42 of 1928 - Sidewalk Extension No. 229-2d and final estimate ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, Oct, 23, 192 8. Burton - - I move that the ordinance be passed. —.F Fehr - - , Finch - - Moran - - V Mr.Chairman Result _ AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE LPVYING A TAX and for the assessment of property in Sidewalk District No. 44 (Sidewalk Extension No. 229) for the purpose of constructing concrete sidewalk. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the same upon the property hereinafter described in Sidewalk District No. 44 (Sidewalk Extension No. 229) for the purpose of constructing concrete sidewalk, to-wit: Lot 2 of Blk. 19, Plat "d";,Lots 2, 3, 6 and 7 of Elk. 27, Lot 8 of Elk. 47 and Lot 5 of Blk. 53, Plat "B"; Lot 4 of Elk. 120, Lot 2 of Elk. 144, Lots 1 and 2 of Elk. 145, Lot 1 of Elk. 146, Lots 1 and 4 of Elk. 151, Lot 4 of Elk. 152, Lots 2 and 3 of Elks. 163 and 174 and Lot 2 of Elk. 191, Plat "D"; Lots 2, 3 and 4 of Elk. 19, Plat "E"; Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Elk. 5, Lot 6 of Elk. 17, Plat "F"; Lots 1 to 6 incl. of Elk. 8, Lot 6 of Blk. 9, Lots 2 to 7 incl. of Blk. 11, Lots 1 and 8 to 12 incl. of Elk. 12, Lots 1 and 12 to 20 incl. of Elk. 16 and Lots 2 to 11 incl. of Elk. 17, Plat "J"; Lots 1 and 3 of Blk. 1, Lot 10 of Elk. 1A, Lots 11. and 12 of Elk. 3 and Lots 18 and 19 of 7th East Addition of Blk. 3, Lots 1 to 10 incl. of Blk. 2 of Main and State Road Sub. of Elk. 11, Lots 4 to 18 incl. of Elk. 1 and Lots 1, 3, 4 and 5 of Elk. 2 amend 42 ed Plat of Chelsea Add. of Blk. 13, Lot 4 of 31k. 1.4, Lot 2 of Blk. 15, Lots 18 and 20 of Blk. 16 and Lot 27 of Elk. 1 of Thomas Sub. and Lots 1 to 14 incl. of Fern Sub. of Blk. 16, 5 Acre Plat "A."; Lots 1 and 39 to 58 incl. of Pik. 7 of Progress Heights 2nd Add. of 212. 9, Lot 11 of Pearls Sub., Lots39, 40 end 45 to 51 incl. of Blk. 2 of Liberty Heights Sub., Lots 1 to 19 incl. and 23 to 46 incl. of College Heights 2nd Add. of Elk. 11, Lot 1 of :31k. 4 of trestmorelond Place, Lots 1 to 55 incl. of Blk_s. 2 and 3, Lots 1 to 27, incl. of Blk. 5, Lots 3 to 28 incl. and 36 to 54 incl. of i112. 6, Lots, 1, 2 and 5 to 28 incl. of Plk. 7, of University Heights Sub. of Blk. 12, Lots 1 to 29 incl. of Pike. 1 and 7 of Ycalecrest ! Park Sub. of Elk. 28, Lots 1, 41 to 49 incl. and 51 to 77 ii incl. of Elk. 13 of Douglas Park Sub. of Elks. 28 and 29, Acre Plat "C" and Sec. 9, T. 1 S., R. 1 F., S. L. 3. & M., Lots 1 and 7 of Elk. 30, Lot 1 of Plk. 1 of Uinth Heights Add., Lot 1 of Elk. F and Lots 1 and G6 of ^ik. H of Gilmer Lot; 1 to 6 inci .of 1312. Park Sub. of 131k. 30, Five Acre Plat "C"; Lot 9 of Elk. 294./ Lots 1 to 8 incl. of 21k. 2 and Lots 3 to 20 incl. of 1Ilk. 3 of Free Sub., Lot 23 of 131k. 14 of Forest bale Sub. of Elk. 43, Lots 1, 15 and 16 of Elk. 43, Lot 7 of Plk. 46, Lots 1 to 6 incl. of 21k. 2, Granite Sub. Plat "A"; Lots 1, 32 and 11 to 43 incl. of Elk. 4, Lots 1 and 59 to 94 incl. of 81k. 5 of Union Heights Sub. of Blk. 46, 10 Acre Plat "P"; also part of Secs. 9 and 20, T. 1 S., E. 1 1., S. L. ; abutting on both sides of lindsor St. north 340 ft. from 6th South St:, Aindsor St. (both sides) south 320 ft.from 5th South St., on the north side of Lowell Ave. east 250.6 ft. from 10th East St., on the south side of Lowell Ave. east 260 ft. from 10th East St., on the east side of University St. south 280 ft. from 4th South St., on the north side of Kensington Ave. east 606 ft. from 4th East St., on the south side of Kensingr ton Ave. from a point 85.2 ft. west of 5th East St. thence 156.8 ft. west, on the west side of 6th East St. from a 9oir 1t 54.9 ft. north of Wood Ave. thence 45 ft. north, on the west side of 8th East from Logan Ave. to 17th South St., on the east side of 10th East St. from Kensington Ave, to 116.95 ft. north,; on the south side of Wood Ave. from 10th to llth East St., on the north side of Logan Ave. from 10th East St. to 463 ft. easy, on the west side of Green St. from a point 165 ft. north of 27th South St. to Meadow Lane, on the east side of Green St. from 27th South St. to Meadow Lane, on both sides of Crystal Ave. is from Green St. to 7th East St., on the south side of Simpson Ave. from 7th East to a point 175 ft. west, on both sides of Stringham Ave. from highland Drive to 13th East St., on the west side of "G" St. south 165 ft. from 9th Ave., on the east side of "J" St. north 165 ft. from 10th Ave., on the west side of "J" St. from a point 125 ft. north of 10th Axe. thence 40 ft. north, on both sides of "I" St. north 165 ft. from 10th Ave., on the west side of "D" St. from 10th to llth .Aye., on the south side of llth Ave. from a point 82.5 ft. west of "C" St. thence 82.5 ft. west, on the east side of "H" St. from llth Ave. to a point 123.75 ft. north of 13th Ave., on the north side of 13th .Ave. east 82.5 ft. from "H" St., on the east side of North Main St. from a point 192.12 ft. north of 7rd North to 4th North, on the north side of 4th North St. from Columbus St. to DeSoto St., on both sides of De Soto St. from 4th North St. to Clinton Ave., on the east side of 10th East St. north 218.6 ft. from 21st South St., on the east side of Lincoln St. ! from a point 287.1 ft. north of 21st South St. thence 177.75 ft. north, on the west side of Lincoln St. from a point 287.1 ft. north of 21st South St. thence 234.7 ft. north, on the south side of Blaine .Ave. from a point 525 ft. :rest of 12th .t.st St. thence 46.2 ft. west, on the east s'de of 6th Fast St. from 17th South to a point 102.55 ft. south of ' ilson E::ve., on the west side of 6th East St. from a point 177.1. ft. south of 17th South, thence 110 ft. south, on the north side of Garfield .Ave. from 16th to 17th East St., on the east side of 16th East St. north 8.5 ft. from