44 of 1936 - Amending Sections 875 and 879 relating to police department-organization and salaries P.P.O.97 2000 9-B-912 PLEASE REFER To FILE E.B.ERWIN,Mayor COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC SAFETY NUMBER 1).n POLICE DEPARTMENT WHEN REPLYING TO THIS HARRY L.FINCH COMMUNICATION GRIEF OF POLICE SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH :ovo hiur 10, 1956. Layer h . Erwin, C. C. i31.d(, Door Layer, In our conve •jation of yesterday ;.lade the stute.lelt that the diiCe:L.i_ces based on the old and new ixoposed ordinance schedules t,:a.Iea a saviu,_; of t90C.0u; and attuehed j'ou -ill find vlhere ouch L;aVing, is saade. Yours Chief o Police cc 44 Present New Oath Rate Over Under 1 Chief of Police 3,000.00 3,600.00 -- 1 Inspector 2,820.00 2,820.00 -- 4 Captains (formerly 5) 2,240.00 2,240.00 2,240.00 1 Sept of Ident 2,160.00 2,220.00 60.00 4 Lieutenants (formerly 2) 2,040.00 2,100.00 4,320.00 1 Secy to Chief of Powice 2,040.00 2,240.00 200.00 1 C/O Record Bureau (now out) 2,040.00 2,040.00 12 Sergts (formerly 14) 1,930.00 1, 30.00 3,960.00 1 Radio Technician 1,080.00 1,000.00 -- 1 Secy Let Bur (now out) 1,800.00 1,300.00 2 Clerks Record Bur (now out) 1,860.00 3,720.00 2 Clerks Ident Bur (now out). 1,860.00 3,720.00 3 kale Clerks (formerly Record and Ident Bureaus) 1,860.00 0,530.00 4 female Clerks (none before) 1,620.00 6,430.00 3 Radio Operators 1,800.00 1,860.00 -- -- TOTAL 16,6 0.00 17,5.10.00 Difference (Under) 900.00 N012: By having 3 male clerks and 4 female cl rks, it elLminates three items in the above list, namely C:.ief Clerk Record Bureau, Clerks Record Bureau, and Clerks Identification Bureau; and the female clerks being at a lower rate basis reduces the amount of salary. The clerks will replace an equal ntu;ieer of patrolmen (who are on a higher rate basis) 44 RC>LL CALL VOTING AYE I NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, 193 Y �Goggin _a I move t£lat the ordinance be passed. Keyser Murdoch 3�k6xx - - - Lee Mr. Chairman - - \y AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 875 and 879, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to the police department. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Sections 875 and 879, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to the police department, be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows: SEC. 875. ORGANIZATION AND SALARIES. The police de- partment of Salt Lake City shall consist of the following officers, whose annual salaries shall be as fixed by the board of commissioners, within the limits specified: Not to exceed Chief of police, who shall be head of the police department $3600.00 1 Inspector 2820.00 4 Captains 2240.00 1 Superintendent of First Aid & Safety . . . 2240.00 1 Superintendent of Identification 2220.00.. 4 Lieutenants 2100.00 1 Secretary to Chief of Police .2240:.00 12 Sergeants 1980.00 1 Radio Technician 1980.00 3 radio operators 1860.00 Clerks, male, first grade 1860.00 A g Clerks, male, second grade 1740.00 �S 44 Clerks, male, third grade 1620.00 Clerks, female, first grade 1620.00 Clerks, female, second grade 1320.00 Clerks, female, third grade 1140.00 Patrolmen, first grade 1860.00 Patrolmen, second grade 1 1740.00 Patrolmen, third grade 1620.00 Policewomen, first grade 1620.00 policewomen, second grade . 1500.00 Policewomen, third grade 1380.00 1 Police Matron 1020.00 SEC. 879. ASSIGNMENTS. The chief of police may assign any subordinate officer in the department to any duty which in his judgment the good of .the ,serv4l may require and may change such J h � -2- assignment from time to time whenever in his judgment the good of the service requires. Whenever assignments are intended for a period of thirty days or more, the chief of police shall report to the II board of commissioners the names of such patrolmen as are as- signed by him to the following services, to-wit: detective sergeants, detectives, morals squad policemen and property clerk. Copies of such assignment shall be filed`,4 th the city auditor and secretarypf the c 7il.aervice eb