42 of 1935 - Relating to the licensing of dealers in beer, fixing fees therefor and designing zones where beer ma ROLL CALL
VOTING ' AYE I NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, SLP IQ IA 193
Goggin I move that the ordinance be passe .
Keyser 1/./
Lee !f�.
Mr. Chairman - - ;a^'
beer, fixing the fees therefor and designating zones where beer
may be dispensed in Salt Lake City on draft.
-,e it ordained by the i-oa.rd of Commissioners of : alt
Lake Sity, Utah:
SLCTION I. It sht.il be unlawful for any person to engage
in the b•usilness of a. wholesaler or retailer of beer within the
corporate,,limits of Salt Lake Lity without first having procured a
license therefor from the dtate Lie or Control Commission and
having paid therefor the fees as 'hereinafter provided.
SECTION 2. the word "beer" as used in this ordinance
means any beverage obtained by alcoholic fermentation of an infu-
sion or decoction of barley, malt, hops and other ingredients in
drinkable water and containing in excess of one-half of 1 per centum
of alcohol by volume and not more than 3.2 per centum of alcohol
by weight..
L'he word "retailer" means any person engaged in the sale
or distribution of beer to the consumer.
The word "wholesaler" means any person other than a.
brev;er engaged in the distribution of beer in wholesale or jobbing
quantities to licensed retailers.
SECTION 3. Licenses issued by the State Liquor Control
Commission for the sale of beer in bait Lake City shall be of the
following kinds and numbers and shall have the following privileges:
Class "1,'t retail license entitles the licensee to sell
in the original bottles having the label of the maker thereon and
bearing the state excise stamp as required under the E.ta.te Liquor
let, for consuppption off the premises. License`i?'eCs sor a class
ThuinAn retail license shall be V,50.00 per annum.
Class "B" retail license entitles the holder to sell
beer on draft for consumption on the premises at any place in Salt
d,Labe ally not prohibited- under the 1dcuor Control act of the State
of Utah z:ad to all privileges or class "a" retail license:. Li-
occnse fees for a class "Du retl..il license shell be E'h750.0d per
7 a;:inum.
I wholesale license entitles the holder to sell bottled
and keg beer to licensed retailers. License fees for a wholesale
license shall be f400.60 per annum.
SECTION '. That for the Purpose of promoting the --morals,
convenience and general welfare of the inhaoitc,nts of Salt Lake
(City, the city is hereby divided into the follo::in ; zones:
ZOIL I shall embrace the territory bounded on the north
Lby a line 165 feet north of the north side of North Temple Street,
ion the south by the north side of -First South Street, on the west
Eby the east side of est Temple ftrcet, on the east by a line 165
Meet east of the east side of Second _Fast Street.
ZONE 2 shall embrace the territory bounded on the north
Oy the south side of First South Street, on the south by the north
side of Third South Street, on the -Test by the east side of 0est
fitemole Street and on the east by a line 165 feet east of the east
side of Second. Last r;treet.
ZONE 3 shall embrace the territory bounded on the north
by the south side of 'Third Mouth :street, on the south by a line 16'
feet south of the south side of Fifth South Street, on the west by
the east side of rest temple Street and on the east by a. line 165
feet east of the east side of Second Last Street.
ZONE 4 shall embrace the territory bounded on the north
yby a line 165 feet north of the north side of North Temple Street,
on the south by the north side of First South Street, on the west
by a line 165 feet west of the west side of Fourth bast Street and
ion the east by the west side of best temple Street.
ZONd 5 shall embrace the territory bounded on the north
3 by the south side of !'irst :south Street, on the south by a line-* '�,6"
Meet south of the south side of t''ifth South Street, on the west by
a line 165 feet west of the west side of xth `, est Street and on
; the east by the west side of test Temple Street.
{ ZONE 6 shall embrace the territory bounded on the north
by the south side of seventeenth :ouch treet, on the south by the
city limits, on the west by a line 165 feet nest of the west side
of Fifth ]last Street and on the east by a line 165 feet east of tha
east side of Thirtee„np fast Street.
Z ]E 7 h g• embrace all o .the territory within the cor
d: y
tt included in Zones 1 to 6
porate boundxe aof�lt ' e �zty" *f
of this ordiv. ice ,,
mM r zy
7hhx a a1�;,. dt ' is..�ued r e than three of class "B"
YRi 4 fi 77
q F <�
g retail l.icen if ,eon , i �}oz},, fourteen in one , or mar-
than seven ire f,on, mote than t in Zone 4, or more than
Four in 'tone t, or more th`+'. too i Ye 6. The remaining license-
.' €€ permitted. by lam in Salt Lake City shall be issued in Zone 7.
SECTION 5. This ordinance shall tote effect when the
Liquor Control Commission of the State of Utah shall notify the
! Board of commissioners of Salt Lake City that they are ready to
designate and license wholesale and retail vendors of beer in ,`.salt
Lake City.
Passed -y the ''oard of Commissioners of 'Salt Lac City,
L Utah, thisY of - . 103
City fecorder.
