42 of 1938 - Amending Section 732 of Bill Number 8, 1936, relating to streets, display of advertising matter and KVLL �..HL.L Salt Lake City,Utah, JUN-7tsJ8 , 193 VOTING AYE NAY Goggin I move thkt thOrdinance be passed. Keyser - - - - Matheson - - - - i3� Murdock - - - - � V Mr.Chairman - - - -- -- AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 732 of an ordi nance passed by the Board of Commissioners on March 3, 1936, designated as bill No. 3 of 1936, relating to licenses. Be it thrdained by the Board. of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 732 of an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on March 3, 1936, designated as bill No. 3 of 1936, relating to licenses, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: SEC. 732. The word "street" as used in this ordinance shall embrace all land platted as a street between the adjacent property lines including sidewalk and parkings. It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in or carry on any business or occupation upon any street in Cali Lake City, except in, upon or along any of the streets designated in Sec. 669 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt .Lake City, Utah, 1934. No person shall from any vehicle, stand or structure stationed, placed or located upon any street in Salt Lake City by display of any advertising matter or any goods, wares, merchandise, fruits or vegetables in or about such vehicle, stand or struc- ture or about such street, invite travelers upon such street to transact business or purchase any such wares then displayed upon or near such street, nor shall any person leave or permit to re- main upon any street in Salt Lake City any goods, wares, merchan- dise, fruits or vegetables displayed or offered for sale. This ordinance shall not be construed to prohibit the use of the streets to travelers or to licensed vendors conveying goods, wares; merchandise, fruits or vegetables lawfully upon or along any -2- street while traveling from place to place or house to house exposing, offering for sale or selling such Foods, ,cares, mer- chandise, fruits or vegetables as peddlers and hawkers. Upon receipt of a written application therefor, the Board of Commissioners may in its discretion and upon such terms as it deems necessary grant to persons owning or in law-I ful possession of real property abutting upon any street writ- ten permission to use a portion of the street contiguous to such property to display or sell merchandise for such _period of time as is specifically ;tated in such written permit. Such permission granted may be revoked by said board of Com- missioners at any time without cause:. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediately SECTION 3. This ordinance ahall take effect at once upon its first publication. Ackie ,--( -7:_-_-t--------_ ---_____ —mil Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this ? day of _ ‘ , A.D. 1038. (CL-- y 'ffiiayo-r. City . order. { II I; f 11 RSTI NCE R.L. .1.0 • froseated to the ikarci CE.m.-nis4;,i6.11$ AND PASSED JUN 7!038 • • First Publication in '2LcAt+IdiA--ijitr"t JUN-k-1938 • Irnnf of Puhttrattun attra'tatro of.Plotrrtra STATE OF UTAH ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE AN ORDINANCE An ordinance amending Section 732 of an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on March 3, I H•._P.....THOM/S.ON 1936,designated as bill No.8 of 1936,' relating to licensee. 79C it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, being first duly sworn,depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of Utah: Section 1.That Section 732 of an ordinance passed by the Board at dsinderslnosei918re designated esbilN 136, - THE SALT LAKE TELEGRAM,a newspaper,published at Salt Lake eating to licenses,be and the camel is hereby amended to read as fol- lows: Sec. 732. The word "street" as City,State of Utah. used 1n this ordinance shall em- brace all land platted as a street between the adjIncluding sidewalk nand Darkingeproperty �nes ..- n shall be unlawful for any per- That the Notice4N--.QRD2N11NCEy-_-SZLL-..A'1) .-s}:3 son to engage in or carry On any business or occupation upon any street in Salt Lake city,except in, SALT LAFE CITY CORPORATION. upon or along any of the streets -designated in Sec.669 of the Re- vised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934. No person shall Dorn any vehicle,stand or structure sta- tioned,placed or located upon an street in Salt Lake City by display of any advertising matter of any goods,warm,merchandise,fruits or vegetables in or about such vehilel, stand or structure or about such street, invite travelers upon,such street to transact business or Dur- of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news- chase any such wares then dis- played upon or near such street, nor shall any person leave or per- 8th SaSt to remain upon any street In paper in its issue dated the lt Lake City any,goods, wares, merchandise, fruits or vegetables displayed or offered for sale.This ordinance shall not be construed to dayof June 1938prohibit the use of the streets to ' travelers or to licensed vendors con- eying goods, wares, merchandise, con- veying vegetable lawfully upon and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on for rom place any street while traveling place to place or house to house exposing,offering for sale o selling suer[Pods.wares,merchant June 8th• for disc, fruits' r vegetables as ped- dlers and hawkers. Upon receipt of a written applica- tion therefor,the Board of Commie- stoners may in its discretion and thereafter,the full period of One nzert. on upon such terms as it deems neces- sary grant to persons owning or In lawful o ttingg possession p nany street Property the last publication thereof permission to use a portion of the street contiguous to such property to display or sell merchandiseiseforfor such period of time as is spelYlcally being in the issue dated the 8th day of stated 1n such written permit.Such permission granted may be revoked banyaid Board of times withoutCc us. of at June 8 Section 2.In the opinion of the ,A.D.193 Board of Commissioners,it is neces- sary to the peace,health and safety. of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect Immediately. Section 3. Thin ordinance shall upon its effect at once upon first' Publication. Pased by the Board of Commis- 9th stoners of Salt'Lake City,Utah,this to before me this day of 7t3 day of June,A.D.1938. W. MURDOCH, Temporary Chairman. (Seal) ETHEL A DONAo der. Tune , A. D. 1938 Bill No.42. Published June 8,1938. Notary Public. My commission expires 7 r ; . Advertising fee$ z .r? - ...:•.. t H lzt cg . , ---, o ., la it._... , ..) 0 Fro it _, . ., --.• 0 0. 7 47 ar 0. 4 .