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42 of 1941 - Amending Chapter LIx, creating Traffic Violations Bureau. ROLL CALL VOTING Salt Lake Citg,Utah, of P 17 1941 194 Goggie V I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser - - - .,_.. A Matheson �....._ , Mvedevh - - - `tr.Chairman - - ,' A RDINANCE Result - - - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER LIX of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board. of Commissioners on June 26, 1941, designated as bill No. 31, by adding in and to said Chapter a new section to be known as Section 1417, relating to traffic and travel on the streets. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Chapter LIX of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by an ordinance passed. by the Board of Commissioners on June 26, 1941, designated as bill No. 31, be and the same is hereby amended by adding in and to said Chapter a new section to be known as Section 1417, relating to traffic and travel on the streets, which shall read as follows: SEC. 1417. TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS BUREAU CREATED. (a) There is hereby established a Traffic Violations Bureau to con- sist of such number of persons, police officers and members of the office of the Clerk of the City Court of Salt Lake City, Utah, as shall be designated by the City Judge presiding in the said. Court. The said Bureau shall assist the said City Court with the clerical work of traffic violations and perform such work and remain open at such hours as the said City Judge shall designate. the City Judge in charge of said court may designate the bails to be posted for the first, second and third offenses and which bails may in cases where the defendant fails to appear or so indicates be forfeited by the court in complete satisfac- tion of a penalty which would otherwise be imposed by said court, should there be a hearing in the case, and which bails may be paid at said Bureau. (b) The follows,`duties are hereby imposed upon the ii Traffic Violations Bureau: It shall accept designated bails 1 and issue receipts therefor. It shall receive and issue re- `i [ ceipts for cash bail from the persons who must or wish to be heard in court, enter the time of their appearance on the court docket, and notify the arresting officers and witnesses,j i. if any, to be present. It shall refer all persons who do not ; desire to post the designated bail to the bail commissioner or City Judge, as the case may be, for determination as to theJ amount of bail, if any, required. It shall keep an easily 1 accessible record of violations of which each person has been guilty during the preceding twelve months or of the forfeiture 1 1; of any bail for any traffic charge. If a violator of the pro? visions relating to stopping or parking upon ally street under the traffic ordinances of this City does not appear in response 'F e to a notice affixed to such motor vehicle within a period of five (5) days, the said Bureau shall send to the owner of the �! motor vehicle, to which the notice was affixed, a letter in- 1 li forming him of the violation and that i , the event such letter is disregarded for a period of five days the matLcr wil7 he presented to the Prosecuting Attorney of Salt Lake City for the 1 EI issuance of a complaint and summons. E ! (c) In the event any person fails to comply with thl is I notice as provided in the preceding paragraph, or fails to male ll appearance pursuant to a summons directing an appearance in the E Traffic Violations Bureau, or if any person fails or refuses to deposit bail, as provided, and within the time permitted by i 11 ordinance, the Traffic Violations Bureau shall forthwith pre- 1 i kI sent the facts to the Prosecuting Attorney of Salt Lake City d and request a complaint be entered againsP such person and se-1 Il dcure and issue a warrant for his arrest. Such Bureau shall not is accept any bail for such person but shall consider every such person entirely under the jurisdiction of the bail commission- erty court as the case may be. (d) Traffic Violations Bureau shall keep records yj and submit summarized monthly reports to the City Judge in charge of the said City Court and a copy of the same to the Chief of the Police Department of all notices issued. and ar- rests made for violations of the traffic ordinances of this City and of all the bails collected by the Traffic Violations Bureau or the Court and of the final disposition or present status of every case of every violation of the provisions of the ordinance. Such records shall be maintained as to show all types of violations and the total of each. Said records Ai shall be public records. (e) The City Auditor shall provide in triplicate