44 of 1935 - Granting to the Salt Lake Terminal Company, its successors and assigns, a franchise and right of way Rce, 108 • - ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY VV Salt Lake City, Utah, 193 Goggin I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser Knight Lee �� Mr. Chairman - - � AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE GRANTING to the Salt Lake Terminal Company, its successors and assigns, a franchise and. right of way to construct, maintain and operate a single spur track from and between its main line on First sect street in Salt Lake City to the property line upon the west side of said street. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. A franchise and right of way is hereby grant- ed to the Salt Lake Terminal Company and its successors and assigns to construct, maintain and operate a single spur track from and between its main line on First '•:,est Stteet in z:.1t Lake City to the property line upon the west side of said street as follows: Beginning at a point in the center line of the west track of the Salt Lake Terminal Company, said point bearing south 378.41 feet and west 4.36 feet from the City Monument at the intersection 44 of south Temple and 1st 'rest Streets; thence northwesterly along thence; the line of a `�00 foot radius curve to the left 64.9 feet; north 10° west, 31 feet; thence northwesterly along the line of an 135 foot radius curve to the left, 101.0 feet, to a point on the east line of block 78, Plat "A°, salt Lake City Survey, said point bearing south 160 feet from the N. E. corner of said Block 78, said. spur track being more particularly shown in red on, the attach- ed print, which is hereby made a part of this ordinance. SECTION 2. During the term of this franchise the grantee shall be subject to the following conditions, viz: (a) That said spur track shall be laid upon and conform to the established grade of said street, and if said grade is after- ward changed by ordinance of the Doard of Commissioners, the grantee 44 shall, at its own expense, change the elevation of the track so as Ito conform to the same. (b) The said c;rentee, its successors and assigns, wheneve so required by the Hoard of Commissioners so to do, shall pave, re na.ve, resurface or repair betmeen the rails and for a space of two (2) feet on the outer side of each rail where said track is con- structed with such material and in such a manner as may he approve* by the commissioner of streets and public improvements, and all ties shall be laid upon a concrete base of such thickness as shall be d - rected by said commissioner. ti In the event the paid grantee shall fail to pave, repave resurface or repair any surface or area as herein required for a period of thirty (30) days after notice from the Dotard of Commis- sioners to so do, the city shall have the right to pave, repave, r.- 1 surface or repair said surface or area and the ,grantee agrees to reimburse the city for the tot'.1 cost of said e ork, labor and ma- terial. (c) The aid spur track aha-11 be laid, and the read oper- ated, so as to cause no unnecessary impediment to the common and j ordinary use of said street upon ,hick it is laid. (d) Good and sufficient conduits to convey eater shall be laid and maintained in good condition at the expense of said grantee in all eater ditches crossed by said spur trash:, so as to 1 admit free passage of eater. (e) belt Lake City reserves the right to regulate and control the speed of all trains, engines and cars operated by the s;r.entee, its successors and as:ices upon the spur tre.c'_-. aforesaid. F Neither engines nor cars shall be permitted to stand on said our track on First West atreet. (f) That if in putting in said spur track said grantee shall remove or in any manner interfere with the pavement, sidewalk, curbs or gutters or waterways on said street, it shall replace such pavement with the same or such other material ae shall be ordered. by the hoard of Commissioners and shall replace such siaewa ks a Q 1 • such curbs, gutters and waterways to the satisfaction of the com- missioner of streets and public improvements and shall so co.nstrue - ni gthe gutters that they will allow the free passage of ma ter and to the satisfaction of said commissioner. SECTION 3. Nothin• in this grant shall be construed so as tlto prev::nt Salt Lake (;ity or its authorised agents, contractors, persons or corporations to whom a. franchise may have been or may flherca.Leer be granted from paving, severing, laying, gas or water [mains or 2ipe, altering;, rena-irin , or in any canner improving- said [streets, but all such improvements shall be. cede with as little h rinjury as practicable to said spur track and the operation thereof. SECTION 4. The said. grantee herein, its successo and Lssig_;ns, shall and by the acceptance of the privileges and fran- d p&chiles herein granted and in consideration of the same, does bind titself, its successors and assigns, upon its acceptance of this ranchise, to save the city harmless: from all suits, claims, demand, t land judgments whatsoever, whether in is-e or in eeuity, which shall Abe asserted, found or rendered in any manner whatsoever, against said city for injury or damage to abutting property or otherwise by i eason of the granting of