Garfield Ave., on the south side of Logan Ave. east 115.8 ftl from 1 .th Past St., on the south side of Shermah Ave. from 17th to 14th East St., on the north sidc of Harrison Ave. from 15th to 14th Past St., from a point 501 ft. east of 14th East St., thence east 50 ft., and from a point 451 ft. ' east of 14th Fast St. thence east 175 ft., on the vest side oft St. 14th East/from Sherman Ave. to Harrison Ave., on the west side of 16th East St. from Harrison Lye. to a point 175.5 ft. south' of Browning Ave., and from a point 65 ft. south of Roosevelt Ave., thence 50 ft. south, on the east side of 16th Enst St. from Harrison Ave. to Roosevelt Ave., on the south side of Harrison Ave. from a point 100 ft. east of 16'ch Fast St. thcnde 609.06 ft. east, on the north side of Browning Avehifrom 15th to 16th East St., and from a point 99.5 ft. east of 16th lost ; St., thence 609.64 ft. east, on the south side of Browning Ave. from 15th to 17th East St., on the north side of Roosevelt Avd. from 15th East St. to a point 579.5 ft. cast and from 16th to ! 17th East St., on the south side of Roosevelt Lve. from 15th East to a point 579.5 ft. east, on the south side of Michigan; Ave. from 17th to 19th East St., on the south side of 9th South St. from Military Drive to Diestel Road, on the east side of Diestel Road southerly 670.12 ft. from 9th South St., and from a point 712.12 ft. southerly from 9th South thence southerly 225 ft., on the north side of 17th South St. from a point 3`:.07 ft. west of 15th East St. thence 338.25 ft. west and from a point 735.45 ft. west of 15th -Past St., thence 58.25 ft. west, on the west side of 14th Rant St. from Gilmer Drive to a point 175.16 ft. south of Thornton Ave., on the south side of 27th South St. east 726 ft. from 7th Last St., on the north side of Ashton Ave. from llth East St. to a point 281.1 ft. cast; from a point 296 ft. east of llth Rant St. thence cast 11 .4 ft., and from Highland Drive to a point 159.85 ft. east, on the north side of 7th South St. from a point 6.3 ft. east of Pad East thence east 208.2 ft., on the south side of Find South r -5- St. from a point 1.11 ft. west of 6th Fast St. thence vest 106.14 ft., on the south side of 1st South St. from a point 57.7 ft. east of eth Fast thence east 101.dit., on the cast aide of Main St. south 254.1 ft. from Kensington Ave. This tax is levied to defray the expense of constructing concrete sidewalk tto and one-half (2-D! feet wide on both sides of Viindsor St. north 540 ft. from eth South Street, four (4) feet wide on both sides of Vindsor St. south S20 ft. from 5th South St. Lowell .Ave. (north side) east 250.6 ft. from 10th East St., Lowelll Ave. (south side) east 260 ft. from 10th Fast .,t., University St. (east side) south 080 ft. from 4th South St., Kensington Ave. (north side) east 606 ft. from 4th Fast St., Kensington Ave. (south side) ; from a point 83.2 ft. west of 5th Fast St., thence 156.8 ft. ,.est, 6th last St. (west side) from a point 5 .9 ft. north of Wood love. thence 45 ft. north, 8th East St. (i,:est side) from Logan Lvc. to 17th South St., 10th Fast St. (east side) from Kensington five. to �!! 1.16.95 ft. north, Wood Ave.(south side) from 10th to 11th East St. Loran Ave. (north side) from 10th East St. to 463 ft. east, Green t. (west side) from a point 165 ft. north of 27th South t. to Meadow Lane, Green St. (east side) from 27th South St. to r"_cadow Lane, Crystal Ave. (both sides) from Green St. to 7th East St., Simpson Ave. (south side) from 7th East to a point 175 ft. rest, Stringham Ave. (both sic:es) trot FiEhlcnd Crivc to 17th Fast St.; five (5) feet wide on "G.,' St. (lest side) south 165 ft. from 9th Ave., "J" St. (east side) north 165 ft. from 10th l_ve., "J" St. (west side) from a point 125 ft. north of 10th Ave. thence 40 ft. p north, "I" St. (both sides) north 165 fti from 10th Ave., "L" St. (west side) from 10th to llth Lee., _llth Ave. (south sic'e) from a point 82.5 ft. west of "C" St. thence 82.5 ft. west, H" St. (cast side) from llth Ave. to a point 123.75 ft. north of 13th Ave., 13t1;1 Ave. (north side) east 82.5 ft. from "H" St., North Main Ft. (east side) from a point 192.12 ft. north of brd North to 4th North, 4th; North St. (north side) from Columbis St. to Desoto St., De Soto St ( ,booth sides) from 4th North St. to Clinton Lye., 10th Fast St. ' ]' (east side) north 218.6 ft. from 21st South St., Lincoln St. (east side) from a point 287.1 ft. north of 21st South St. thence 177.75 ft. north, Lincoln St. (west side) from a point 237.1 ft. north of i21st South St. thence 234.7 ft. north, 71eine Ave. (south side) :from a point 525 ft. west of 12th East St. thence ==6.2: ft. vest, j,. 6th East St. (east side) from 17th South to a point 109.55 ft. south? of Filson Ave., 6th East ,St. (west side) from a point 1.77.1 ft. south of 17th South thence 110 ft. south, Garfield Ave. (north side) frovi 16th to 17th East St., 16th Fast St. (east side) north 8.5 ft. from Garfield. Ave., Logan .Ave. (south side) east 115.8 ft. from 13th East St., Sherman .Ave. (south side) from 13th to 14th last St., !Harrison Ave. (north side) from 13th to 14th East St., from a point] 301 ft. east of 14th East St., thence east 50 ft., and from a point 451 ft. east of 14th lust St. thence east 175 ft., 14th Fast St. (west side from Sherman i ve. to Harrison Ave., 16th Last St. (west ' side) from. Harrison Ave. to a point 175.5 ft. south of Browning Ave., and from a point 63 ft. south of Roosevelt '.vs., thence 50 ft. south, 16th East St. (cast side) from Harrison Ave. to Roosevelt Ave., Harrison .Ave. (south side) from a point 100 ft. east of 16th Fast St. thence 609.06 ft. east, Drowning Ave. (north side) from 15th to 16th East St., and from a point 99.5 ft. east of 16th East St., ; thence 609.64 