42 of 1915 - Substitute for Bill 40 regulating motor busses ROLL CALL - - --- - , --
VOTING Yes No Salt Lake City,Utah,
Lawrence Vif ,,, ,f.'
4' //, r ,( ,
Morris - ,..''
Result .1/ -/ , //// .,/ •-1..•-i /
,/‘/-7, /" i
./. .,
VOTING Yes No Salt Lake City,Utah, ‘\1\qkki ,\...,t...1, 1--
Shearman i -
Wells 4
Lawrence tkl c5 JAK5_0,_. '\)4).,N,'4''‘T,A.\r's..4„'.'',• V
I) VA'
4 e
k • .. ‘ \'', ,'"'..i,
\-)QtJ\6.; (SY A ' '11) '-• . - r.
. e
, r J.
, ,tt 'it;:iik(.4,1,10,01A,-„,
JOTING Yes No ...0
Salt Lake City,Utab,.. 4, ,.,,,.....-,,,..„. 5, '- 1 ,
Wells :
Lawrence -
Morris 1 .., ,1 f
Mr.Chairman 1
t, A c. '' ' .
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Ut \-/•-Jr , 191
6\\--c•olt.. 11, . ,.6LI , 60-44.dy
City Recorder. Mayor
p Salt Lake City, Utah, roh 2�
Lawrence MI
Morris I move that the ordinance he passed.
Shearman I / //�f\�
Wells :II / — ��,1( _-/ < `
An ordinance regulating the running of motor busses over th•=
streets of Salt Lake City, requiring and providing for the lioena;" •
thereof, fixing the amount of license fees to be paid thereon,
requiring bonds, regulating the operation thereof, and providing
penalties for the violation of any of the provisions hereof.
3e it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. Por the purposes of this ordinance a motor bus is
defined to be any motor-propelled vehicle eperated oVet,the streets
of Salt Lake City, regularly or at intervals along a definite and
regular route, or between definite points within the city, for the
purpose of carrying passengers for hire, and which vehiole reoeives
oarries and disoharges as passengers such persons as offer them-
selves for transportation along such route, or between such points,
or which shall be operated as a means of local transportation
similar to that sff:Ye$ by the operation of street oars.
Nothing in this ordinance contained shall be deemed to apply
to any street or interurban railway oar, or to any motor-propelled
vehicles used exclusively for sight-seeing purposes, or to motor-
propelled vehicles used exclusively as hotel busses, or to any
motor-propelled vehicle which is rented from a stand in the street,
or from a public' or private garage, the destination or route of
Which is under the direction of the passenger or passengers trans-
ported therein,
The word "street", as used in this ordinanoe, shall mean and
include all public streets, avenues, boulevards, alleys, lanes,
high-ways, foot-ways, sidewalks, public parks, parkings, roads,
viaducts or other public plaoes laid out for the use of vehicles.
The word "person", as used in this ordinance, shall mean and
include persons, partnerships, firms, companies and corporations,
and the person owning, controlling or having charge of a motor bus.
SECTION 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to use, operate
or run, or cause or permit any of his agents, ser!ant■ or employees
to use, operate or run a motor bus in, along, through, over or upon
any of the streets of Salt Lake City, or to parry on the business
of transporting passengers for hire in any motor bus or busses in
said city, without first having obtained a license so to do, as in
this ordinance provided; and no lioense therefot shall be issued
except as provided herein. A separate application shall be made
and filed in writing with the Assessor and Collector of License
Taxes for each motor bus proposed to be operated in Salt Lake City,
which application shall be verified as to the truth of the state-
ments therein contained, by the oath of the person making such
application, if a natural person, and by an officer thereof if the
applicant is a corporation, and if the applicant is a partnership
or oompany, by a member thereof. Each application shall contain
the following statements, to-wit: The name, age, residence, and
business address, if the applicant is a natural person; if a cor-
poration, its name, date of incorporation and place of business;
if a partnership or company, the business name of the partnership
or company, and the names of the partners or the persons comprising
the oompany, with the business address of eaoh partner of the
company; the name, type and make of the motor oar proposed to be
need as such motor bus; the horse power thereof, the factory number
thereof, the state lioense number thereof, the seating oapaoity
thereof according to its trade rating, and whether such motor bus
is to be operated by the applicant or by a chauffeur; the route and.
