42 of 1905 - Ordinance 42 of 1905 – Sewer Extension No. 154. AN ORDINANCE . An ordinance confirming the assessment upon the property on the west side of Thirteenth East Street between First South and Second South Streets, in Sewer District No. 1, for the construction of a sewer. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization and ReView, heretofore duly appointed by the City Council for that purpose, of the property abutting on the west side of Thirteenth East Street between First South and Second South Streets, in Sewer District No. 1, of Salt Lake City, for the purpose of constructing a sewer upon said portion of said street, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and returned in said completed lists are hereby ' confirmed. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. Sewer Extension No. 154. w 411 47 Passed by the City Council of Salt Take Ci.ty,Iltaa,dune 1.9th, 1905, and referred to the ?'ayor for his a,prov, City recorder. Approved this day of Junc,1.905, ayor, , ,$ .Sri • , . t 0 m A g i a $ O ,tik no .;t-,_sq<;1, oda' aoqu tnstwassas grit nalaeslTd*s ssnamtizo i bo:, ,.u u:!..: _:';ro8 tests a_r®wtad tser0.8 *sat d*tisst,lef To obis �::yw .1.:o r.o dortanoe 914 zo2 ,! .oq toiz*etQ zswoa al ,atsez8 rf?uo8 .YJr:ea ;i.A,tU ,V1) Sr^..I tls2 20 Rottman 10/0 %4 xd bs7'tabzo fi o[ zezrruc,, �.:zT `iD st, T4 sba lay 3n aly a. •- * *a**Elf .t XOTT028 ri' iteailsupEl ?o Szaot_ e(d betel beirc a ,jstoHilee am � c , :, C��s` ; moo ';o', fionuo0 *ID N;betatO '� g� t � s'ko.o�z ari ,wst�sR bits ,..-nso*IIAT 30% s o so naliil iiii,*4zsq©•tr� oti* to ,oa®gzuq -W-,y� rk ,at,.,-111lgzitua'bends faros oe szt% A{� led *,mail :es[ o 14 �:r;,: .aaon bo ietOcixug sr451/42 0040 s:14,1 11s0 15 ,t .o1 Solltsld a op',:' i.J .: .;>.,.-:':"'I10,.- `7,759':9i al ,t»5Yte bldo to.not*'foQIles sgu z3wea a tiY-;s;,..: ... a.tail betsigmoo bias al benzvtE?I bn.a sbax strissetltaoa snit rt,ru ioetie mist !trans sonantb 'p &LAT .Y "OIT 8 .tit .0Ti nolane$4E zsws8