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42 of 1917 - Amending Waterworks Ordinance ROLL CALL `°° DESERET MEWS VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, April 30, 191..71 Green . . I move that the ordinance be passed. Newman._........__.._ Scheid ._.. Wells Mr.Chairman...-..-. ..I --- Result _ �I AN ORDINANCE --il An ordinance amending Sections 1332, 1333, 1339, 1340, 1344, 1364,E 1361, 1373 Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, of 1913; and Sections 1336, 1360 and 1376 of said Revised Ordinances of 1913, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners, August 11th, 1914; and Sections 1378 and 1379 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, of 1913, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, March 23rd, 19164 Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Sections 1332, 1333, 1339, 1340, 1344, 1360, 1361, 1373 Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, of 1913; and Sections 1336, 1360 and 1376 of said Revised Ordinances of 1913, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners, August 11th, 1914; and Sections 1378 and 1379 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, of 1913, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Marsh 23rd, 1916, be, and the same are hereby amended and re-enacted so as to read as follower le -14-2 Sec. 1332. WRITTEN APPLICATION FOR WATER. Applications for the use of water must be made on printed forms, furnished by the department of water supply and water works and signed by the applicant. The applicant shall state fully and truly the purpose for which water is required, and shall agree to conform to, and be governed by, such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the board of commissioners, for the control of the water supply. Said applicant shall in his application state the location, kind of building, number of rooms and the entire area of ground to be supplied, The applicant shall in his application agree to be responsible for and pay all bills due the city on account of materials or labor furnished, as provided in this section, as well as for all water supplied to the premises. Should the owner or occupant of the premises desire an additional fixture, or wish to use water for a purpose not stated in the original application, a new application must be made, and a permit obtained from the department of water supply and water works. Before water will be turned on to any premises, all charges against the premises that are due and payable to the city on account of any of the following items must have been paid: On account of labor or materials furnished by the water works department in the installation of service connecting the premises with city main;; pipe; or for tapping the city mains; or for supplying, installing, or repairing any meter on account of water previously supplied to the premises, whether used by the applicant -2- or by some previous occupant of the premises; or on account of the assessment of any fine for turning water on or off. It shall be unlawful for any person supplied with water from the city water system to use it for any purpose other than as stated in his application, or to supply water to any person except as covered in the application. SEC. 1333. NOTICE OP DISCONTINUANCE. Any person desiring to discontinue the use of water supplied to any premises for a period of not less than three months, shall give notice in writing to the department of water supply and waterworks. No reduction or abatement of water rates shall be made unless such notice shall be given. No sprinkling will be allowed exoept in connection with house service unless premises are supplied through a meter. SEC. 1336. QUALITY OF SERVICE PIPE. PERMIT AND FEB. All service and other pipes used underground shall be of east iron, standard galvanized iron, extra strong lead or tin-lined lead (except private pipes Where the Board of Commissioners grants the use of special material) , laid not less than four feet below the surface of the ground and of sufficient strength to stand the water pressure. All work upon and alterations or extensions of water pipes, and size of pipes shall be to the acceptance of the superintendent. No connection of service pipes shall be made without first obtaining a permit therefor from the Department of Water Supply and Waterworks, for which permit there shall be paid the sum of one dollar; and no extensions shall be made to another water taker from the same service pipe without permission from said department and a stop-cock or key-box shall be attached at the junction of such service pipe. No consumer shall be permitted to conduct water pipes across lots or buildings to adjoining premises, and each house abutting on a city water main must be supplied through its own separate service pipe running at right angles to the main; provided, however, that two or more buildings on the same lot or in contiguous lots may, by permission of the superintendent of waterworks, be supplied through a water meter, Where such premises are owned by the