43 of 1905 - Ordinance 43 of 1905 – Franchise to Citizens Heating and Power Company to construct and operate st An Ordin4noe grantin-; a franchise to the Citizens Heating
Power Company, a corporation, the ri_j.t, to ca:end, construct,
maintain and operate a steam or hot water power and heating
system, or both., in the City of Salt Lae and to vend said :stean
' :,t water to the City of Salt Lake and its inhs,bit•e t.s,
, ,ICL„ 1.
Consent, permission and authority is hereby siven
-ranted unt_> mi vested in the Citizens Heating •and Power Company,
corporation, and hereinafter called the Grantee, its successors
ant assigns for a period of ISifty (So) years from and after the
date of the passase of this Jrdin:ance to construct, maintain And oper-
ate in, alone„ upon, over, across and through all saleys in
said city and in, along, upon, over, across and t',rouh the streets
and other public or private places necessary for 1itstribution for
steam or hot water, or both, for heating or power purposes, ill
the pipes, mains, 'ranches, cutoffs And manholes needful for the
successful o:;eration of a steam or hot water heating And power system.
A: C ICL'? 2.
The Grantee shall hold the City of Salt Lake free and
harmless from liability for injury to any person or persons or
to the property thereof or to the property o_' si;, •:ampa'ly or
corporation which may result from any action of the HeatingP.
Power Company. Before this Ordinance shall be effective for
any purpose, the Grantee shall execute a bond to the City of Salt
Lake in the sum of $25,000.00, with surety subject to the approval
of the City Council, conditioned that the Grantee shall and will
hold the City of Salt Lake free and harmless from any liability
for any injury. Such bond shall also provide that the Grantee will
well and truly perform all of the conditions imposed by this Ordinance
and that it will at its own expense restore the streets and alleys
to as good condition, as nearly as possible, as they were in before
they were disturbed by the Heating & Power Company.
The rights and privileges herein granted are subject at
q.11 times to such sanitary and polioe regulations as the duly
constituted authorities of such city may deem just and proper
in the present construction of such plant or in the future open-
atiogj thereof.
The Grantee shall be entitled to charge under this Ordi-
nance a maximum of Twenty-five cents (25%) per season for each
square foot of radiation furnished by it and heated by hot water,
and Forty cents (40 ) per season per square foot of radiation
furnished by it and heated by steam. The Grantee may be privi-
leged to furnish such steam heat to its consumers by meter measure-
ment, in which event the rate charged. by it for steam shall be
as follows: One Dollar and Fifty Cents ($1.50) per Thousand
(1000) pounds for the first Four Thousand (4000) of condensation,
and Fifty Cents (0.50) per Thousand (1000) pounds for all condensation
over Four Thousand (4000) pounds. Wherever a meter basis
of charge is used a minimum charge of Five Dollars ( 5.00) per
month will be made and no bill will be rendered for a less amount.
In the event that any practicable method of measuring heat fur-
fished by hot water is used, then the Company may charge the con-
sumers for heat furnished by a meter meaeurenent, but such
charges shall be based so that it shall not e;zceed Twenty-five
Cents (25%) per square foot of radiation per season for hot water
This franchise is expressly granted upon coneidera;ion
that the Grantee will within one (1) year after the passage of
this Ordinance commence and continue the work of constructing
its heating and power system and prosecute the same thereafter
with reasonable diligence, unless prevented by unforseen accidents,
or unavoidable delays.
All work done byyGrantee herein in the public, streets,
alleys or other public or priv tte places of the said city,
shall be done subject to the inspection of the City Engineer of
Salt Lake City and the engineer of the Grantee in this franchise.
Att.TICLE 7.
It is hereby set forth, agreed upon and made a part of
this franchise that the Citizens Heating & Power Company, a
corporation, now capitalized at Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars,
($2500.00) under the laws of the State of Utah, shall inorease its
capital stock to Five Hundred Thousand Dollars (r;500,00•.)) , provided
this franchise is gr:i.nted to tlbe said Citizens Heating & Power Company
. ,
and the said increase of capital shall be made within six months
after the passage and approval of this ordinance.
This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force for a
term of Fifty (50) years t from and after its passage and approval
and must be accepted in writing by the Gri,ntee, and such accept-
ance filed with the City :Recorder within Sixty (60) days after
its passage by the City Council.
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