suitable serially numbered forms for notifying violators to �I I appear and answer to charges of violating the city traffic ordinances. Such form shall be issued to and receipted for by the person designated by the Chief of Police. The City Auditor shall each month report to the Mayor and City Judge in charge of said City Court the disposal made by the police of all triplicate forms issued to them. For this purpose the City Auditor or his representative shall have access to the necessary records of the Police Department, the clerk of the said City Court and the Traffic Violations Bureau. These re- ports shall be public records. (f) Any person who has received a notice to appear in answer to a traffic charge under the ordinances of this City except for speeding, reckless driving, driving while un- der the influence of intoxicating liquor, failure to stop in the event of an accident, may within the time specified in the it notice answer at the Traffic Violations Bureau to the charges: j set forth in such notice by paying prescribed bail and by de-1 signating whether or not he desires to appear or wishes the E bail to be forfeited. Any person who has been guilty of thr4 or more violations of the provisions of the traffic ordinance of this City within the preceding twelve months and who shall I'. receive another notice to appear and answer a traffic charge under the ordinances of this City shall not be permitted by said Bureau to post bail or express a wish for the forfeiture)' -4 thereof but shall report to the Bail Commissioner oT-City Judge for the setting of bail and respond to the lawful pro- i cess of the said court. ! k SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, r1rit is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants Eiof Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.] SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. '� �/z'/ fir,✓/ -.,. _� Passed by th'a Board a Co 104 exs o Salt Lake City, Utah, this /7 d day o `t ;~Mayor: a: City Recorde, . 111 I3{f 1 , . , . .. _.„ . . , .„. , . . . , . ... , .. .-_,31. k., • iik.„. - ,.,› z I FA 3 O' _4 r moor }' '_'4 to pp y Ti { I. 4k Proof of Pithfiration Unitrd*tales of Anterint STATE OF UTAH ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE M.CONNOR being first duly sworn,depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of THE SALT LAKE TELEGRAM,a newspaper,published at Salt Lake City,State of Utah. That the Notice TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS BUREAU ...011KLTED..BILL..#42 of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said news- paper in its issue dated the 18th day of SEPTTNBEZ , 193.41, and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on SEIP=KR 18th for thereafter,the full period of 1 .17/18 the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the 18th day of S EP T111B ,A.D.19341 >2'1 • Suscribed and sworn to before me this 19th day of SEPTEMBER \\S , A. D. 19341 \ ) Notary Public. My commission expires Nov.25,1941 Advertising fee$ 42. V �v''��•1, �i_f1� �/' c"'. �. PROOF OF PUBLICATION FROM bite 'ait Cake cielegrttm I g_ )' yl County Entry No AN ORDINANCE ' Omitted by Ordinance,the Traffic VIola- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAP-I lions Bureau shad forthwith present RIM,LIX of the Revised Ordinances of Ithe facts to the Prosecuting Attorney 9art-Lake City,Utah, ended of Salt Lake City and request a com- loy en ordinance passed by the Board plaint be entered against such person of Commissioners on'June 26, 1941, and secure and issue a warrant for his as.designated bill No.,IA by adding in arrest. Such Bureau shall not accept ,4. and:10 said Chapter aw section to any bail for such person,but shall con- be known Section 1417, relating LA sidle every such person entirely under traffic and:',l,el on the streets - the Jurisdiction of the bail commis- Be it by the Board dff Corn- sinner or city court as the case may be. mleo1 ere Lake'City,Utah:\ (d) Traffic Violations Bureau shall BB'Tj L t gigeptoe�IrIR Lthe keep records and submit summarized a Rdvieed e6 hat�,�•L ke;City, monthly reports to the City Judge in Utah,19 twit by ail rdluanee charge of the said City Court and a paned '(•� et Conimlaeloner6 copy of the same to the Chief of the on Su g ,'gnated bill Police Department of all notices issued No, 31,-� -"Jell,' :ame is herelly and arrests made for violations of the amend . ^' and to tragic ordinances of this City and of Chapter ' . to beknoll, all-the balls collected by the Teal(lc as Se tlo i t t ff as ,Violations Bureau or the Court and travel n N h ll,r of the final disposition or present as fellows: -. status of every case I every violation SEC. 1417. ,-Lily"GGG(VIOL4ee9 NS of the provisions of the ordinance. •BUREAU ORE l's--'.