43 of 1928 - Extending the limits of Salt Lake City to include property on Emma Maxson in lot 1, Block 7, 5 Acre ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, Nov 15, 192 8 Burton - I move that the ordinance be passed. Fehr - - Moran - - - Mr.Chairman - V Result - - - AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE 1.XITNOING- THE LIPIT SOF CLLT HALE CITY. WHEREAS, On October both, 1958, Emma. Maxson, the owner of real property situate in the tract of land hereinafter describ- ed, signed and filed with the City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Petition No. 686, requesting that said tract of land be taken within the limits of said city, and also caused en accurate map to be made and certified to by a competent survcyor and approved by the City Engineer, to be filed with the City Recorder; and WHEREAS, the said tract of land is contiguous to Salt Lake City and there is no proper reason shy it should not be annexed to and made a part of oaid city; and VMERLAS, the 7oard of Commissioners of malt Lake City, after examining said petition of said o\ner of said tract of land, and considering the circumstances thereof, voted by unanimous vote of all, members of said board in favor of an- nexing said tract to Salt Lake City, and directea the City attorney to prepare an orainance making and declaring said m annexation: THEREFORE, Sc it ordained by the Soars of Commission- _ ers of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That the city limits of Salt Lake City 2 be and the same are hereby extended and enlargee, so as to in- clude the following descrilltract of land in Salt Lake County, liii it is to—alt: Cormnencin<= Lt the S. .Corner of Lot 1, Clock 7, Five acre Plat C, rieid Survey, run-in'; thence iI north ft., thence east 5C9.C5 :et., thence south 574. 2 ft., thence west 5d9.Cb ft., to the place coat: ni^g of beginning/7.5 acres and known as part of Hock 7, Five Acre elat C, i,; Field- Survey. AND PP IT FUliTNER 07,tttINE1; and declared_'that when this ordinance takes effect the said tract cf'la.nc-ahote described snail thenceforth be within the corporate 1.iai s of said salt Lake City, land be a part of said city; and all ordingnces,. jdr dicti.ons, rule! and obligations of or pertaining to said Salt Lake y cro crtcnde( over and made applicable ant sertinent to the id' tract of land, land the streets, blocks, alleys and ways of said tract shall be con trolled and governed by the o dinancs, .rules and. regulations of so city in that behalf, and the monuments of the City Engineer shall thenceforth be taken therein as the stsn<ic.rd of locations and dis- tances. SECTION C. Noon the passage of this ordinance, the City IReeorder of Colt Lake City shall file, and.she is hereby dirccted to (file with the County decor.:er a co[)y oil the clap and plat above men- tioned, duly certified' and ckno',lccfec as crevices in such cases, together with a. certified copy of this ordinance. SL+'CTICN In the opinion of the 'Marc, of Commissioners, it is neces:ary to the peace, health and safety of the city that this ordinance shall become effective im :ediately. SECTION t. This ori.inc.ncc: shall t ''e effect upon its first publication. Passed by the `Car: of Co omis :ioncrs of ''.alt Lake City, Utah, this day of _s.� i 1, o IAA City keco.rc'c_r. ti' North 514,2 ft• m 1-'1- t 0 i n - o _-1 i +t I. Z I F I r�:l O fi 'Ur' ;I A (l , -'' . B N I + .% !In r 0 ' -1 ( In N — o A IN t2 O -� N -a ., C. A IT A oa c A I 8 N L • a. o South 514.7. f+• 1 ° 1 Preaenf Giy[i.ni to-`„ I q = il- l- z Ifl (\I ;La 0_ II _ i �; - I �1 r. r 1 - -- -- -- --- - ----- -- - - - -- -- - ----- 0 Uf --1 s ..,2T TWENTY FIRST EAST Sl °? .0 r -ow r r O 7 _r �' H Z " �` 0 o Fri > 0 1 _ I -13 -H Z o I a >< 1 o \\, IN3 c., A o fis m.-O i -_+> I = to O at An �N 7 F -1I a�' 7 I i A -fiNN 'A _A • I'C. U .a- �� � �r, TG rtM _• �1 o J ,-i-- + < Z\ u f c �, �Ct m ^,•1f.