ft. east, frowning Ave.. (south side) from 15th to 17th . East; St., Roosevelt Ave. (north side) from 15th Fast St. to a point I579.5 ft. east and from 16th to 17th East St., Roosevelt .Ave. (south side) from 15th East to a point 579.5 ft. east, Michigan ichigan Ave. (sough side) from 17th to 18th East St., 9th South St. (south side) from Military Drive to Diestel hoad, Diestel Road (cast side) southerly 670.12 ft. from 9th South St., a.nc from a point 712.12 ft. southerly from 9th South thence southerly 225 ft., 13th South St. (north side) from a point 320.7 ft. west of 15th East St. thence 38.25 ft. west and from a point 735.45 ft. west of 15th Fast St., thence 38.25 ft west, 14th East St. (west side) from Gilmer Drive to a point 175.1.E ft. south of Thornton Ave., 27th South St. (south side) east 726 ft. from 7th East St., Ashton Ave. (tosth side) fiats East �I 4 u -7- •• :to a point 284.1 ft. east; from a point 296 ft. east of llth Fast kSt. thence east 113.4 ft., and from Highland Drive to a point 159.8f1 lft. east, and six (6) feet wide on 7th South St. (north side) from point 6.3 ft. east of 2nd East St. thence east 208.2 ft., 2nd South St: (south side) from a point 1.11 ft. .:est of 6th East St. thence west 106.14 ft., 1st South St. (south side) from a point 57.7 ft. east of 6th Last St. thence east 101.4 ft. and Main St. (east side) south 254.1 ft. from Kensington Ave.; said sidewalks Ito be four (4) inches thick, the topping to be one-half (1* of an cinch thick with three and one-half (31) inch base, upon the portionp of said streets opposite the property hereinbefore and hereinafter i'described to be especially affected and benefited by said improve- u ment, and it is hereby adjudged, determined and established- that said property will be especially benefited thereby to the full ' mount of the tax hereby levied and said parcels of land are hereby v.ssessed at an equal and uniform rate in accordance with the linear foot frontage upon said portions of said streets, fronting upon and; to the entire depth back therefrom, and the tax hereby levied and. to be assessed upon said parcels of land is Thirty-eight Thousand !Sixteen and 04/100 ($38,016.04) Dollars; Five Hundred Sixteen and 80/100 ($516.80) Dollars or Seventy-six One Hundredths (0.76) I'. Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property for said two and one-half (21) foot walk, there being 600.00 feet abuttinr_said of said improvement; porti.ohL/ Ten Thousand Five Hundred Twenty-three and 20/100 ($10,523.20) Dollars or One and 12/100 ( 1.12) Dollars per front or jlinear foot of abutting property for said four (4) foot walk, there being 9,395.71 feet abutting said portion of said improvement; Twenty-five Thousand Nine Hundred_ Twenty-four and 39/100 (vi'-25,9r.4.39) Dollars or One and 34/100 (71.D4) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property for said five (5) foot walk, there being j19,346.56 feet abutting said portion of said improvement; and. One Thousand Fifty-one and 65/100 (wl,051.65) Dollars or One and 57/lO0 ($v1.57) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property for! said six (6) foot walk, there being 669.84 feet abutting said per -8 Lion of said improvement; within the boundaries of the lots, blocksi bend streets above mentioned in said district, which is the total Iabutterst cost and cost per front foot of said sidewalk, according to the contract entered into for the performance of said work and making said improvement with Christensen, Jacob & Gardner, Inc., contractors, dated the 3rd day of May, 1928, and the city treasurer, pis hereby authorized and directed to assess in accordahce with the provisions of this ordinance, for the purpose herein mentioned: r TV.0 AND ONE-iJALF FOOT ti ALI_. The west side of the east 157 ft. of Lot 2, the east sidei Prof the west 157 ft. of Lot 3, the east side of the south 10 ft. of the west 148.5 ft. of Lot 6, and the west side of the south 10 ft. i'of the east 148.5 ft. of Lot 7, of Elk. 27, Plat "B", Salt Lake i' !;City Survey. FOUR FOOT WALK. The east side of the north 320 ft. of the west 14::8.5 ft. i ;of Lot 6 and the west side of the north 320 ft. of the east 143.5 f`t. of Lot 7, Blk. 27, Plat "B"; the north side of the west 95 ft. of the south 325 ft. of Lot 3, the north side of the east 40 ft. of tithe south 325 ft. of Lot 4, the north side of the west 115 ft. of the south 325 ft. of Lot 4, the south side of the west 115 ft. of the north 285 ft. of Lot 5, the south side of the east 40 ft. of F"the north 285 ft. of Lot 5, the south side of the west 85.6 ft. of .:the north 285 ft. of Lot 6, of Elk. 5, Plat "F"; the west side of the north 110 ft. of the east 75.8 ft. of the west 157 ft. of Lot is 6, the west side of the south 160 ft. of the north 280 ft. of the is east 79.8 ft. of the west 157 ft. of Lot 6, of Elk. 17, Plat "F ; Salt Lake City Survey; the south side of Lots 4 to 18 incl. of Elk.! Li, the north side of the west 36.8 ft. of Lot 1 and the north side jof Lots 3, 4 and 5 of Blk. 2, hanended Plat - of Chelsea- Add. of 1 r01k. 13, 5-Acre Plat "4"; the east side of the north ,t5 ft. of the south 99.9 ft. of the west 729 ft. of Lot 4 of Blk.., 14, the east side of the west 726 ft. of Lot 2 of Elk. 15, 5-Acre Pl�.t W'; the p est side of the south 6.4 ft. of Lot 27 of Elk. 1, Thomas Sub. of I li -9- I iElk_. 