42 of 1909 - Ordinance 42 of 1909 – Sewer Extension No. 219. it AN ORDINANCE . ail An ordinance confirming the assessment upon the property herein- after described on both sides of Linden Avenue between Seventh East I i and Eighth East Streets, in Sewer District No. 1, for the construotio of a sewer. Be it ordained by, the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. 'That he a4sament list made by t]te City Treasurer aa corrected, apprev and completed by the Board o 'Egtlalization and Review, heretofc duly appointed by the City (Snell for that 0 purpose of the propert,i in Lots 3, 4, 7 an&8, Bloc%40, Plat "B", Salt Lake City Survey, abutting on both sits Li Oh Avenue, be- '' • teen Seventh East and,.Eighth East Streets,VIn Sewe !;:.$i.striot No. 1, o,f Salt Lake City, 'tor.the purpose of constructing a Sewer upon said portion of said street, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and returned in said completed lists are hereby confirmed. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. Sewer Extension No. 219. E ,Passed C the (I it:: Council of Colt -�.-_e C ity,iltc�.h, �;ri7. 5th, 1909, anti referred to the. '^: or for •ii,rr oval. % 6 yyrCVerl t'as dny of .pril, 1•JOC I. € . .--,1-.Y--'=---"':--- - [ , , . ., -• - •.i.0•••_,:in -..,k)P3q0.iti 64.1J noqk /nucioactees e.f: litirl.LInoo 9t,naffiblo 14 L; •;•'-oi:i .111ny'vf,;;-: no01910c1 sonovA no.b.a.L.L t o °obits Iftccf no Leill-Tont.,i; •yt,,..1-1.0 ,...: . „losi•71%:-;- ,--;;, ,-ji ic.i ,I .oli Joi..i3ata -xewea LI ....,teealZ ,1,-:.-5;'n ri,lif.!.i:•: Lilo •+ 10 :2,,,,i-,i ,V.. 1:-.. , _KEkfil. tliiil 10 11C)flt(A izt1C.) an,t --ici 0filob-10 31 k• ,4cE ebrin J.EILL las a- :: -.: .;di\7,,•A .1 triGiT02.4 nc,i4oz,;.i../Asipklio .E '-rOtg.r;:I xci" Lots ...L.N3 ,•:.... , ,o , .(115):',.:<1,..._i1/4., 1.:• ), teiiir 101 f 10 alit IlkC "It 14S be/316 ' • lb!, iNeloJelf-,r1 ,wr Iv E.T4cip. . 0 73t. = • .1‘ _.. -'•-, I ."1.:-" :,!-,...fi ,Cik,log ,8ano V ,i.. n ...:-..;' .. . ed ,twriovA Alia '8041.te ittOd fLfil II3JIZOB .avi-hE: 4\7). • ..1. .0..,. ;f.1 I-18 Xwog al.=,e,teelte, 14.,iiirflir i 11J•rtoveL i 1 Q 0 1.10114; 0 lit' ()bait :',i-D.Evit: ,taFin eiTS 1,11.o , 146p-IF•.:i" ,...1110 ot.-..itT .i...orwl:..'irio0 \'.,1011-0 t1'.11 :::JU.ti .6:-,tolciino5 Li r_E, ,.i f , .....,,,, ,.,„:. _ r,,....,,,. 1,)'nu 9:int I1f1. oolvtalt•:-.0 ein. .:i liul'.i:321L... k - , . . .exs .o',:i. ooienelxa If.weL %,„ t.,t t litikk i k