42 of 1929 - Curb and Gutter Extension No. 69-2d and final estimate ROLL CALL
(a iV —.', 1929
VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, 192
Burton - - I move that the ordinance be passed.
Fehr -
Finch - Y
Moran -
AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX and for the assessment of
property in Paving District No. 7>F; (Curb and Gutter Extension No.
69) for the purpose of providing for the curbing and guttering.
Be it ordained by the board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION I. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of
the same upon the property hereinafter described in Paving District
No. 32 (Curb and Gutter Extension No. 69) for the purpose of pro-
viding for the grading, constructing concrete curb and gutter,
drainage system, private driveways and oil-macadam surface, to-wit:
Lots 11 to SO incl. of Blk 2 and Lots 1 and 40 to
58 incl. of 81k. '6, of East Side Addition of P1k. 5, 5-
Acre Plat A, Big Field Survey, abutting on both sides of
Downington Avenue from 6th to 7th Last Streets.
This tax is levied to defray the expense of ,grad.ing,
constructing concrete curb and gutter, drainage system, private
driveways and oil-macadam surface two and one-half (2-D inches
thick on a crushed rock base four (4) inches thick, said roadway
to be thirty-six (se) feet between curbs with twenty-four (24)
inch gutter on both sides of Downington Avenue from 6th to 7th
East Streets, the portion of said street opposite the property
hereinafter described to be especially benefited by said improve-
ment, and it is hereby adjudged, determined and established that
said property will be especially benefited thereby to the full
amount of the tax hereby levied, and saia parcels of land are hereP
!by assessed at an equal and uniform rate in accordance with the
linear foot frontage upon said portions of said street, fronting
upon and to the entire depth back therefrom, and the tax hereby
Clewed and to be assessed upon said parcels of land is Six '1'housan�
One Hundred Forty-six and W ./100 (U6,1d6.04) Dollars; Dive Thousand
live Hundred Seventy and 04/100 (45,570.04) Lollars or Three and
99/l00 ($$3.99`) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting pro-
perty for thirty-six (36) foot roadway, there being 156.0 feet of
! abutting property; Five Hundred Seventy-six (4576.00) Dollars for
! private driveways, there being sixteen (16) private driveways at
!'Thirty-six ($36.00) Dollars for each private driveway; within the
boundaries of the lots, blocks and streets above mentioned in said
district; which is the total abutters' cost and cost per front foot
of said improvement, according to the contract entered into for th$
performance of said work and making sale, improvement with Pickering
Brothers, contractor, dated the both day of July, 1929, and the City
( Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to assess, in accordance
( with the provisions of this ordinance, for the purpose herein men-'
The south side of Lots 11 to '::,0 incl. of Blk. B and the
north side of Lots 1 & 40 to 58 incl. of Blk. =`, of Last Side
j hddition of Blk. 3, 5-Acre Plat A, Big field ;:-urvey.
TO THE REGULAR .ASSESSMENT. (gg6.00 per driveway)
! The south side of the east 10 ft. of Lot 14, the south
1 side of the west 15 ft. of Lot 14, the south side of the east 12.5
ft. of Lot 17, the south side of Lots 18 and Cl, the south side
of the west 12.5 ft. of Lot 22, the south side of Lot24, the south
side of the west 1.2.5 ft. of Lot 25, and the south side of Lot 27„
of Bllc. ; the north side of Lot 90, the north side of the west
11 ft. of Lot 44, the north side of the east 14 ft. of Lot 44,
$( i
E� !
iit -3-
)the north side of the east 10 ft. of Lot 46, the north side of the
east 6.''33i.fty"of Lot 53, the north side of the west 13.67 ft. of
Lot 54, the north side of Lot 55, and the north side of the west
jl .5 ft. of Lot 57, of Blk. 3; Cast Side Addition of 131k. 3, 5-Acre;
Plat A, Big Field Survey; as the same are shown upon the official
Iplats of said city to the entire depth of said parcels of land and
Iijto collect said tax.
SUCTION 2. Tha_t..the assessment list made by the City
LTreasurer, ascorrected' _approveu and completed by the Board of
' Equalization and Review'of the property described in Section I of
. this ordinance in Paving District No. 32,(Curb and Gutter Extension
IN'o. 69) of Salt, Lake City, for the purpose of providing for the
radin constructin concrete curb and gutter, drainage system,
�g g� g � Y m,
private driveways and oil-macadam surface upon said portion of said
street, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and returned '.
!din said completed lists, and the report of the Board of Equa.liza..tian
Band Review to the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City are here-
by ratified, approved and confirmed.
l, SECTION 3. Said tax shall be payable in five equal yearly
fiinstallments as provided by law and ordinance with interest on the :
whole sum unpaid at the rate of five per cent per annum, payable
et the time each installment is due. In the event any installment.
for the interest aforesaid is not paid on the day the same becomes
': due, the whole amount of the special tax unpaid et the time said
installment and interest are due, shall become cue and payable, and
iishall draw interest at the rate of twelve per cent per annum until
the sale of the property assessed.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect one day after
its publication.
-- C
Plsed by the Boar of Commissioners of 8alt Lake City, Utah, the
_' T_ `_ day_y of 1,1-m- qpsAr_ __, L.D. 19 9.
' C� v.6.0 01 Nluyor.
.tyy Recorder.