same person and such person becomes responsible for the payment of all bills due the city. -3- See• 1339. UNLAWFUL TO HAVE FIRE HYDRANT OR WATER GATE VALVE WRENCH. It shall be unlawful for any person, without due authority, to have in his possession any wrench for a fire hydrant or water gate valve. See. 1340. UNLAWFUL TO PERMIT BENCH TO BE TAKEN. It shall be unlawful for any person having lawful charge of any wrench for a fire hydrant or water gate valve to permit the same to be taken from him,or from its place of deposit, or to permit such wrenoh to be used for any purpose other than that authorized by the superintendent of water works. Sec. 1344. WATER PIPE EXTENSION; OPENING OR CLOSING WATER GATE VALVES. It shall be unlawful for any person to make any extension of any pipe or water fixture attached to the water works system, for any purpose whatever, without first obtaining a permit therefor from the department of water supply and water-works. All persons must within twenty-four hours after the completion of any plumbing work connected with the water works system, report the same to the department of water supply and waterworks. It shall be unlawful for any person other than duly authorized employees of the department of water supply and waterworks to open or olose any water gate valve in connection with the water system of Salt Lake City. Sec. 1350. . In case of leaks or other accidents to service pipes or other apparatus connected with the water works, plumbers may shut off the water to make sueh necessary repairs. In all oases when plumbers shall make repairs to pipes or fixtures on any premises, they shall leave the water turned on or turned off as they found it, when they entered the premises to make such repairs. See. 1360. FIRE PROTECTION. Pipes to be used only in ease of fire will be allowed within buildings on the -4- following conditions: The fire pipes must be entirely disconnected from those used for other purposes, and hose pipes or branches must be arranged by means of seals, or otherwise, so that they can be used only in case of fire. Should water be used through such fire pipe for other than fire purposes, the superintendent of % waterworks shall require that a meter be installed upon the miss and no water shall be delivered to said until such meter is installed. In no case will any connection larger than 6 inch be allowed. Sec. 1361. WASTE PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful for any water taker to waste water, or allow it to be wasted by imperfect stops, valves, leaky joints or pipes or to allow tanks or watering troughs to leak or overflow, or to wastefully run water from hy- drants, faucets or stops, or through basins, water olosets,urinals, sinks or other apparatus, or to use the water for purposes other than those for which he has paid, or to use water in violation of the rules and regulations for controlling the water supply and the provisions of this chapter. The superintendent of waterworks or other authorized employe bf the department of water supply and waterworks, may turn off the water supply of any premises where there is a violation of the provisions of this section, where the water taker fails to correct any condition permitting the waste or unauthorized use of water after twelve hours notice to make such corrections. The superintendent of waterworks shell require any water user, who shall flagrantly, wantonly or unnecessarily waste water, to install a meter. Sec. 1373. ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS. It shall be the duty of the commissioner of water supply and waterworks to annually assess each premises supp lied with wat e r on flat rates in accordance with the provisions of the -5- ordinanoes of Galt Lake City; such assessments for water shall be based upon the rates established by ordinance and date from the first day of July of each year, provided that whenever a sliding scale is fixed for any particular use of water, the commissioner shall determine the amount to be paid. See. 1376. WATER RATES. PAID IN ADVANCE. The annual rates for a supply of water from Salt Lake City waterworks to be paid annually in advance, are hereby fixed and estab- lished as follows. to-wit; Churches not using hydraulic power - For toilets urinals and lawns, same as dwelling rates. Hose connections for sprinkling garden, lawns and other purposes, 50 square yards or less, $1.50 and for each additional yard, 3 cents. For washing each private vehicle $1.00 For each animal on premises 1.00 Private dwelling occupied by one family . 