43 of 1930 - Amending Section 1221 relating to book-marking ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, Oct.--.l5,. , 193D..- VOTING AYE NAY I move that the ordinance be passed. Burton _r Fehr N1; Finch 1 .......__ Lake V Mr.Chairman �'... AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1221 of the ordinance of Salt Lake City, Utah, passed by the Board of Commissioners on June 1, 1926. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Section 1221 of the ordinance of Salt Lake City, Utah, passed by the Board of Commissioners on June 1, 1926, he and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 1221. It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in pool selling or book-making with or without writing at any time or place; or for any person to keep or vehicle, occupy any room, shed, tenement, tent booth or building, any street, flat or vessel or any part thereof or to occupf+/any place, vehicle, or stand of any kind upon any public or private grounds corporate within the roopem bdaweclimits of Salt Lake City with,or without books, papers, apparatus or paraphernalia for the purpose of recording, receiving, reporting or registering bets or wagers or purported or pretended bets or wagers or to sell pools or to make books with or without writing upon the result of trial or contest of skill, speed or power of endurance of man or beast, or upon the result of lots, chance, casualty, unknown or coattlhgent': event whatsoever and it shall be unlawful for amy person to receive, regisrg report or forward in any manner -2- whatsoever any money, thing or consideration of value, bet or wagered or offered for the purpose of being bet or wagered or to sell pools upon such result or pretended or purported resul ; and it shall be unlawful for any person bo conduct, keep, carr, on or maintain by himself or his agents or employees, and/or for any person to loiter about, resort to or frequent any turf exchange, pool room or other place by whatever name known wher bets or wagers or pretended bets or wagers on the result of any horse race or purported horse race wherever run or contest or purported contest of skill or of endurance of men or animal- wherever made or had are, or are made, received or paid and it shall be unlawful forthe owner or lessee or occupant of any or vehicle or vehicle said plac!/to knowingly permit any part of the premisesfto be used for the purpose of conducting any turf exchange, pool room or other place for the purpose of receiving bets on the result of any horse race or pretended or purported horse race or on the result of any contest or purported contest of skill or endurance of men or animals. It shall be unlawful for any person to bet or wager anything of value on the result of any horse race or purported horse race or upon the result of any contest or purported con- test of skill or endurance of men or animals by means of book- making, pools or other devices; and it shall be unlawful for any person to aid, assist or abet in any manner in any of said acts which are hereby forbidden. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, t is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants •f Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its .ublication. 3— Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this )-- 'day of ,� -R , A. D. 1930. Cf:421764) CN ity ecor e - _ ty.d.r... ,WJ..,...T d'S.T 'in •rancji: nx.-.)::) . -•',. T. .11 ...I, t "•- • q,-) v;b ,.._ a ifizf .“,,,r.:11..) . ._ ...., . . • 4:14 lima k Ls 4.-.,..--71' .4igi zo i . r ,••• c„ • ,,,k, , • .14 ,,,,,,, • litC • t- p ;-.. - ... *4 r% A ti. 6 171 i ;.:0 4Z g , ---14 -a 2.1 r; ,-,,.'" ,,.•-•, 7 0 PI, Zt Z s WV . .;---I r •-,.., OS - ti 1 C1C? It 1 Proof of Publication !minimum UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, STATE OF UTAH, J(` as. County of Salt Lake. AN'ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ,t y, fait ION City.put h1epassedordinance the I, .•,M11A,.B1 a eigh.. being first duly alt peke Clty. Board,of Comiriisalonera on June 1, eta. Beit oner Leo by the Board y, sworn, depose and saythat I am the Chief Clerk of THE SALT LAKE Commissioners It tordai f' Salt Law City, p Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 1221 of the .ordinance of salt Lake City, TELEGRAM, a newspaper of general circulation, published every day inissionera con by nno'1,Board8,obeCand- the same!a hereby amended to.read: at Salt Lake City, State of Utah. au follows: - , SECTION 1221, It Shall be, law.1 fat for any person to engage in Pool' '!lolling or bookmaking with or with- out writing at any time or place;, dS Ce Bill 43 'bl•.for any person to or oecupY That the notice . .As.Or na}Z Y roam, s ve- hticle, booth,or building, flat or ea, sal or any part thereof,or to p�I or street„ any place, ye hiole, stand of any kind upon any pubic.' or private grounds within the limit of Salt Lake City with or withott ,books, papers, apparatus or Para tag nalla for the purppse of record- lag,: eceiving, reporting or register ing beta;pretendedobie:oorrsWage s or un or purported el tr pols.or to t kka,rboSYd'Wiith of with _ out.`wddtlen6 f eklll,n speeddio 4pdi:. of endurance of, man or beast,o [upon the result of lets, chance,Vas. Ualty, unknown contingent even whatsoever,.,and,It shall.be unlawfu• of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said news- for any person-to receive,.register,. report or forward in y manne whatsoever any anoneY,thing or con what of value,-pet or wagers. in its issue dated the ..29th..day of .Q4t ob.er,... 19 3Q., upo r offered for the;purpose.of 050 paper bet or wagered,or tb R.11 Poole duck'result or pretended or pur'port? d result; and It shall be nlaw[ for any person to conduct. keep: and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on Nam. on or maintain by himself o 'his agents,or mployees, and(or) for any person to loiter about, resort to ****,ky,* yl,tt yc�c*#** 0i..frequent any turf exchang pool for room or other: place by whatever, name known where bets or wagers -or pretended bets or wagers on they, result of ported horsetYacerse wherever°rtn°or thereafter, the full period of ....One.Insertion. contest purported contest of skill or of endtpTahue'of men.or annuals o Wherever'-'Aatls or had are, are made, received-or paid, and it shill!. be unlaful for,the awn.= of Ieaaeei the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the ..29. ..... or occ upont of try said place or Vo, hlole to knowingly permit any part; of the pr0rns ev or vehicle be A. D. 19.°S.Q. need for, the'purpose.of gong co day of October. ny turf exchange, H `I other place for the purpose of re- co ra, g hels on he result f I 1 r pretended Or I 'I horse, pepee race on the, tlhitnf inar pllrdyfesl,tA[} OL C# t li?tj .. .. .. ...... .. It shall i." tom" to,bet or rotg yj;� ;Uti oh,r.� o[ the teshit oil an tolad nt. Subscribed and sworn to before Inc this ..6th. day of • purported horse lace or upon the re- /---, nit f. tY oaptegt be pup urportlt con.- —� test of:-skill or situ o[men op animals by means of bookmaletl Bovember• Pools or Other.desdoesf and,t '1. be ualawfnl for annyY,Pardon iof's d or which are4teer by io / "- sEd'of CT i In the opinion-at vtn.. Notary Public. Board'of pea0 alonetre,it is hales,•. saryof e, thepants,health and vaCl�y of atht,isya dints,-pf Salt Lake Cl e that'.this ordinanep become'a feat!.e Immediately. 2 o 19�33 . SECTION a. This ordinance Shan My commission expires 11`.lQ1C.. ,• take Se opt.upon its publication. passed by the:Board of;Comis- `stoners,,of Salt Lake+CttY,Utmah, this Advertising fee, ffi 28th.ddy of OcJOS O A.1),1900, TAMPOr$T Chairman ETY;DL M LJ11 p,, Cay Res' ,Bill;N \, i 0 0 1 .: Z1 --•,. °,0 SI: S e 5 4, 1•4b: • CIO q • C..) , i4 ..0 ., (i (,- ,,) P . .., ,, 0 .. I.. 49 cim . , . . i A A