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ifroofni 1nbttrattnn
3hnttgi *twits of Attulira
An ordinance relating to the Hx P. T.HOMPSON
• ltceii$ing.of.dealers in beer,fix-
ing the-lees'therefor and deslg-
wiring-zones where beer may be
•c}iepensed in Salt Lake city on being first duly sworn,deposes and says,that he is the Principal Clerk
Be it ordained by the Board of
commissioners of Salt City, of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE, a newspaper
Uompublished in
Section 1. It ehall•be unlawful
for any person to engage in the
business of a wholesaler or re- Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County,State of Utah.
toiler of beer within the corpo •
rate limits of Salt Lake City
Without first having procured a That the NoticeM ORDINANCE.
license therefor from the State
Liquor Control Commission and
having paid therefor the fees as
hereinafter provided. BIIL NO. 42
Section 2. The word "beer,"
as used in this ordinance,means
any beverage obtained,by alto- SALT L91te'...CITY__..CORPOWrIQN
holic fermentation of an infu-
sion or decoction of barley,malt,
hops and other ingredients in
drinkable'water'and containing
_ in excess of one-half of 1 per
centum of alcohol by volume and
not more than 3.2 per centum of of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news-
alcohol by weight.
The word"retailer"means any
person engaged in the sale or dis-
tributionin of beer to the con- paper
The word"wholesaler"means
. .. person-other than a brewer day of ___.September , 193...55-,
engaged in the distribution of
beer 'in wholesale or jobbing
quantities to licensed retailers. and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on
Section 3. Licenses issued by
the State Liquor Control Com-
mission for the'sale'of beer in One ins.ertdlon.On September llth.
Salt Lake City shall be of the
following kinds and numbers and
shall have the following priv-
ileges: thereafter,the full period of
Class"A"retail license entitles
the licensee to sell in the orig-
inal bottles having the label of _ _ the last publication thereof
• the maker thereon and.bearing
' the state excise stamp as re-
quired under the State Liquor
Act, for consumption off the being in the issue dated the 11th day of
premises. License fees-for a
class "A" retail license shall be
$50.00 per annum. September ,A.D.193 5
Class'"B"retail license entitles
the holder to sell beer on draft
for consumption on the premises
at any place in Salt Lake City not ✓/Y
prohibited under the Liquor Con-
trol Act of the State of Utah and
to all privileges of class"A"re-
, tail licenses. License fees fora vorn to before me this 12th _ day of
class "B"retail license shall be
$750.00 per annum.
Awholesale license entitles the
holder to sell bottled beer and keg ember ,A.D.193..-_...5
beer to licensedcensed retailers.License
fees for wholesale license shall
be$400.00 per annum.
Notary Public.
Advertising'fee $
Section 4. That for the pur-
pose of promoting the morals,
convenience and general welfare
of the inhabitants of Salt Lake
City, the city is hereby divided
into the following zones:
ZONE 1 shall embrace the ter-
ritory bounded on the north by
a line 165 feet north.of the north
side of North Temple street,on
the South by the north aide of
First.South..street, on the West
•.afy the east side of West Temple
='Street;on'the east.by a line 165
leef t ast of the east si,dq of
•Second lEaat street:
ZONE 2-shall-embrace'the.ter-
,-ritory bounded on the north by
.the south side of First South
•street,'on the south by the north
side.of Third South Street,on the
west by the east aide of West
Temple street and on the east by
a line 165 feet east of the east
side of Second East street.
ZONE 3 shall embrace the ter-
ritory bounded on the north by
the south side'.of Third South
street,'on the south bye a line 165
feet south of the south side of
Fifth South street, on the west
by the east side of West Temple
street and on the east by a line
165 feet east of the east side of
Second East street.
ZONE 4 shall embrace thk'ter-
ritory bounded on the north'by
a line 165 feet north of the north
side of North Temple street, on
the south by the north side of
First South street, on the west
by a line 165 feet west of the
west side of Fourth West street
and on the east by the west side
of West Temple street.
ZONE-5 shall embrace the ter-
ritory bounded on the north by
the south aide of First South
street,on the south by a line 165
feet south of the south side of
Fifth South street,on the west
by a line'165 feet west of the
west side of Sixth West street
and on the east by the west side
of West Temple street.
ZONE 6 shall embrace the ter-
ritory bounded on the north by
the south side of Seventeenth
South street,on the south by the.
city limits,on the west by aline
185 feet west of the west side
of Fifth East street and en the
east by a line 165 feet east of
the east side of Thirteenth East
ZONE 7 shall embrace,u11-'ef
the territory within the corporate
boundaries of Salt Lake City not
included to Zones 1 to 6 of this
There shall not be issued-more
than three of class "B" retail
licenses in Zone 1,or more than
fourteen in Zone 2,or more than
r±:seven in Zone 3, or more than
^:three in Zone 4,or more than four
In Zone 5,or more than two in
!- Zone 6. The remaining licenses
permitted by law in Salt Lake
City shall be issued In Zone 7.
Section 5. This ordinance shall
take effect when the Liquor Con-
trol Commission of the State of
Utah shall notify the Board of
Commissioners of Salt Lake City
that they are ready to designate
and license wholesale and retail
vendors of beer in Salt',I:ake City.
Passed by the Board of Com-
missioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 10th day of Septem-
City Recorder.
3 Sseputy City Recorder.
, ,:r. 42.
.:shed September 11,1935.
Ottit Eakt Xributte
Entry No