44 of 1958 - Amending Section 32-1-21 of the R.O. 1955, relating to Broadcasting Sound on Streets, by adding and 108 200 ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, JUL ;158.__.._...._., 195 VOTING Aye ,Nay I move that the Ordinance be passed. Burbidge . . . Christensen . . Geurts 4 _ Romney . . . ///v Mr.Chairman AN ORDINANCE Result . . . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 32-1-21 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to Broadcasting Sound on Streets by adding in and to said section an additional paragraph covering drive- in type restaurants or ice cream business. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 32-1-21 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to Broadcasting Sound on Streets, be and the same hereby is amended by adding thereto an additionalpara- graph at the end thereof to read as follows: "And provided further that in the operation of any drive-in type restaurant or ice cream business wherein motor vehicles are driven upon the premises and parked and served food and drink items by attendant employees of such business, and wherein such business serves food items, ice cream or ice milk products and soft drinks and wherein no alcoholic beverages of any type are sold or permitted on the premises, then for the purpose of controlling the movement and parking of said motor vehicles on the premises and the prompt and efficient service of such food, ice cream, ice milk, and soft drink items thereto, radio apparatus, sound devices, loudspeakers or talking machines may be used in such a manner that the loudspeakers or amplifiers may project the sound therefrom directly outside of any building, vehicle or out- x of-doors if the said loudspeakers and amplifiers project only my vocal directions and instructions to said employees concern- ing the movement of, parking of, and service to said vehicles in a manner so that the sound pressure level (measured in decibels referred to .002 dynes per square centimeter) of said loudspeakers or amplifiers taken at the perimeter of the property line of said business premises, shall not exceed the following levels in the following octave bands: Octave Band Cycles Per Second Sound Level In Decibels 600 to 1200 cycles 50 decibels 1200 to 2400 cycles 44 decibels 2400 to 1800 cycles 37 decibels 4,1 200-6-58 SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah this 9th day of July, 1958. ( S E A L ) BILL N0.44 of 1958 Published July 11, 1958 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. Courts clrCs.tt J_.Un..__ Legal Notices w""____ D M Ockey AN ORDINANCE - - AN OHDINANCif MENDING teatien 22-1-21 the Revised olein10 e�tUitterlre(Ic�sy,. Being first duly swan, deposes and says that he is legal advertising log nod t' idSs tR `' "dad, raerh of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- b'IA tau voymiiiir drive GRAM, a daily (except Sunday newspaper printed in the Eng- c meni of °orls It ke City`, lisp language with general circulation in Cltah. and published in ut 14IDCTION I. That S.C. Salt Laha City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. SY-1-21 f the Hoyle..Ordinances lf Snit Lake City, Ut .Id5.5.r;- :lcin;, to Hrendeantins Sound A "al e.ode `°a tn" n'"r° ; That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto is. lea iv admnitiarcto ieid4i�,nm 1 aun t 1` ena ,c f m rt.ilde °farth Salt Lake CityBill. No of 1 8 �I,<I o„m a farther r a1;1 44 95 in we pp",A;;;e of am th.7..in _-.. ...------........._.-_.----------- tn,e resmn-nd tee rre:.,h ------._._.-._- ------ business whoreln`motor t, lei e dAye,, the Orion An Ordinance Amending Sec 32-1-21, ,, temnsn b served ins and narked < ,� ,lo,vices of such bo.siness,Slid s`oa`i:t,"'i',°c;�;:�''ice""'kI relating to Broadcasting Sound on nlod... and-soft drl„ks jn,d ,heroin nn nleoholi•belmen'osl ---------- -------- -------- ------------------------------------------ led on th p are m Sla,°ihen''fo4 purpose ofn:nkttollh,e Rio Streets movonent:ma CO° motor�omaar nn a;'e''ar:am se llethe s`c,iiol .no,iceiin., iv ilk, end raft drink c Seim, thereto, 'Elio naratb<, s. rol d I Eke IIIns U 1 a manner Dint lie 1 I1 July , 958 or.e tielifiniermn''ya�reedy t e iaas published in said newspaper on -_ _._.-- ----- -- -. --_--_ - side f env build..vchieD?'ey old of teora loud,. of salt on�lv�evoeos'"tldirectionrrs ntei I. ictie nth sni 6 employes c not"Al s v cn „oa�'r', hrlc in1 n l=s fiiat re. sound 1 r In deribicsreferred to 062 icier centimeter) e 1 v 1fi l ID ri,nkil t r 11r token .Z "�"� b I'll r t a b ( _ I ti fditthe in''''''11 tt s e oronolisi Legal AdGertising Clerk / • So f n i s➢1 S d 12( v 1 .41d ,l 00 Peen c ¢ icc 25 900 cycles,27 decibels. 00to. ihel, SECTION 2. Irz iha n flee fsery f Coy miss 'ii' 1 I i It s' s t tl tl'I lib t f 5 1(t' z. yc;t 'o to cH i b' 14th b if day of SECTION'.i.Thl.,rrllnal;ale.sh.ill hre me this Sub ,l,e effect n,on it,rirat p,a,rea_� n e,t, h E:n d C.n f t r.'' rt utb.1 _..-A.D, 19 58 ti i 9t11 f d Iv.1 2 AnIFL F` $TrwART i HMAN J. Nl ' P11,1,. a�sra I,N. Ali,I.NO Al of 16'6 Itccar''" 1'ul,iis.l.-d 1y1.v'1,t4i6 /A.Al Notary Public My Commission Expires Jan 16, 1960