42 of 1945 - Amending Section 2901 relating to Fire Department Salaries Nt..1LL /.F►LL
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City, Utah, JUL ilk. 19'i5 , 194
Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed.
Matheson . . .
Mr. Chairman . .
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2901 of the Revised O...uii.ances
or Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by an ordinance passed by
the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on July 12, 1944,
relating to the Fire Department.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. :That Section 2901 of the Revised Ordinances or
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by an ordinance passed by the
Board of commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on July 12, 1944,
relating to the Fire Department, be and the same is hereby amended to
read as follows:
"SEC. 2901. ORGANIZATION AND SALARIES. The Fire Department
of Salt Lake City shall consist of the following officers, whose
salaries shall be as fixed by the Board of commissioners, within
the limits specified as follows:
Not to exceed
Chief of Department $4620.00
2 Assistant Chiefs 3480.00
Superintendent of Fire and Police Alarm 3180.00
Superintendent of Equipment and maintenance 3180.00
5 Battalion Chiefs 3000.00
Captains 2760.00
1 Chief Alarm Operator 2760.00
1 Secretary, to be assigned from the per-
sonnel or the Fire Department by the
Fire Chief, who shall hold and act in
said office during the will and pleasure
of the Fire Chief 2760.00
Lieutenants 2580.00
Firemen or First Grade 2400.00
'm,) Firemen of Second Grade 2280.00
Firemen of Third Grade 2160.00
Alarm Operators, Third Grade 1980.00
Female Alarm Operators, First grade . 2040.00
Female Alarm Operators, Second Grade . 1920.00
Female Alarm Operators, Third Grade . . 1800.00
First Class Electrician 2520.00
Second Class Electrician 2280.00
Third Class Electrician 1980.00
One of the assistant chiefs shall be assigned of the
office of lire Marshal. Inspectors, deputy fire marshal, and
firemen mechanics shall be graded as—captains, lieutenants or
firemen or the first, second and third grade.
SECTION 2. In the opinionof the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Sart Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediately.
SECTION 3. ielis ord' ce shah take ei. ect at once upon
its first publication
passed by the a mmiis e e7i °a�' Lake City,
Utah, this 3/ day ofA.L.
cW.‘„ )7 /4Ea.-IS
City Recorder.
f --- , , .
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
Legal Nofices D M Ocke7
AN ORDINANCE AMENDIN8 Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
SECT10/*91301 of the Revised Ordi.
nances of Salt Lake City, Utah.
1944, aa amended by art ordinance vertising clerk of THE DESERE7 NEWS,a newspaper
passed by the Board of Commie-
stoners of Salt Lake City Utah,on
July 12, 1944, re/sting to the Fire published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
Conmemliesigrnrrs'"gt qatttheLaBlrZig Of lJtah.
Utah: •
SECTION I. That.Section 1901 of
the Revised Ordinances of Balt Lake
City,Utah,1944.as amended by an
ordinance passed by the Board of That the advertisement
Comniissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah,on July 12. 1944,relating to
the Fire Department. be and ths
same is hereby amended to read art Ordinance Bill _02, relating to Amending
AND SALARIES. Lake The City shall Fire De- Section 2901 of Revised Ordinances.
partment of Salt
consist of the following officers.
whose salaries shall be as fixed by
the Board of Commissioners within
the limits apecif led follows: Salt Take City Corporationl
Not'to exceed
Chief of Department 94020.00
2 Assistant Chiefs 3480.00
Superintendent of Fire and was published in said newspaper,in its issue dated, the
Police Alarm 318000
Superintendent of Equipment
and Maintenance 3180.00
5 Battalion Chiefs 1000.00 1st
Ceotal. 2790.00 day of August A D. 19 45
1 Chief Alarm Operator 276000
1 Secretary, to he assigned
from the personnel of Mr one time
Fire Department by the • d
Fire Chief,who lb old and was published
and act in said office dur-
Li the will and pleasure
of the.Fire Chief 2700,00 the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
eutenants 2580.60
Firemen.ot First Grade 2400.00
Firemen of Second Grade 2280.00
Firemen of Third Grade. 3100.011 let day of August A. D. 19 45
Alarm Operators, Third
Grade . 1980.00
Fmiale Marm. Operatom
First Grade 2040.00
Female Alarm Operators,Sec-
mand l Gra Adel arm Op, 1920,00 Advertising Clerk
Fee erators,
Third Grade 1800.00
First Class Electrician 2620.00
Second Claes Electrician. 2280.00
Third Class Electrician 1980.00
One of the assistant chiefs shall
be assigned Of the office of Fire
Marshrl, Inspeotors. darkly fire
marshal, and firemen mechanics
shall be graded ass captains, hen- ,r
tenants or firemen of the first,etc- oe e me this 2Acl, day of
arid third Fradr.
SECTION 1. In the opinion of
the Board of Cornmiesioners, it is
necessary to the peace, health and A.D.19 45
safety of the inhabitants of Salt
Lake City that this ordinance,.shall
3‘.'"Itelrigi.nance Assn
Jake effect at once upon its first
reseed by the Board of Commis /
sioners of Salt Lake City,Utah,this
31st day of July,A.D.1945.
EARL J GLADE. Notaryjeublic
City Recorder.
Published August lit, 1948.
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