43 of 1903 - Ordinance 43 of 1903 – Amending Section 55 of Chapter 26 of the R.O. of 1892, relating to smoke em 5 AN O P C 1 N s C E An ordinance artendin7 Smctior 55 Of Chapter 2E of the Revised ordinances of Salt take City. 1992, In relation to smoke emitted frcn• chimneys. be it ordained ty the City Council of Salt take City, Utah: il ,f ,ECT CN I. T at SektIon 55 of Chapter 2C 4f the rieviset Ordinances ii ''x ` oft SIt , km Citi „ - 8921, and the same is hertry amended to real as. rolls: �7 +� v• • '' • x k L CT N li eft unl6�▪J'fil fr3ir •.he i+rocrIn or, adenf, y 4 j. t lesse .cp f""n na4�er, or f`t, a� V't ony ruildin4 in welch a l'. � q� � 1yh1 w a ,.��—, ' � ._ � ' . • '{ •h! hailer •;,;Yr y a ed ter gerSD e15 or electricity, �y1 t 4 Z 1/1 i. / or iota othi . G9e, to porr.L. of wIl/w woke to is^urr or be e t • fro •t hiernev or chirrnups of s>Tch t,ul l trit. used in X + connectiln wl such boiler. within the corporate limits of ;,al' 1.i e Lake City. Any proprietor, lessee, eccapant, enjinf:er or firmar who shall violate any of tee orovisions of title ordinance ,hall re deemed ]uiIty of a misdemeanor, and, upon convic:tior, thereof, shall he punished r.y a fine of not 103s thar the (y"5,00) dollars, r nor more than fifty (g;O,OO) dollars; oroviet, however, that the penalty herein provided shall not apply in any case wh1r9 the fireman, enJineer, owner, lessee, or occupant has supplier Such hulloing with and shall have In use a sufficient device for the i consumption or prevention of ST0k0; and provided further, • that tvi this ordinance shall he held to apply oriy to surf: rulliinLe in wnich Tay en used or operated a roller or tellers whic.t: either --sinily or in ratteries ate of the capacl:y uf,yer, (ly) torso power or over. 64 e 1 t ._,fffr r /f'�' t f ;I , .j - /fit( • +,, n ,''i / , r� SECTION This ordinance shall take et , .�..�b etion approval. :.i e`r;" ft ", — 1p4 s. 7i Icr.: (. 2 �/ �l LY l�L�rl.OYr till - . CC (:73*:...% 7• I. • - • Y s . t. . , pp� .did 4 \n SS �, 7 .. I �... I I ' V �