42 of 1977 - Adding chapter 12A and chapter 12B establishing Foothill Development Overlay Zone 'F-1' District and nyLL lifLL VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, March 22 ,19 77 Mr.Chairman ✓ - Agraz I move that th Or in a be passel. ��L` Greener I i ( ��� j 4{/ Hogensen ✓ �� Phillips ✓� ��� % i Result AN ORDINANCE V AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Title 51 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, by ADDING thereto a new Chapter 12A relating to Foothill Development Overlay Zone "F-1" District, and by ADDING thereto a new Chapter 12B relating to Foothill Preservation "P-1" District. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Title 51 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, be amended by ADDING a new Chapter 12A relating to Foothill Development Overlay Zone "F-1" District, be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 12A FOOTHILL DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY ZONE Sections: 51-12A-1. Purpose. - �3. 7 51-12A-2. Use regulations. p.uu' Sec. 51-12A-1. Purpose. The purpose of the Foothill Develop- ment Overlay Zone is to promote the health, safety and general public welfare of the city and the inhabitants thereof, by estab- lishing standards for the development of the foothill areas within Salt Lake City. Whereas the foothill areas possess different characteristics than the city's flatland, it is necessary to impose special regulations to minimize soil and slope instability, erosion and water runoff and to protect the character of the foothills. The Foothill Development Overlay Zone shall be an overly zone to the district classifications in Section 51-12-1 of the Revised Ordin- ances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965. In cases of conflict between such district classifications and the overlay zone the most restric- tive provision shall apply. Sec. 51-12A-2. Use regulations. In the Foothill Development Overlay Zone no property shall be used and no bulding shall be erected or altered so as to be arranaed. intended or designed to be used for a purpose other than those permitted in the Base District classification. Additionally, all development other than the construction of single-family homes on lots in approved subdivisions shall be subject to all provisions of the site development ordinance including Section 47-3-2(4) . The requirements set forth in the site development ordinance are critical to the Foothill Development Overlay Zone, hence, these requirements shall be strictly interpreted and enforced. SECTION 2. That Title 51 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, be amended by ADDING a new Chapter 12B relating to Foothill Preservation "P-1" District, be, and the same hereby is, amended to read -2- as follows: CHAPTER 12B FOOTHILL PRESERVATION "P-1" DISTRICT Sections: 51-12B-1. Purpose. 51-12B-2. Use regulations. 51-12B-3. Site design regulations. Sec. 51-12B-1. Purpose. The purpose of the Foothill Preserva- tion "P-1" District is to minimize flooding, erosion and other environmental hazards; to protect the natural scenic character of hillside areas not suitable for development; and to promote the safety and well-being of present and future residents of hillside areas; and to ensure the efficient expenditure of public funds. Sec. 51-12B-2. Use'regulations. In a Foothill Preservation "P-1" District, no property shall be used and no building shall be erected or altered so as to be arranged, intended or designed to be used for other than one or more of the following uses: (a) Public recreational facilities which will not signifi- cantly alter the natural form of the landscape. (b) Emergency equipment routes to provide essential emergency services as fire control. (c) Single-family dwellings in approved subdivisions provided that the applicant can demonstrate conclusively to the planning commission that any hazards and limitations of the site can be overcome in such a manner as to prevent hazard to life or limb, hazard to property, adverse affects on the safety, use or stability of a public way or drainage channel and undue adverse impact on the natural environment. Sec. 51-12B-3. Site design regulations. All site design elements are subject to the approval of the planning commission. The following guidelines shall be used to promulgate development which will be compatible with the natural character of the foothill area. (a) The minimum area for any lot shall be 16 acres. (b) No building shall be closer than 20' to any property line. (c) No building shall be erected to a height in excess of 35'. (d) The design of structures and site modifications shall demonstrate an effort to conform to the topography of the site rather than extensively alter the site to accommodate development. (e) All development shall comply fully with the provisions of the site development ordinance. SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publica- tion. 9 f -3- Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 22nd day of March , 1977. MA OR CITY RE O R (SEAL) BILL NO, 42 of 1977 Published April 5, 1977 12 AON-aae Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, } 88. County of Salt Lake AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Title 51 of the keened. Shona 