this franchise or by reason of the opera- ion of said spur track; and that the grantee, its successors and riaigns, will any the amount of any judment, determination or anyad- ljudication which in suit or proceeding may or shall be found 1 . in..t, elt La e Cityrind lair rantee, its succes ors and assigns [H1,1 appear in and defend all actions brought against alt Take1 ity for any injury or damage by reason of the construction, opera Lionn or maintenance of said spur track; provided, however, that saic rrantee, its successors or assigns, sh:ll have had notice or any tech suits and an opportunity. to ap2ear and defend. the sane. SECTION 5. This franchise shall extend until the eapira- ;-ion of that franchise granted to the salt Lake Terminal Company on -ecember 31, 1913, to-�-it, until the first day of January, 1964; pro Tided, however, that if for a period of nine consecutive months dur - Ling the life of this franchise the said a ur track is not used for k�6 -4- a s the exoress purpose for which this -franchise is s;rU.nted, this bran and. if so ordered bythe Board. of chise :hall be nu]-1 and. void, Commissioners .- i_d spur track shall within thirty days thereafter be removed and the street restored to a condition uniform Tith the balance of said street - respect to grade, terzal and rid eon- �nith struction, to the satisfaction of the commissioner of streets and fails to remove ar.id public improvements. T�.n the event -.r.zntee 3 tracks and resore saistreet Salt Lake City may do so at grantee s expense, ' x s '.-.� S CT1 f,., Ness ss this, fr cn se r�6c 5111 the terms and i n by e conditions tnca�ref hal .b� acc e_�tc -Ln�� tilento the - '4e11 It g,, f ordnance and hereih within ar-T day0 from the x t o h�' , Unless said tm r co '€ruc'cd �;i; rr o c y4I from the date of such passage, then thTeirdin nc- sft I]f be nutt,and void. ? _it'CAON 7. In 'the o tin-on of the ,aid of Co:mti_scioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants s of F_alt Lake City, Utah, that this ordinance become ef`'ecti.ve im- medi_stc1yL =L'CTIO.l 3. This ordinance shall toce offect uooz, Liss 's publication. Pas,ed by the board of CoTv'i sioners of Lk.lt Lahe City, Uta:h, this 24th doy of Sep tembcz`_,l?`J35. 4. '.a. ,.c-l-c t-.ay or. P City Lecorier. 1 a E 1 i • _ F • -o `h'` 7;. 44' x •111 • a v � ti y r. 1 1 _ W ( �� u - b' • 4•41. k n 'Tr • 1,.. . i _ I 4 I Ili TH Tz , I k LQ b `I ',7c. L. % •- 0 op,--- ,,-.1-,.,,,._ vto - ,900 N Rod!35 :---Tr(11 rIe `o. RoC 200' i� k R TRACK nch=40feet LZ i (so # • II J - CO II I I I 5Za 34.9 Z ' O � i 3 ; 1 WEST INGHOU3E 5PU Ausq'ust 29, I935. — ScaIe: I Proof of 1tthhtrattnu i�ltea Otutpe 1f Armin STATE OF UTAH ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE LEGAL NOTICE AN ORDINANCE .?gin ordinance granting to the Salt H. P. or c-is PSON Take TerrttlnaLqumpa5Y,its succes- • s and assigns, a franchise and right of way to construct,maintain and operate a single spur track from and between its main line on First being first duly sworn,deposes and says,that he is the Principal Clerk West Street in Salt Lake City to the property line upon the west side of said street. Commi sinners eof bSalt eLakeeFCity of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE, a newspaper published in ' Utah: I Section 1. A franchise and right of way Is hereby granted to the Salt Lake Terminal Company and its sue- Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, State of Utah. • s and a ng. to construct, maintain and operate a single spur track from and between Its main line n Frake City oto tlhe propertys linen uponSaltLthe That the Notice AN ORDINANCE. west side of said street,as follows: Beginning at a point in the center line Lake oTf erminale sCt ompany saidepSint SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION. bearing south 378.41 feet and west 4.38 feet from the City Monument at the Intersection of South Temple and First West Streets;thence north- westerly along the line of a 200-foot - radius curve to the left 34.9 feet; thence north 10 deg.west 31 feet; thence northwesterly along the line of a 135-foot radius curve to the left: 101.0 feet to a point on the east line of Block 78,Plat A,Salt Lake City Survey,said point bearing south 160 feet from the N.B.corner of said of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news- Block 78,said spur track being more Particularly shown in red on the at- tached print,which is hereby made 2�lth a part of this ordinance. Section a. During the term of this paper in its issue dated the franchise the grantee shall be sub- Ject to the following conditions,viz: (a)That said,spur track shall be laid upon and conform to the¢stab- day of September , 193 .5., llehed grade of said street,and 1f said grade is afterward changed by ardi- 'lance of the Board of Commission- ers,the grantee shall,at his own ex- and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on pease,change the elevation of the track so as tosaid conform to the same. soreandsassignsrwhenever succes- sors September 2Rth. for qulred by the Board of Commission- ers so to do,shall pave,repave,re- surface or repair between the rails She for a space aoff two each feet on where thereafter,the full period of One ins ertion said track is constructed with such material and in such manner as may be approved by the commissioner of streets and public improvements,and the last publication thereof all ties shall be laid upon a con- crete base of such thickness as shall be directed by said commissioner. 