16, the west side of the north 110.55 ft. of the east 726 ft. of Lot 18 of Elk. 16, the north side of the south 256.6 ft. of the east 726 ft. of Lot 20 of Elk. 16, the south side of Lots 1 to 14 incl. of Fern Sub. of Blk. 16, 5-Acre Plat "A" ; the west side of Lots 1 to 6 incl. and the south side of Lot 6 of Elk. 1, the north II, '.side of Lot/and the west side of Lots 1 to 8 incl. of Elk. 2, the !jca.st side of Lots 3 to 20 incl. of Blk. 3, Free Sub. of Elk. 43, 10 Acre Plat A; beginning at the NV Cor. of Lot 1, Elk. 1, Free Sub; kf Bik. 43, 10 Acre Plat A, thence north 350.5 ft. being a part of Lots 15 and 16 of Elk. 43, 10 Acre Plat A.; beginning at the NE cor of Lot 3, Blk. 3, Free Sub. of Elk. 43, 10,Acre Plat A, thence north 494.75 ft. being a part of Lots 15 and 16 of Elk. 43, 10 Acre Plat • beginning at the SE cot. of Lot 6, Elk. 1, Free Sub. of Elk. 45, i'10 Acre Plat A, thence east 165 ft., being a part of Lot 16 of Elk. ; 43, 10 Acre Plat A,; beginning at the NE for. of Lot 1, 31k. 2, Free 'Sub. of Elk. 43, 10 Acre Plat A, thence east 165 ft., being a part Of Lots 1 and 16 of Bik. 43 10 Acre Plat A; the north side of Lot i`33 of Blk. 14, Forest hale Sub. of Blk. 43, 10 Acre Plat I; the north side of Lots 12 to 43 incl. and the north side of the Last 150.17 ft. Of Lot 11, Blk. 4, Union Heights Sub. of Bik. 46, 10 Acre Plat A; 'Big Field Survey; beginning at the NW cor. of Lot 12, 31k. 4, Union Heights Sub. of Blk. 46, 10 Acre Plat A, thence Ikest 6 ft., being w part of Sec. 20, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. E. & M.; and the south side of Lots 1 and 59 to 94 incl. of ?'ik. 5, Union Heights Sub. of Pik. 46, 10 Acre Plat A; Big Field Survey. FIVE FOOT LALK_ The east side of Lot 4 of Blk. 120; the west side of Lot r of Elk. 144; the east side of the north 40 ft. of Lot 1 and the Y:est side of Lot 2,of Elk. 145; the east side of the north 40 ft. oi! Lot 1 and the east side of the south 115 ft. of Lot 1, of Elk. 146; the east side of Lots 1 and 4 of Elk. 151;the north side of the west 02.5 ft. of Lot 4 of Elk. 15U; the west side of Lots 2 and 3 of Elk.j 63; the west side of the north 41.25 ft. of Lot 2 and the west side Of the south 113.75 ftl of Lot 2 and the west side of Lot 3, of Elk: • -10- 174; the west side of the south 123.75 ft. of Lot 2 end the south (side of the west 82.5 ft. of Lot 2, of Elk. 191; Plat " D", Salt Lake City Survey; the westerly side of the northerly 57.75 ft. of blot 2 and the westerly side of Lots 3 and 4, Blk. 19, Plat "2", pa_lt Lake City Survey; the south side of Lots 1 to 6 incl., the east Blk. 8; Ode of Lot l, the west side of Lot 6 of Elk. 9; the west side of is 'dots 2 to 7 incl. of Elk. 11; the east side of Lots 1 and 8 to 12 Incl. of Blk. 12; the cast side of Lots 1 and 12 to 20 incl. of Blk . r16; the west side of Lots 2 to 11 incl. of Elk. 17; Plat "J", Salt Lake City Survey; the west side of the south 218.60 ft. of the east ' 720.42 ft. of Lot 1, the west side of the south 177.75 ft. of the ast 330 ft. of the west 726 ft. of Lot 3, the east side of the south '34.7 ft. of the west 330 ft. of Lot 3, of Elk. 1, 5 .Acre Plat A, Pig Field Survey; beginning: at the NC cor. of Lot 57, Elk. 5, Perkins rand View Add. of Blk. 1A, 5-Acre Plat A, thence vest 46.2 ft., being part of Lot 10, Blk. 1A, the east side of the south 110 ft. of the; ;est 726 ft. of Lot 11 of Bik. 3, the west side of the east 726 ft. 4f Lot 12 of Elk. 3, the west side of Lots 18 and 19 of Seventh mast; 4.dd. of Bik. 3, 5-Acre Plat A; the south side of Lots 1 and 39 to 58 incl. of Bik. 7, the west side of the south 8.5 ft. of Lot 1 of Elk. is Progress Heights 2nd .tdd. of Elk. 9, 5-Acre Plat C; the north side cf the west 115.E ft. of the south 2.5E ft. of Lot 11, Pearls Sub. ' of Blk.11; the south side of Lots 46 and 1 to 19 incl., the north Oide of Lots 51 to 42 incl., the east side of Lots 42 to 46 incl., Of College Heights 2nd 55d. of Blk. 11; the south side of Lots 39, A0 and 45 to 51 incl_. of Elk. 2, Liberty Heights Sub. of Plk. 11; the south side of Lots 1 to 24 incl. of Rik. 2, the west side of Lots 24 to 32 incl. of 71k. 2, the north side of Lots to 55 incl.' of Elk. 2, the south side of Lots 1 to 2E incl. of Elk. -', the south aide of the east 24.5 ft. of Lot 24 of Elk. 3, the west side of Lots; 24 to 32 incl. of Elk. 3, the north side of the east 24 ft. of Lot 1�2 of Elk. 3, the north side of Lots 33 to 55 incl. of 81k. 3, the has t side of Lots 1 to 4 incl. _nd, the south side of Lots 1 and 5 to[ 3 incl. of Blk. 5, the east side of Lots 3 to 9 incl. of 31k. 6, �� i if -11- Ithe north side of Lots 9 to 28 incl. of Blk. 6, the south side of trots 76 to 54 incl. of Blk, 6, the east side of Lots 1 and 2, and the north side of Lots 5 to 23 inci.,of Blk. 7, University Heights i. !Cub. of Blk. 12; the east side of the west 70 ft. of Lot 1 of 31k. 4, Westmoreland Place, Blk. 12; the north side of Lots 1 to 29 incl}. 'of Blk. 1, the north side of Lots 1 to 29 incl. of 71k. 3, Yalecre4 !Park Sub. of Blk. 28; 5-Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey; the westerly Iside of Lots 41 to 49 incl. and Lots 52 to 76 incl., the westerly I side of the northerly 8 ft. of Lot 51, the north side of Lots 1, j �fi76 and 77, of Blk. 13, Douglas Park Sub. being a part of Blks. 28 and 29, 5-Acre Plat C and. Sec. 9, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. 