41 of 1970 - Amending Section 25-4-5, establishing the position o fMeter Inspector Supervisor, in the non-Civil S VOTING Nay 0 Salt Lake City,Utah M3y..12 197 Barker . . • Catmull . . • I move that the 0rdin anee,be,Pass d. / Garn • • Harrison • • • r({/ „Y - , /�{. Mr. Chairman • ✓� Result AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE LADING the "Recommended Wage and Salary Admini- stration Program for Salt Lake City Corporation Employees" dated May, 1969, as adopted by Bill No. 63 of 1969, amending Section 25-4-5, of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, by adding to the non-civil service classification of clerical and technical employees the position of "Meter Inspector Supervisor" under Pay Class No. 8. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the "Recommended Wage and Salary Administration Program for Salt Lake City Corporation Employees" dated May, 1969, as adopted by Bill No. 63 of 1969, amending Section 25-4-5, of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto the non-civil service position of "Meter Inspector Supervisor" in Pay Class No. 8, under the title covering "Clerical and Technical" employees. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 12th day of May, 1970. , ,-� /% �� �. MAYOR NO4SCITY RNv (SEAL) CITY R BILL NO. 41 of 1970 Published May 15, 1970 Affidavit Of Publication STATE OF UTAH, Ssa County of Salt Lake • 1z n.Lt_, Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver tising clerk of the DESERET NEWS. a daily (except Sunday) AN ORDINANCE h language with general cir- AN oNmt�ANce-a c-n"a we newspaper printed in the English n �nn liiiie;imo° p olgram tor Salt culation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Lako Cl;v ,a".;1`1 nlovecs' Md Is, 1969,an amending Se dill County,in the State of Utah. Na. 63 1 1969, .I tlinY Section .y 5-A-5. 1 the liev!setl O98'1," cet I Sal' Ike eiac Ulae, ice ITV tlA- n l0 1'a nc vil sor lec liica �i°� ^k„ a"bo Ie�hmeal Thnt the legal notice of w a copy t' is attached hereto c ass T 1 N No.s. Iad 1 tle Oovd of ui41h: sane of 15a11 Lakc Clly. SECTION 1. Thai IIiO "Recnm- W [I Solary Adm i P ov So1 Lake ISv t hC c' �' nfJ 11i-'}C I tslovees"dated Is 77�'.0 C � 19M19,ame=SeelionH.PS',aleia —_— --- _ — -- L euin 9IS b Aa5,1 in ri � s 11tic.. NIn 8, aeclorS CIa-.;lerical No. ,under the Illlc covering "C and Tecl�llica l"emoloynes.�o-rp t Comrnissinni��.t of 3alr peace,/NI T and vicllaretct the is' habitants of Salt Lake Cllv Iltat'r Eclinance locker,cllect�ien 'mntcrls SECTION 3. 'Nis c«linnnce f'Icvlll, fake eNecl mon 05 krsl vhkca iian. Hesaico bsn i the Board vOf Onr:gas' was published in said newspaper on I9t11 day of Na,19)0. i.4RAC1(,I.tr 1F RMAN J.HOGENSF:N .Mnvoa �TN.s� +ii)i r.�+ ISILyAR�corder I _ 91L VD. M I.no Pvbl scsl ay,5. 9)0,., Legal Advertising Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this- -- �_ day of A.D. l9-`2 / / Notary Public My Commission Expires T'c:hr•I;:It-.Si. 1'' 1 k);TI 1. ft_ .