43 of 1942 - Amending bill 340-above ROLL CALL
'VOTING �• Salt Lalze Citg, Utah, 194'
I mope that the ordinance be passed.
Keyser - - - / /
Matheson - - i-
__ �--C>. � ', ` % ''.-r�f7e. .—o--�c_
lPGatatbm _ _ �I
-re deSco _ -
Ms.Chairman - - - _ Al ORD ANCE
Resudt - - - _
Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on the lath day of August,
• 1942, and designated as bill No. 4.0, vacating a portion of Superior
. Li' ' Street or 8th West Street, a portion of Lincoln Avenue or 13th North
Street, a portion of Minnesota Avenue or 14th North Street, a portion
of two 14-foot alleys in Bloeks 2 and 6 of Superior Subdivision, _and
°` also the east 66 feet of 4th West Street from the north boundary line
mf 5th North Street to and including the north boundary line of 7th
North Street, 7th North Street from the east line of 4th West Street
east 165 feet, and 6th North Street from the east line of 4th West
Street east 350.46 feet; all of which streets, avenues and alleys
are situated within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That an ordinance passed by the Board of Commis-
sioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on the 12th day of August, 1942, and
designated as bill No. 40, vacating a portion of Superior Street or
8th West Street, a portion of Lincoln Avenue or 13th North Street, a
portion of Minnesota Avenue or 14th North Street, a portion of two
14-foot alleys in Bloelss2 and 6 of Superior Subdivision, and also
the east 66 feet of 4th West Street from the north boundary line of
5th North Street to and including the north boundary line of 7th
North Street, 7th North Street from the east line of 4th West Street
east 165 feet, and 6th North Street from the east line of 4th West
Street east 350.46 feet; all of which streets, avenues and alleys are
situated within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City; be and the
same is hereby amended to read as follows:
` ti
''SECTION 1. That a portion of Superior Street or 8th Wes
Street, a portion of Lincoln Avenue or 13th North Street, a portio
of Minnesota Avenue or 14th North Street, a portion of two 14-foot
alleys in Blocks 2 and 6 of Superior Subdivision, and also the east
66 feet of 4th West Street from the north boundary line pf 5th Nortl
Street to and including the north boundary line of 7th North Street,
7th North Street from the east line of 4th West Street east 165 fee-,
and 6th North Street from the east line of 4th West Street east 350.46
feet; all of which streets, avenues and alleys are situated within
the corporate limits of Salt Lake City and more particularly descri-
ed as follows:
Beginning at a point in the West line of 8th West Street,
said point being in th4 East line of Lot 1, Block 6, Superior
SitOdivision of Salt Lake City, 104.0 feet South fran the Nort
east corner of said Lot 1; thence South along said east line
of Lot 1, 21.0 feet; thence West 20.3 feet, more or less, to
a point in the Easterly right of way boundary of the bregot
Short Line Railroad Company; thence South 30 degrees 34 minute
04 seconds East 16.26 feet along said right of way boundary to
a point in the North line of Lot 17, Block 6, Superior Sub-
division; thence East 12.0 feet; thence South 20.3 feet; thenc-
South 30 degrees 34 minutes 04 seconds East 198.25 feet to the
South line of 13th North Street; thence East along the said
South line of 13th North Street 203.24 feet; thence North 66.0
feet, to a point in the South line of Block 5, said Superior
Subdivision, which is the North line of 13th North Street;
thence West along said North line of 13th North Street 243.0
feet, more or less, to the Southwest corner of Lot 15, Block
5, in said Superior Subdivision; thence North along the west
line of said Lot 15, which is also the East line of 8th West
Street, 125.0 feet; thence North 62 degrees 03 minutes 46
seconds West 74.71 feet, to point of beginning.
Beginning at a point in the North line of 14th North
Street, said point being the Southeast corner of Lot18, Block
2, Superior Subdivision of Salt Lake City; thence West along
said North line of 14th North Street 32.0 feetiy more or less,
to a point in th4 Easterly right of way boundary of the 0rego
RailroadShort Line
04 seconds East62.9 Company; thence South
feet; thenceNorth54.2 feet, to 34 topointuo
Also all that part of a 14.0 foot alley lying between an.
abutting Lots 14, 15, 16 and 17, Block 2, Superior Subdivisio
of Salt Lake City, Utah.
