41 of 1968 - Amending Section 51-12-1, to include Commercial 'C-4' District and fixing the boundaries therein. 1 ROLL CALL VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, April 25 ,196 $ Barker . . . . Cafmull I move that the Ordinance be passed. Garn . . . . I C Harrison . . �� f ��r Mr. Chairman . AN ORDINANCE Result . . . . 7 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 51-12-1 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to designation of Use Districts to include a new district designated as Commercial "C-4" District and fixing the boundaries of said "C-4" District. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 51-12-1 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to designation of Use Districts be, and the same hereby is, amended to include a new Use District designated as Commercial "C-4" District, said section so amended to read as follows: "Sec. 51-12-1. Districts. In order to designate dis- tricts and regulate location of dwellings, businesses, trades, industries and the location of buildings erected or altered for specified uses and to carry out the intent and purposes of this title Salt Lake City is hereby divided into seventeen use districts to be known as: "R-1 District - Single Family Dwellings. R-2 District - Two-Family Dwellings. R-2A District - Two-Family Dwellings and/or Planned Apartment or Group Dwelling. R-4 District - Three-and Four Family Dwellings. R-5 District - Multiple Family Dwellings. R-6 District - Multiple Family Dwellings. R-7 District - Multiple, Family, Limited Office. A-1 District - Agricultural. B-3 District - Limited Business or Neighborhood Shopping. C-1 District - Limited Commercial. C-2 District - Controlled, Low Density Commercial. C-3 District - General Business Activity. C-4 District - General Business Activity, Controlled Business Signs. M-1 District - Light Industrial. M-2 District - Intermediate Industrial. M-3 District - Heavy Industrial. T District - Trailer Courts." SECTION 2. The boundaries of said Commercial "C-4" District are fixed as follows: 41. -2- The East 165.0 feet of Lot 6, Block 41; the North 165.0 feet of Blocks 40, 39 and 38; the West 165.0 feet of Lot 5, Block 37; the East 165.0 feet of Block 50; all of Blocks 51, 52 and 53; the West 165.0 feet of Block 54; the East 165.0 feet of Block 59; all of Blocks 58, 57 and 56; the West 165.0 feet of Block 55; the East 165.0 feet of Block 68; all of Blocks 69, 70 and 71; all of the West 165.0 feet of Block 72; the East 165.0 feet of Block 77; all of Blocks 76 and 75; and the South 495.0 feet of Block 74; the West 165.0 feet of Lots 2, 3 and 4, Block 73; all of Lot 1 and the south 165.0 feet of Lot 8, Block 86; all of Block 87 (Temple Block) and Block 88 of Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey; also the West 165.0 feet of Lot 9, Block 1; and the West 165.0 feet of Lot 5, Block 2 of Plat "I," Salt Lake City Survey and also beginning at a point 36.0 feet North of the Northwest corner of Block 2, Plat "I", Salt Lake City Survey and being part of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 31, T1N, R1E, SLB&M; thence North 136.67 feet, more or less, to the south property line of Second Avenue; thence 19.90 feet around a 15.00 foot radius curve to the right; thence North 76°06'42" East 224.42 feet along the South side of Second Avenue to the west line of Canyon Road; thence 27.88 feet around a 15.36 foot radius curve tothe right; thence South 200 feet, more or less, and west 260 feet, more or less, along the West and North sides of Canyon Road to the east side of State Street which is the point of beginning. SECTION 3. The Use District Map, referred to in Section 51-12-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, is hereby changed and altered to show the above described tract of land to be in said Commercial "C-4" District. SECTION 4. