42 of 1937 - Amending Sections 252X1, 252X2, 252X10, 252X13, 252X14, 252X22 and 252X223, relating to the Division Rec.IUB 100 1-2-37 ROLL CALL VOTING 444 Salt Lake City,Utah,- DEC 14 1932 Goggin " 1 move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser yy Matheson - - - - — / u_,�„�_✓� Murdock - - - - Mr.Chairman - - - es AN ORDINANCE Result - AN ORDINANCI^ AMENDING SECTIONS btXl, 55`12, 1'S`X10, •5fxiL3, 252X14, 252X2? acid -:.5i2X`ED, of the Devised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 19d4, relating to Division of Dairy and Milk Inspection. re it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section tbtXl of the Devised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 19;34, relating to Division of Dairy and Milk Inspection, be and the same is hereby amended by amending the first paragraph thereof to roafi as follows: SEC. 25S11. PERMITS. It shall be unlawful for any per- . - son to bring into or receive into the city of Salt Lake City or its police jurisdiction:, for sale, or to sell, or to offer for sale therein, or to have on hand, or to have in storage where milk is sold or served, or to deliver, or to distribute any milk or milk product defined in. this ordinance, who does not possess a permit from the health officer of the city of Salt Lake, and. on whose vehicle there does not appear in a con- spicuous place on both .sides of the vehicle the name of per- mittee, the grade and character of the milk or milk products to be sold, and the permit number in figures at least three inches high and one and one-half inches wide. O pry. c2 z 2c 2 SECTION 2�. That Sections 2��:X2,, , o�X10, 2.�e_Xl�,, �..X14, 252X22 and 252X23, of the Revised Ordinances of bait Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to Division of Dairy and Milk Inspection, be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows: SEE. 252X2. BOTTLES. LADCLING.- All bottles, cans, packages and other containers enclosing milk or any milk product 42 I defined in this ordinance shall bo labeled or marked with (1) the name of the contents as given in the definitions i in this ordinance; (t) the grade of the contents if said contents are graded under the provisions of this ordinance; . 1 (i) the word "pasteurized" only if the contents have been; it pasteurized; (4) the word "rarer" only if the contents are raw; (5) the name of the producer if the contents are raw, and the name of the plant at which the contents were pasteurised; I I (C',) the name of the owner of the milk if pasteurized in. r 1 plant other than the owner. The label or mark shall be :in letters of size, kind and color approved by the health officer and shall contain no 1 marks or words not approved try the health officer. 1 No person shall. refl., distribute or offer for sale, milk or milk products in containers with labels by signs thereon of another person or dairy or with. labels indicative that the product is that of a person other than the owner. All milk bottlee shall. ke so capped as to protect the souring lip of the bottle from any :ont- ninitlon which slay of feet the milk when the same is poured from such bottle. :loch cap or cover shall be of a kind and type approved by the health officer. P'C. 25L'110. HOI',40GENIZLD AND 1 ISaOLI i_) MILK And GLUM. The words "Homogenized_" and V-iscelloed" milk and cream when used in this article shall. mean milk or cream that, in addition to being pasteurized, has been submitted to trestlpentl in equipment, approved by the Salt Lake City Department of Health, which breaks up the fat globules so as to prevent the normal raising of the cream upon standing. The addition of a portion of homonizei or visco_ :.i:_i :r,;_1'_ or cream to other milk to increase the visible cream line is strictly forbidden. Ail homogenised or viscolized milk or cream shall bear a label I --;',-- stating that the milk or cream has been homogenized or viscol- lzel. together with any other information rebuired for pasLeur- ised milk. or any milk products defined in this ordinance. SEC. f'25?.Xl WiTza TO 1 PAMTIMIZEL. No person thalll in the city of Calt. Cake City or its police jurisdiction pro- duce, Egoil, offer or expdae for sale, or have in possession. intent to sell., any milt or milk products, which has not been , I Ipasteurized in resort ace with the terms of this ordinance, emit shall be plainly labeled pasteurized, provhded that nothing inl this clause shall be considered to prevent the sale of various grades of raw milk scribe in this ordinance to pasteurizing or processing plants. EEC. P50114. rJRADT.T..; litIT,'-_ AND ifL ICC ?Epouu _LLINI MAY LE COLD, No milk or milk products shall be sold to the fimil 1 consumer, or to restaurants, soda fountains, grocery stores or I similar estailishments, except grade "A" and "b", pasteurized and certified pasteurized. I SIX. 252X2E. hillIllAlillES AND Mll4 PLANI . All dairies and milk plants from which milk is supplied to the city I of Salt Lake City which aro hereafter constructed, shall conf m in their construction to the requirements of the health office', which shall not be less than the grade "A" reouirements of thi chapter. All plans for not construction or ior changes in co 1 struction must be submitted to the coard of Health for their I 1 approval before such construction work or changes are male. I I SEC. fl.5f,' S. AP?LIGATION p'or IlilkM-M. No person, ark I or corporation that purchases or gathers milk or cream from a milk producer a Aefined in this ordinance shall enrage in. the purchasing, gathering or delivorinc of milk without first oh- I I I taining for each vehicle used in the dathorin" of said milk or cream a permit from the Court of Heaith of alt LLeke City and 1 printing icc. a conspicuous place on both sides thereof the name of the permittee, the grade of milk product purchased and the permit number in figures at least thee° inchs high and one ank onc-half inches -Ade. Such permit shall be issued only in the , 1 I -"- I name of the owner or oszners of the vehicles used in the gothen- ink of such milk or cream. Permit for the purooae of t'si.s ordinance shall be conclusive evidence of or;norsii:[o of such vehicle and salld permit shall not either he sold or assigned or transferred. each permit for each vehicle shall be conpici- 1 ously placed in said vehicle. The hoard of Health of (sa.11; Lake City shall furnish Clank for said application, and it shall contain such information the Cooed of Health rosy so- ouire. The application shall contain an apraement with the Coary of Health that the Commissioner of Health or hx ; sduly I sualified agents shall have the right to pass upon the suita- i hi.lity of the vehicles to be used in the gathering of milk. or cream arri said permit shall be revotes•. on failure of said ap- plicant to comply ',with. the regulations of the tioard of Health jI of Caleb Lake City. Any person, firm or corporation engaged in the busi- I � ne,^s of selling, handling, processins- or delivering milk on making; application for apermit under this article shall sub- mit the names of all persons employed in their plant who axe inairectly or directly engager: in the operation of pasteuriz-- ers. Cuch employees shall appear before examiners of the Board of Health for examination at any reasonable times so rei- c,uested by the Board. of Health. No permit shall be granted or any _aermit ,_ranter_ may be revoked upon the failure of the I applicant or permittee to require his employees or agents to comely with this section. the '.oara of health shall deter-min.: the :ritnrss el such employees to process, pasteurize or handle milk from the findings of such examinations and shall. promul- gate such rules and . gulations as shall be necessary to carry out the purpose of this ordinance. No person shall be employ- er to process, pasteurize or handle milk Whol.5 sti-f ertog 1'ro11 1 any disease or condition which may tend to contaminate such Tiik. PJfOTIO 1 d. This ordinance shall take effect six months -b- 'fter its passave. Pesaed 'fly the hoard of Complimbioners oj ;alt Lake City, Utah, on the day of _ 1• • rl V &yor. City-To c 4- 42 --bfZD!"!.4 DEC 14 7 U