44 of 1951 - Annexation extending limits of Salt Lake City, Petition #1334, ( Amended by Bill No. 50 ) K LL t ALL Salt Lake City,Utah, . JUF� ��5 ,195 VOTING ' I Aye Nay 177 Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed. Christensen . . q e/lF Lingenfelter . . �`'� �.`�.-f+`�_ 11!`..%��w� _n_.....n...,.......r Romney . . . . Mr. Chairman AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. WHEREAS, on December 5, 1950, there was filed with the City Recorder of Salt Lake City Petition No. 1334 by Edward M. Ashton and others, (being a majority of the owners of real property situated in the tract hereinafter described) requesting that said tract of land be taken tithin the limits of Salt Lake City, and also caused an accurate map of plat to be made and certified to by a competent surveyor and approved by the City Engineer to be filed 0 with the City Recorder. Ttl WHEREAS, the said tract of land is contiguous to Salt Lake a City, and there is no proper reason why it should not be annexed to w„( and made a part of the said city; and �-� WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, m after examining said petition of said owners of said tract of land Q :., and considering the circumstances thereof voted by unanimous vote of all members of said Board in favor of annexing.said tract of land to Salt Lake City and directed that an ordinance should be passed annexing said territory and the extension of the city limits pf Salt Lake City accordingly. NOW, THEREFORE, BE it ordained by the Board of Commission; ors of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the city limits of Salt Lake City be and the same are hereby extended and enlarged so as to include the fol- lowing described tract of land in Salt Lake County, to-wit: Beginning at a point that is N. 00 12' 50" W. 33 feet of the SE corner of the NE 1/4 Section 15, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S.L.B. & M., and running thence N. 0° 12, 50" W. 87 feet, thence N. 31e 151 W. 420 feet; thence N. 21° 15' W. 568 feet; thence N. .332e 30' 30" W. 295 feet; thence N. 57° 17' 38" E. 40 feet; thence N. 17° 411 19" W. 332.26 feet, thence N. 29° 0' E. 147 feet; thence N. 39° 32' 23" W. 285 feet; thence N. • 44 61° 301 E. 90 feet; thence N. 16° 511 31" E. 103.25 feet; thence N. 29° 54' 59" W. 51.10 feet; thence N. 0° Si' 380 E. 145.43 feet; thence East 614.67 feet; thence S. 0° 13, 20" E. 952.84 feet; thence East 80 rods; thence S. 0° 13, 20" W. 1289.38 feet; thence West 80 rods;to'_ther:point of beginning. Contains 61.2 acres. and that the same has been correctly staked out upon the ground as shown upon the map or plat. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the whole of the above described property be and is hereby zoned as Residential "A"' Dis- trict. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED and declared that when this ordinance takes effect the gaid tract of land above described shal_ thenceforth be within the corporate limits of said Sal* Lake City and zoned as Residential "A" District as in the ordinance provided, and all ordinances, jurisdictions, rules and obligations of or per- taining to said Salt Lake City are extended over and made applicab`.e and pertinent to the said tract of land, as d the streets, blocks, alleys and ways of said tract shall be controlled and governed by the ordinances, rules and regulations of said city in that behalf and the monuments of the City Engineer shall thenceforth be taken therein as the standards of locations and distances. SECTION 2. Upon the passage of this ordinance the City ' Recorder of Salt Lake City shall file and she is hereby directed t. file with the County Recorder of Salt Lake County a copy of the ma. or plat above mentioned duly certified and acknowledged, as provid ed in such cases, together with a certified copy of this ordinance SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective imme- diately. