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42 of 1926 - Paving Extension No. 200-2nd and final
ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NA Salt Lake City,Utah, 1O.Y.,....22.,. , Burton I move that the ordinance be passed. Fehr T� Finch Moran Mr.Chairman - - - Result AN ORDINANCE AN ORDI'I 1t02 L;VfI id A TAX and for the assessment of property in Paving District Teo. 32 (Paving Extension D0.200) for the purpose of paving with "Barrenite Ditthlithic thereof. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SEO'TICYB I. That the board of Commissioners of 'bait Lake City does hereby levy the tax and _arovide for the assessment of the same upon the property hereinafter described, in Paving Dis- trict No. 32 (Paving Eatension ::o.200} for the purpose of paving with 'Darrenite 3itulithie thereof, to-wit: Lots 1, 5 and C of Blhs. 2 and 9; Lots 2, 3 and 4 of 31ks. 3 and 8, Country Club :cres, 'being: art of the ;J .L of Sec. 22, 'i. 1 L., 1. 1 B., C. L. IC.; Lots 1 and 6 to 9 incl. of ;11 . 12; lots 13 s'au 1 to 7 incl. of _ 1k. 13;. Lots 1 and 18 0_' ilk. 14; Lots 1 and 20 of Plk. 15, Lots 6 to 11 incl. of 1B. 16 _.nd Lots 1, 1 , Id ;.n:L 15 of _;lk. 17, .amended 21.at o. -A'ss. 11 to 18 incl., Country Club Lures, being a part. of sec. S2, T. 1 ..., 1 3., s. L. D. & M., • abutting on both sides of 22nd Bast Street from 21st ::oath atreet to Country Club Drive; on CountryClub Drive from 22nd to 23rd Past . teets, in salt Lake City, Utah. This tax is levied to defray the cx)ense of paving 22nd Cast from 21st south street to Country "Club. Drive; and Country Club Drive from 22nd to 23r.d Past Streets; said pavement to be twenty- 42 II �I \,...., -2- ...... seven (27) feet betqeen curbs (c:rb and gutter built) and five (6) inches thick with. three (3) inch 'bituu,inous concrete base and two (3) inch weuxing cur face of -Jurrenite bitulithlc, the 9ortions of said. streets opoositJ the iirojaezty hersingefore and tereir ,fter described to be esecially afac)cted and benefited by sdla improve- aent, and it is hereby aluLged., determined and estaolished that !said grogerty will bu es!peci2i1y benefited thereby- to the full amount of the tax hereby levied, and said aarcelL, of land are here- 133T assessed at an equal and uniform rate in accordance ith the linear foot frontage on on to the entire dajth of therefrom, ana the tax hereby levied and to be as,,,e,:aoed goon said p,drcels of land is Nineteen thousand fhTree hundred dwelve omd. 02/100 ($19,312.03) Dollars or Three and 03/100 ( .06) jollars or front or linear foot of abutting progerty aor said twent,7-seven 27) foot roadway, there being 6,270.14 feet abutting. Laid oortion of said improvement; and the )roperty benefited thereby is hereinafter set. !out, and all within the boundaries .):: the lots, blocks and streets above mentioned in said district, which is the total abutters' cost and cost per,front -foot of said improvement, according to the con- tract entered into for the performance of sal.d work and making said ! imirovement with Utrange-1,,:aguire fuving Company, Contractors, dat-I eci, the 29th day of July, 1926, :mad the City treasurer i2 hereby authorized and directed to as!oess in dcaordance with the are-vsiess of this ordinance for the or moo herein mentioned: 1 Plia.:'ff-2-37-fga WOT a0ADWAY (Curb and dotter guilt). , 1 1 The east side of lots 1, 5 and 6, is. 2, the west side of Lots 2, 3 and d of if. 3, the west side of Lots 2, a, end 4 of lk. 6, the east side of Lots 1, I and. 6 jr.f -.IL. '. , Country Uub acres, part of the j. 1/2 of arc. 22, - 1 a., d. 1 U., u. L. ' . the east side of Lots I to 9 incl., .).1k. 12, amended dldt of 31ks. 11 to 18 incl. Country flub acres, gaart of dec. 22, 2. 1 L . 1 3., ,. L. ,. 3 kl.; 30 kencing at the 3,3 cot'. of lot 1, olk. 12, Lmended flat of Jlks. 11 to 18 incl. Jountry Club Icres, . ' L . .. . . III I . . . -3- glrunning thence 8. 0' 07' 44" 168.28 ft.; thence along a curve to the right lOad. 20.86', 42.77 It. being a :oart of Lot 1, ilk. 12, the west side of Lots 2 to 7 incl. of ilk. 16, Amended flat of 1 311.a.s. 11 to 18 incl., Country Elub acres, ziart of ,:ec. 22, 1:2. 1 2., R. 1 b. c. L. .4. if.; commencinn at the cor. of Lot 1, 81-k. Amended 218t of 11 to 18 incl. 1ountry Club Lcres, run- ning thence 5. 