3. & M•; lbeginning at the NW Cor. of Lot 1, Elk. 13, Douglas Park, a Sub. ofj ,.part of Inks. 28 and 29, 5-Acre Plat C and Sec. 9, T. 1 S., R. 1 E. S. L. B. & M., thence west 104.39 ft., being a part of the NE 1/4 I ii ;of Sec. 9, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M.; the south side of Lot of 31k. 1, Uintah Heights Add. of Blk. 30, the south side of the east 738.25 ft. ofthe west 452.7 ft. of Lot 1 of Blk. 30, beginnint at the SE cor. of Lot 1, Blk. F, Gilmer 1, rk, a Sub. of part of MM. jj17A, 5-Acre Plat A., and 31k. 30, 5-Acre Plat C, thence south 61.5 f ., being a part of Lot 7 of 61k. 30, 5-Acre Plat C; the east side of , 'Lot 1 of 91k. F, the east side of Lots 1 and 36 of 31k. H, Gilmer ii Park Sub. of 61k. 30, 5-Acre Plat C; the north side of the west 726 ft. of Lot 9 of Palk. 29, 10 Acre Plat A; the south side of the j !west 106.37 ft. of Lot 1, the south side of Lots 2 to 6 incl., of I i31k. 2, Granite Sub., Plat A, Blk. 46, 10 Acre Plat A; Beginning I at the SE cor. of Lot 2, 31k. 2, Granite Sub. Plat A of Blk. 46, 10 Acre Plat A, thence east 20 ft, being a part of Lot 7 of Blk. 4611, beginning at the SW cor. of Lot 1, Blk. 2, Granite Sub. Plat A of "B1k. 46, 10 Acre Plat A, thence west 7.03 ft., being a part of Lot is 31k. 46, 10 Acre Plat A; the south side of Lots 1 and 82 of Blk. 14 Union Heights Sub. of 31k. 46, 10-Acre Plat A; Big Field Survey.' � 1 1 is -12- SIX FOOT_V+,F:LE. The south side of the east 208.2 ft. of the west 214.5 'ft. of Lot 2, Blk. 19, Plat A; the north side of the east 106.14 ft.. Hof the west 163.89 ft. of Lot 3, Blk. 47, Plat B; the north side of the east 101.4 ft. of the west 159.1 ft. of Lot 5, Blk. Pat B; Salt Lake City Survey; the west side of the east 9B ft. of Lots 1 to 6 incl., the west side of the east 111.75 ft. of Lots 7 to 10 incl., of Blk. 2, Main & State Road Sub. of Blk. 11, 5-Acre !Plat A, Big Field Survey; as the same are shown upon the official plats of said city to the entire depth of said parcels of _land and ,to collect said tax. SECTION 2. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer, as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization and Review of the property described in Section I of this ordinance in Sidewalk District No. 44 (Sidewalk Extension No. 228) of Salt Lake City, for the purpose of constructing a. sidewalk; upon said portions of said streets, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and returned in said completed lists and the re- port of the Board. of Equalization and Bevies: to the Board of Com- missioners of Salt Lake City, are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. SECTION 3. Said tax shall be payable in five equal is yearly installments as provided by law and ordinance with interest',, on the whole sum unpaid at the rate: of five per cent per annum, payable at the time each installment is due. In the event any in.- stallment or the interest aforesaid is not paid on the day the is same becomes due, the whole amount of the special tax unpaid at the time said installment and interest are due, shall become due and payable, and shall draw interest at the rote of twelve per cent per annum until the sale of the property assessed. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect one day after its first publication. j I -15- Passed by the 13oard of Comissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, the 25th day of October_ _, S. D. 19.38. yor 114.4..k.4.6 0 City Recor:cr. !Sidemalk Extension No. 229. nd and Final Estimate. ' • : 1 -,, , c:, 7- 4 , ...1. ,,. we ' c- ,-;_01. a RFf 1y , r O , G =3 Ts a % i ._. wi 1 I • 3)‘ A Proof of Publication STATE OF UTAH, County of Salt Lake i being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the principal clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State of Utah. • That the uwi. 1 0.-/1-664-tad-ft.es— ., tIMPEtstatVit itrupsts7,i' ''-' . WletigernhAlill,t4e-bia, 14„ „344,,,.3 4N',,,.,VI LW Ljtv, 'at 1;‘,..„•,' .._a. _ A,--_--x, Az_ .4.2,d Gi-Curte,a' , .. . .. t'gt t Wit 84164 .ii igettPk.!in't,:it provide i 411.1i 'II:I I'I II IVY,4Indirkrablttirt447114. ait zo0 ti"ti,Ipbtkat 4I 4044trl N,I,,',I.;'' of which.a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said 1,,,' ...,'' ',-4 olkb'tike,19/4tr,<:At 61 ots. ,... .-/r/k/•, t,s, at ;Int 43, Pik , r,.? newspap , its issue dated the ..."---- I — day of A.D. 1921 Vitt trZtt r.rrEc. . / and was published 0'44 „,... ..id.-,..e_ ' :APiil'...ii0...z."'ii:;.fl.11:'Llillf; 4,c,lif 141kits.4 47,,.II: '!' I the last publ..mtion thereof being in the issue date,'the fiblitAti::flil ,::' day of V C/ c/t A.D.192 2 3 ,,41,;ite Z,I4III liir511 iht V iittat Airt.44.; °- taumi vatt,..1 0 f'1,011:tc ii'Mlil , ,. •, trifsf;d°id-112 t‘,14: • — , ,„..t4,10.14.1v,,,.,, •; s••'IIr.'-. ".,;.;t4z.•-i:,tdtt..,,A,i„pIla.,.R 4I,;tteilb ti'ti tii.,,y.,l.'it"J,- _ -- l)--6)-'(-t- 1, P )-c-iT2httil' itl'if I44Vet: I .datllel,i 11114tii11i4!' 2 ;6, 17Iioetl i % 1i' rI' ° !'°• !:i11 'fVkl , , i i,.i lat rili'1,gi:.;.".rta1..2l.atv Ad"ii titA.Aw14%4f4,V'tgs1114, 5° is':'4'tvveri,tr. ..-1,-'6-t.uf,s.I to before me this ____Aty of, ..AtjAt; iOn.leg ZBVtilnl.ix gl . 1"te?W111L'.fi,41 V,..41L,.418 4P : .a- A.D.192 Y 4- ,00..i iiik-v.0 ,Issts soob. of sti h, o " 4. • too pe.rc of Bece 9 0..d 04b^..tik 'otetTAt4r/%rwch% 4iV:itailli AP1:4141041,ioN i, otary Pub ' er. ger7a:t4'.if s St. trot, Ott gt41 r t.,9''r. p, 4. ' l/rx1ko5n 4Ei,, 10311, "a 4sot 11 ..4:PntrIti: 2. 14202ot , /cLtw.nsti4.,on,tAt 41 welt . 1,,f. , 8 - 1 I , — I In ,V-tt. north f. 000a Ave., then4e-16 ., fUhi.on the welt b180 et BenSuet # 4�de Ave.f t h.B1/.eCP tto rraohlikti A�,ae to 11b.1 01 nhrtb,t pEd' r etdtl of'OVapd ith or 36ih to Snt.Sr. en tire htkri ttdatof te' �##ee'n A1#1�"i 1.it 7D n-ffi et F!t tb,t4C ft. L18Uo-'d34thu Wg*C t ro en 6f r'frem: Lab�wa'td6 f 00 ltlo Strolls t 8t`a'r `o' ne.8ceat+oeSethb,,onro7t4 t d .that�tv p .A Y6f,,�1a 8 t d 014.sou h.6�<titf�lp i1�' iff 1 d 1 t 4t.} H a!=ht �yt teeth;. tit Pain hd:o ' h1- to diaafq e 14,tyr�o Part�i:. l o a►..