44 of 1959 - Amending Title 18 of R.O. 1955, relating to Health by amending Chapter 10 of said Ordinance as appr ices nm 01 ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah,d°.3 Q I J , 195 VOTING Aye Nay -� I move that the Ordinance be passed. Burbidge . . . {/ Christensen i � ✓ // Geurts. Romney . Mr. Chairman . / di AN ORDINANCE Result =1 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 18 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to "Health," by amending Chapter 10€�of said ordinance as approved by Bill No. 37 of 1952/ o governing for permitsols; for construction and operation; prescribing permits for construction and operation; prescribing regulations for construction, repair and operation; and for design in construction for maintenance of sanitary and safety standards and for control. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lale City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Title 18 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, as amended by Bill No. 37 of 1958 known as Chapter 10 of said Title and entitled "Swimming Pools," be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows: "Section 18-10-1. Definitions. 1. The term "swimming pool or wading pool" as used herein means any artificial or semi-artificial container used or intended to be used to contain a body of water in which any person or persons may swim or wade, together with all structures, equipment, appliances and other facilities utilized or intended for utiliza- tion in and about the operation and use of such pool. 2. The term "family swimming pool or wading pool" as used herein means a swimming pool or wading pool used and intended to be used solely by the owner, operator or lessee thereof and his family and by friends invited to use it without payment of any fee or consideration. 3, The term "public swimming pool or wading pool" as used „�herein means every such facility other than a family swimming pool or ..0N wading pool. "Section 18-10-2. Regulations. 1. Each public swimming and wading pool operating in the city of Salt Lake shall be under the supervision of a competent manager or operator who shall have the responsibility of effecting full compliance with these regulations. 2. All parts of each public swimming and wading pool, including the premises, equipment and appurtenances, shall be maintained and operated with strict regard to the safety and health of bathers and - 2 - operating personnel. 3. All parts of each public swimming and wading pool, includ- ing the premises and appurtenances, shall, at all times while the pool is open to the public, be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. 4. All patrons of the pool shall be required to take a cleansing shower bath before entering the pool. 5. Persons obviously afflicted with a communicable disease or infection shall be excluded from the pool. 6. Common towels, combs, brushes and drinking cups are pro- hibited. 7. All bathing suits, towels and bathing caps furnished patrons at the pool shall be laundered, disinfected, and dried in a I( manner approved by the State Department of Health. 8. Bath house floors and appurtenances, as well as pool decks, shall be scrubied at least once a day or at sufficiently frequent int- ervals to insure cleanliness at all times. Disinfection with chlorine or other germicide approved by the Salt Lake City Department of Health shall be accomplished regularly. 9. The water contained in each public swimming and wading pool shall conform to the following requirements: (a) Not more than 15% of the samples collected from the pool during any period of 30 or more consecutive days shall contain more than 200 bacteria per ml. as counted on standard nutrient agar or shall show positive test (confirmed test) in any of five 10 ml. portions. Analyses _shall be made in accor- dance with procedures outlined by the Salt Lake City Department of Health. Only those samples collected while the pool is occupied by bathers shall be considered in determination of water quality. (b) At all times while the pool is in use, water clarity shall be such that a disc 2 inches in diameter which is divied into quadrants in alternate colors of red and black shall be clearly discernable through 15 feet of water and the different colors readily distinguishable. (c) The water shall at no time while the pool is in use contain residual chlorine at any point in excess of 0.75 p.p.m. Water treated by the chlorine-ammonia process shall at no time while the pool is in use contain residual chloramine at any point in excess of 1.0 p.p.m. Chlorine residuals shall be kept above 0.35 p.p.m. at all times, and chloramine residuals shall be kept above 0.5 p.p.m. at all times. This regulation is not intended to prohibit the use of free chlorine residuals in excess of the limits stated above in pools operated by a person who has demonstrated ability to successfully disinfect the water by this means. 10. At least two water samples shall be mi lected weekly from each pool while it is in use and shall be submitted to a laboratory approved by the Salt Lake City Department of Health. Analyses shall be completed as described in regulation 9 (a), above, and reported promptly by the pool manager to the Salt Lake City Department of Health. Such samples may be submitted to Utah State Department of Health Laboratories for analysis if desired. - 3 - 11, A written record shall be kept of all information per- tinent to proper operation,imaintenance and sanitation of each pool and its equipment and appurtenances, and shall be submitted at weekly intervals to the Salt Lake City Department of Health. This record shall include chlorine residual in the pool water, pH and temperature of the pool water, pool recirculation rate, quantities of chemicals and/or filter aid used, filter head loss, filter washing schedule, cleaning and disinfecting schedule for pool decks and bath house, bather load, and such other informa- tion as may be required by the Salt Lake City Board of Health_ / e',t, e' 12. Drinking water made available to pool patrons shall be drawn from a public water supply or from any other source approved by the Salt Lake City Department of Health. 