43 of 1961 - Amending Item 1 (c), Section 10-3-2 of Revised Ordinance - 1955, as amended by BILL NO. 114 of 1959, /REG.10: 300 6-.00 MA0RT0. ROLL CALL 2, Salt Lake City,Utah, June 1 5196 a VOTING y Aye Nay I move that the Ordinance be passed. Christensen (. . Harrison .SMART. P" cN u n Y � y Romney . . . 4' Mr. Chairman AN ORDINANCE Result . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ITEM 1 (c) of Section 10-3-2, of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, as amended by Bill No. 114 of 1959, relating to electrical inspection fees for commercial and industrial properties. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That item 1 (c) of Section 10-3-2, of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, as amended by Bill No. 114 of 1959, relating to electrical inspection fees for commercial and industrial properties, be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows: "Sec. 10-3-2. * * *. Item 1 . * * *. "(c) The fees to be paid to the City Treasurer for electrical permits covering work in commercial and/or industrial properties shall include required inspections and shall be computed as follows: "I . For new services, changes of services, alterations or repairs of 600 volt capacity or less service entrance equipment, fees shall be computed in accordance with the following table: 0 - 100 amp Capacity $5.00 101 - 200 amp Capacity 7.50 For each additional 100 amp, Capacity or fraction thereof 2.00 "2. Fees for installation of sub-feeders or circuits; alteration or repair of sub-feeders or circuits, and including supply taps from sub-feeders or sub-circuits, shall be computed separately in accordance with the following table: 0 - 30 amp Capacity $ .50 each 31 - 60 amp Capacity 1 .00 each 61 - 100 amp Capacity 2.00 each For each additional 100 Amp Capacity or fraction thereof 1.00 each Rating of the circuit breakers or switches shall be used for all computations with no differential as to number of poles. "3. The installation of transformers shall be subject to inspection fees when such transformers are an integral part of the consumers distribution system. Such fees shall be in addition to the regular system Inspection fees and shall be computed In accordance with the following table: No fees shall be charged for transformers of 50 volts or less Transformers with 240 volts or less secondary - $10.00 Transformers with more than 240 volts but not greater than 600 volt secondary $20.00 a3 • -2- Transformers with more than 600 volts but not greater than 2300 volt secondary $50.00." SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City, Utah, that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 1st day of June, 1961 . j j� ayor leig\tV1414\11211‘d (S E A L) BILL NO. 43 of 1961 Published June $, 1961 43 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF LTTAH, 1j ss. County of Salt Lake Legal Notices I) Pi 0.^.key AN'ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ITEM 1,(c)of Section 10-3.2.of ) tLakeRevised lve Utnhcdi955Ceas sm Salt Being first folly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising eai'i p«o 'f '= clerk of the DESLRET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- Yos c merei:rl and mdoclrinl D1Opei4'�; GRAM, a daily (except Sunday/ newspaper printed in the Eng- Pe ft ordained by the Huard of Commissioners of Salt Lake CAM, DSnheTlory 1.Thar nern 1(e)of. lisp language with general circulation in Utah, and published in Section lo.s-1..of the Revised or- Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State ofUtah. dinanc5 of'S,dtdL by Ally No 1141 y y flL5, amended f tOA, oiAtl ok o!r I cth,C t l iaer nS e +num hierebyn;Fuarne d«and the That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto sr.'SVri: ameIt read `^sec.lu-3-2.•••by e;l• t.� Sill No. 43 of 1961. ^[n The fees m� .ia mane ft L t, .L'.Ike C-. I mt> �oxeasu_ov Pm cleclricnl per' _ antdi judu`trial`y.oncrtiecn rlieit ludo required tons and An. Ordinance reiatin.. to electricalshalt he computed as follows: t� i For elte aC,V.5 ex,changes of 600r services, °abaci', rorlessna7 s'fne «ntranaeenr menu.fees.`hallt;h inseecti.an .Goes for cornered and indu.s- follaw y t hl .- -. ._ ..... .................. .... .. 0-100 amp.CanacIlY $5 00 _. 101.200 non,Carmody 7 50 Fre each additional 100 t!'L`s_l- p ro pe r to e S., mfl Cnnaesty or frwo- '{ 00'0.y0cr 10 Installation of sub. feelereefrtatnn ' ualr re- sub-ceds or rh. a ir nniy tam from 1 sun-enemy. ,hl bompdtoratlyncco d. r with the following table:30 Was _-T published in.Said newspaper on-. one 8, 961. Cai;nclV 6.50 each • ............. .............. a+-.ianard, 100 each El-0fp r,cltt - Fornob a ddil Z.00 each lonal 100 Amp. Canaeity frtion toe thereoultf 1 l+.re eah. ch iac s "t.1 shall be used for II commatatIons with no dlf fs. l t h f t 1'1 Installation f t - f i b h b1 t to /so f q h trAi Legal Advertising Clerk fovmcs are a teCral part S ch fc0r shildir'l�mntnddiiyone to maul... thes Mem ihanectioh fen and(Mall he nnfrd em'd r ith Lhn Sollouclor�table' e nfonffranse sll of e no volts for 'C f;10 ^nerormera with 240 00 Il 1 less 5 ndary .00 Tal� sr'i tlr 'd. Ilion 240 vn 240 Its but n 9ttl a<�wa,�ban d """s2o.00 orey me this day II _ day of 1'n' orrnc A wf than f00 7_.bulnnrt urn.+Lev than 2:t00 volt SO00of A.D. )9._6 • S1�CTION 2.Tn Sie (minor the Board t„ ,,e near,I 1 er is ter, bneccerary to r. 5 r1L J Lake Cla'L'omlctah.ffegi ethisrlm d- SECTION 3.This°retinae, hall tact effect t its lost rhlica- 1 fmse d byf Salt,Rn Board s� akr y,Utah Notary Public thistst<!ab ACKEN 1061. '.F1AAC.KEN 1.PF M:,,rar IIF,RMAN.1.I70CF.1,•SfiN City Recorder_ l.4rALr R1Ll.NO.4of '1 Publl=hod Snnc 9.141 fC-121 I.y b.Ulnrnossian t:xppIres �Vovr ?o, 1961_e cz :1.f