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of tle inhabitants of Salt Lake City, Utah, that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 25th day of April , 1968. jig �� ; % l// ' J,i,2_ MAYOR tA CIT A\NEWEN NR (S E A L) BILL NO. 41 of 1968 Published May 3, 1968 4.1 ;h Legal Notices I 15) ANORDINAN�E wl-' Affidavit of •Publication on AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sec I V rlosn 51-12-I of,he Revised Ordinan•' of Salt lake CIIV, D1at1, 1965,ela,inp to deslpnallon of Use Dis.i 16 Iricts p�/I tle anew.tlistrict desig- ' :I ddf 8111 I Cd Dssaid• trots Gopnd Ie of said Gd"D//YIGt� flBc l a tlalhed by,h a d , ush`" P t s lr fake city,` 5S. SECTION t That S8 ri o1121 r e the RP0th Ord,nences of Salt Lake siig:Utah; Di t iIotanp, ees,gna-'tlom f Use Dlslrlcfs-De, a d the a aWherebv mended ro inemde D M Ockey Use Clstrl ct designated Com so aurae CO'dDedcfa,.s o ws: -- - nan need to read s iplmwa: '•sec.slZsi Dlslrlcfs.In order to ••dasmnare ellInrs d r g i,e lea's- Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal aduer-roll r dwelnnes,liusinesseso rraaes,.Il dusirles and thelocation f build. / , Ings er fee o 'stored for specified Lasing clerk of the DESEREf NEWS, a daily (except Sunday) P°'hanaotocarry et Vt mni a °;eo,f tms nra Sseichtke cse newspaper printed in the English language with general cif• p dis�ricls tp bet knownfo se's M1rcen use R.1 Disrrkt _ Stolle Family dilation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Dwclll District i.Ines°D;so-lcr_Two-FamnY Dwell- County, in the State.of Utah. R-261 ❑iistrict Two.Fam'rly It, elalhngs a tlor Punned Apartment or troop Dwelling. That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto R-< Dislrlrt — Three.and Four ���Family Dwellings. ,t pst it rttr i f _ I t i p I e Ramify Salt Lake City Bill No 41 of 1968 R'6 District _ Multiple Fain t i DRCllings '- '-� R-7 District_ Multiple. Family, 'i:I umlred Dace: An Ordinance relating to designation of A-I District —Agricultural. B-B Dif 005__Limited Busmess- si -t1 DIsood ShoppmP. e c c-t 051 tot_ Limited tom errl Use Districts to include a new district. i I. c9 oisnln _ Controlled, Low-DensilV[ommerclxl f —'—'---"'—" d C3 District — General 8uslness l AcflvifY. 9, CA District — General Business I-ActivilV; Controlletl Business Signs,+ - -- v Tt District 5 t( Industrial. 'Y M.1-q--L;Bht Industrial(IS,o01 Sef- back). M.2 District—Intermediate Indus-1 ,:Vt is 1. MB,District Heavy Industrial, k:1 T DlsiON—Trailer Courts.^ e,l SECTION 2. TM1a "' isirot oil Play 3, 1968 ,;rxd ePmalewsar -'c<-- oislr,c,are was published in said newspaper on n-, The V,',165.0 reef of Lot 6,Black: '�J9'a CokBtriM1elWesr115.0 r1velr ors Lot _ 1i5.Block 776 the Edsf 1650 feetnfl' 1, Bloc 50; all I Blocks 51,52 d, a�,SJ;the Wes,765.0 feet of Black Sd;11 s Slot,Bl csksl5805I f d Sbloc'h"(vests / . ,,,s,C Balilc o0/6 the.P'0!rIP6 Eo tee, / �Lj+i Black 7, the EasWest '165.0 feet f Block 7,S a.l of Blocks 76 and)5; - —--- (((���JJ/ d fie soars d9s.o feet pr Block 74; Legal Advertising Clerk ) the West 165.0 felt of Lolt 2,3 antl / ' d, Block 7]: Il f Lor 1 nd ,he south 165.0 feet of Lpr e,Bieck 86; ' tr f Black 1 (Temple t°eW dl • IFlock B8 of Plar�•q�•,Salf Lake Cify Lrr'Black inaan�ls;,-,n, le ltLSA !feet f Lot.5,Block 2 of Pli • salt Lake Cita Survey and also ba - sgmninp of a point 2.6.,reef North oft, L 6thday of Pier�I".nSalt Laken City Survevkano:'•a to before nie tILIS__. b In0 purl f the Southwest quarter of foe,°R1I l' r er of'Belton 68 N.RIE,nov M;, a Nq•,n south root, o Seto fp me, A.D. 19 'rosouth noeriv lino ofsecond 1500, thence t9.90 fool.around s IS 00� t .:'- e 1te right; EastNr-ih>5 din..Oa m e25�r 22d,A2 feat long the SoufM1 ldeI f v n o dnue ro the wa line PI around Road; thence 2ir:u ICnt: C._ /) / thearound tsh6 foot adios to L'(u f`. k, e� , more right; thence South T61 feet' c�- mote or 1r'o ,iodp west we°,feet.1 Notary Public east side ofSlate a5tieer ionich is Met PW 1 beginning, • eferredsto Inse<fion 501,12'-2cfoM o, Rnvisnd r n•c^ 'S.Ct Lar+ Cify, .,,M 1,965,iOhereby hatZeiI and alteree o show}he bnve de_I Cgtmbmtlrriolcf C/land fn he ia saltl SECTION In fifesoolni of the sires 9Bonrd 61 Commiminnterspnr Sall :Lake ally d ssa vglo the IO of nor ,r jh.iebitanfs f So-i Lbncome,effective e ,i• aafniydln>-rre b-arm. ?2 SECTION 6.This nrdina no ,chap' s t•--.,,stir,, fir,l uh',.t.,..i. Pat SC a-b.,thr^'Beard of rn 251hedav orSA istItAtIssCitr',Utah,this Bi J.BRACKEN t.EC MERMAN J HO'-ENS0�NI 8 d,ISF,A 'LI CH," Recorder 'Published Nov B19IV6B 18.9) i 41.