termini between which such motor bus is proposed to be operated;
the eohedule showing the times of departure from the termini
according to which it is proposed to operate. If the motor vehicle
proposed to be used as a motor bus has been adapted for use as gush
either by oonverting a freight carrying truck into a passenger
carrying vehicle, or by reoonstruoting, modifying or adding to the
body or seating arrangements thereof, a statement of its parrying
capacity in pounds or tons; its rated seating capacity as adapted.;
and the method and materials used in such adaptation.
The Assessor and Collector of License Taxes shall promptly
refer the application for a license to the Board of Commissioners,
which Board shall oonsider the same, and may, if deemed advisable,
summon and examine the person who has signed the application, and
any other person in regard to the granting of such license, and may
grant the same as asked, or may change the schedule, route or
termini proposed in such application, or may refuse a license to
such applicant. If said Board shall determine to issue a license
to the applicant for the vehicle mentioned in the application, it
shall make its order directing the Assessor and Collector of License
Taxes to issue such license, and shall specify in such order the
schedule, route and termini of the motor bus to operate which the
license is to issue., Upon the receipt of such order, and upon pay-
ment of the required license fee, the Assessor and Collector of
License Taxes shall issue a certificate of license to operate or
cause or permit the operation of the motor bus therein described,
along the route and between the termini according to the schedule
stated therein. All such licenses shall provide that the motor bus
shall be operated over the route named therein from six o'clock
A. M. to twelve o'olook, midnight, Sundays end holidays included.
provided, that in case any person, firm or corporation shall be the
holder of licenses issued by this city to operate more than one
motor bus, such person, firm or corporation may substitute one
licensed motor bus for another licensed motor bus, but such substi-
tuted motor bus shall comply with the terms of the license issued
for the operation if such displaced motor bus in regard to route,
termini and schedule.
The schedule or route or teminin as fixed by license issued as
aforesaid, may be changed by the Board of Commissioners on its own
motion at any time upon ten days' notice in writing to the holder
of such license, or any such change may be made by said Board at
the request of the holder of such license, in its ttssxxsltas
SECTION 3. She annual license tax for the operation add
running of a motor bus over one route in the streets of Salt Lake
City shall be paid in advance into the City Treasury in the sum and
according to the schedule following, toy-wit:
For license to run a motor bus oarrying four passengers, or
less, Seventy-five Dollars per annum;
For license to run a motor bus oarrying more than four
passengers, and less than ten lillemmuna, One Hundred Dollars per annum;
For license to run a motor bus cerrying ten or more passengers,
One Hundred Twenty-five Dollars per annum.
SECTION 4. Every motor bus shall carry a sign in letters at
least one and one-half inches in height, and not less than one-half
inch in width, so that the same shall be readily legible to the
public, giving the name of the person, firm or corporation owning
the same, or the name of the person, firm or corporation operating
the same, and the termini of the route over which it runs, and shall
have attached thereto a license plate, as provided in Section 886
of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1913.
-4- �'"
SECTION 5. Every motor bus operated when it is dusk or dark
shall be thoroughly artificially illuminated on the inside, and be
so illuminated on the outside that the termini shall be readily
legible to the publio.
SECTION 6. Every person operating any such motor bus shall
abide by each and all of the ordinances, rules and regulations of
the City of Salt Lake now in force, or that may hereafter be put in
force, caloulated to regulate or govern said motor bus business,
and also traffic upon or along the streets of the City.
