properreason w it of he within the co-porafe limits of should to be annexed a to and made Salt Lake City,and zonectlas Industri- al "M-1"' District as the di- a VJHE REAS,The Board of Commis- sionersprovided al' ordinances, of Salt Lake City,after ex- risdicneilions,rules and obl'T.9a'ions of a said petition of saidpertaining to Saltmade City f saidgl Pact of land,and c voted iDO extended overand m de apPllcdble the circumstances thereof,m ted by r land per Yan to the oc tract of antl;w an the streets,blocks,alleys tractiBoa la d vote Salt alla e City sad and ways f said tract shall be said f land to Salt Lake City and trWolled and governed by the rdim directed that an ordinance should be a C rules and a regulations of said the etl xlno9 Itla territory abr city sin that bhal,and the monu- ments Sal tension f the con limits fthe City ngineer sl Self Lake City dingle. tceforth he taken therein as the NOW, THE Board ee it d+NS f locations and disances eainetl by the Boartl of Commission. e SECTION 2. Upon the passage of r f Salt Lakee City Utah: thisSalt ace the l Recorder of Sari Lake Coy be, nd thely aW cite o Salt Lake Cite shall file,and he is hereby enlarged nd extended s herebyRecorder directed to file, with te to include the following described County r Recorder of Salto LakeR above land in Sall Lake County,to fTe o of the flat rove ntioned, duly certified, and k- wWBeginning t o'f g the present Owlotivetl ov`ded such s. Salt Lake at Limit Boundary, together with a ce tiled copy of this S h ordinance. oud3o0Lfet13,roBmocke 1,NMrhleaanst Passed by ihn Board of Commis- sionersFfve Acre Plat Addition,n, sWdivi_ (Sd�l Salt a190 City,Utah,this of part of Sections 15,22 and 25hday>i j BRACKEN LFF N'esT,wn. a One NorIM1 Range Pne Mayor soes1,Salt Lake Base antl Meriden, HERMAN J. HOGENSEN id ar f Iso hemp Northadete9r Ciry Recorder 20' East 1923.26 feet a tl Nortlt 3 ISEAL) West 90.36 feetafrom3204pikeelocated BILL NO.41 f 1965 n the Intersecttan of Independence Published May 22,1965 (B-90) Boulevard and Redwootl Road, and 2/I AN ORDINANCEANEKFENDING Soluth P797'70 feet from9a fenceb line THc LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. assumed be on the North line 0, WHEREAS,on the 9Ih d y f Sep- Section 22, Township One North, *ember, 1964, there was filed with Ronne,One LVesf.Sall Lake Base a d the City He[order, Petition No. 415 Meridian,a tl ce 9 thenc¢South Se 1964, by David 01 Lewis reque- 607.00 feet; thence North"degrees orng mat the tract n land,herei urn' 30'West 162.0 fe¢t;thence ; the ce tr described Sall L ke taken aid the Ilm- degrees 30' gree 300.0 feet; thence NWHEREAS,the(said petitioner is feet,h thence¢East s 345.71 Vfeet tot the Majority of the O t the mat point of beginning.Also known a all operty and the owner owners more than Lot 13. Block 1. Midland Five one-third in value of thereal groper- Acre Plat Addition C t the North one-third a shown by he lastassessmentpen 37.0 feet threof- Containing 2.145 rolls,as In the tract herin - e or less. des- cribed; d ?AND re ele FURTHER OR WHEREAS,the said petitioner has PAINED and declared that the whole beused accurate nplat to of he above.described property s be, made nand certified to ory corn- and the samehereby is,zoned In'. Relen surveyor and approved by othe tlustrial".M-I"District. they City Recorder;to be lied wile ltI BE IT FURTHER CR- WHEREAS,the said tract of land PAINED and[declared that when this is contiguous to alt Lake e Ciy and ordinance caboveedescfribed the hall'fe,ence should Inot be annexed and made forth be within