43 of 1936 - Amending Section 1285 relating to streets-obstructions, permits-fees, etc. ROLL'CALL • VOTING AYE NAY t Salt Lake City, Utah, NO 1( iJ36 ` 193 Coggin ‘l I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser V Murdoch Nx4�XY I/�� 2G / Lee Mr. Chairman - AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1283, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to streets. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 1283, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to streets, be and the same is here- by amended to read. as follows: SEC. 1283. OBSTRUCTIONS. PERMITS. FEES. The following words when used in this ordinance shall have the meanings re- spectively ascribed to them: (a) "STREE'T." All parts of a public street between. the boundary lines including parkings, sidewalks, gutters and roadways. 4 (b) "OBSTRUCTION." Any rubbish, glass, material, wood, ashes, tacks, metal, earth, stone or other object, thing or sub- stance which may interfere with or obstruct the free use or view of the street by travelers, or injure or tend. to injure or destroy • c, �- or render unsightly the surface of a street, or which may cause or tend to cause such street to become unsafe or dangerous for travelers thereon. (c) "STRUCTURE." Any sign, sign post, advertisement, merchandise, material, flag, banner, rack, fence, vehicle, ob- ject or structure which shall be erected, located, deposited or placed in or upon any street except those objects affixed to any buulding and extending over a street which are licensed or regulated. under Section 1183 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934. (d) It shall be unlawful for any person to place, cast, 43 -2- deposit, ` permit or suffer to remain in or upon any street in Salt Lake City any obstruction as herein defined. (e) It shall be unlawful for any person to erect or place upon any street or to suffer or permit to remain on any street any structure as herein defined without first obtain- ing from the Board. of Commissioners of Salt Lake City permis- sion so to do and then only in strict accordance with the ter s and conditions of the express permission granted. The Board of Commissioners of said city may grant or deny such permis- sion or impose additional conditions when it deems it to the best interests of said city in regulating the use of its streets and may when it deems it necessary require that surety bond in any reasonable amount be posted and maintained The sum of $25.00 shall be charged and collected annually fro every person to whom such permission is granted to cover the cost of the regulation and inspection of any' structures erect ed or maintained in any street. j (f) Every application for permission to place a structure upon any street in said city shall be accompanied b the fee required for one year, together with plans and speci- fications of the same, and shall state the name and address of the applicant, the place proposed to erect such structure, the length of time it is proposed to maintain the same and such other information as the Board of Commi_ssiondrs may re- quire. (g) All permits granted by Salt Lake City may be re- voked, altered, or modified by said city at the will of the Board of Commissioners thereof whenever said board shall deem it to the best interest of such city, and it shall be unlawfu for any person to fail to comply with any order or condition imposed by said city. Every structure pr obstruction rnaintain:d upon any street of said city in violation of this section is hereby declared to be a nuisance and it shall be the duty of the police department and such other officers and employees o -3- said city as said department may call upon to forthwith remove the sames SECTION 2. Any person violating any provision of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine in any sum not exceeding two hundred ninety-nine ($299.00) Dollars or by imprisonment in the ci jail not longer than six months, or by both fine and imprisonment. SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is necessary to the health, peace and safety of the inhabitants ! of Salt Lake City that this ordinance take effect immediately. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall .takeeffect upon its first publication. J .17 Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 'Q day of a1MAl4ej6 , A,P. 6. ,/;/4% Mayes' — City Recorder. { I s� z•--,. -.. - ._. . • . • - . . •. . .. , . _ . A.. a 4 1.1 Ilt...14 as gt17 . '...-o Q "0 Di • `r.1 cp 74 • >sl ' , 7•0 ;',-- Is f -- mi 1 CD - •C 4.) Ere at • •-• . 0 ii_. co 2. it 1° 1 tr' Pt f . . 2. 1 5.1 ._ • ,_ , . ... r_ . . , '-N7 11 T1\ 1 ' Prnnf of Inhttration 33niteb Slates of Anterirn STATE OF UTAH •ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE AN ORDINANCE- •-- • - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC- --TION 1203, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lakq Oily,.'Vtah,1934,relating to s It t v ordained. the Board of I, P e THOT�-'1PS OPT Commissioners of.Salt Lake'City, . Usatetn:4-Si.'Tiiat-seatliiu,;:I2se.'