2F1th In the event the said grantee shall dayof tall to pave,repave,resurface or re- being in the issue dated the pair any surface or area as herein required for a period of thirty(30) days after notice from the Board of Commissioners to so do, the city September ,A.D.193 5 shall have the right to pave,repave, resurface or repair said surface or _ /- area and thehe grantee agrees to reim- burse the city for the total cost o1 said work,labor and material. (c) The said spur track shall be laid,and the road operated,so as to cause no unnecessary Impediment to the commem and ordinary use of said' street upon which It is laid. (d)Good and sufficient conduits:It to before me this 2 t h day of to convoy water shall be laid and maintained 1n good condition at the expense oI said grantee is or water --. ditches crossed free said spur ater. ,A.D.193 5 /` // w ae to admit free passage of water. Notary Public. Advertising fee $ 44 PROOF OF PUBLICATION FROM aim. OaIt Eake aribune -1 County Entry No --- ^fr - lei Salt Lake City reserves the right to regulate and control the speed of all trains,engines and ears Operated by the grantee,its succes- sors and assigns upon the spur track aforesaid.Neither engines nor cars shall be permitted to stand on said spur track on First West Street. (I)That if in putting in said spur track said grantee shall remove or In any manner interfere with the pave- ment,sidewalk,curbs or gutters Or waterways on said street,It shall re- place such pavement with the same or such other material as shall be ordered by the Board of Commission- ers and shall replace such sidewalks and such curbs,gutters and water- ways to the satisfaction of the com- missioner of streets and public Im provements and shall so construct the gutters that they will allow the free passage of water and to the satisfaction of said commissioner. Section 3. Nothing in this grant shell be construed so as to prevent Salt Lake City or its authorized agents,contractors,persons or have ions to whom a been or may hereafter bees may from paving, grant- ed or water mains or pipe, i e,altering,teing re- pairing or In any mapnner impring said streets,but all such improve- ments shall be made with as little injury as practicable to said spur track and the operation thereof. Section 4.The said grantee herein, its successors and assigns,shah and by the acceptance of the privileges and franchises herein granted and in consideration of the same,does bind Itself, its successors and assigns, upon its acceptance of this fran- chise,to save the city harmless from all suits,claims,demands and judg- ments whatsoever,whether in law or in equity, which Shall be asserted, found or endered in any manner whatsoever,against said city for in- jury or damage to abutting property or otherwise by reason of the grant- ing of this franchise or by reason of the operation of said spur track;and that the grantee,its successors and judassigns,will pay the amount of any. gment.determination or adjudi- cation which in any suit or proceed- ing may or shall be found against Salt Lake City and said grantee,its successors and assigns,shall appeal in and defend all actions brought' against Salt Lake City for any injury or damage by reason of the construe-1 Con, operation or maintenance of; said spur track;provided,however, that said grantee,its successors or assigns,shall have had notice of any. such suits and n opportunity to appear and defend the same. Section 5.This franchise shall ex- tend until the expiration of that franchise granted to the Salt Lake Terminal Company on December 13,1 1913,to wit,until the 1st day of Jan-' nary,1964; provided, however,that if for a period of nine consecutive months during the life of this fran- hloe the said spur track is not used for the express'purpose for which this franchise is granted,this fran- chise shay be null and void,and if so ordered by the Board of Commis- sioners said spur track shall within thirty days thereafter be removed and the street restored to a condition uniform with the balance of said street with respect to grade,mate- rlals and construction,to the satis- faction Of the commissioner of streets and public improvements. In the ' event grantee falls to remove said tracks and restore said street Salt Lake City may do so at grantee's ex- pense. Section 6.Unless this franchise and all the terms and conditions thereof shah be accepted in writing by the grantee herein within thirty days from the passage of this ordinance, and unless said track be constructed within one year Irom the date of such passage, then this ordinance shall be null and void. Section 7.In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,it Is neces- sary to the peace,health and safety f the inhabitants of Salt Lake City, Utah, that this ordinance become effective immediately. Section B. This ordinance shall . 5.±,effect utoe Its publication. cod by the Board of Commlts of Salt Lake er.CIty,1 Utah,thLs y LOUIa MARCUS35Mayor. 1-5:. ;:: ) ETucr.MCCD Recorder. City Recortler. Bill No.44. Published September 26,1935, i i f i