42 of 1904 - Ordinance 42 of 1904 – Providing for a Sinking Fund. AN O R D I N A N C E . 1 An ordinance providing for the levy of a tax to create a sink- 1 ing fund for the redemption of the bond issue of 0548,000.00 of Saltll Lp.11-e City dated January 1st, 1904, and due January 1st, 1924, and toprovide for the payment of the interest thereon. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTIOU 1. Provision is hereby made for the payment of the interest on the bond issue of $j548,000.00 of twenty years4-1/2 per cent refunding bonds of Salt Lake City, Utah, dated January let, 1904, and payable January 1st, 1924, as said interest shall fall dues and for said purpose there shall be and there is hereby levied an annual'tax sufficient to defray said interest. SECTION 2. And to create a sinking fund for the redemption of said bonds when due there shall be and there is hereby levied a sinking fund tax beginning with the year January 1, 1914, and to be collected for said year and each succeeding year thereafter until January 1, 1924, which tax shall be sufficient to raise a fund suf- ' ficient to redeem said bonds at their maturity. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. `/;77G7 C Imo" � }2 Passed by the City Council of Sett firke--Cetti Ijteh Aril 4th,19O and referred to the Mawr for his *cored. eted this clay of Seril.n1084. City geeorder.4, . AfsPr .�.^ n� 41ayor. 42 k f -.:niu s sSw_ .o o xiS a 10 vial ei:3 co3 nritbivo%y uomniIio n.A 3I:,1 'to (: .0'``,Szc . lo eueat bnOd aria lo no. Sbo7 ar:3 -to3 burr'1. ,:,r;t sJF, 'x,.s .410CI ,3el losunat boJ b St fl nos'+2'1 S:o-roSnt Io 3rorr .ac 0 'S Zo' o.i'o-1._0,` 'Iza 20 Itanu00 VtO bont:3bno 31 a?: 9r; '10 t ;: ::..;c cu[3 1017 ebr:rs vie-eri at notaivoler .I "OIT,T$ 70, S\1--: 1H V c1 7,3 30 OO.OfO,8AE!'b co 'pima! ;trod t no S19910+.'t ,S l „ L ba'rr, ,r�3U ,' .1i0 gat[ 3I lo aiJr.ua 3 30eZ5S71 btae a ,ner ,tor xt uir L 3I-7, , :, ,n, ,g).: t. i; 0 :r• ^- o.1 bn.s ov; II.t ie 9 r, S auocrar .o bi-�aio� bn 3asx.3nt b1J;r"'. �.s74ob o3 dn02ot3YrJa Xri1 Iaurn.a `Yo nct rr.o".:Z o._;i -0a bt3u2 -n±Ynto a taro oz. n.A .S IOIT^3 .a Loivol %da':drI ai e7sai:1 brat ed Ils.ca 6"taraS dub r.o.iw aiino(1 L±J.c 0 _ o„ >r.. ,AIES ,I 17run T. "Fe.o,j er1S n:Sttr ,nntnntted as3 haul Lnt tc ,):ttbdaoaua dose pnis,lno14443 10.1 al01-, -'1FJa ;c:.ul a Jai i ofSr,0t�t2 ed II' .a J-134 agwBI ,I(- i.- 1.2 �3t�s�3nr dabt&A &ebai o3 3i, or • tyro'.,. 17.,,, e yr atk;T,.,, \k\ 1OI, 0 - H 4(1t .4 1i.”4 0340 0110 Peyd let3 Y" Ito,r. +tdtj •:63 .IavMaea air 7cY *New' end cd r*s•,•j310-1 x .-r=01;0404 vrii:, .&est1419.4 lc fit aidt b*1oia04 «i.�«....«......•..•.mow a