�°,eleaeket• :dt bleip dt ere, boat'142 18 Tt ttorth of S N trth 4 h o the 10 tidet'' E 40P}aor h� at t �7<�Cri Yf t.04 A 0t t, both e a e C�tl be fr 'f�hoaotp: ttg t�St.,Aor VS ot1'f gent e[dea400((lu N0., tt 108 BYtn.IIlq.d'4l,1r,44t1000 tlll ebuth gt.,cd0at A11+.1/t tt a ej raoo1A 4r:;from 'i.polttt 7.1 f.lio north, df 11et Hoyt ere t e Viol oj4 1tl 1L'net'eh PA the*wit187.slfate *L111o6Jn't 4511'lh O t& .p41gf ft4.1.St. tt11g at-e11t apatll tt toffee.10e,4 ft. pdthw ryry the.25,f e/o of 0 Tn_ Ve, coma¢pptltt tlftl,ft. tt. tt t °tern�AA0ept 'kt th IteoL 46.9 ft.weer,an the 1111 tide t•'ref:etl1 Wnt fttt. item' .W, 010 n to a bffittaet e6 It, 0 8t Otetro I.Av¢.,An cite pDent e174 1 ftaetouih..olt iith hsaati,:, nente t1t11pp ft-eduth;-ern the north tide 6Y CU4.0�¢14 Abe frem'l8th to 14tq.sitt 1 fhe eee(e.de of.ltth See ht,north 1 r th��}$ t#lit AVt..en 1ht mutn y ar r�L2.4t0S 1ltl.t it, them '1 th.it (tit..on M{'south aide or Shot' 1484 Yt,41614 1Sth'to 14th But 6t.. t ho nertn tent pf ISerrteon Aver Train h 05 1e#etfui,,,0�11i !14 from a point Ill #itt et 1481 ell 8t. th nop'eaet fo Lp� fip% po1Q't/401 it eaeo of ieth t 6'^thtn4 4tet.{ c ame.wart o 'kiteO nest 8t trollrq tlhenmtn-Ave. eta+ Id#Aft., er`.th6 Weer#ill at ot�tfi fir thrIft:l4f. eon Ate; to Ali tent 1'ttl:4 tt.,tonthA of$r aning Ave., d fee t;.:ethetP9 ti4 tt.ebitoth;f mote t5y de;94`.1tt1h ID►k et,hem 0 00110 II :. _ ' ?Asirte ROOSevplta > O11•the°oath title of Bib. 6,7pla{' S e the bait lldj.of of Illert4pn'AVO:' !J1�M a point 100.ft, the th 4�10'ft of tqe toot 464T',:fl." 4et°ef lath East 24 th nce 80009 ft, of theL 127 ft. of Lot'6• the v(gat lenfl�i.U },1 ortll-aide t B 00 i g tiro o[ the01th 160.ft..of the perth Apo,--,II'ISt'10th to}6th East so., and 280 f, f th a8 t 79.8 ft.of the'.Yeat S40051aSD 600.04 !Fatal'. FSo et,oof lheh eBoun 117 Plet0'; S7P YCy OSi.the Muth, de iei0of Bfp[¢hlhg A e,from Into to 17th of Lola 4.te.,18 Incl. of-34114, I.th'e noel;845,on,the n0 Ode of Roosevelt north side at,,the west 86.g'.1t S4 Lot AV1,,f +t{y]Yggth Bab t t to a point 579 6 3 and theortn td f 17Ltt 8 i and tt;'eget*BB" 1 t 17th East Si. 1,pdf gg17t 1:. A ide4 Plat 0(A.Iitl)m0a' ,the month fideof 'eevelt Ave. o dd, of 811k; 1,8 6-Aora 1 1, a the 16th-E t to a Doi t-579.5 ft. cast, on m 55.0 fi. pC he eR14 Pe.,:n ins aO tb. the ...tit silo.of I hi'an Ave. tr m 09.0 it I the w e 729 C Let 1 n5 17th to19th Eaet B on"the south tle ) If he ee t old at , [ 4'e of Bob South St.fro M111Lary ge l s o th of We E 2 me 1Jek 16 6 A a Plat A. Diastel go.a. o,th -At 18e f Dose• the Wet Ida of , itt s 4 ft. Of.. t01 T.ell-p uthelly 70. :ft. front0tit 0ii 27 of e i TeO of. Sub.: 0f 0g70 1$ ,00 Oat t'72 ➢t.the 'north_ South St., and 40 point ce l It. of0 66 ft.Of the oast'tte ft;of Lot ' south Illy fromo $th`-South thence)d so1uth- of$Ill,of,the. north el do of theNeck Solt Ill ft.,on onto 01 ft,won t ofh yite,.ft of fife.east ile ft.of Lot 20 of South St„from a'nels9,nt.wool d Hill. the south aide of Lots 1 tPi t froh a St,n the0,40 8,4B 4t,wort 0th Incl.of eFaraw 8u fide hf Lot. t or4 Piet from point o'tl,t ft, watt of 1t a "Al" he N01t laid po LLte 1 to 6 Mot. Beet , 14t;'%&,S ft,.ff00 on the and the ah li aide of Lot e a west welt side of 14nt 1 at Bt,GM t 0f 1,trio north ,dt of'Lot-1 and the west Thor to An Ave., 14he slot tooth of sidtl MA o.1 too 8 tO 20i Riket, E,.the Thornton e., on the eoolh,tide of 3, Prtie ob 7.ofp'E .0 7,,II ' of Ela. 27th.. South St.NM 786[t.from Ito Ave. 3.t beginning Bug, f e 1k. 4o.10 Ann:Plat Sfro on the lot n Bide s poisett11 Ave. At F2.1 Sub,,at the 42,10'.AC Br. O Pitt A, eaom ront Epoi Bt. 40.n ptiot 284.1 et thence north 26P.6 ft., being a;part of east:front a point 89851t:east of Ilth East Lore 15 and ifi of the 49 10 Aare Y)e f. St thanes east I12.4'-itoz,ni a from ot,On A: beglnning at the Ni nor, of Lot E4nd Drive t0 a paint 129.86 ft,e.at,on 8.Blk.3 Pree Sub,of Blk.43,10 Acre the north ttdl 0f f 14 Bo10.0 10, from a .et.A,.than a north 49457514.'sting oi.1 fi Pt.that bt 2hd dt of k1 CIO apt p tot L tb 16 and ib aP E 1r.o0 St,2 of n the loll old tf and LO lh Lot Plat A;I. 1,[to rho GE Car.o, 43, St:from a D west ION; t eat o4 he East Lot 6 Elk. I. b tl east of t„b bg eld th Co tweet lad](4 St On o Ninth a A oleo A,then1 aafit,10 Acre icing flue e 1 f 0thtlr East.: {t Point 67 4 part t Loll la of H{k 4$,.30 A ra Plot Pt.enet of all ellet thence 16a,tooth A; b ginnres.aft hO T`Be,4.o1 Lot I, f6 the seat e14 of o A ea..t., 10uth Blk 1, Free Sub, f Bit., of 30 Aare 26Thi4.1 ft.YJO i Vind't .de Av4. Piet t L1'ant eat tel IL. 44,4 a ptt'C 'This t sae levied to aelray the %Danoe Plat le 1'and north Side 07 Lot 3o Bah. I Den t u SO lou.Otis)no bou t jid flop.Plat Althe north oB(le 113 0 Acr. pn•halt(82)feat-Wld9- n bath if� Ot'14;P feet a oe S L tOfil 43.10 Aare f door Bt north 810j ft,from 6tt tootle Plat g tle north th l t,{,Les 3 West. St;tooth[220.oft,bfrom IIto 160.17 ft.od the Lotth11 01 Elk. ..:,thede of Onion - • t Lowell Ave,(north alas)east Height°Bob:of Elk 46,10 Apra Plat A; front lath Ealt fit.,Lowell Ave. Btg Field Surrey,beginning t the NW de) eaat 260 It,mat 10ah Eams o f Lot. 12, Elk 'U. 4, nioy Helgbta -NNE"St, (ea'pt side) tooth 220 Cab t.Bill.:46,10 AM* Ito A,thence" 1 4th South St., lteheington Ave west 8 ft„being a part of-8s0.Si.T,-1 e) eat 606 Mt.from 4th East S.,E. I E.. S. L. B. m M.:and the Inge n Ave(South aide)1 ot),a Nutty a)de of Lots 1 'hd 6e t0 04 Intl• 6 ft wet f eth EMI Si., ("Slk S.trm n Heights d[t6:Sf'Bik.4r, +9 6 8 ft-wet It❑East St Mel IS A t Plat A;Big B'ieid yu fy. yy Doint 4'.0 ii th -f.. 1?1VE Of T WALI° e e Lh nos 46 o'n tie,t8th L el w the,460E'side.Of (-{-f11"8llt 120 the St we side)front Logan Ave.to 17th woM elde of Lot 2 Of BilL loll•111 4000 -. deb Bt loth Ftaet 8t;Seen aide)Woos Ida I lye north 40 ft,at 1:44 1°d the Apt.(mo AVd,to fib B$ft.north,Maid t ft f t s Lot 1 pt Elk.L theeast tab (touts .. frbm510th aid to Ilthront lath he of the e,tar 40 ft. Of 116 1 and 'St., Lagah Ave. (no7th Gre) front loth the Nat skit.14 the moth Ili f as h7an)at.o 463 in.east' .eon N. (west 1 0 1,4f Elk.146 the ban[-firth aide of 'skin) from a point too fL. a,,kh of Pith St 1 end'4wat Of Elk..