44 of 1912 - Franchise, A.J. Evans, et al, interurban. ROLL CALI, , �.: 'S Z Lake City, Utah, April 'a, -'1 = VOTING °Yee :',.No , I move that rP� by Mr. Keyser be adopted. -r*. #A' Lawrence' .}: 1 y,. ,,,, �. Morrie �c '- ,.. k `,_ A Mr.'-Charr;nan S, ,fy.Y.. - -- F ik i i i. r T : - C • ..-t '`-.a-. '4.. Via- '4 ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah,__. Apria. 11tl._ _ _/91 2 VOTINC. V'e9 No I move that ordinance To. 44 be passed as amended Keyser ✓1 ` Lawrence _.,1...V. Y Morrie _.....:1 Mr.Chairman Y! RESULT - - qi r 1 ���}7 yy ,.l,A.I. LtALL -V Salt Lake City, Utah,...W. .-, lK ...I9/.1.- VOTING Yes i No I move that /'> �,, .._.. ,.- ,.,r-'"t. €r -" ' - ^'•-e,... '' "`" »..V.,"`_t'.rL_ • Keysey '.1„ r .._-. 601 Korns 1 Lawrence p.,.� i'�. � ,' �`�....=:'"S_:' .,t F rr Morris .�._� 4..__.. +I F 1/1 / ft 9i -2-- Mr.Chairman _._ i ,,,I,, f.,.., aziki ,, { RESULT _ I —' r I ,........ .) I.j Pass d by the Board ofl Commissioner of Salt ake ity, 8 Utah,April I, 12. -,i Mayor I. y ec er ;ROLL CALL > 1 Sadz,Lake City, Utah,_._.April.... 11..__...1...._.191 VOTING Yes ° I move that ',:yT if— Mr.kitertrit'1e4 be adopted. Keyser- ...:...r - Korns Lawrence ... .. Morris . , ThKottrri .,a Mr.Chairman . . r....... - _... - — Passed by the Board of Commissioners o-f Salt Lake C%ty, , Utah,4 1 11th, 19 I /! I a1�� .F,..:�a. ®dad C. y '° i yy n.OLL CALL J 4 t _ Salt Lake City, Utah, U � J°4 - ._ 7;'__...Z9 . VOTING Yes No I move that the ordinance be amended by adding the Keyser . ✓� following at the end of Section 1, "also east on Korns .� South Temple Btreet to West Temple; thence south on Lawrence . West Temple to 4th South Street; thence west on ii Morris . , . . . I .._ 4th South Street to 1st West Street". Mr.Chairman . . i • RESULT - Commissioner of Streets bmovements • Passed y the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,IItah, April 8th, T J.// /' 4 Mayor i ecorder AN ORDINANCE . An ordinance granting to A. J. Evans, 8. L. Chipman, W. L. Hayes. J. B. Keeler, D. R. Beebe, W. H. Brereton, Arthur N. Taylor, J. D. Dixon, H. T. Reynolds, John Jones, James 8. MoBeth, J. S. Page, Jr., George A. Hone and George Oi Whitmore, a franohlse and right of way fer the sesotrustion and operation of an eleotric railroad men and over Pirst West Street of the City of Salt Lake, S 'IOS 1. A franchise and right of way is hereby granted and gives, to A. J. Wvans, S. L. Chipman, W. L. Hayes, J. B. Beeler, D. R. Beebe, W. H. 'Tertian, Arthur N. Taylor, J. D. Dixon, H. T. Reynaldo, Jebo Jones, James S. thleth, J. S. Page, Jr., George A. Hens, and George O: Whitmore. their grantees and assigns, to lay, eenabe*t and operate a single er double track standard gauge rail- road, to be Operated by oleetrioally transmitted power, for the transportation of poossmoonn, frreight, express and mail matter, which line of read is Ohnsa in Vallee lines upon a blue print hereto anneaed and made a part hereof, together with such switches, wyes, turnouts, side9traeka and Bross-over tracks as may hereafter be authorised by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, and• . to erect and maintain all necessary poles carrying telephone, tele- graph, trolley, power and transmission wires, necessary to the operation of such road; all, however, under and in accordance with the **millions and limitations hereinafter in this ordinanoe spool- fist. the Miner tneludsd in and to be affected by this grant is 1 as famo**. te+erit: Weameneing at the south boundary line of Salt Lake City at or near where said south boundary line is intersected with Pirst West Street; *kenos north along First West Street to „y ,k Moonlit Towle SEsestX ACTION S. This tranohise is granted subject to the following oonditions, vis.: (a) No coal or freight of any kind, or coal or freight oars -2- shall be hauled or permitted north of Fifth South Street. (b) All express and mail matter transported within the city limits of this city shall be carried in ears of the same general outer design and finish as the passenger oars operated in said city, and the same shall be so oonstraoted and arranged as to entirely enclose all loaded matter. (a) No passenger. freight, express or mail oars shall be per- mitted to stand on any track or switch on any street within the city longer than five minutes, nor shall any freight, express, mail or passenger oars be loaded or unloaded on any street within the city, except that passenger ears may stop at any point to take on or dis- charge passengers. (d) That span construction shall be used for carrying wires, and