Also beginning at a point in the East line of Fourth Wes-
Street at the Southwest corner of Block 137, Plat ItA", Salt
Lake City Survey, thence West 66 feet to a point in the prese t
Easterly right of way boundary of the Oregon Short Line Rail-
road, which is also the center line of Fourth West Street;
thence North along said Easterly right of way boundary 1584.6.
feet; thence East 231.0 feet to a point in the North line of
Seventh North Street; thence South 132.84 feet to a point in
the South line of said Seventh North Street; thence West alone
the said Southline:of Seventh North Street a distance of 165.0
feet to the Northwest corner of Block 152, Plat T!ATI, Salt Lake
City Survey, thence South along the East line of said Fourth ,
West Street a distance of 1451.77 feet to point of beginning; ,^
containing 2.904 acres.
Also beginning at a point in the east line of Fourth
'West Street at the Southwest corner of Block 152, Plat"At1,
Salt sake City Survey; thence East a distance of 350.46 feet
along the South line of said Block 152; thence South 131.77
feet tp a point in the North line of Block 137, Plat "A11,
Salt Lake City Survey; thence West along said North line of
Clock 137 a distance of 350.46 feet to the Northwest corner
of said Block 137; thence North 131,77 feet to the point of
beginning; containing 1.06 acres.
be and the same are hereby vacated and declared no longer to be pub
lie property for use as streets, avenues, alleys or pedestrian ways.
Said vacation is made expressly subject to a serpetual
easement in Salt Lake City for the maintenance, repair, or replace-
ment of any water or sewer mains that may exist, or extensions
thereof, and to any rights of way or easements heretofore granted
by Sa1t,Lake City or acquired from Salt Lake City by franchise for
maintaining, repairing, altering or replacing any and all gas mains
gasoline pipe lines, water pipe lines, or extensions thereof, or an•
public utilities now existing in any of said streets, avenues or
alleys to be dosed herein; also expressly subject to the rights of
way and easements of the Utah Light & Traction Company and the Moun
tain States Telephone & Telegraph Company acquired under franchises
from Salt Lake City tp maintain, repair, alter and replace the elec
trio transmission, distribution of telegraph and telephone circuits
lines, wires and poles of said companies, together with the neces-
sary stop cross-arms and other attachments thereon or affixed there
to for the support of said electric telephone and telegraph lines,
wires and distribution circuits as now erected and maintained upon
or across the portions of said streets to be closed, during the
life of the franchises held by said companies, or any extensions
Also expressly subject to the rights of,way and easements
of the Utah Oil Refining Company, a corporation, acquired under
franchise from Salt Lake City to lay and maintain water pipe lines
or extensions thereof, along and across the portion of said streets
to be closed, during the life of the franchise held by said Utah of
Refining Company, a corporation, or any extensions of said franchis
es, granted by Salt Lake City."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,,r )
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its fir-t
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
-Vf -
A Up.h,-this / day of , A.i.;. 1942.
) 1 ' ,•
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cOrder. -
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t:72.f t (t
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do i7" t z25, (0") sit,• c j f,,,, F,
E S.
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake) Crirlf
ot SaK Lake city,'Utah,on Mei Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
:r 4,Lincoln'Avemie or 13th North I
trek,a portion of Minnesota Avenue or, published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
'14th North,Street, a portion of two 14.!
Int,alley.in Blocks 2 and 6 of Superior
SubMvielon, and alio the east 86 feet of, of Utah.
Ath.Weet Street from the north bolnidary'
rtArth goltnar fit.".1",itTIVII
*est, 7th Narth Street from the east'
lue''of,4th West Street.eaat 155 feet,and,
th North'Street front the east line of That the advertisement S I., 's".i ty
lth West Street east 350.46 feet; all of
which atreets,avenues and alloys are sit..
naked within the corporate limits of Salt
l n_
Like'City. OraLLIL,e 111_11 ,...',....:,z. ,.,:)..1,..;„ '..i.1.1. 4.0
ke it Ordained by the Boaml of Coot:
missioners of Salt Lake City,_Utah: .