iimission. Patrolmen, when aging iri t :following capacities under assignments for thirtybays ot:;;:pct , shall b 'entitled to compensation in addition to regul eompensati6x as patrol- men, to be fired by the bo d of_comu .,ssioners, fa 4 not to exceed the following: Detective sergeants $15.00 per month Detectives 10.00 pgr month Officer and Member of Morals Squad 5.00 per month Property Clerk 5.00 per month SEETION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants' of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect at once upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this /6 day of yrpeAyky;A.D. •36. & City Recorder. I I • am 1 • x - azb. _ ate �rt z • • . . r„) . „ _ • „ . .„ _ . • T1Jx i-> . . ,----- Proof ilf publirtttiritt litittrb tatro of Antertra STATE OF UTAH SS. COUNTY-OF SALT LAKE AN_ fix opRozNANcE - 1 - pliErtNANCE AMENUING SEO. T,IoNS,rig,and a79,-,Revised 014- ,nanciene Salt add.Zity,Utah,'1934„ ,,,,ttoottotr,to,the,pollee.depastment. I, H. P. TITOTTSON ---60%.1.640.'°.:trolP'.:bitl!'4.atirti'tV,t, w -tittTioN 1.' That-Sectiene'HIS , , .and •Ve,.aethea,okti.,0,0„„ of being first duly sworn,depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of Salt Lake'City,Utah,1934,xejating i to,the-Poga nepartinent, to arid the 0500e ore Inneoded to THE SALT LAKE TELEGRAM,a newspaper,published at Salt Lake Et .'875, OrtiltALUSATICier AND S21 INS. The police departraint of, It loOre,City;Shall cornist of ' :the 1011ioi,6,11°,1,1elme.b011" 1 VState of Utah. male et.,411,11-be,'as fixed .the City,rat 1.,........,watttri'the , ,. . " toot to eaceed I CAW Of'Paige,vrtk shall'., That the Notice AN ORDINANCE -- ,he heed or the Police den: ,,,:',iltrtpront"2,..,..,...,..,....,..0.060.0 ‘,.0entatrit:' BILL NO. 44 I 1'2AT:roil:kit:.°. •nr",.4.0.' A.SuparaidOak,Or:ia;a,t;I: latt . 4 ficatlen .. ,,,,,a; , 132,0.t, SALT LATE CITY CORPORATION. 15. rotegt:,, occ.- • ", • ,,,,1.l*.d.die • az,,t. -, ..,,•,6,..•..,..,l......i1fnOot0ohL,.oae . .r....'.4080,0Ooo0 3 di Chrke.'A';,frgtgr;34..i90 gei1e.11Ne inond gade. , ono e'kW"411 ,i-Veh.,..Seetit..1,20.00 of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news- (NOON; 011) is.,firSt`.grape...1.O.20,00 dies,,YOMare,,,eedond Veda,1320,,00 fr ' , ..f.14er:third"stado.114O,O0 ,Ireagrade,....,..1860.nd 13th .-.i•e.i liond grade...rlo.00 paper in its issue dated the 1 day of November , 193 6 , , •:',. ,... .. . - , - ''-'- ' , and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on , to.Any,Nuty N44.0h,.his Judgment the 13904 Og the serylce xnay require, . and,roar'change*nth,assigninent 17ovenber 13th, tron'tine to'Kole.,whenever in"his for ittOotoont,ttiergobtl ot the,eervice. ... allover asoffromentp are intend- , .ott Pk At penott di thirty daye or thereafter,the full period of One insertion watt tilt:044i of.police than re, ' rhT=, 'Velue'll'="19uq' AMR 85 , ,, an.gengstegl,bY Inin'to thirfollowlog. / ^ '°"eeli tO.'‘eit,Detative-gergeante,1 the last publication thereof .. 0..t..oti..,'Morale*mad policernen' ffsetralePreireitr ge Zgr iwilh'''= tOr and ceeretary of ine being in the issue dated the 13th day of -corio...vio.coqoni.ion., — "Petrohnen,.,W,Iren acting in, the .follOt.nttte.capacities under aastgri- , Manta for tKrty dayd or more,shall November ,A.D.193 6 44 ' 4o.entitled to.00mperisation in*4- qmon to rogNI.N. coNmene.tim, . pitrolinen,to be fixed by the Board of'COMMlesionne, and not to ea. petengeg outrooma4,—.-0,5.00 1.,,.. i' 57gctipe0-$10.00 oer 1)e00th, riSgae-NO,Of_pd 6 MlifeSty. "'MC"6 l_ th •. Prohertg'ularg.,-$5.13q iir!nonth.1 to before me this (- day of wolVT/,,T Ic.,,IR"the.51>tO1611 qtAtio \ "liter,tt•lboVoortrg,.i........- •and eafety , 6:t!"ti?aulb3404--,-01,stat--1.4. A. D. 193 , ,•,4 ,* !Prikukao...o.y.au,'.was.4. , 6 .... 1,.. of Otypromce sbaii • ' v 040, •,„4PN+Inaba ite,..first — / - L , '4.' " ' ' - 60.45,:the,33bard of Ooninds- ,--" . ‘.- ' e,ohere 0,BIM 11.10 City.1,7tair,this, lgth'day of Novemby.it p 11)313.. Notary Public. '4 iiriPiciii18airgoolPI 04 R.'::r''rd' y ,er.' ; // PublAshod NoVeiriber .1036; • o 1 Advertising fee$ ' 44