{There ib•'30Are- Such records shall be maintained as By established s Miff Violations Bu- to show all types of violations and the )'.Eau to cbnaist-of adcle umber of total of each. Said records shall be persons, pollee Miceli Auld members public records. of the office of the.Clerk of the City (e) The City Auditor shall provide Court of Salt Lake City,Utah,as shall in triplicate suitable.serially numbered be designated by the City Judge pre- forms foe notifying violators to appear siding in the said Court. The said Bu- and answer to charges of violating the reau shad assist the aid-Clly Court city traffic ordinances. Such form With the clerical work Of'Ireffic vio- shall be Issued to and receipted for latlons and perform such work and by the person designated by the Chief remain open at such hours as the said of Police. The City Auditor shall each City Judge shall designate. The City month report to the Mayor and City Judge in charge of said court may des- Judge in charge of said City Court the 'gnats the balls to be posted for the disposal made by the police of all trip- first, second and third offenses and llcote forms issued to them. For this which balls may in cases where the purpose the City Auditor or his rep- defendant fads to appear or so lndi- resentative shall have access to the Batas be forfeited by the court Inc spry records of the Police'Depar't- plete satisfaction of a penalty which meet,the clerk of the said City Court Would otherwise be imposed by said and the Traffic Violations Bureau. court,should there be a hearing in the These reports shall be public records. case,and which bails may be paid at (f) Any person who has received a said bureau. notice to appear in answer to a traffic (b)The following duties are hereby charge under the ordinances of this Imposed upon the Traffic Violations City except for speeding,reckless driv- Bureau:It shall accept designated bails ing,driving while under the influence and issue receipts therefor. It shall of intoxicating liquor, failure to stop receive and issue receipts for dash bail in the event of an accident,may with- from the persons Who must or wish in the time specified in the notice an- te be heard in court,enter the time of swer at the Traffic Violations Bureaus their appearance on the curt docket. to the charges set forth In such notice . and notify the arresting officers and by paying prescribed bah and by des- Witnesses, If any, to be present. It ignating whether or not he desires to shall refer all persons who do not appear or wishes the bail to be f or- desire to Post the designated bail to the feited. Any person who has been gull- bail commissioner ur City Judge. as ty of three or violations of the the case may be.for determination as provisions of the traffic ordinances of to the amount of bail,if any,required. this City within the preceding twelve It shall keep an easily accessible record months and who shall receive another of violations of which each person has notice to appear and answer a traffic been guilty during the preceding twelve charge under the ordinances of this months Or of the forfeiture of any City shall not be permitted by said bail.for any traffic charge. If a - Bureau to post bail,or express wish later of the provisions relating to stop- for the forfeiture thereof but Shall re ping Or parking upon any street under port to the Ball Commissioner or City 'the traffic ordinances of this city does Judge foe the setting of ball and re of appear In response t0 a notice af- spond to the lawful process of the said fixed to such motor vehicle within a court. period of five(5)days,the said Bureau SECTION 2. In the opinion of the hall send to the owner of the motor Booed of Commissioners,It is necessary vehicle, to which the notice was af- to the peace,health and safety of the lined( a letter informing him of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this Violation and that in the event such ordinance become effective lmmedl- letter is disregarded for a period of five ately. dathe the Prosecuting will be Attorney of a Saltad to Lake kECTION 3.p This ordinance shall I City'for the issuance of a complaint to Pe ed byt upon its d first Commiseico 0 of S Itthe Board of Utah. this 17th - to Summons. era of Salt Lake City,D. 1 . 17Lh c) In the event any persons fails day of September, A. 11. to eplY with the notice ash,provided AB JENKINS, in the appearance paragraph, or fails Mayor. tO make appearance pursuant to a sum- Traff directing a appearance in the ETHEL MACDONA Traffic Violations sea ou,deposit if s l. (Seal.) City Recorder. nopersonper falls or refutes totime bail. PILL NO. 42. as provided,and within the time per- published September 18th,1941.