13. Interconnections or other plumbing features which might give rise to contamination of a public water supply or other,water supply by back-siphonage or otherwise are prohibited. 14. Toilet and shower wastes from bath houses shall be dis- charged into public sewers or into an approved and properly operating sewage disposal unit 15. Liquid discharges not covered in regulation 14 above shall conform to the requirements of the Utah Water Pollution Control Board. "Section 18-10-3. Design and Construction. 1. Pools shall be constructed of smooth, impervious paterial, preferably concrete, and shall have vertical walls. 2, Slope of the pool floor shall not exceed one foot verti- cal in 15 feet horizontal in the shallow portion of the pool, except that this standard may be modified for pools having a water Surface area of less than 800 square feet. Depth of waterin diving areas shall be at least 8 feet, and in cases where diving boards or platforms are elevated 8 feet or more above the water surface, such depth shall be at least 10 feet. 3. A concrete walkway at least 4 or more feet wide shall completely encircle the pool, and the surface shall be slightly roughened to minimize danger of slipping. Adequate drainage facilities must be provided for the walkway. 4. Stirs, ladders, or step holes,HII.th hand rails, shall be provided near each corner of the pool, except that such appurtenances will not be required at the shallow end of the pool if the distance from the pool floor to the walkway at that point is 2 feet or less. For pools hav- ing less than 800 square feet of water surface area, one ladder at each end may be acceptable. 5. Any step holes provided shall be of such design as to permit easy cleaning, and shall be so designed as to drain into the pool. 6. A man-proof fence or other barrier at least 6 feet in height shall completely encircle the pool area, except that in the case of hotel or motel pools modifications are permissible in consideration of architectural and lantscaping requirements, provided the barrier is not less than 3 feet high and provided further it adequately fulfills the function of excluding all spectators from the pool enclosure. 7. Bath houses shall be considered as an essential part of the swimming pool facility, and they shall be so located that bathers leav- ing the bath house will enter the pool area near the shallow end. Bath houses shall be so designed that bathers must pass toilets and showers before entering the pool area. Bath house facilities need not be provided for separate wading pools nor for hotel and motel swimming or wading pools - 4 - in cases where only those persons who have rented rooms in said hotel or motel are permitted in the pool. 8. Adequate toilets and showers must be provided to serve the maximum number of bathers expected to patronize the pool at any time. Means shall be provided for heating shower water. The bathing load shall be estimated on the basis of 30 square feet of combined pool and deck area per bather. This requirement will be deemed to have been satisfied in the case of hotel and motel pools if adequate toilet and showering facilities are available to each patron of said hotel or motel. 9. Bath house floors shall be constructed of impervious material, preferably slightly roughened, and shall be adequately pitched to floor drains. Design of bath house appurtenances and of floor drains shall be such as to insure easy flushing of the entire bath house floor, and quick removal of any water reaching the floor. 10. Sand lots and grass areas shall not be included within the pool enclosure unless bathers are forced to pass through a continuous- flow cleansing shower and foot washer before returning to the pool from such areas. 11. Adequate facilities shall be provided, in connection with the pool, for use of spectators. This should include toilet facilities. Design must be such as to exclude spectators from the bath house and pool enclosure. 12. Pools shall be provided with complete recirculation equip- ment, consisting of pump, motor, filters, chlorinator, and necessary appurtenances, as outlined in the following paragraphs. 13. In the case of flowing-through pools, the filter require- ment included in Paragraph 12 (above) may be waived, provided the pool water supply meets turbidity requirements and is compatible with approved germicidal treatment. 14. Sand filters and pressure diatomaceous earth filters shall be designed for a filter rate of not to exceed 3 gallons perminute per square foot of net filtering surface. This rate shall be 2-1/4 gal- lons per minute per square foot of net filtering surface for gravity (vacuum) diatomite filters. Filtering capacity shall be based on the combined flow necessary to provide a turnover of total pool volume in a maximum of 8 hours plus a turnover of wading pool volume in a maximum of 4 hours, plus additional requiements for amitinuous showers at entrances to sand or grass areas and other continuous flows such as for foot washers. 