SECTION 7. It shall be unlawful:
(a) To run or operate any motor bus upon or along any street
not included in the route described in the license for running such
motor bus, except as provided in Section 2 of this ordinance; or •
(b) To fail, refuse or neglect to operate the motor bus to
operate which a license has been issued, over the route or between
the termini, or according to the schedule stated in the license
Witted for the operation of such motor bus, except as provided in
Section 2 for substituting one motor bus for another, and except
the schedule, route or termini is changed as provided in said Seotion
2 hereof; provided, that in oase it shall be necessary to take said
motor bus off the route specified in the lieense,for repairs,
another motor bus may be substituted in place thereof for a period
of not more than five days; or
(o) To stop a motor bush pu on any street for the purpose of
taking on or discharging passengers,if thO-aim,, 144644400444
tbe.,.oaas.3 . e.-t1 - sas,. ea+b \ 'iw� O v cwax
(d) To stop any motor bus,\withhirthirty feet of street or
sidewalk crossing, or permit a motor bus to stand on any tr et, A•k,
longer than necessary to discharge or take on passengers t91u�v
(e) To solicit passengers or attract attention to a motor ,n,
,/ —1d
by oalling, or by the use of a horn, bell, whistle or other noise; or
(f) To run or operate a motor bus while any person is standing
or sitting upon the running board, fender, hood or door, or while
any person is riding any place on the outside thereof, or permit
more than one person besides the driver to sit or stand in the front
part of the motor bus; or
(g) To drive or operate, or oause to be driven or operated
any motor bus upon any street of Salt Lake City, except by the
person to whom a lioense has been issued for such motor bus, or by
a person having a chauffeur's license; or
(h) To reconstruct, alter, modify, add to or otherwise change
the body or seating arrangements of any motor bus after a license
is issued for the same, without applying for and obtaining the
consent of the Board of Commissioners.
SECTION 8. It shall be unlawful for any person to stand or sit
upon the fender, running board, hood, door or other place outside
of a motor bus when the same is in motion.
SECTION 9. It shall be unlawful for any person by himself,
agent, servant or employee, to drive or operate, or oause to be
driven or operated any motor bus if the driver or operator is less
than eighteen years of age.
SECTION 10. It shall be unlawful for any motor bus operator
to run past or within twenty-five feet of any other motor bus or
street or interurban railway oar for the purpose of reaching
prospective passengers ahead of such other motor bus or oar.
SECTION 11. It shall be unlawful for the driver of a motor
bus to refuse to carry free of charge when there is room in such
bus, when in uniform, either a policeman or fireman or employee of
the Health Department.
SECTION 12. It shall be unlawful for any person to fail,
neglect or refuse to attach to the wear wheels of a motor bus anti-
skid tire ohains, and to keep such chains so attached and in plitOe
during all times such motor bus is operated upon the publio streets,
while the surface thereof is in a slippery condition from rain-fall,
snow or mud.
SECTION 13. It shall be unlawful for the driver of any motor
bus to fail, neglect or refuse to return every article left in suoh
motor bus by any passenger thereof, to the police station in this
city within twenty-four hours after the finding of such article.
SECTION 14. It shall be unlawful for the owner, driver or
other person in charge or control of a motor bus, to charge or
receive any additional amount for the transportation of any hand
baggage in charge of a passenger.
SECTION 15. It shall be unlawful for any person driving or
operating any motor bus to refuse to parry any person offering
himself or herself to be carried, and tendering the fare for the
same to any place on the route of said motor bus or between the
termini thereof, unless at the time such offer is made the permanent
seats of said motor bus are fully 000upied. If a request is made
by any person along such route to be parried by the person operating
mob motor bus and there is uhocoupied a permanent seat or seats
provided therein which may be occupied, it shall be the duty of the
person operating such motor bus to carry such passenger upon tender
of the fare therefor; provided, however, that the person driving or
operating such motor bus may refuse transportation to any person at
the time demand is made to be carried who is in an intoxicate&
condition or to any
person who at such time may be conducting
himself or herself in a boisterous manner, or who may at the time be
using profane or obscene language.
SECTION 16. It shall be unlawful for any person operating a
motor bus to smoke while passengers are occupying any of the seats
in such automobile.
SECTION 1'r. It shall be unlawful for any person while engaged
in operating a motor bus to drink intoxicating liquors of any ki
-7- ,f
SECTION 18. It shall be unlawful for any person operating ems'
motor bus to permit, cause or allow the same to cross any railroa
track at any intersecting street within the corporate limits of
Salt Lake City over which trains or oars, steam or interurban, are`operated, without bringing such motor bus to a full stop before
crossing said railroad track; provided, that at all points where
traffic officers are provided, the person operating or driving sue
motor bus shall comply with the directions of such traffic Offioers z
and provided further, that at all track crossings where flagmen are=5
3 provided, the person driving or operating such motor bus shall be
governed by the directions of such flagmen.
