44 of 1926 - Budget appropriations for 1927 ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, , Burton I move that the ordinance be passed. Fehr - • Finch 4!4 :::airman - - - - Result AN ORDINANCE Al ORDIb-ANCE eA=G :,.PYROPRIATIO-7cS for the support of the City Government for the year 1927. Be it enacted by the toard of Commissioners of Salt -Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. that tire folloing sums of money, or as much thereof as may be neceeeury, be and the carte are hereby Llropriated out of any money in the City treasury, not otherwise appropriated, for the support of the goverment oa ealt Late lity for the calendar year ending Dec. Li, 1927, !SiCI a)propriations Solar mike to the accounts indicated and as further itemized in the budget approved by the Goard of Commissioners of Leit Lake City, Utah, on tire 2nd day of 9ecember, 1926. 5=1A2Y, 1927 BUDGET. DEPART=. 2UDG22 lb10715ECE. Auditor free Public Ilura-ey 75,193.'76 Public Affairs 1 l'inunce. Commiccioner 5,645.00 Attorney 17,227.00 License Aesessor 7,080.00 Purchasing ,-gent 5,560.00 Recorder 0 City Courts . . 57,730.00 Sexton 65,746.00 Treasurer . . 23,610.00 farm springs 59,640.00 TCHLIC SAFETY. Commissioner 6,700.00 fire 249,460.00 / Health 96,220.00 Community Clinic . 3,000.00 II 44 OU ,LIC ASS iY cont'a. Juvenile :;ourt 2,880.00 Yoli:;e & ir_sor 268,r314.00 92 trot ��iEu_tin�, ,739.18 i..,.:1 111_i1_ 21111.IC •J 6.i oner a '00.00 8_t„ and Jaunty uiliin .2ouna 3.seper 39.00 Part. ;Ju_dar-_.:C A 1 66, )i3.00 s)ureau o ci:' heal Inoeeotion 15,'310.00 Pu.li� of il�.int; 12,876.00 _recreation cC',000.00 6'2=IS i; OCT_)LIC Conunisaioner ),u00.00 Engineer 71,b96.00 :streets 622,776.00 Interest on .,ewer Sods .8,187.50 Improver.,ent: Portico) i✓0,000.00 8TAT TORY IL 3 i,iiscell aneou s i.I.)enditurea 230,325.71 into9sst on .lenorl ,on 112,762..50 Bond .ain_cin,- .:'un' 141,000.00 WAT R 002S,Y Idayor-Commi;;;;i)ner 7,400.00 :9r.terwor cs )c >-irtrio.A 286,096.00 ,n,rineer 112,820.00 Interest on .inter .Dods 121,57.1.60 ;return o in )-aocitl, 17,100./10 Total SBCTIO1d 2. in the cei:.,_ion o ti-c o_r ,,::i.i ,io'_ ers it lw nunnery to the �)c :cro, Le _th 89d ,�. _ 1 � c;` tPe it.hlAtants 'OS salt Lr.ke .,it r that orc l i- - ;t; Jan. 1,1927;. SECTIOC J. .hi:.hic ordi8,'neJ ...._.11 t: _., i, January 1, !1927, �. Pam, Feu sy the --c-rd of Co_.1,2icsioners of 1t ac _s utA, this \ day iic8smaer, J. i`.8. City _recorder. 4 i P I � 1 E `v • a I • . e . . . . ........ # , . s° ......27...f • f e :y s. I • -...:". .....r, CamI' .-;e r" ~ V C. 1P Ili p. up S. C7 °I Cr) 61 c CI 1.7` ., t - e - . t I .. E • tl II j \ I k