Curb & Gutter Extension No. 68. Lnd & Final estimate.
y i
, 1'I
, s•
front' of f nbttrtt#tnn
Matted*Udell of Aaterirtt
AN mimic/Ace,
idf hee aseeseemeott of Vproper i 00?i Ing
IIDletrlct No 3fOr thb and Outlier acoviti HARRY WOLFF
log It the fined by the guttering"'
,Be It Ordained by the ity O of Com
I4SECTION 1 ahhat he B ye,d of Com
inieeionerl of Sail Loge off yo dose hereby being fast duly sworn deposes and says that he is the Principal Clerk
levy the tax and provide for Ale WOOF
meat of the Stine upon the property
hereinafter described in lipping Dletrlct
No)) 32 therpurppoe of°p oviding for No of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE a newspaper published in
gracility constructing concrete curb and
gutter drainage eyetem private drive
W5ye and oli macadam a ffa4aoe,to Wit
Lots 11 to 30 anol -sip 2 and Salt Lake City Salt Lake County State of Utah
Lots 1 and 40 to 18 incl of Bak 3
of East Side Addition 0f BSc 3 5
Acre Plot A Big-Field Survey tint
tinyAvenue fr m eta°to of 7th E inetrree°te ; Tha AN t the Notice ORDINANCE BILL #42.
This tax Is levied to defray thq,expsnse
of grading eonetryelting condtete curb
and Hitter drainage eyetem p;),vate eURB & GUTTER EXTENSION #69.
drlveWaye and oll macadam surface two
and one half(21 2)inches thick on a
ieruohed rook base four(4)4nobee thick
bed Medwaptow(tee t irtyy six
loch glitter on both tides of Domini*
too Avenue from 8th to 7th East Stree
!the pertldo of said streettS
property hereinafter deac ibed to be Es
'Peefally benefited py p 1p'yyrovement
and It II hereby milli ed determined
(end,established that d propertyp�y w111
P cunt of the tat hhereeted byyy my-to and copy is hereto attached was first published in said news
said p eels of land are hereby aassessea of which a
at an equal and uniform rate In aa-
cordane4 with the linear foot frontage
lac uye*td portions
oton and ioo Elie said street,
rooStbacr, paper in its issue dated the 7th
therefrom and the tail hereby levied ,
Go be assessed upon.said parcei9 of(Mod 192
a Six Thousand One Hundred Forty November
$ix and 04 100(e614e 04)Doliate'Five day of
[ and
0nd 0)1jled h4100($3 704 D0mre or Three and
90 MO(.399)Dollars per front or linear and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper on
,foot of abutting property for thirty 91x
136E ofooturo roadway
way�there Mils 1396 0!
g property
rarty re Hundred November 7th.for
Seventy sixabutting
ng pro DO$are for private,
a teeways there belay sixteen(�14)pri
vate driveways at Thirty (835 00)D01
for each private driveway Within
linethe boundaries of the late blocks and
[streets above mentioned In said dietriet which is the total ablittore Coat and thereafter the full period of One insertion.
co t per front foot of mild Improvement
according to the contract entered Into
for the performance Of said work and,
making said improvement with Picker the last publication thereof
Mg Brothers Contractor dated the 30th
day Of July 1929 and the City Tree
surer is hereby authorized and dfreebpd
tio assess ai a accordance
c orlon a with thea Pry 7 th
heroic mentioned Y1i1'poae being in the issue dated the day of
The south side of Lots 11 to 30 inc1
of WY 2 and theenorth aide Of Lot 1 November
and 40 to 58 fool of ik 3 of East side, A 192
Addition of Elk 3 Acre Plat A Bil
Field Soil ey
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of
November 9
A D 192
Notary Public
Advertising fee $
c 1
The south-old of the Beat 10 ft of
Lot 14 the south aide of the west 15
t Of Lot 14 the eolith aide of the eat
A ft of lot 17 the south aide of Lot
8 and 21 the south side of the w st
12 5 It of Lot 22 th oath Me of L t
24 th tooth side of the west 12 5 ft of
LOt 25 nd the south side o1 Lot 21 o1
Elk 2 the no th side of t the we t 11 fo
of Lot 44 the
north aide Of the eat 14 ft of Lob 44
the n0 th side of the east 10 ft of Lot
4e the north ide of the west 833 ft
of Lot t
8 87 1t 8of Lot 54 the n3 the north orth side of Lot of the o
55 and the north side of the welt U
ft of Lot 57 of Blk 3 East Side Add'
Lion of Bik 3 5 Ac e Plat A Big Field
Survey as the same are shown upon
the olftclol plats of said city to the oath'
depth of said parcels of land and to
collect said tax
SECTION 2 That the aSiesement list
made by the City Treasurer as correct
ed spproted and completed by the Board
of Equalization and Review of the projl.
}ty described in 8e tien 1 of this or
dlnance 4n Paving District 1.4439
t 3of(CO&
and Gutter Extend n No
Lake City for the purpose of providing
for the grading constructing Concrete
curb end gutter drainage t7 tem pet
vete driveway and oh m°edam surface
upon said ports n of told street is here
by confirmed and the assessments made
Mid returned 1n said completed 11ste and
the report of the Board of Equahxatidh
and Review to the Beard of Control
tfolfers of Salt Lake City are hereby rat
Hied approved and confirmed
SECTION 3 Said tax shall be payable
in five equal yearly installments ea.pro
aided by law and ordinance With interest
on the whole emu unpaid at the rate of
floe per cent p r annum payable at the
time each in tmiment is due In the
event any Installment or the interest
afore.id Is not paid on the day the
.ante becomes due the Whole amollpt
of the pedal tax unpaid at the tlm
Odd installment and interest are due
hall become due and payable and shall
drew interest at the Tate of tW lye per
cent per anndm until the sale of the
property a see ed
SECTION 4 This ordinance shall take
effect one day after its publication
Pasted by the Board of Commissioners
of Salt Lake City Utah the 5th day
of November A D 1929
Temporary Chairmen
City Recorder
Sill No 92
Curb and Clutter Bot No 89
Seeoid and Final Estimate
Published Nov 7 1929
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