42 of 1939 - Amending Chapter 1605, relating to fire zones in Building Code, 1933 Edition I ROLL CALL Nr)1l 21 'luw VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City, Utah, , 193 Goggin I move that the ordinance be passed. t' Keyser Matheson - - - - Murdock - - - - M .Chairman - - - ' 7 AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE EMENDING CHAPTER 16 of the Salt Lake City Building Code, 1933 edition, by adding in and to said chapter a new i section to be known as Section 1C05, relating to restrictions in • fire zones. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Chapter 16 of the Salt Lake City Building Code, 1933 edition, be and the same is hereby-emended by adding in and to said chapter a new section to be known as Section 1605, relat- ing to restrictions in fire zones, which shall read as follows: SEC. 1605. There is hereby created a committee known as the Multiple fousinf flafety Committee which shall consist of five members; one architect, one attorney, one representa- tive of the multiple housing owners, the Building Inspector and Chief of the Fire Department. The Building Inspector and Chief of the Fire Department shall be ex-officio members of the committee and the other three members shall Be appointed by the Eoard of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, for a term of one year or until his successor is appointed and qualified. IThe members of the Lultiple Housing Committee shall serve without pay and may be removed for cause by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City upon written charges and after public hearing. Vacancies in the membership of sate. committee shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment. The Multiple _lousing Committee shall adopt such rules as may be reasonable, proper and necessary for conducting in- vestigations within Salt Lake City, and to govern its own pro- 42 -2- ceedings, such rules and regulations to be not in conflict with law or ordinance. Meetings of the Committee shall be held at the' call of the chairman and at such times as the Committee may determine. The Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City may at the request of the chairman of said Multiple Housing Committee enforce the attendance of witnesses and administeroaths and all meetings shall be open to the public. The said committee shall keep minutes of its proceedings, showing the roll call votes upon all questions and shall keep records of its examina- tions and other official actions. • The members of said committee shall have power to • examine all buildings used for apartments, hotels, lodging houses or multiple housing units where there is more than one story, and make findings of fact and determination as to whether or not such building is in a. dangerous or unsafe condition as a fire hazard. It shall seek the cooperation of the owners of all buildings which are found by it to be unsafe or dangerous • in the repair or alteration of the same for the purpose of caus- ing all such buildings or enclosures to be put in a safe condi- tion. It shall report in writing to the bard of Commissioners all matters where owners of such multiple housing buildings re- fuse to remedy dangerous or unsafe fire hazards existing therein, submitting a complete statement of the facts and the conclusion of the committee together with a statement of the reason for the owners refusal to comply with conclusions or advice of the said committee. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. • • J • -3- , Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this a:dry of Aye), _ , A. D. 1939. May-or.. City Feco er. • . , • • • --...... _, •- : • . . , F . - •- -..,. .4. . , , , 1 • -t Ito hi 1 t• t---4 r gl• -\-19 ---. X., f. ?I is Nil. < " . ,., -•,.._ al 's4 yr, '14c 4.2 c.-.i,.k _/4 i r.: •c-f,,,,.. .,.., ?4 ,4, -.