9._Palmer ;Vrdtnances M Saltl.tko City,Utah,1965,be ADDING thereto a '-----'--------_-' ggWW Chanter 12A nd by to Foothill Devb a 11 nt Overlay Zonc " Do Foothill es ADDING thereto a new Chzpler 12G Ik Betordainlu by Iervntlen of Co missit. A if ordained by the eearA of Commissioners of Sail Lake +trv,uran: Being first duly sworn,deposes and gays that he is legal a ver- SECTION 1.That Tee 51 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,Utah,1965,be amended by ADDING a new Chanter rising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday) 12A r 1 ring to Foothill Development Overlay.Zone"F 1" District,be anal).sameCHAPhereby imendtd to read es follows; net spaper printed in the English language with general cw- FOOTHILLOEVELOPMENTOVERLAyZONE Seotlons: flilatifln inUtah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Labe 51 2Ai_Usripreggulations. County, in the State of Utah. See. 51-12A-1. Purpose,.'.The nurArise of the Rothe! Development Overlay Zene lath Srortgfe the health,safety and- ambu. I public welfare of the city and)Ire inhabitants thereof,by shing take Cif for the a flee,.of f thef foothill areas That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto dwithin Salt Lake City. Whereas the foothillareas cossets ifferent characterlstks than thoclty's flatland,t s necessary to innate special regulations M inim{'o Sou and slope instac;nty,ermine lS.The rd water aver ndtoprotect he haracter _Pub notice to amend an ordinance relating to of the foothills.The Foothill Development t Overlay Zone shell be --- an overlay zone to the district ciaasitkatlons In Section 51.12-1 of of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,Utah,1965.Incases of t110betwcen such districtuas5utcatlons and the°verlayzone foothill development overlay zone the mast restrictivenrovislon shall apply. __...Doodad Zone Zone Ano property regulations. used and no Foothill Development shaall be acted or altered so as to beaereeltede Intended or designed to be used fora purpose ether then 1 hose permitted In the ease District classification_Pt iIga-;single-faintly ones on efts In°appro than ------- -- .__ deoglodl ° luis all ni=24) o Of iedelpmt inance Including aoAbe a moth.- ' menis set forth lathe site development ordinance are crltieal to oo ------ '-- "---" the Foothill Development Overlay Zone,hence,these-require. nen s shall be strictly Interpreted end enforced. SECTION 2.That Title 51 of He Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City.Utah,1965,be amended by ADDING a new Chapter 12a relating to Foothill Presorvafian"P-1"District,be,and the -- - same hereby Is,amended to read as follows: , C' Secio • d°THILLPR SERVATIONA'P.1"DISTRICT UVIS published in said neivsp ap er on April 5, 1977 51•12e-1.Purpose. 51126-2.Use revel:aloes. 51-1213.3.SItc design regulations. ' Ser.. 51-12e-1. Purpas.. The purpose of the Foothill Preservation"P-I"District is to minimize flooding,erosiond ol - - -- other ha ental zards: to protect the natural scenic charecte�lof hillside areas Trot sultable for development:and to prorate the f ty and well-heir.of present and future residents _--- of 14 ilsicie areas,andt the efficient expend item of pubic - --- - -'-" - - funds • 5= 5112e2.Use regulation.Ina Foothill Preserved. "PT-District no pr.erly shallI aid and Fro building shall Ue . \/ / _ erected d altered so r be arranged,intended or designed tobe =s(\4 1�.. !!!"' - 11(as Public recer reatian onal tauten)°re IHiesvMichwillnotsignlhenn»v Legal Advertising Clerk alter the natural toren of the lentlseape. (b) Emergency equlnmonf rates to provide essential e°1 er0.wtry services as lire control. - (c)Slagle-family dwellings In approved subdivisions pro vlded that the aenlicant can dernonnlr°te conclusively to the Wangipz Commission that any Iazerds and limitations of the site lan he overcome In such a manner as to prevent hazard to Ilfe or imb,hazard to property,advance aaons on rho safety,use or stet);Pity of a public way or drain U a channel and undue adverse 13tf1 day of impact on the natural environment. ore me this -_ . Sec. 51-12e-3. Site design reauirepla. All site design ----- - elements p are subiect to the approval of the plan nine commission. The following which willguidelines compaiible with lie natual ciarracter develop- nee. 19 77 • foothill area. __ A.D. .-_ '(al The minimum area for any lot shell be 15 acres. (CI No building shall be closer than 20'to any property line (el No built-lieu shall be erected to a haute In excess of 35 � (di The design of structures aM site modifications shall u / demonstrate ail effort to conform to iho topography of the site rarmr than extensively alter the site to accommodate development. (.)All development shall COMPly fully with the provisions of flee site development°retinae.. -- SECTION3-In the opinion of the B..elfar of C°mmissi°ners,it Notary Public Is necessary to the Peace,health and wet fare of tie Iehebl tants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance lar.ome effective immediately. SECTION 4.This ordinance.shall take effect upon Is first publication. Patted by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,this 22nd day of March.1977. TED L.W yMoer Mayor Mty e or V.HIOHAM Recorder ecortler I BILL NO.42 of 1977 i_ELA...Ianrll.5.1977 Feb. 13, 1978