, SECTION,.1.That m ordinance P.eed. ......
raitkt i't/:'Ag rigtrherLyatot tt:
..40°12E.172',76rtid"4"1"4:Arstirit C?S'
'ma'West'nt'reer:porton of'Lincoln
'Aitehue or IIONorth Tett".nflig/!
.Tr"V:rtio":".1°t . ictoot alloYe
7. ;.?,... '..2 5,of prior SUbdivielon. was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
from the nort'noun y Pike of
5th North Stfeet to and including Street,the 3r a day of Septec-iQr A.D. 1942
Mirth bOunfaVy line of 7th North
Ith North Street frorn the east'line of
AtkieWmt Street east 185 feet, and 6th 1
_,„North Street front the east line of 4th, and was published c,„€,, i.,sue
AY.set Street east 360.46 feet,all of whWh.
atteets, averting and_alleys are situated.
Within thee corporate limits of Salt Lake,
UM:,be and the sante is hereby amended
to read as follows: the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
avvollot& ly That.a portto. 1:4!
IrrorLtX1-46=1;32% Noith,
Street,a portion,01 Minnesota Areituf or day of A.D.19
uth,:tortb streot,.&tit&tiwt a tw&tw
100 alleys in Block6 2 mull;of Superior
Subdivielon,and also tbe east 66 feet of ..A52z=ee, :7.......) :
4ib West Street frOrd the north boundary
line et 5th North Street to and including
the north bounders),line of 7th Nortil dvertising Cl
41,0&t. tth amth Street'frat.Ar emd
line of Ith West Street
dtb. orth Street from the.ea.ti.:
A ii WNit Street east 360A fee, „ll.i.f.
•, •10-h eNetsts,avenues and alleys a_ne„
'1 ted,wittfirt,the Corporate limits 01
.1'.^AO'50 More Particularly dee:crib.
ed as follows:
--Beginning t a DOitt in the West line 0 before me this 1i_Li
of,Sth'Woet Street, said Point being in day of
the`Nast line of Lot 1.Bleck dSupetg:
Subdivision of Salt Lake City..„04.: el
,Smith from the Northeast corli „Li,:lin. A.D. 19.:,...L..
Lot I;th."s rtNe.....r.v..20.3 feet,i
f Lot,1,irk ,
crts point in.the ZseterlY
rna.:;f-,vily t,houndsty of th.0,...
‘....AY South 30 degrees 34 minutes 04.en....
SOL 1810 3991 along said rialMh',. e of
boundary to a point in the.Nort_in n. — --
y Pub •..
Lotn 17, Mole 6,„.Eregnr.„„Silln%:0470. No-tar i
Peeet:',Ybenel SNth the n,111,
OA seconds EWA 158.26 feet.te .,Ewt,
sq.et 293.24 ie.t:0.=4,00,,,,1:!•_.!?2.,
to'a point An MA Smith UP.„fii'i,7.c.4'
Saha Superior.Subdivisi
I'li, greet'. then°.
;North'line of 1.91,„
d'':aline+of 13a r.tu
K4.t,along a:dd, er i. oe.wee, te,. the,
Ntreet 10,6!"t'•''''..Zitb•-ill'-,1319QU',.4 4
SatithvitiVoophar oir .. 4„--.„... izetib.
said SuParART'Ehi°04.11i4 1,0,la .ahich
''''''k th''e't Vo'81.12 West'Street,
PetterNottk et &reef 05
41111.5rtill M4And,Welt 7A.71:P.n. tO
o int of neatinint. ,
918144tnoi North 0Sptreet,Old[point—being
the Soutbeast:erner'of.Lot.18,Block 3.
StipeM r.Subdivision-qf Salt Lake City:
ifiencB WSel stets@ eaid North line of 1,410
North-Street 3/0 feet more•no lefe.to a
point 1n the'Easterly'right:of-'way.boun.
dery of'the-Oregon Short Line Railroad
Company:thence.South.30 degrees 34min-
efet, • 2 thence,1th542e to pott of beginn
-Alto all that-part of 14.0 foot al-
ley ] ng betwgen and abutting Lots 14.'
