43 of 1910 - Ordinance 43 of 1910 – Amending Section 401, relating to licensed vehicles. April 18, 1910. A An oriinance amendin Enn re-,•nt,ctireection 41 of the ruorised OrdimInces of tinit C;ity or 197:, relating.' to liconiied vehicles, me arlehded by an ord.-Inures Alsed Ly the City Council DoceAber 1, 1907, %nd approved by the 1,iyor December 10, 1907. 8e it ordained by the City Cornell of Solt ;.ake City, Utah: . • 3Wrir I. That Coot1 4 1 f the 7eviued Ordinvoces of 3alt Lnke City of 1905, relatirr to licensed vehicles, xls ww1340 Wex ordinance lr.sed by the City louncil Pc/member 9, 19 ,7. ard s,)9r4fved by the k4ayor December , 19,-1, be, rile, tCname is hereby ietd and 4 ' re-enacted anns to read. Ds fello-qa All vehicles 1.L,mneAl * der t%o provisions of I.ections 4.t. and 42 of thome OrJ1h,nees eball have f!,ctened Upon tho riht hand vile tereof in such ! nnner t7-,t tP ViW"J'S !ivy be 0L irly sc.7. . 9 metallic iarte to be for- 11:.! the Asser icen!-n sot be deiynrtd the 17ind c b ;:ine,:s to Itgse in 7rhich such vehicle is licenised, t.a nonher f tie plato, se6 yer for which it in issued; seid plate to for by the lioesucc. 2. All rosolvitIonl or .csurt!,; of ordinances and resolutions in conflict r,erewith are hereby re,:ealei to the extent of ouch colftict. Z. This or.!inrce !;:11.3 take effect upon approval. Passed by the City C-.1ineil of ;74-lit inioe Ci-„Utah, April 10, 1910, and referred to the 1:nyor for his aj.prova:l . . loproved tbis // day of Apri , 1910. 9*P • , or. 43 , 43 . . , . C...)7:4-3,..,..... --a..............)......... as. • ta-c--* 14eLt . - • .. . . .. , .. . .. . • , .. . Presented to the City Council, , lcNt3191 0 . . N . . . . . , . - • First Publication in . . .. . , . . APR 221910 • . .., .1, , • . ,,,, • . —745;r85:47--torimeeem , .. ._ .. . . ..._.,, . .... . . _.. . ...... _ .