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect at once upo its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissi ner of alt Lake City, Utah, this 12th day of JunA , A.D. . %%�(/,J _ ___.r✓ �y Mayor. city xecoraer. / Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 fas County of Salt Lake AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE LIMITS OF SALE LAKE CITY. WHEREAS, on December S, 1950, there was filed with the City Re- corder of Sat Lake City Petltmn No. 1334(by Edward M.Ashton Y of thr. D. B. CCKEY o f real property situated In the�• r trAct heielnafter described) ts, Questing that said tract of land Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- tc.ken within the limits of Salt.Lake City, and also csusend n rate theit pia t0 be made andgaer. vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEW S,'a newspaper and approved by the City F Engineer' `°beIl.WHEREAS.with `saI 15v y Recorder. published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State Is contiguous to Salt Lake City,and there Is Proper reasone why to should not no annex. oa d made of Utah. a part f the i city,and WHEREAS.the Board of Commis- sionork of Salt Lake City, after ex- amining• said said petition of saidconsider-owners That the advertisement Id tract f land d ., er- inp the circumstances thereof voted by unanimous vote of all members of ale Board 1n favor of annexing 11 said tract of land to Salt Lakc An Ordinance Bill No. 44 should• lnd directed that a ordinance passed annexing said o t^rritory and the o o f the city ,,:nits of Salt extension City ao- coNOW,y. ... -- NOW, THEREFORE,Board of om its or- darned f the Board e(tah: slot- 'of Salt Lake m, ❑tact Commission- ers SECTIONaltLake 1.Clay be ton city limits of She hereby Cloy ed and the same r hereby extended fandall enlarged use include the following Lake srr,`• aicd`tracL of land in Galt Lake was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the co e Beginning : R i at a point that Is N.0 SE. 50"W.l feet of lire T.1 coSruA er of 11E..S.Lk B.A:M, day of A.D.19 and running thence N. 0 degrom 12' SO"W.97 feet,thence N. 31 21 degrees.W.420 5feet, 8 feet.thence and was published on..June.13.,- 1.95_1 N.32 degrees 30'30"W.•295-feet; thence N. 57 degrees 17' 38" F.. 40et t 326 feeeet,theegr Ny:1. ; thence 14 degrees 29 the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the 49" degrees 0'E. 147 feet, tliencrd 9 degree, 32 23 W. 295 feet; fh N 61•d g e 'E:•90 day of l A.D.19 fret,L] N es 16 d g' '61 71 E 103.25 f et:thence N 29 de- grees 54 59e W.3110 feet;thence N ° degrees 51' 38 E. 145.43 feet: thence..East 614.27 feet; thence S 0 kles 13' 20" F tl 952,24 feet,.ihin ESE 80 rods' / Advertising Clerk J thence S. 0 degrees 13 20" W. 12E9.39 n th e c 8 fe thence West 8 Con 0 e pointbeginning. Lain;: 61.2 an and that the same has been cor- rectly vtaked out upon the ground • shown upon the nap or plat. ELAND BE IT Y`le of the above de-, before me this 114th.east the whole of the above hereby ,today of zoned property be d es l ict nod as Residential Flue HE District.E AND BE IT ed that when shl- ED and declared that when this A.D.19..51.. ordinanceellares strict the said tract fo land above within thebcd shall thence- 1ocEh be llLa the corporate limits • said Galt Lakc City and,nod s ordinance ",S"provided, an a n Uh.. ordinance pdiction and seen ortlt- lurlsdlctlpert yeas d id -- Salt a of r pertaining to over and Lake ppl re rand pee ovenen - -and uls applicable and pertinent Notary Pu • __ st the Bald ,act alleys lend, and the streets, blocks, alleys and ways of sold tract .shah Se controlled and govern. and regulations h6 ordinances. sid lty in rules behalf and the nmonuments of the City Engineer shall thenceforth be taken therein as the standards of lomutlons and dlttanoes. SECTION 2. Upon the passage of till:ordinance the City Reaorder oh Salt Lake Clay shall file and she is hereby directed to file with the County Recorder of Salt Lake County a coy of the map or plat above antloned duly certified and cases, as provldad In such lo , s together with a certified copy of this ordinance. SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, It is safary to the peace.health and ety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become off estivemediately. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect at once upon Its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commis- :loners of Salt Lake City,Utah,this lath day of June,A.D.1951 EARL A GLADE Mayor. IRMA F.BITNE£t City Recorder BSE.4k) BILL NO.44 Published June 13, 1051.