-/..4% 1 ''''t''' .. •• ' 2 2, ' 4.0 IP r, •1,,,, . i: - c..) 1:11t ''•i•vof [. c co a z CI B. 1174= a • . . r , . . . , r Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, County of Salt Lake 1( Legot_:Notice 1 T� • AN-ORDINANCE `roe �IeYolln6 '-At7,9 of the•Si AMENDING CHAR Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- TER 18 f the•Salt Lake adding in and .Cad 1933. teitiDi new Wecti 1n and ao-eatd.aa• Sect ° °n `° vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper known a Section: 1006,lelating.td re-, •gtrlctione In fire..zyones. _ ;meeionbordained ar of Saltb Lake Board°Utah: °m published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State SECTION 1.That Chapter 18 1 the Salt Lake City Building Code, 1833 edi-, Of Utah.'Lion,be and the same hereby amended' be adding 1n and to Bald chanter A section to'be'known s Section,wb68h, elzones, .resoling to restrictions in as tekall read ae'here'is SEC,er k Thera is hereby leeaiea a' That the advertisement Ordinance Bill No 42 committee known an is Multiple lionconsist g Safety mbere:one wrehl obeli consist attorney, five men eenta one f theect.one hsing, one reDrehenBuive Of the Inspector and hiefof! re-latin to-restri_ation a..in.Sire.zones_ Salt. Lake C.it the F'iret Department.mgThnorBuildi Chief Ind g-- - - - -- -- y enactor and Chief of the Fire Department Corporation) shall be ex-officio members of ills conk: ittee d the tbel•three members hall be appointed by the Board of Commifor ae term, of Salt Lake C Etay of one year or.untilti his a seer is ap ;minted.and.Qualified: - ' rsye r apihdre,of the Multlplo.Housing] Qepmiitke sh811 gerva without pay and may, o ed•foe Canle by me Beard new spaper,P of; Cwas published in said news a er, in its issue dated, the oission o1 Sat-Lake W3, Written AIM and n p kiln.:Bearing. p. mbs >a.� . :'OP . 22nd the crig,al'.atiDen day of November A.D. 19 39 The Multiple Housing Committee shall ,adopt such rules may be reasunable.1 1 time • *Mks:and uticessery,for ducting ircono and was published :Castigation. within Salt Lake-City. to govern Ite.own be nodings,ench n\sal and regulations to be et In conflict with. aw or dinance, Meetings of the Com mince enalr -be.held t the call of the the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the chairman and at'such times es th-e Conn mlttee may deterintne. , The Hoard of'Commieeionere of Salt day o f A.D. 19 make City nf ceat a4 the request o1 the. Chairman o} aid.Multiple.Homing Com- mittee enforce•She attendance'end'o1 with°saes and ud a Open• oaths.'; red allmeetings id shad be Open to the public. The Bald, toes hail keen minutescall of votes its m•°• Adver�ng Clerk. exalEiuest allowing the a call v tee f its , examinations and other•keep records o}its. In members d other ocilcial actions. have members.of.said committeei eha8 have power to ahotek all buiing our or p M plo Nuking hoieltl' lodging houses s store to n-one g ry,ttl.where athere n 1s More then a.ter;, and make ether of of.feet,such buildinigppdo ae t rth t ntrbuilding a as in dangerous.74 - 29th 'Unsafe condition a a-41 a d.f4 shall day of peek the•aooperaare Dz i Qw pre of au•before me this • • toildivae'K'ltieh are Saud be iglu'be RW1 ale or tang in theawait or au ' A.D. 19 39 n f the a f'r the Shoe of • g MI ed h buildings..° u hoe b t'lie • yy t elt d a} d1tJ n It hall repvrl E I iWng t the Hard 4 C 1mmUhio bl : all matters' where ttplo ho s/g bn dt owners1 e todr =- dangerous. r r.. tire hazards.. s1 tint \A I n `W or-unsafe. 0mazae'Miesst t• t,'\7>,`\ ao mit fah tl the n lu i D f of -. e ut e together th her pt al to. Not r Public, thereason'f u e y:refusal to '•th pall w 1 n. or advie, , the ea idSECTION: committee. SEd of C 2.In tinoo Dlnio 000 ee the _Hoard of C health it 18 noeesths ink • the peace, health and aatety that habitants of Salt'Lake City that this or- :dlnance become ffective immediately. SECTION 3...This t ordinance shall-take oil et ption its first.p.fbncation. Passed by the.:Beard of to listesionen 1 'Novemb LMO er, A.'ity,l 7S.h, this 71st der of -JOHN+•M.-,WALLAC'E._ Mayor. ' (SEALI' ETHEL-MACDONALD' City:Recorder.: SILL=ND 47 p ,- 1@3yf"'`- ttbil9¢bd No?0) a 0d 1 11: t 0 0.• - 1 - *Fe ‘10c:- ::: \... 0.1• . t.s z