no poles for carrying telephone, telegraph, trolley, power, tranemise&an wires, or for any other purpose. shall be placed in the traveled part of any street of said city. That all poles to be nela by the grantees, their snoeessars or assigns, shall be of suoh size, material end shape, and be placed at places indioated by the City Engineer. It is distinotlyunderstood that Salt Lake City shall have the right to use any or all of the poles erected by said grantees, their successors and assigns, for the purpose of placing thereon such wires, and for such other purposes as it may desire, the same not to interfere with the use of said poles by the grantees, their suoeessers and assigns. rn t t..“-- ~�(e) That all railroad tra ksAsall be laid upon a concrete base of sash proportion, and upon ties of such material as may be directed by the City Engineer, and so as to oonform to the established grad® of the street upon which they are to be laid, and if the grade of the street is afterwards changed by order of the city authorities, said grantees, their successors and assigns, shall, at their own expense, change the said tracks to conform thereto. That whenever said tracks are laid upon the unpaved portion of any street, the 1 -3- grantees, their successors and assigns, shall, at their own expense, gravel and maintain in good condition said street at the established grade between tracks and twenty five feet on each side of the outer rails, to the approval of the Supervisor of Streets of said city, said gravel to be placed and maintained flash with the top of the rails. That whenever any part of an unpaved street upon which said railway is contrasted shall be paved, the grantees, their successors and assigns, shall pave, at their own expense, between the rails and tracks, and for a space of two feet outside of the outer rail, with the same material as that used in the street paving, and shall main- tain the same in good (rendition, and to the satisfaction of the Supervisor of Streets of said city. That in case said grantees, their successors or assigns shall, in the construction of said tracks or roadbed, remove or disturb in any way any pavement, crossing, water- way or other improvement, they shall repair or replace the same, and place it in as geed condition as before such disturbance or removal, and to the satisfaction of the Street Supervisor. If) That said grantees, their successors and assigns shall, on the unpaved portions of said street, put in and maintain crossings where the line of said railreae sects streets of Salt Lake City, of snob width and leeaiionse shall from time to time be required by the Beard of Commissioners of said pity, and shall, without require- ment of said Board, at once, upon the construction of said road, put in and maintain said crossings. And shall, at their own expense, con- struct and maintain under the Supervision and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, sufficient conduits for the conveyance of water in all water ditches crossed by the tracks of said railroad, so as to admit of the free passage of water, and shall repair and keep the same in good condition, to the satisfaction of the Supervisor of Streets of said city. 'r. -4- (g) That said tracks shall be laid in the center of said street, unless-etheseeee ordered by the Board of Commissioners of said city, and the road operas[ so as to eases so unnecessary impediment to the *camas and ordinary see of said street. fhat'eaid-grantees, their saeeeeeeere and assigns, squall .ea*y,y with the directions of the Beard of Connissiemere of said eity in the constriction of said railroad, and is the operation of the same within the limits of said city, and shell in the aunstruetion and operation of said railroad, at all times conform to moil ordinances, rules and regulations as have been or may hereafter be adopted by said Board of Commissioners in relation to operating railroads, street railways and tramways in said oity. (h) That said grantees, their suooessore and assigns, shall at all times maintain and keep the said track or tracks and roadbed and the approaches thereto, in good condition, and shall equip said rail- way with ,all modern epplianeee, ear* and equipment suoh as is used and employed on first-elass street or interurban railroad systems generally, and keep said road so equipped for the comfort and eon- venienee of its passenger*, and provide its oars with proper fenders, brake* and other applianees necessary to the safety and protection of its passengers, employee* and pereens using said street, and