the corporate limits of proper Salt Lake.Ci iv. nil zoned as t5 orri- a WHER FAD,sthe Board?of Commis' ae''Mt"o Disfrien as r, the ordi- ot Salt Lake City,after ex- vided. dallo ordinances: s said Petition of said owner risdicifiyns, ales ke obligations ¢f of saidgtra t of land,and con iderin0 or o.tainiron to Salt Lake City the circumstancesc l thelreof, voted by extended over and made a licabee ntl eminent to the said tract f oaianoodrd la.? of 0r said land; and the streets,bocks. alleys tract of land to Saltoaf" Lakee City a tl and f said tract shall be directed that anme ee should be trolled and go d by the rdin- r and and regulations of said t the e esion 0 e city limits and arced,rules that ehal and the monu- ments extension of the city limits of nts of the City Eng'neer shall Salt lake City dimly. thenceforth be taken therein s the NPW, THEREFORE, be it standards nl locations d distances dained by the Boa t f Commission' SECTION 2 Upon the passage o1 r• f Salt Lake Cltt eUfah: this ordinance,City the City Recorder of SE Coke City t.Teat n tv limits e, Salt Lake Cife shall file,and he is Salt enlarged and the dts as hereby directed o 1Ile with the to include the following described county Recorder etSale'Lake aoun- trractnOf land in Salt Lake County,to lme 1 he m, plat above it: owledded idly certified,uc and k Be9iL k Ro nt on the yres¢nI together with provided ce ltlfedn csuch py cases. this Salt Lake eCity Limit BOrtneas, crdinance.. Soule 3of Lot 113, Block el NMidland Passed by the Board of Commis- FiveAare Plat Addition. i�bdivl- ens of Salt Lake City,Utah,this of part Of Sections 15,$22 antl 251h day of May,le69 Wato Sal L One North Ranee One 3.BRACKEN LEE West,Salt Lake Base and M¢ridian, Mayor 00id point 192o being North 0 dr ¢3 HISEAA RecorderDGE NSEN ' Fasf 1923.2d feel and eelNorth 3 (SEAL) WPste90.]63teetat.rom3a04oikfe¢lo<a andd BILL O,41 f 1965 n the Intersection of Indeoe ndence Published May 10,1965 IB-90; B in and Redwood Road, and y/ /� JUN 1 1965 za851)6M Ell!:K3J 4 PA,[13 Recorded.. . -_..-..-n•---- _..at Request of 5 S.. CafQ Fee Paid HAZEL TAGGART CHASE STATE OF UTAH, Recor Sal Lake C,ty,Utah Ss. nOFEE. s& 1 YVL�kk...:zz.e. oea��ty City and County of Salt Lake, Ref, ...S SO //p l l ry AuO/7-o0 Herman J. Hogensen , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the attached document is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. Nz passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, May 25 196.5 as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City, this 1st day of June 196 5. (SEAL) > 1t4 i I AMA/9)0)(1)APPN/"+' `r \ City Recorder ^J L'fi ' -,Published May 28 196 5 BILL NO. 41 ofti1965 5.`.� u:pc?-. 311 Pr; 3 73 Recorded.....ilUN_ 1965 at/.f�.::S...`l.� Request of .S.L- - Co .p Fee Paid HAZEL TAGGART CHASE STATE OF UTAH, Recor It 8 Lake C°�w y,Utah Ss. GFE � r2L. Deput City and County of Salt Lake, Ref. .. �D•,/..W f/- C'f r y AUi)r iota Herman J. Hogensen , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the attached document is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. \ passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, May 25 196 5 as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said I) City, this 1st day of June 196 5 (SEAL) City Recorder Published May 28 1965 BILL NO. 412 of 1965 / • AOM•eeA •AN ORDINANCI ppN OR I AR La 7.rgJ,��T�BNDING T\vM ERTI dkkiTtl��EyyfGIY'., . T�Ynberyi pp1q� lies fir �I9�. b F6e�Id fy'1 wo%,.. btlr�set, a alg at 1 tnlrl the Iltn- ? dt baLpke Ci,Ye eAd Affidavit of Publication y,�7HER�AS Y�je leis d2tRlo I e lord, ar the ow o1 or e I p perry nna the Owner of more then LW-Mil in value of the eaal Aper-I l a by the rest n des- 0lbetli�etelt Willie vncr ere n aes- 2Wbe( PPS. 1 • pedse WHEREAS,'1epI aeI' netltlonar has t99tent UrveYor antl ap➢rot/edadyw ith tly Enelneor bnd eo be Oiled Ith 88. 