�21,the Eft Still., f beltth5500 St. to Meadow i etha,.Green 0, the Neat Bide Of,of]At 4 Of Bl 16a. ,l dt°L Md.)from 8Ave. r'Oath gt, e from 108 wen el wmt,sod°I f 8 o Ma. ! rt Mt. t loot l Ave (path eldem)f m 168, the wear -ald1- pf the 'berth t9an Bt.jo 7tit plait t.,81 mp°On A a. 41:a6 It,sod LOt i2 4d.tna Nabt efae (71Uttt. 1Ilt, dtrt5 th kV A"?4 D .'4.'the BoeOtouth llo Of fo '2f 0 G, Ion it.Highland nd Drive a 1,(borntsides) 1 d the Neet title 1 Not 2, of Bile..6 Mom STfe t ottt ((o Sbh East'St., f, the Waist side of tire'south 158,46 SIv° (o feet wtdl nod Na" at. 1Y®0t 1t,Pl.Lot I and h1 month',al40; the '214e)nOUth 164 ft,lromt0lh Ave„"J'at: Wa"L 83.5 fL o! sty 2,of 0)tbn,va Pltt 0fta '°ld s),north 1B6 ft'f8.b loth Ave:, 'ode 4 t e 00 thee t'17,7;tee.nt 1Sf iy ''0 St.(w0t0 old°)fetal a 401 ft lab th. sods of the northerly 6 C ts'Of-Ide f• artll of both 40050 ehoe'00 10!f.north,data the Plat aide of ea, I yell 4. 0 in(both Mallet h Yen 306 e) front lok.Vey:th Piat"t,Ei 8 aft= to 1 City Bur.. 10th Av0 Lrc St. (Went slue) fiord the:an .aide t side e I. Late 1 toll I„ from a loth 22.3 P. 31 (south ISt., the td0 Of Lot Bik.$ 1 tt s0 Trent a Point,8We tt W."t ( (, der Loisot of Lot 6.Of 01 k.tea ihsrO to e t•en e t 6 ft,. to FY Set(Net older ofl 2 tO 4 Io01,of B1k.IN tOf Oust aloe -. Eh•Av.,.--to 1 Belot,Ave. ( ft. of Late 1 and 1'tot a'and .B7k i': 4 f tits Ave., SStlt a, (North the east aide'pu!Lo[,3 and 1a to 2a *,i�set 12•b.Pt,t t'ot H 172 N th 0Mel.to of tool.Of the loot ado ' to a e t (Eat rb )fro: .t -4th North, to 11 0 el. t° BSI 17µ s4 O J Set i tI�r of M6 N for -t -OM N h Lolls 0 3.4 et.o the 'ate Md.Of,the • ° Ch St: (a0rth a 4)stole 0o7 n oath 212/4 el of thestet 724.42 f ,f • :t t DeSoto ttt}.y,, DeSOL bt Let 1.the welt efde at-thm,mouth 171.74 [JOEhCli ton)A Ave., Iatdt Ea tle St, ft.,of a art&EO ft.dt the wee!R4 if. (east IQ'0) north a19 a ft. from Net of.of t S the east kids o1 the.OUtti t4.7 south'se„ Lin eon se ( t Besse P 00 It of the weet8$0 it et'LOt 3,of Elk-I• point 287.1 tt.north Cl at South ne • 6 Acre Pint A'.Ws Ttofd et 07, bee,- tpingf 177 46 Y[.n0et1 no In St ((wa t plog at the OW C OP 1:oe 67 Ca Uda) f m a DOlnt 2871 fC: s0 th o[ terkihs Ct'and View Add, Of 1211r,1A, 2let South St tbende 34.7 ft. north, 6 Acre Piet A,'th nOtr W1al 44,8 1t.ba1ng 011aine A (°oath ids from a p Ina a part of lot 10,Elk 1A ihe WOOf at alas.f t$1t.went et 12th Bast'ea titan 46.2 the 0 th 110 It.OP the an' 4a$It.of It,west, eh East St. (}} t Ida) f otir LOt 11 OI Slk.9 th watch,t41 pt the V11.1 B0gah tD.a 7?PSnt 101iaE_pt'e abuts,0P slat 726 it=tit Lot a'af,e7k:ir yp°-mat trbaos' A.oe 6W771 10 5-(week 1701, WA',0 is S2'.d 19 of- winch nowt bidet't p0 0'ft. tt h'11 o or of 17G .Ada or Bik.$.b•APt1 PI2L A;the a.0 th (north thence 110 ft.t Utot lets Ea Ave. ells 7. he. 1 and BB f t 6$ ands Of ( th' It) m lets t° 1nor East S4. Ell, 4 the. B Id f the.toy h-8.0 froio E t St. tenet side) north- 86 ft.h ft.14 of LI t'1 Of . 0 7 3,`omo TIl Ha[atlte from Garfield1Ave„ r000 Ave. (south grid Add 'of the 0 54. Pl dt of the side)..e 4 Vo. G. f o de/ East to,, north ode.44 toe µeta I '8 On f the 17 lath Aae ...nth Ihi. ham o3t7 -south .ea it. Of Lot 11.'Pauli Lot. Bub. [aide/Ills 14}a t !foo d x th dS meAve, (north of I 'I thenC1 nth ald1.id.Late 46 to a poifto 291;2ft. east 14toh j11th Eastront St end 1 4 39 mold,t0 10 t,�IOf Of Lo41 h toe moat 60 ft.,and fr -poi t 151 00 6• o4 MM.,of anil e t able )5 A I, [ft clef t 4t11°.Eat 8 then Nat of Blot 41 the ((Mato 0801t Lot% 4 45 NOM of BM 11,the lei,: Ida of tet4 fib�`ts.. She mah14Ahe.East H (tipflApet Ava• It h and 48 p 61:look ! Eiif: LIb ray:I - 14tt St, (west•aide) P1'onr Rarnleon o eights Salo, f 1.o 11 he a wen*ids Abs.,to a posit 116.E ft,mouth 05 Brown- r L es,1 to Pe In01.Of 81l[.2,the welt aide of P.ote 24.en 12 into, of „es. a..the Or.AV10 d from,°poi t na ft. south north 110 of Lott ad to' -64.Insi:'of �if AOnast It Aas stofai' of ft. loans, ,, 2. the south Aide of Loot I to'43 ain Emit se, lasso.la's)From xarr;.an rtmm.a Ave,. to Roosev0lt Ave., � loon Ave, main f Stk. 8, the south side of the (bOo It 11d4) trem a 9Clnt 100'ft, Aant east 44.5 11 of let.11 of 81k 3 he , f 16th IDa L It. then.. 0,49.00 ft.,e8at welt vide of Lots 24 to 89 Inel 6!'$Ilo. Aron:hlhy Av (north attt) IrofV 16th 6. theo th Ode of the chef 14 t of fA 18C1pt ►tit Pete_}nd frolp'It point 991 Let 3e ot 81k 8 the north yid, t•f fk east Of 16t11 blast 8a,,6h0nce 808,64, Lott 88 to 66 pica Of Calk, 8.the vast It.east, PlroWnlnif Ave./(smith tilde) side Of Lot.1 to 4.Incl.eta the loath Brunt 16th to 17th East 11t., Ro Bevelt aids of Lott 1 1Ad 6 to•23 Ito' of BRCS Ave. .(noetli side) loom ¢6tlt Neat 41. rho Bast tilde at Lots'Ito 8 incl. {Btk x, tilt a'Dint 679.E L,sett AC Root 16th the a0rt1f tide of Lets 9 tb..8 MO, of 10 17th,Oat St. ROdsevoit AVe. (aeuth (ilk. 6 the'south alto of Lots 22 to 64 slide)4ttom-16th Cast t0.a. Olnt 616.E 11 nal. at $)k• 6.'the oast.e1Qe of Lot. lt, a11o`�t1can Ave )emukkl side) from and 2 anfl.the north 01de of Lot. 6 17th te.18t0 11aet at„ 8010-Scut- It, Igo 2f In01.,of Blk 7,0741D0t011y Heothts (tootle'e1d.) from 11111 ry Arlve Co.uub, of Btk, 1i; th0 IN`t a100 of the >)laktal Road, 1)leetel'Sod (4a.t 1de1 ebt 70 it. of Let 1.0f elk, 4,-Weal• ! e00thotly 17.11./t. tt em'uth 000th fit., m014)88d-F1000,Hlk 12:t110 north Ida 0g0, fro,-.a pdint.712.1 tL. e0atheft. e!a oto 1 Le 18 Itiel 0f Hilt.1.the nett- fodoS eth h'Outh'thed.e L eodl.Iterly 2t6 ft.Aide 0f Let.1 to 29.(h01.of Hik,8,Yale- 84Eh South 9t.,(f,0rtlr 11d g'tt0m a point 0reet Park b1D,of Hlk. 88;6•ROYo Plat 840.7 it. we0t of 16 th,,et Bt t'l aa0'C, 811 Pitt,Purvey: ths.