43 of 1951 - Annexation extending limits of Salt Lake City, ( Parley's Way ) Petition # 240. ' `RVLL ',.sMLL 1
Salt Lake City,Utah, JUr' 7 195.1 ' ' ,195
Affleck i I move that the ordinance be passed.
Christensen . . . .'' )
Lingenfelter s^ �� ((''�� \--(Z.
Romney . . . . ., \
Mr. Chairman . ✓ _,
WHEREAS, on March 22, 1951, there was filed with the
City Recorder of Salt Lake City Petition No. 240 by Grant E.
Hayes, et. al. (being a majority of the owners of real property
situated in the tract hereinafter described) requesting that said
tract of land be taken within the limits of Salt Lake City, and
.' also caused an accurate map of plat to be made and certified to by
a competent surveyor and approved by the City Engineer to be filed
with the City Recorder.
WHEREAS, the said tract of land is contiguous to Salt
Lake City, and there is no proper reason why it should not be an-
nexed to and made a part of the said city; and
--6 lh a WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
after examining said petition of said owners of said tract of land
,.� and considering the circumstances thereof voted by unanimous vote
of all members of said Board in favor of annexing said tract of
land to Salt Lake City and directed that an ordinance should be
passed annexing said territory and the extension of the city limits
of Salt Lake City accordingly.
NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Commission-
ers of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the city limits of Salt Lake City be and
the same are hereby extended and enlarged so as to include the fol-
lowing described tract of land in Salt Lake County, to-wit:
Beginning eta-point in the present Salt Lake City Boundary
which point is also the southeast corner of the northeast quar-
ter of Section 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M., thence N.
89° 461 45"' W. 501.29 feet, thence N. 0° 011 E. 363.59 feet,
thence N. 89° 46f 45"' W. 857.14 feet; thence N. 00 041 27"
E. 141.38 feet, thence S. 89° 45' E. 33.55 feet; thence N. 00
011 E. 833.61 feet to the center line of arle s Wa thence
1 3 S. 51° 02, E. 1743--81 feet; thence S. 380 1 . O.o ft.,
thence S. 0° 011 W. 21443 ft. to the poin of beginning, cone
containing 17.94 acres more or less;
and that the same has been correctly staked out upon the ground
as shown upon the map or plat.
AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the whole of the above
described property be and is #ereby zoned as Residential 'A' Dis-
AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED and declared that when this
ordinance takes effect the said tract of land above described shall
thenceforth be within the corporate limits of said Salt Lake City
and zoned as Residential 'At District as in the ordinance provided,
and all ordinances, jurisdictions, rules and obligations of or per-
taining to said Salt Lake City are extended over and made applicable
and pertinent to the said tract of land, and the streets, blocks,
alleys and ways of said tract shall be controlled and governed by
the ordinances, rules and regulations of said city in that behalf
and the monuments of the city Engineer shall thenceforth be taken
therein as the standards of locations and distances.
SECTION 2. Upon the passage of this ordinance the City
Recorder of Salt Lake City shall file and she is hereby directed to
file with the County Recorder of Salt Lake County a copy of the
map or plat above mentioned duly certified and acknowledged, as
provided in such cases, together with a certified copy of this
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective imme-
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect at once upon
its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commiss one of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 7th day of June 19511d97'11
{, r
Gib dourdw,v. �`
City and County of Salt Lake, j
I Bessie Judges, Deputy , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinance extending the limits of Salt Lake City,"
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, June 7th, 1951 l
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal
of said City, this 15th day of_ June, 1951 p9c3c
BILL NO.43 m•/ itY Recorder.