1 e City R¢cortler; d Won REAs, he s itl tract f land l! ,�aapds.a sari Qa so c8yy a tl sake there Is ea flex a w11m II ,Ho�mae r"er a ih na sae D e.WHEREAT,ins§'said n ferrw Is. DI Ockey stoners of Salt Lake CilvS ner aTTIne 5 itl titlon of aid net he"ci ,react nces lane and thereof,voted Ibv err fallembers of Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising aunanimous e ooard in favor of a0pexin0 aid .di ectee Mal an ordin�a bould and clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELL- ssea an cklno le r rremrr a d rby th f'rd rift/omit en GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- lish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in ",Sib by ins doers or commission- ", of laic Lak¢M Uta. s.Lhke t,be, 1F¢l mm„s of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. et• rabu a Cltyarc be,a0e}he ¢ re. nenbY leW e ,Ientled 44 to ctn lode the Salt County,to Ire of land In solr Lake County,+s SaltplLake al a palm a the,,earn, That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto salt Lake Cti Limit Boundary, Seine31.0 lest from the Northeast Salt Lake itBill of Lot ID, elltfen, MAW C' No 41 of 1965 Five Acre Hier Adddlon,a sybe lvel y -ten el a part of Sections Is, s and B pwnihT On¢NOrlh Ran Pe One �i�dJdleI ,wws�r a'�krn Bea°N'onr°h Meridian,oU An Ordinance Extending the Limits of 241'43r 19RJ.2d leer na Nether J d tees 57'''EaSt 1]20.de feet ntl ��i�7 9DM feet from pike 1,W,I tl tei`le mrersaoilRe o inRoad,end Salt Lake Leity. B Id epoin a n Redwoog Road,end l yy��Id ➢ t"e?1m insalso bring SbuyylF�nn d7esD bepe�s,fine Noalh line iota Seorlan 12, et wnsnip One Nerth,. RR YY One Wes Y, 'netk¢Aase e �'iplpol lest a 74i,Nor,hh"Nde7 ee ri de'West Ia2.0 feet;+hence North ce tl¢0rgges SO'esnnee 0o.0 feet;thence Norin O8 tl¢9rses 15' West o the feQne enenre Easr sdies nest to tee 'of L of 13,inning.A,so idly n as ae r Lot 13, Block o, Midland Five may 28, 1965. Acre Rtat Addl,lan c¢i the North ar.oN�t meteor, conPmina 2.1« was published in said newspaper on DAINED end deslered bleb VI Whole mn,1";,:ame heierbveli,➢ion¢dres lit 005tWa1"M-1"hIetnict. AND en ec FURTHER OR- DAINEDandd onieee,notewhen ant rtllna cr lakes eflect ihy Id tract Of I C above described M1all ins Fe it Ca vl ite,the cot rats limbs of ' sEIt Lake[I i, tl=reel as Ind1g n�� ➢ravitletl.arts.le dinan<es. 1L ��LzE-�'y- — I riser Hans, tiles C Lake City, o, irjti p tan Coe eakr City, Leal Advertising Clerk aedt pertaining over d e ee aAnset le antl pardn the st streets, Ie shall yS artd.and the d tract blocks;alleys iA0e gs of said Iract hall be rroKlle¢E and governed b.ins rdlni a lit/sin"thee behalf, andlatilep menu. ilia:,Ise to ke,t towhrein r shehe 1 SECTIONf 1IocbOlons Os ases Best toR ortll nsnccn,the Clly Rea^ostler of Salt Lake Coed lal tills, nh°ihe tm S heel It toe�d Sned I nik'Cboee''.e o before me this l ' day of oeettleted,dcIY maHlied,a d ck- eIO0deed as arovlded In Stich fa e. (1 p obe,llrr WIIh ¢I}Ifed[O➢Y at,his A.D. t>.6L.. SOloner st bS the Board or Commis- ISeth dab o Mlen,°tee5 It Utah,this ��'\ J BkRACK Ela LEE _ M ovor Y HERMAN J.HOGENSEN _ +e Recorder / // BILLNO.el of 19as • .. , 4v'• d. f'v �r"4... Published MeY test 1961 (B-90)I ! —' — Notary Public My Commission Expires Nov.25.1965. 41