shall operate its ears in en4h ssaner as to interfere as little as possible with the publie see of said street, and shall operate said railway upon the said street of said city in trains containing plot more thin >14161, M►Wh easy e3+s9, rya Ma ej.Z $e 4t0 said oars at. Oath intervals (i) Whenever the City Commissioners shall find it necessary or desirable to grant any other interurban street railway company a franchise over the street covered by this grant, to secure to such other company a connection with any important center or terminus, the grantees:herein, their suooeasote and assigns shall allow operating and running arrangements over the tracks of said grantee their sudoessors or assigns, to such other company upon such other company making equitable payment for constructing, maintaining and operating the portion of said grantees' tracks so used. -g- a- (4) That the grantmen herein shall not in any way be liable or respes ib r for any sooident or damage to pews or property that may ocour by reason of the conetracti:ea or operation of said railroad, or by reason of the default, misconduct or negligence of said grantees, their suoeesaore and assigns, or their agents or employees, and said grantees, for themselves and their sueeeasors and assigns, agree to save the grantor harmless from and against any and all liability, loss, oost, expense or damage of any kind or nature, arising because of the oonstraetion or operation of said railroad, whether by the default, misconduct or negligence of said grantees, their successors and assigns, or the agents or employees of either or otherwise, or which may aeorme by reason of any accident or injury to persons or properly during such oonstruetion or operation, and to indemnify and repay said city for any such loss, expense or damage of any kind which may be sustained by said city; end to defend, at their own ex- penee, upon due notice given of any suit in law or in equity brought against said pity for damages, or loss en account of any default, accident or injury aforesaid, and in the event of any recovery bete g had therefor against said city, they will satisfy the judgment whioh shall be Mead final and conclusive evidence of the liability of the grantees, their suoeessora or assigns to the city. (k) That no part of the right of way herein granted shall at any time be used as entrance or egress to or from Salt Lake City for or by any transcontinental or inter-state railroad; nor shall this franchise or the rights or powers herein granted, be assigned by the grantees, their successors or assigns, to any person, firm, company, or corporation without the consent of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City being first had thereto. (1) That in granting this franchise the Board of Commissioners of the grantor rely upon the statements and representations of/ _1 -6- grantees, that the railroad mentioned herein will extend from the south side of North Temple Street in Salt Lake City to Payson, Utah County, Utah, and that but for each statements and representations this freashise would not be granted, The grantees herein, for them- selvee and for their snoesseore and assigns, agree that said railroad from North Temple Street in Salt Lake City to Payson, Utah County, Utah, shall always be owned, operated and managed as one continuous road. (m) That the grantees, their sueoeseors and assigns, shall pay into the treasury of the grantor on or before the , ) it day of January in *soh year, for the year preceding, as franchise tax, of the gross income and revenue from all sources of said railroad from North Temple Street in Salt Lake City to Payson, Utah.County, Utah, the following sums of money, tech Per the first five years of the life of this franchise, oneahalf of ono per Dent; for the next twenty years one per Bent; and for the last twenty.-five years, one and one-half per east. That said first payiaent shall be made January 2.15 1 , 1913 That each payment shall be a000mpanied with a statement of said gross income and revenue, verified as to its truth and correotnesa by the Auditor or Treasurer of said railroad, or if there shall be no auditor or treasirer, then by the person who has charge of the financial affairs of said railroad; that said verification shall state that the' person making the same is aequainted with the matters, facts and figures set out in snob statement, and that they are true of his own il knowledge, and truly state the amount of the gross income and revenue from all souroes, of said railroad, during the year such statement is