v ¢
Published__. June 12, 1951 °.;
10 PI
o kw, �
__° (187V;."-�a L3':�
CD a 'Xl.,
AN ORDINANCE 214-17 It. to the paint of begin- N ` O
AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING nine, containing 17.94 acres more p
WHEREAS, n March 22, 1951ant that the same has been content- '' - U
there w filed with Cre City Re- ly staked out upon the ground as
corder of Salt Lake City Petition shown upon the p plat. 3 N
No. 240 by Grant E. Hayes,et. al. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED
feting a majority ofa the mars II that the whole of the shove ede-ta ?7
• real property situated In the tract crlbed property be a d ei hereby � -
that alter desc Ahab! requesting z n tl Residential 'A' Rl ORDAINED
that s Itl fact of land Sr taken odNd BE dITeclared FURTHER ORDAINED D C
„„,ai the limits Of Salt Luke City and tl takesd that when this o d1f '' Et
p 0 also collate a)a rate } n e takes effect the said tract of 4t,
alas to be made and nca as to approved
a and forth be within the corporate to coned
by thenI y R Engineer to be flied with f Residential
Salt Lake City and vaned as
the Hitt' Recorder ordinance provided.
Dd. t as In thei (�
WHEREAS, the said tract f land Cannes, t pdtctlra. and allsoat-
ts contiguous to Salt Lake City,and minces, I ofsdlcti per, rules and 01d
there I5 proper reason why oft Sale ons of r aaoreaenmg to said
,t should not A. annexed to and made Salt Lake lily r extended ova _
a part f the said city;and
nod made applicable and pertinent d^
WHEREAS, the Board of Commis- On the said tract of land, end the ,(
' stoners of Snit Lake City-after ex- streets. blocks. alleys and ways f
winning id petit ion of sand own- said tract shallh be controlled and of
e of said
tract of land and con- governed tt the ordinances,city
at r
eo edng a the lna00 circumstances thereof and to Motions of sold city 1n rules
the pl
hereU by unanimous vote of IN behalf and the m n ants rf the fJ
- bore o1 sold leShard inord or tail City Engineer shell thenceforth be N
axing said tract ne tend Cr Salt taken therein s the standards of
�' Lakt Clty a tl tllrectetl that an ot'ell- location,and distances.
should she a annexing is SECTION 2. Upon the storage Cr a 1
I I nettle territory i and the extensionx of thisordinanceit the City h R passage
• the city limits of Salt Lake City Salt ake City hail file and she pl
accordingl- is hereby directed to file with the O
NOW, THEREFORE, be It or- County Recorder of Salt Lake Coun-
dalned by the Board of Commission- tv a copy of the map plat above l' 0' e[ f Salt Lake City,Utah' mentionedm duly certified and [W
SECTION I That the city limits knowledged as provided in such 11
of Salt Lake City be and the tame vas together with a certified copy A, t .
are hereby extended a enlarged of this ordinance. L N
so as to Include the following de- SECTION 3.In the opinion of the •
scribed tract of land to Salt Lake a es
County.to-wlti Board of the peace.healt,it id safety t a Pool in the o r Co peace.health and eafety 70
prevent Salt. Lake City Boundary of it te Inhabitants ordinance
of Sal[Lake City —
which point is also the southeast that.his ortlln sore shall become et-
c f 2 northeast quarter fe oi„IO 4.aThi
of Sectionof t T I S, sR 1 E.,S. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall
L E N M., thence t4 89 degrees take effect at once upon its first
46'45" W 501 29 feet, thence N. publication.
0 degrees 01'E.363.59 feet.thence Passed by the Board of Commis-
N 89 degrees 46' 45" W. 857.14 stoners of Salt Lake City.Utah.this M on
feet, thence N 0 degrees 04'27" 7th day of June,A D.1951
E 141.38 feet thence 9 89 de- EARL J.GLADE r
0 tlegrees 01'E.58395 111 feeet: t toe the Irma F.Slicer Mayer '.
enter line of Parley's Way,thence City Recorder tD
S 51 degrees 02'.E. 1743.81 feet: (SEAL)
thence S. 38 degrees 58' W. 50.0 RILL NO 43 f t Cft., thence S. 0 degrees 01' W. Published June 12th, 1951. I"8
f 1-1,1
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake j
Legal NatTces
WHEREAS, n March 22, 1951,
there wa' filed with the City Re-
carder of 1,It Lake City Petition Being first duly sworn deposes and says that he is the ad-
No. 240 by Grant E. Hay0s. I._ 1. )
(eing a oalorlty of the n of
real nonparty situated ,
In tho tract vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS a newspaper
het elnafter Eesmltied requesting
thal said tract of ,and he taken
A.also"k limits of n`Salt Ate"nap"of published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
pint to bean and cc•iti tied 1. oy
competent surveyor and AnprOved
by the City Engineer to be Mod with of Utah.
the City Record,.