.. Revleed Ordinances of,Balt Lake being first duly sworn,depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of City,Utah,19$4,-selhereb to streets,; be and the-eamq.l8.hereby amended to read aerfollowe:'•-- ' SEC.1283,OBSTRUCTIONS:PER-: Nam.FEES. The-,following word., THE SALT LAKE TELEGRAM,a newspaper,published at Salt Lake when used.In thin ordinance Shall ' -have the meanings. respectively ascribed to them: (a) .STREET." All parts of a City,State of Utah, public street between the boundary line.,including parking.,sidewalks,j gutters and ioadWaYs. (b/ .?BSTRUOTION:' Any:Tub- That the Notice AN ORDINANCE -HILL--ATD-.--43 bash, glass,.material,.wood, .ashes. _f- tacks, metal, earth,stone or other, object, thing or substance which' may interfere with or obstruct the, SALT LAPTE CITY CORPORATION. free use or view of the street by travelers,or injure or tend to injure or destroy or render unsightly'the surface of a street, or which may cause or tend to.cause such street to become unsafe or dangerous for travelers thereon. "STRUCTURE."Any sign,sign post, , advertlse ant, •merchandise, b material, flag, banner, rank,fence;. vehicle, obect dr'structure which shall be erected,located,deposited or placed in or upon any treet, of which a copyis hereto attached,was first published in said news- except thuds objects,affixed to any Duich are extending over a street which a• ctionl3183aof the Revised Or- 12th dinances of salt Lake City, Utah, paper in its issue dated the 1934, (d) It shall be unlawful,or einY permit '- ,perso place;oast,deposit,permit November , 193 or suffer to remain • or upon day Of ' any street in Salt Lake City any obstruction as herein defined: ' (el It shall be unlawful for any t e t orpt0 offer place permit oto a and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on main on any street any structure as herein defined without first ob twining from.the Soars of Commis-. November 12th. for stoners of Salt Lake City permission eo to de, and then only in strict accordance with.the terms and con- ditions of-the express Permission One insertion granted, The Board or Commission- thereafter,the full period of ere of said city may grant or deny such permission.or impose addi- tional conditions when It deems it to the beet Interests said city the last publication thereof in'regulating the use off its streets S and may when it deems it necessary require that a surety bond in any • r reasonable amount be',Doted and hall Ae charged ererd sum o ected annuo being in the issue dated the 12th day of ally from every Person to whom such permissidn is granted,to cover November 6the cost of the regulation and In- ,A.D.193 • enaction of any'.structures,erected, or I) Every Etestreet. (fl inapplicationany for per- •--'c��,�(�`-"r mission to place a structure upon- apy street An said city shall be ac- e yea fee required for . on r, together with Plane.,end specification of the same,and hall state the name;and address-of,the to before me this 13th day of erect such structure,the leg h of time It is proposed to maintain \ ..the dams and such.other informa- -tton ae the Board of Commissioners may require. - , A. D. 193 (g). All permits granted by salt .Lake City may be revoked, altered - or.modified by said city at the will f the Board of Commissioners thereof whenever said board shall q 1...' c. �- G..Wiz--L--(',. __ deem It to be to.the best interest ,,... ... 0 ''of such city,'and.it shall be un- lawful SECTION 2. Any person vlalating'� for any prder or fail tn'., any provision of this ordinance imposed with any city. - condition! shall be punished by a fine in y une obstruction, said Every Won ` _i sum not exceeding two hundred tore sr eet of said maintained upon l /; y�} ninety-nine ($299.00) dollars,or by 'ci thissrset to said city in declared to imprisonment 1n the city jail not f nuisance is hereby to longer than six months,or by both• be a ofthepolice and it,arm t the fine and imprisonment. duty of fac and end -SECTION 3.In the opinion of the sa otherityas said department employes:of Board of Commissioners it is'aecee-' said city to em :nay sary to the health,peace and safety sail upon forthwith remove the, f the inhabitants of Salt Lake City "same, three this eelately.ord/nnce take effect im- m Advertising fee$ SECTION 4.Tine ordinance shall take effect upon its first Publicitido. Passoard of.Commis- sloner�dfy'Salt.Lake CIty,•Utah,this 19th,day of NOvembey,A.-'19, line, - • ..- E..B. ERWI1f.Mayor, a ETREL MACDONALD. 4r (Seal) City Recorder. Bill No, 43. - Publlehed November 32,193e, PROOF OF PUBLICATION FROM Mg, bait Eakt &Irgrant County Entry No