I5. 18 and I'Y'Block.0, Superior bobdi-
Vision o1 Salt Lake'City,Utah.
••410o beginning at a point the East
west Dcornerrof.Block 137,tPlat t""Ae'.South-
Lake City Bnrvey.thence'.West 88•feet to
fa,Doint.fn•the present Easterly right of
:.way boundary of the.Oregon Short Line
;Railroad.which Is also the'ranter lice of
Fourth Welt 9 itr ,.0heyve North
Ra Staue-
tE Sae3BFryright'of-Way boundary 1584.02
tthe thence
line of al O Seventh point in North
Street:thence.South•138.84 feet to a point
'ln the South line of said Seventh North
Street:thence West along the told'South
She'o1'Seventh'North-Street a distance
1 165.0 o
feet fie the Northwest. of
Block 182,-Plat"A'',Salt'Lake City Sur.
vey. thence Booth-along the East line
of said.Fourth West Street a dieta000 of
1431.77 feat.to Point.of beginning: con
, -
- Also ifnni inng�at point to the east
l beginning
ine of Pobrth-West Street.at the.South-
west corner of Block Ill,Plat"A",Salt
'Lake City Survey:•thence East. a, Oh,-
lance of 360.48 feet along the South line
Of•eaid Block 152: thence South 131,17
Seat to a point in the North line of Block
.137, Plat"A", Salt Lake City Survey:
;thence West along -e id-North line of
-Block,137'a distance of 350.48 feet to the
N4rtfiweet,corner of said Block 137:thence
North 131.77 feet to the point of begin-
ning:-containing 1.08 ac
be and the-same are hereby Vacated and
Me to•be public:proper-
ty for e as nests,avenues, alleys or
Pedestrian ways.
Said-'v cat10T'Is made •expressly b-
lest to a perpetual easement.In Salt Lake
city..for'.the maintenance. rer or pair, or
that m exist. re-
placement ory extensions-thereof.
hed.to any rights f ay. easements
retofore,grated by Salt Lake•City'or
'acquired from Bolt-'Lake•City[by fran-
dhie y.for'maintaining, repairing. altering
replacingor an and all gas'mabel.gase-
;1iTe pipe-lines, water pipe lines, or eir-
'tensifons,thereof, or any
/M utllitiee
:noweting in 'of id streets, ave-
ries.o'alleys'to be closed herein•'also-
04pressly eublect to.the rights f.way and'
romk of thq„IItsly'Light 8,Traction
nd t ntoiilrr.. States'.Teies
In franchisee from,Salt
tndLa ten CiteSta the
''olaptrie".trapemiosioe: distribution of
Itelegreph and •telephone rirenits, Ilnes,
'wires and-Poles ot said companies, to-
gether with•.the•neceslary slop cross
,'acme and"Other.atfarhmvDla thereon
affixed iherelo•for the sonnets nt said
electric'telephone and felreranh lines,
!Ares and diatribntlon circuits a
erected andmaintained upon or
doting the portions
f 8 e•lie of the franchisesctrheld
by said'companies:or any extensions there-
Also d'eaSeme is fact.to Utah rights of
way 9Compaeyea corporation,nt the Re otr Be•
d rf Company.a aloLa City
and hachlsn from Salt Like Ci oy a lay
s theienf,•along gtitain water pipe',8lness or
or Pm
lion ofe Said of heeeer tofranchise
-bese clheld
du said
the,lOil-Refining_in Company.
areeo by and
Eor 0 ee004 ofDa•sal a rnoextios.
r granted
c Salt'L osal, iranehiree.
..SECT hN-Sea.7, t Cite"
•SECTION 2.in the Itoie nn ar the
tSr of,tom •anro,I0 t,n the I.
Ole peace.healthaoand City
at stM in
�dienocnie f.Sett Lake-City that this n•
3.. Is ordinance
inunce shall t r
A$t noon. s This orbinanco shaft take
fPeeed br-the l-B rst Publication.
oft Commissioners
t Salt-Lake.City,.Utah, this let day.of
�Reptember, A. D. 1842.•
_ AB JEN1f i9.
City Recorder.
BILL•NO..-43,,-Published-September 3,
11 G
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