W;[IIRPAS,the said t nt land
_Oguona to Serf remain
hern l: n0 panne d to hey it That the advertisement
should not he annexed t0 d .ode
H o' S. .veld Oily;and
WH of S,the Lake d
of Salt Lake Coo after e.
cos of add act of of said a An Ordinance B111 No. Llj
of said tract of land and c
the cfn]rr Stan ores thereof
hetetl by n vote of all m
next of and°naata in fn of e;,
n eking said trace of land to ordi-
nance City and lie eau ed that In Wing
said e4 should irilnry And paused
eexten.sionl of
tile ell y Molts of Salt Lake City
Al ugl NOW, TEIERCE'ORE, he It or-
dained by theROrrd of Commission-
ers f Salt Lake City.Ula : was published in said newspaper in its issuedated the
SECTION 1..That the city limit.. a a
Of Sal.Lake City be And the.as
Ale hereby xtended and enlarged
so as to Include the following de- day of A.D.19
sc.Med'tract of land In Solt LakR
Coln-i ning
D-�ralhnlnl t rt City in the
rI)point at
city southeast on June 12, 1951
I)Point a also the soureE and was published
e nMf/;Ofl t.'I''nor theast quarter
IAc-lt Iii.fi nvtl.N.89 deai'eea
45'„"W.501.29„feet. thence N. the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
0 tegreea Or yE.363.59 lest,thence
re rAl�Ecr'N�40 filth;tar.04'2'I""
[ac! �f irY
e�;:Se!�s 5°';Qe'k:�nenoedN: day of A.D.19
elagrers Sr E.VC hi 1 to the /-
le f Pat I V thence
I decrees OT E.1743.81 fret; w�`_
e S US [lectors5A W. G0.0 f't4 L.
iecs di2,9 t t the i A = AdvertisingC e t I 1 g] more
or less.
analie has
r h rest_out noon a thee ax
that n the man plat,
AND e IT le of lithtthe ORDAINd;-
that the. whole Of the above de-
scriber, Monetty he and la heresy to before me this 13th_ day of
ed Real Ie n'ial 'n' Nisi:ri.
and deelmed that when I.hl_ ordl
other the said trait of A.D.19 51
1,, above
des0alted Man then ee_
nirlh• will.Ila
or aid Son.Lake City andsAnne,as
Residential 'A' Distrlet Ax un she
Salt Lsk provided, and all over
lurlaalettona,rules and ligation'. of of or D1rteel Ting b said
Salt Lake Clty Mended nod
and mate atract of and Drrd trot
to the a to tract ,and. and the Notary Pub •
hate, bloekx, alleys and way: n1 — ___
said L-act loll be nllyd and
,^rl Nil the rtlinarre: rea
aod sdiattrn of said NC:In IMO.
.a the r Eha
helm,vio dim, shall"monomer's
taker 1f Orin the
i standards of
lor:llonaa d dlrslanes.
y.C"LlON12. Ilnan the n of
t n.`; Moore the City RCIOrdc1'of
City shall file and olio
y directed to tile with the
Ce. nr der of Salt bake C"nn-
aol the moll Cr plat above
ego duly et Lilted and
na_nlr n "-
I:oert.Loge, providedcertified
ie such
o .together with a certified cony
SECT/ON N t.In the rs.:minion of the
anof Commissioners.health
atd aa-
v to the serge,orxhh and a Ally
th tie In x,ilinena of Sall,Lake C.11t,-
text el nrdlnnce_hall become e(-
etivr ION I. 'aiv
�ke SECTION I.'Ilia nupnanns_halt
take affort a, once noon Its first
pub stedo
Passed by l 1,bm and of i Commis-
rtinner,.da of,Chit lake CD_'.[Itah,Ili]
R!Ir day of hire
Il'nra r.P,liner `nrOror
City f`.-.nldrr
Puhllahnrl.Invr 121I1. 1951.