43 of 1912 - Viaduct Denver And Rio GrandeRailroad Company Salt Lake City, Utah, April Bth 1912
VOTING Yes No I move that the ordinance be passed.
Keyser .
Korm !
Lawrence . I Commissioner o s. Imp
V 1
" 1 1
Resuur -
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•41' -
Salt Lake City, Utah, lurch itth, 191.49.1
e •
VOTING [ Yes No inlovethm commoncing at or near the intersection of North
m Tousle nd NintInIveets, snd thence runninz east on
Keyser , . . . . . North Temple ff,treet to 1st West St.; thence south on
I VIlit qest St. to South Tonsil e Street; thence east on
Lorna ' South Teniple St. to West Temple Street; t once south
Lawrence on [sot Temple Street to FirstSouth Street; thence
I west on First South Street to let West Street; thence
I north on 1st West Street to North Temple Street; thence
4, west on North Temple Street to Ninth Wool; Street, to
Ai,ch.irmn . . .h> ! connect with the tro,chs aforesaid of the Salt Lake and
— Los Aneeles Railway Coapany which are to constructed
, from South Temple Street to North Temsle Street as
hereinbe-rore provided, as amendment to Paragrash 2,
Section 2.
Ic LCA-1
An ordinance requiring the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad
Company to station and keep flagmen at the following places in
Salt Lake City, to-wit: On Second South Street between Fifth West,
i !
and Sixth West Streets; end on Fourth South Street at Fifth West
and. Sixth Nut Streets; and on ninth South Street at Fifth West
7Street; and on Seventh South Street and. Fifth West Street. ,
Be it ordained by tuft Boe 't of Commissioners of Salt Lake
Ci,tty, nab: ,
SECTION 1. That the• ttie !and Rio Grande Rs.lroad Company ,
be, end it hereby is r*iqutrfi ' ilietion and keepflagman ion- 1'<
a �
tineeualy between the ...8 e* o'olook A. U. and twelve o'clock
midnight of each and ierr 64, sit'eaeh of the following planes,
fair the purpose of waitin4 peestrians, drivers of vehicles, street
ore ant others arousing its traoks, of the approach of its engines
and caswi
SS Second South Street between Fifth West and Sixth West
Streets where its traeks cross said Second South Street; at Fourth;
South Street shi"Fifth West Street where its tracks dross said
Fourth South Street; at Fourth South and Sixth West Streets where , l
its tracks cross said Fourth South Street; at Sixth South and Fifth
West Streets where its tracks cross said Sixth South Street; and
at Seventh South Street and Fifth West Street where its traoks
Cress ssid Seventh South Street.
SECTION S. Open failure to comply with each and all of the
4 €
provisions of Seotion One of this ordinance, said Denver and Rio 1
Grande Railroad Company shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,
and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not
more than fifty dollars, and each day said company shall fail to
comply with each and all of the terms of said Section One, shall
be deemed a separate offense, and upon conviction shall be punisheit
acogrdin ley• "' ^ ice
-< ,WhIS ordinance shall"6: -
publication. ~V\ ---�--L-,o
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
'Utah, April 8th, 912. CG� : /,,�1rj y ,
C' dill(d0 ity eeor.er
Due service of certified copy of the within and foregoing
resolution hereby admitted this /" 1912._ day of April,
~ Due service of certified copy of the within and foregoing i'
ordinance hereby admitted this
day of April, 1912.
Denver & Rio Grande Railroad Company,
By enera Super nendent
COUNTY OF SALT LAKE.) That he is a police
Daniel Grundbig
being duly sworn, says: li
_ -
officer of Salt Lake City;
that on the 23rd day of April, 1912,of the W. a
he served a copy annexed ordinance upon J. . PP.vlhearn,
General Superintendent of the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Company, "�
by delivering to and leaving with G.S.Anderson, Chief Clerk of
said Mulhearn, such copy, at the office of said Mulhern in the City
and County of Salt Lake, Utah.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23rd day of April, 1912.
o ary u�lic.
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