� :o O J n�•S �0 Q rnl� A q -0'24, P A 7 a A , n t C�n 72 `- o N cn.a -, _.,. N (_ p c _ s. LL ,n 0 -1 O.J C F 0 0. f .,'I ' 0. nA- 7 C ° yS° B N - t1 I V /' C < e p A 0_A A S n ` A l aS 1 z N A x � o sN zo -4 - O o -1-. -, o n a --N 0 - - o A _ PI . o N A.m"NO -- n S c. n Cr.u' 0_T J IT 1 c N Proof of Publication STATE OF UTAH, County of Salt Lake 1 ASS oanixpron. ISL'it-.4 / , AN ORESSIANOE EitigiNEISPS TEE F./MU; OF SALT LAILIO.CITY.. • ,,,,,W44,/',„4.,,,41.'t'•,,'.a"1:,./'4';Tehi.'i,1:1.' '. being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the principal '-MO elloate'In,the tract of land here. inherit;:lnia6'....72:14:LI„Iiit clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper published in tt.ot or jan4 las,4kmk,;,,i0i.WO U.*. of eald olt,....'p-4.16,040-ah acoiirr . ate map to birmode. .riertified to bY . '8.oo'mpetsn't ein2v42.,;oto.o.ppravad by Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State of Utah. the City Englnee to.he filed with the CitY ROOol•dr7i i.". 'r ' a WHEREAS,the aald tract of len,le ,..• . , Modem:me-7o Salt ISOM City and there T t the4i... le no proper reason Why lt.should nut be annoyed to arid roads a Part of said :7-4 -e1,-;- •.-- / WHEREAS. the Eoard of Commie. a— . Stoners of Salt„Lake.City.after matilln. c Mg meld petition-of'told owner of paid t tract of iend, and considering the cir. /7.- Cij‘ • cometancea thereof,Voted by unanimous ti-44.4 • vote of all member. of mid board Pt.fitYOT Ot enneMOIS eaid tract to Skit Lake City, and,directed the City Attorney to prepare.an ordinance mak. Inc and dahlerinet-,mkt annexation; THEREFORE. Be 4t.ordained by the Heard ot Commiestonere of Salt Lake . . SECTIONexteoded•I.W That tlt city limits el, of which a copy is hereto attached,was first2blished in said . Salt Lake O be.,an i•the eau. ere ,,,..--- .I hereby and enlarged, lie ite to -include the following described tract a newspaper,in its issue dated the • land in•Salta ake Ctionty,to.vAtt ,. co.tnekeins at the S., . W. Corner of day of_______--------)i • Lot I,Block 7, Elva Acre Piet C. Big Field BUrycY, Mittence north A.D. 192.1... VPAP.,ceott T.:1: the piece of beginning containing. 7.1i Z '.acres and known as F port of Block 7. and was published t nye Acre Vittt C, Iiiipc lictft Survey. . AND IMP IT FLIMSIER,ORIDATNIOE / --/ t and declared'that when this ordinance talteit bed OfelJt thco1114 tract of lbe ead above the last publication thereof being in the issue d the..Z.J descri elan thenceforth .wit.bln tV.e.ivrnT,Teet..113V!,11,!,,,g°014,,11.d all; ........ ..,.rtedleztains, rolee end ..I ' obligations of or pertaining to mid salt oay of ----- ez-7/ 1.,,t,e4-L--- A.D.192 1 c Liike C`Ity tire olden ad,otter fted medo . applicable and per nOnt to the mid , tract of land, and tr etremte, Mocha ". elleys-and ways of ld tract Mot be iii. controlled and koverne by Me ordlnencee, rules and rdifilletione.01 said olty In i tree behalf, and if,,e Monumerits of the ; City Engineer B all hahcacterth be talon therein as the standard at lam- ' tiona end diatenceA • SECTION 2, VPon the remeRe Of thin ordinance. the City Recorder of Celt Talcs City shall file.,and she Le herebY i -- 7 /)/ / ditect4 to file *Hit the Coonty Re: i orirder a copy of't. mail end rx. i utbove ntentibned,dolY'certified and ac. '----41--, __ knowledged oe PreVidat In melt °OM together with a ceStIfied coPY of this ''SECTOR Si.\"in Nis,OpItIon.,07„t11e *col.evoonsfittfeeLtarark.At is'mete/Mil '5 the'peace. health mod safety of the city that thle_OrdinaPee lhall Mem.o7 , ,,,,,//Y festive Irnmeellitol. ./.. •)i•••A SECTION 1. Th C,ordinance shell take ; , effect unon Its fimP Pliblication. f Y --- Skap:Irtptatatorp,WAIT;74',1°14;.,te this 1 , day of __ SONN r. 130'WMAN. I Ylliml Mecdonald. . Motor. --- dug rtvoider, • ,...A.D.192. .24011alied Noviralair-litiu 1001., , .. . . • ... ' ', ,,7.''';''.., , ri. ,;,;- -'''''' 1 7 tary Public, 1 , . .....,-------------.1) .• ).„ 3 1 _