represented to cover. That the bookd of said grantees, their suooes-1; sore and assigns, shall be open to the inspection and examination ofs the City Auditor of the grantor at any time after the receipt of such 1 statement, for the purpose of ascertaining the amount of said gross income and revenue of said railroad. Nothing in this section or in this grant contained s , 14 l l 6 1 -7- be construed to carouse or release the grantees herein, or their suo- oessore or assigns from their obligation to pay other assessments or taxes lawfully assessed against their ears or other property. SM'#IQN S. Salt Lake City reserves the right to regulate and control the speed of all oars operated by the grantees, their sucoes- sore and assigns, within the pity. Nothing in this grant contained shall be construed to in any wise sffeot the exercise of the polioe power of the pity for the safety and health of the people, or to pre- vent the grantor or its authorised agents, officers or oontraotors, or persona or corporations to whom frapohises may have been or may hereafter be granted, from crossing said railroad track, or from paving, severing, laying gas or water mains or pipes in said First West Street, or from altering, repairing or in any manner improving said street, without in any wise being liable to said grantees or their suooessore or assigns in damages therefor. =TION 4. If the grant of this franchise be not accepted in writing by the grantees within sixty days after this ordinanoe becomes effective; or the construction of said railroad in Salt Lake City be not commenced within six months after this ordinance becomes effective, or if the work of eonstrueting said road be not prosecuted with dili- gence, or if the oonstruotion of said road be not completed within Salt Lake City within one year after this ordinance becomes effective, or if said road is not oompleted from North Temple Street in Salt Lake City to Payson, Utah County, Utah, within two years after this ordi- nance becomes effective, or if said grantees, their suooessors and assigns, shall fail or refuse to comply with any of the conditions of this grant, or to perform any of the conditions imposed upon them, then this franchise shall be null and void. V YHA, 2 move that Section b of this ordinance granting the franchise be amended to read as follows: This franchise is granted for the period of twenty-five years from and after the date that the same becomes effective; and that Salt Lake City reserves the right, upon three years notioe to the grantee, its successors and assigns, to terminate this: franchise, by paying the said grantee, its successors and assigns, the value of the improvements made in oomplianee with this franchise, at the time said termination becomes effective. The pride so to be paid to be arrived at by arbitration, to which arbitration the said grantee, its successors and assigns, hereby agrees; the arbitrators to be selected as follows: One by Salt Lake City, and one by the grantee, its successors or assigns, and in the event that those two are .unable to agree upon a valuation, then they shall select a third arbitrator or referee, and the award made by them shall be II binding upon Salt Lake City and upon said grantee, ssors and assigns. I L��ZtTy 44 9 (i) hhenever the City Commissioners shall find it necessary or desirable to grant any other inter urban street railway company a franchise over the st-eet covered by this g.rant,to secure to such other company a connection with any important center or terminus, � s jaGfG. 7S 4 ' poS gra ntees rantees 'r�erei.n,their 6 ear and assigns shall allow o�kc,I4 ,41 running arrangements over the trac s of said r•rrntees, their successors or a.sifns,to such other coma ye upon sue' then comppny making equitable payment for construgting,aaintaia.gng. and operating the portion of said grantees traco used. Vy fF f�_ ti .'k C ..a �I�. _,�1/„...... \ -8- o 73n.i ri nxe bo.tKnq odd' zol betrunt Et eel tiOITTII ®frfT .d LIOITOR8 . Saes ,.fi .A ;g`sEurI.st 10 xsb d•ori7: orft • ^•1,'3: ^`t rtocrrt too'i to sx.al tlzrfE 'oorrarcibzo sttiT .3 TIOTTOEIE , _, 1.,,„ l '' r 1 ,. LI--at 1 . 'i '', r ,, i . ..,,, ,, ,.., ( , 7 ... , c .... ,,,g 1--.. ass irti , r. 4- • 8 7, . t -8- , EMOTION 5. This frit.nehiee is *ranted for the period expiring on the first day ef January, A. D., 1962. IMOTION 6. This ordiaaruses 49411 take effect upon its first publioartils. • • :; • , ,c4 . = • • E)gssA by the. d ognmissionersesof Se CrOif121raNt I ) *, :0- 'Apr cL•1`,' I - . Ift ' / 9 I r fx., , . 0 / • , -1 cor e • j • •