4.00 (5 rooms or less). Each additional room .75 Each additional family 3.00 Each bath tub 1.00 chtoilet 2.00 For all other purposes' water shall be measured by meter and paid for at,mete / rates. From and after ;: irst, 1917, whenever a new service pipe is installed connecting any premises with the water mains of Salt Lake City, or whenever any new premises are connected to a private line which is supplied by water from the water system of Salt Lake City, a water meter shall be installed for which a charge of $8.00 shall be made for sizes up to and including 1 inch, where installed at the curb line.and $2.00 where such meter can be conveniently ..6.. placed in a basement. Any contractor or person engaged in construction work or repairs of any nature requiring the use of water, shall apply to the department of water supply and water works for a meter to be placed, for either temporary or permanent con- sumption of water, and deposit a sum of money sufficient to cover the cost incident to the placing of such meter. Where a building is to be erected, application shall be made for service pipe in the regular manner, and all water consumed in the construction of such building shall be paid for at regular meter rates. It shall be unlawful for any contractor or other person engaged in construction work to use water from the city water mains, except through a meter, as provided in this section. It shall be unlawful for any person to deface, injure or destroy any drinking fountain, water trough, pipe, valve or appurtenance connected with the water system of Salt Lake City. Sec. 1378. The rates for water supplied through meters to all places will be the same for all consumers, namely five and one-half cents pe/100 cubic feet for the first 13,000 cubic feet; five cents per 100 cubic feet for the second 13,000 cubic feet; four and one-half cents per 100 cubic feet for all over 26,000 cubic feet. The minimum charge for water used through a meter shall be fifty cents per month. Bills for water used through meters shall be rendered monthly or quarterly on the first day of the month for water received during the preceding period. If the bills rendered as aforesaid are not settled and paid by the fifteenth day of the month of their rendition, the commie- stoner of water supply and water works shall cause the water to be turned off the premises supplied with water through the meter and before the water shall be turned on -7- all unpaid water rates must be paid in full together with $1.00 additional for the expense of turning on said water• When for any reason the water meter shall fail to register, bills shall be rendered at the average rate consumed for like periods of time. Should any water taker using a water meter, desire to have the meter on his premises tested, the charge shall be $2.00 where the meter is found to be oorrect or to register in favor of the consumer; but where found to be over-registering, the cost of such test shall be borne by the city. See• 1379. Meters of a type approved by the board of commissioners will be furnished and maintained by the city upon the water taker depositing the net cost thereof • with the City Treasurer, who shall issue a certificate of deposit for said amount, which amount shall be refunded to the holder upon the return of the meter in serviceable condition and surrender of the certificate. Provided, however, that if the owner of the property to be metered shall sign an agreement to the effect that he will be responsible for the payment of all bills for water used through such meter as provided in Section 1378 of these ordinances, then at the option of the commissioner of water supply and water works no meter deposit shall be demanded or paid. Provided, however, that whenever any consumer of water from the water system shall have failed to pay for labor, or materials, or water supplied to such premises, the deposit of the amount of money mentioned in this section may, by the board of commissioners, be applied to the payment of such delinquent bills. Where annual assessments of water rates have already been made, the commissioner of water supply and water works is hereby authorized to withdraw said assessments from the -8w date that water meters are placed in such establishments em: and thereafter charge for water taken by meter rates. All water meters shall be under the control of the i commissioner of water supply and water works who shall cause the same to be read quarterly or oftener if necessary and furnish bills to all water takers supplied with water through meters, as hereinbefere provided. It shall be unlawful fork.,,eny person by himself, family, aervante her agents to topen; ,interfere with, injure, deface or in any+wine impair e'.workings of say water meter. It shall be unlawful fair any pe1aon Other than s duly authorized empfioye=of the departMeat of water supply and water works to,remove any setq metez frobt any premises. It shall be 'a:z :awful fr any person to post on any premises any water meter signs where no water meter has been duly installed, and it shall be unlawful for any person with intent thereby to evade assessment for water rates to state that a meter has been installed upon any premises where such meter has not been duly installed. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect Brio-da1� after its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, 2[aY. 22. 1917. • Mayor � /G% / I .. � 1, ' / City eoorder. • II _9- _< 7 :! :,..,-, - ..•...3..:.-v-.: ".I..:AO : i..,,,.i 11.:).' .. ,-..i...: .I07'. 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