0' 07' 44" -i1. 77.1_5 ft., thence along a curve to the left dad. 60', 65.45 ft. thende 8. 62' 22' 16" 8. 225.55 ft., a 'thence along a curve to the left :ad. 30', e2.4J ft. coin. of Lots' 1 & 15 of blk. 13, Amended 21at of aks. 11 to 18 incl. 1ountry Club :Acres, dart of ,,ea. 22, I. 1 E. 1 b., b. E. & L.; commencing at a 'doint E. 0' 07' 44" .. 114.98 ft. from the 12 cor. of Lot 18, al:. 14, :nended Flat of blks. 11 to 18 incl. Country. Club lumen, running thence along a curve to the right 1ad, ie 128.16', 50,412 ft., thence along a curve to the riE:ht Erd. 1134.21' 277.47 ft., thence along a curve to tho right Ead. 11.5', 55.05 ft., thence along a curve to the left aad.431.059', 12.3 ft., bo- ling a part of Lots 1 & 18 of ilk. 14, amended rlat of Elks. 11 to 1E3 incl. Country Club :acres, part 02 22, C. 1 8., _E. 1 E., L. 8. Je M.; commencing at a point -. 0' 07' 44" 'a. 104.98 ft. Lfrom the 11.1.1. for. of Lot 1, 812. 15, Amended 2lat of blks. 11 to 18 incl. Country Club Acres, running thence 0' 07' 44" 'J. 10 ft., thence along a curve to the left fat. 37.29', 55.01 It., thence along a curve to the left Ead_. 1154.21', 109.43 ft.; thence 18. 89' 55' 33" E. 119.66 ft., thence along a 3urve to the left jci. 213 , 19.63 feet heinE a. yart of Lots 1 a 20, blk. le, 'mended blat of ilks. 11 to 18 incl. Country Club fcree, part of Oen. 02, H_L1. 1 ., R. 1 E., C. L. a. & L.; commencing at a point :8. 0- 04' 1 1 27" C. 185 ft. and around a. curve to the left bal. 25' , 19.64 ft. from the 3E cor. of Lot 11, 10. 16, Emended flat of ins. 11 to 18 incl. Country Club acres, thence along said curve 19.63 ft., thence E. 29" 55' 33' J. 119.66 ft., thence along a curve to the 1 right o8d. 1194.21', 542.68 ft., thence ale,: a curve to the left • -/- ,...- find. 61.C3', 62.76 ft., being a part of Lots 6 to IL incl. of .at. .. it, Amended Plat of alb2. 11 to 16 incl., gauntry :ilub Hores, part .. 2 1:.; commencing ot a "Joint le. 27' 67 44" 'ili. 64.0 2t., 2nd 2. 62' 22' 16' 2. 10a. ft. and around. a curve to the riEht Add. 280.0', t.e Ia. cfouthwesterly 1 from the Lc-W. cor. of tot 1, all:. 17, Amended Piet of 3122. 11 to I 18 incl., Country ()Lab Acres, thence along:" said curve b.8 ft. northeasterly thence elcog. a curve to the loft f.ad. L0', 0 ./11 ft., thence -Z. 62' 22' 16" :i. 250.21 ft., thence along a curve to the lust "d:o.d. 12824204' 109.n9 ft., at a part it Lots 1, lo, 14 .and it oa.f 31k. 17, mender 2lat of blills. 11 to 16 incl. dountry 1u-b jereo, pert of Sec. OS, rd. 1 ,., e- 1 6., 6. L- j. :2.; ci ' the a jie are shown upon tte 0-Z-.:131l1 iud it SLid city to the en-, !tire do th ha at. :doom oaid otroets co to collect ::_lij 1 LECTIW 2. d'tat the dsseosment list Hate by the jity I Hreaourer, as corrected, odroved and completed by tiro aoard of .]euolization and eview of the 2roJotty described in Jcation I of 1 • !this ordinance in 1-21 :tenoion 2:o. 200, D-T' 'Agit 'Pabe ity, 1 ifor the ourpose of pavina with iarranite eitulithic tkoreof, 12 .' hereby confirmed and tte os:Jeb2mentb at, and retudned in sbid !completed lioto, no .she report of the nerd of Pttcalization and I Review to the coard of domissioners of ealt Labp •jity are hereby i I retitled, approved and confirmea. 1 1 SECTIOn J. 8aid tax shall be payeoie in ten casual yearly installments as provided by law and ordinance with interest on the whole ,um unpaid at tie rate o:: sit: or cc: t ion _:.ullum, Jdyable at the time each. instell:dent 12 due. In the c•vel.:It :Lay inotwollIdent I 'or the interact atforcoaid ic-J not paid on the by the :30 becomes the whole amount of the speoial tax uaoaid art the time soid installment and interest are co,J shall beco2le Jcc and Joyoble, and stall draw interest at 1H3 rate of twelve Jed cent Jto :ncm until ne sale of the property assessed. I:1 -6- 62C11011 tale e22ect ono day laftor its 12uolication. ; - Paed _,37 the cure of Coi„adsoionor2 o± a1t Lae ;Ity, Utah, this any Di — — City 2.ecordor. tension ;200. tic. Yinol dstimate. . ( : .. , • ° < - ? -» � . \ } . . . . : ; - 2 J § f f °« . > : ,� {)� i � � ..i, � \ , a \ �. { $ } �(( . J / i-/ / }© t/ . ^ ' / -_ . to .....,...i ii . . . ) � i i . - - j $