*Bat*0l,side 76 888,26 ft. eat bad Y tn'a Point 108.46 of Lots e1 to 49.1D Land Lots 62 to 76 ft. vleet%01 16 t11.knot It),-thence 0 48.26 fn01.,the westerly aide •s'i h0tthdr1y ' IL west 141h Mast St.,( e00 side) trot" 8 St, t lit bl, thenorth,eld 0f Lots • - ot011Mar,Thu nton v ► olntt alb ft,IOU. L 1 14 77. a Wk. 1 s.at e Park of Thornton It, .gg01ot4G -6t (youth' ub.a Plo a pelt:of , 9 0 nfl It d1¢0)'east 248 ft.f m 7t tt tall`6•Y.are PIE qq and S o 9)'T 1 S 'R. VA poi t 984.,si B trb 1th,Ea04l t & L.'.t Ley 1, lie.1lnYLC floe ta 6 point 28.1 t, ea0 rt thetas p e t Wr. Of Lop t ]91k 19 1and$9. 11e 4t,Abet 4Of frOrl 11►et 0`4,. iv seat Park,a b of D0.rt of Hlkn,7t and 8.. point 1t..end t.aen t,at ix ( t 1:.101d Plat C.and $yc, Y. T. 1'west 00144 on 66 It. east,an 'six rids) feet 10 1 E., B, In a 16 bf„ a the west (0 tt 7th0,0 Ot.a It. t'fthsyf ett. of4 le l4,.T. 1 ► D�'t of the L. f A pafet 1 8'10 aat of and South t. of 5 0, T. 1 8 R. 1 of in L. B, Gl(1a0 east 108,0 [t }71.lout- It. d 3 the oath uA. t-k 0g Of$lk. • t8eonth el41 from It p01 t y4. 4t eat 1,t0lnt Il Ite{i'hta Add af.l3lk BP the 411 6t1t 49' t fit.EhCn01 wet 10 fltl it iat .mouth tilde et.th0 1 t"'Ell 8e.i0-fl 1 to. �p0440 Bt (40161tt fi fr h1 14ebt 107 4 0 t d62 t 1t. 00 C t.1 of;3tl1 80 tiIr ft.e04 of 1e1 t ( St t111RRR111dddFFFOno4boa L O4 a ginning t tbet nu Or.of lot 3 Ik.1*. ft.6nd M 11 Bt. (slat 1 9)B uth 1{, OIImA Park B b, el aft dt $lii. 1t.:irmm )1006a A t }atd aid Walk 17A,6 AOre Plot A,and glgg 2tl .ff Acre - to be.four(4)fnohh0110 18 th t Poo gg'port C th a0e t1 eh dl•K.ft. Deity to'ha opeehall(8�01 an 0010 thlek 0100 pert&e Let 1 ppf 8lk Ipl ACte Plat 0, f(0ree Snd'on0•halt(8t) 'Soh bask uDOn'the abet alai of Let 1 0•t 1IC P tpd•Stet the portions of'Okla litre ttpp 0ppe.14 the PPd0 et 1.Ot0},an)38 o IX.13,.G11m r Drmpertq hereithotor`an pereinatter de. Park Pub. of Hlk 3p, ti hO3n Plat C: ;ODr)0ppa too be eeneol08) fleeted and the north Ide'of the W st.721 It f. -b4rtlt(W by egatdn lmnrev ciente,and it 000 p [gilc,p9 ,10.put,21 t p the -stab..a61udR1d'40tsy Rod.hd at 4 a uth aide f-tan w t t06:„,,. i i;at ' lt6hdd that kffa,Propo y"vi111 b4 4-af1tL� .mute sld0 E T,,..,.4aa,6 ipol.. pe tally b 00fifed th eliy to theCull oft 8lk 8•Grtnita tub Plot�1,'H l(;t6, am0,unt et tl gnher haitiV1ed and,said ld Ap,, Plat., 1, r4nt aT 2 ti of 1lUill0 t 1 ha►rA hit,.1:aeeQtel at ad Oo at f Il i1Y Lkitift' 4t Oat eyva artd unttprtyt rat {n apCord bd¢A'ot H 411.'.ill Acfe R1nt'- h ;it tg.14 14, fOgt jr0.Fie LIFO-4a151 aet 10 it a D 7e,kV: f, kr p itOnA trf ebtd'a Cde rOntAed' apnd '98">�6gp0'dA 't118 !:0 1< 4LAdaD tee a it e,d,Pe'A ek LhOrefi t• Rl 2 a i gtln tat .y u. d,ti''hi ypt�x heYatlY eb1 11anad't3 B'TB1�pay S `iyp ><,,(t1L it ;4 i p1A6¢tlT�og 11gq.`iqp aikag.plB 11''b.&i611t99 )f ii-44 iii... f€d 39 VI u 4 4)l°eol]&^ dpryt .rettlea-Pttgt: 5- a 8k, .1 t ,-„. ..et ` f4 eyYS,�Ara ! licit a ;r Et a;ff, a0t �t?DJ{q�E p� it e'• R�H Y t7 a...y 7fetr-41i'd :tf ,'y e-b31(4; p 6,g�f,tt t 1. i,.818 iA _:yip-'•.'1-' ,.44 [ .ti'' §.0 i'4her 1'16 'EL -Or' ` . till ,}, '8. 0 �A # if tb ' � }�.Y. .°, ,ai7` r,'A. tar t t�^ �Tt 7 d¢,#,�y 1 L�(,#t 4 � 1 ; �`f�•, � t�r � � a t jy > yr } yl tali d0 ,.Ott 4 o2aa 1 ) }3j; t & - 3 r+�"•t 'tflilr�b f„ �t' rt^a» .1 t d A., !+4� ►t-A.r t't:d a .'L r t . , 'Tit i HA' 'k >.. �a}01n¢,�C ,k( i61iiAi r Bs •'VIVA ,�pn D1P', q° y Ht16t". sDn � .4btA'0. q 1A ': ��yy ttog e 0 at alK et p Ht-od of t,W 1„t la•V1 4e ' 0 86' I oea -nal Bald It •(Hldewaiy 1tot,th)n• , £20) of all n-00019lq* tht. , I081 Woo tit. the Lak I. gay tot,t'cO�pod>M-' a) , 01(8 9 01- alfovearni0(14081) 11 Ph "0IAtilot, t hlth.0ald 180001, Ia''n809 0.�00q'tI9OI46t t0't 1b the tai4l•bbuttet yet and"e t 0Or the geem01t0 mode•and raet tried In ff481 Q4o( of�4fiO4"it ,ta11G 000or4'ltrffgg -Bald 0 Mpoatpp0-,to and"MI6 re{{o�Ot of - t0 f84 00h net.cut d into fo 1he' the Hand f 111q ((about,1nd 0.e1OAw pertyy1n4t44 of eatd Wbrk d LUAk10B tD'th Board"0t Cemmllsfenafe 9f 0408 ecdb'lkt0orelueent W.1 th Choi teneet. Lwke 010n ar0-0Or. '..aklft• '►400Dvgd. J cab df Ofardne,Ot g I od tr to cat..and Sanf n1S& '.1(the era daI• e(MiY 192& a d the �IDCTI10 S. Vold tux Ahe 100t4 40:08- .Dlty, r4denrer 4,* Ot ty th rto d nd 01,0 1y.08 Yea ly Inot04,161 19 loo pro- dUeotr6 060 of t s O o d., f wlhe 0lded by'Ialt'a 0t11Dn14 a tote 1*0*-of the Dr0vl eonb 1 e00n rduanae, for.the. 0n 460,0 0 0 t soot- ut6B19 at10 Ws rate he of pars D 03l'It LI ne0: five Der Dent per 10009 l Dayable,yt the 't .TWO AND ONi e•or t -.FOOT WALK.70. 0) tom h I nrtatl1lmn{{ 1a dtla In thA The et meet fl t a east 187 07 t. antCl,, -tot paid r�h h{ tit Lot I.the, eO'BAds 0:Of he a 167 10-elms!Ald ffiele I paid,-'the day be of Lot-8 the'east'it . 10 aduth 10 04( Dn46m10'du§, the.rrnol brae t it. of It eft it{ 6 0;•o[Let 6, 0 of tk6 ep1e11 tax 11.1 td-�E Eh0 I e, - tla web.el N'Of Lot L11 10. t t111 sold betam0 404 and (tablet a 0 d e Oast 158.E It,Of Lot e4-]11k• Y7,Pllt shall DANonOS duo and Df boa,arid ntPafi &.. Qalt L ke It 4, i :31v. iht tell at txA rat et t d p.r, 1'OU�'R �� 'V�Atit' Delft er ammo udt41 a�ta'latf°'�pf CDe TAa fie /10e.[ hb oYt�.620 tt Dee ty u.eated 0!the w0et 148,6:1t Ct E b'^d d the g CTtA11 i'Thlp ordtnnhOh oil;face west eoea the-n ,1 pt Y the °14q4t o a da iftbr IL tiro g ilit east 148 6 eft, Of,„ lk,'7 8t}1 .. 0,,s AY' ,Board'bt CO iqt@100 , 14O th tkk Ada thA a fqt 96 qt era t salt 17a$e O), 77tah rya xSth-- lot the a 1kr191 ft •Let'1 fi1lLe o th day Of Ootonar,A.1) Ma. Ode tit 0 east 40 t Dt thafeed th bony i. J1a3610 F $O/vMhN Mayor. � ft of t 4,the tort slde'OY.'the west $T1!0L MAODO...., 116 ft• t the South 326 ft f Lot 4. ( G1ty Rt0atdet,' the VA IN Of 0 'r.q.t16 let dha north 9s6 is:-.o •iof : th o 1h 1l0i 0*1 12 • - tt1dS.of the +t.40[ of Lhe qo t 286 H(fl0lualk-&CatonOst1a�y No,qq1i •fl..-,Lot 6nW a a0h 11d1 DfthLi eel B101dd and(tine(820thy l0e. 8tl.tl'ft'o!OW aertlll 911 iL. Df Lit 0. �.Puallahad d6toa0r 26tIh-i854 *Li f. Nl • • *it I kS,S. Id% 1-•