SECTION 19. In order to insure the safety of the public, it
shall be unlawful for the owner of any motor bus to drive or
operate or permit the same to be driven or operated, or for any
person to drive or operate a motor bus unless such owner, operator
or driver shall have given, and there is in full fore* at all times
while euoh motor bus is being driven or operated, on file in the J
office of the City Reoorder of Salt Lake C ty,,a bond n thpe
sum of $5,000.00, with private individuals �sur t�ee,or�alth a
reliable and responsible corporate surety company authorized to do
business in the State of Utah, as surety, which bond shall have been
approved. by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, and whioh
bond shall Salt Lake City, test-tere[e—at
all.. ,,t -r.,aafilaanow 1"tt. tii9 't`r `all" 'rtrevfone S h'. . .
,. ... .. r .ta,lr tC d �"r w.
augl iah;� al^ ah+ a 'be passed 'o bedom'�' s 4,
u . For the benefit of any passenger or passengers in such '
motor bus who may receive bo i y nj rieslao• suff r death"by reason
' .;.n� ova u �r4 w
of the negligence or misconduot on the part of then drier, operator
or owner of such motor bus; /7
(i ';2
he benefit of any peon or persons who may receive
^ uQ m�� s1v m� :o
bodily injuries Aax who la' suffer Ton
by reason of the negligence
or misoonduot on the part of the driver, operator or owner of such
motor bus;
Fdr the benefit of any person or persons who may sustain
damage by reason of any injury to his or their personal property
by reason of the negligence or misoondnot of the driver, operator
or owner of such motor bus.
When a person, firm or corporation shall operate more than ens
motor bus, such bond may be given for the penal sum of $20,000.00
with the conditions abeve named.
SECTION 20. If at any time during the life of any license
issued under the terms of this ordinance, the holder thereof allows
the bond mentioned in the last preceding section to lapse or to
become ineffective, or terminate in whole or in part, then at the
same time the license of such holder to operate a motor bus or
motor busses, shall ipee facto become null and void.
SECTION 21. The license for the running and operating of any
motor bus may be revoked at any time by the Board of Commissioners
if it shall appear that the owner or operator of such motor bus is
or employs a careless or reckless driver or operator, or in ease
such owner, driver or operator shall violate any of the provisions
of this ordinanoe, ror any rule, ragulation'orprovision no* in
foroe, or that.tmay hereafter be put in force oovering traffic or the
business of carrying passengers for hire in motor busses in, upon
or through the streets of Salt Lake City.
SECTION 22. Any person who shall violate any provision of
this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction
thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding Fifty ( 50.00)
Dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail not exceeding thirty
days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Should any person be
twice convicted, the license of suoh person shall thereupon be
cancelled. tj` '
8BO TION, 23. The provisions of this ordinance shall apply not
only to motor propelled vehicles engaged in the motor bus business
as described, defined and limited in Section One hereof, but shall
also apply to other vehicles engaged in the same business conducted
in the same manner.
1 ,`, SECTION 24. All or., .-noes.or. parts of ordinanoecE in so far as
' i the same may be in conflc.t hereVith, are hereby;xep,Oledt . �•
SECTION 25. All 1ida4eas fiat:Salt Lake Oita,no in foe in
• Ivor of any person, firit Rr rorparation, for subtr ' f es�r•as, is
` � this ordinance regula + -oease to be info 4G ��:.ehd
a er ten days from the ila a sf the;passage of this dinanc44 At
(J t '
s'`i said time such license lilder tF'hve
the unegrn $ prt of1 Dense fee of the lioene nown force refunded, or,he may have
the same applied upon the fee of a new license under 'this ordinance,
provided a new license shall be issued to him hereund r.
SECTION 26. This ordinance shal take effect � t ,�lL
publioatien. _ .` i t
> ,Y� ,0
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City March
.2-3/7-4 , 1915. ---
M A y o r .
)--)n ( C`\, \ `d
Ci.y Recorder. '
-10- /,
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