15. Sand filter underdrains shall be designed to provide equal distribution of wash water. Specially designed units of proved adequacy, such as "Wheeler" bottoms, will be accepted. Pipe underdrain systems shall consist of a central manifold and laterals with drilled orifices. The ratio of total area of all orifices to sand bed area shall not exceed 0.003. Total cross-sectional area of all latemis shall be at least twice the total area of all orifices and the cross-sectional area of the manifold shall be at least 1-1/2 times (preferably 2 times) the total cross-sectional area of all laterals. Otifices in the manifold shall be drilled along the top and provided with umbrella strainers. All other orifices shall be drilled on the underside of laterals. Orifice and lateral spacing shall be about equal, and variations from nominal orifice spacing shall not exceed 3/4 inches. If the manifold size is larger than the piping to which it connects outside the filters, reducers shall be used for the transition. 16. (a) Gravel supporting the sand bed in sand filters shall consist of at least 4 layers, suitably graded from a coarse size of 2-1/2 inches to a minimum size of not more than 3/32 inch, with a depth of not less than 12 inches above strainers. The bottom course shall extend above - 5 - the top of laterals or strainer nozzles. Gravel shall consist of hard rounded particles. (b) Filter sand should consist preferably of clean silica grains and the sand bed shall be at least 24 inches deep. Effec- tive size shall be between 0.35 millimeter and 0.55 millimeter and th+uniformity coefficient shall not exceed 1.7: It is desirable to support the filter sand on a 3 inch layer of torpedo sand having an effective size between 0.8 millimeter and 2 milli- meters and as uniformity coefficient of not more than 1.7. 17. Wash water troughs for gravity filters shall be designed to handle the full wash water flow of 15 gallons perminute per square foot of filter surface area without submergence. The lip of the trough (or normal operating water level in the case of gravity vacuum diatomite filters) shall be at least 36 inches below the pool overflow trough lip or such other distance as is necessary to insure delivery of full filtra- tion flow to the filter either through the overflow trough drainage system or through the main pool drain with water standing 6 inches over the wash water trough lip. Troughs shall be so spaced that each trough serves the same filter surface area and so that maximum horizontal tralel of wash water to trough lip does not exceed 3 feet. Troughs shall beset far enough above the sand surface to provide a free space between trough bottom and sand surface of at least one-half the sand bed depth. In pressure filters a pipe may be used in lieu of a wash water trough pro- vided that full cross-sectional area of the filter shell is maintained for a distance above the sand surface equal to at least one-half the sand depth, with the outlet pipe placed above this point, a sufficient distance to insure low lateral velocities of wash water. 18. Sand filters and appurtenances shall be so designed that a filter wash rate of at least 15 gallons perminute per square foot can be obtained. Drains and sumps shall be sufficiently large to accommodate the maximum wash water flow without surcharge. 19. Diatomaceous earth filters shall be so designed that elements can be hosed down during each washing cycle. Any design which provides the equivalent in washing effectiveness will be acceptable. Where necessary, a hose bibb shall be provided in the vicinity of the filter to facilitate the washing operation. 20. Diatomaceous earth filter installations shall be so designede.l that water can be recircuIted through pumps and filtering units or through filters to waste during the pre-coating process, and so that each filter unit can be pre-coated individually. 21. Diatomaceous earth filters shall be provided with posi- tive displacement type slurry feeders capable of delivering diatomaceous earth body feed at a rate of at least two ounces per square foot of filter surface area during each 24 hours. 22. The filter room shall be readily accessible to the pool proper so that all recirculation equipment, can be sups'vised easily by the pool operator. Sufficient floor space ;shall be provided to permit free access to all equipment. 23. Gravity (vacuum) filters shall be so designed that the pool operator can conveniently observe the filter bed surface at any time. 24. Rate-of-flow indicators shall be provided at all pools for measurement of both recirculation rates and filter washing rates, with a leeway of at least 20% ,qf?both ends of the indicator scale. Dif- ferential producers for such units shall be placed at a suitable distance from fittings, valves, pumps, and`,other flow disturbing influences to assure accuracy of measurements. I - 6 - 25. Suitable loss-of-head gauges shall be provided for measurement of lost head through filters. Properly designed pressure gauges will be acceptable for this purpose. 26. Pools having a water surface area of more than 800 square feet shall be provided with a suitable overflow trough extending around the entire pool periphery. This trough shall be at least 2-1/2 inches wide and 3 inches deep and shall be provided at 10-foot intervals with strainer-equipped drains discharging through 2 inch pipes to a main drain designed to carry a total flow equal to the pool recirculation rate without causing trough submergence. Deck level overflow troughs provided with suitable continuous gratings will be acceptable if hydraulically equiva- lent to the foregoing. 27. In pressure filter installations, the main overflow trough drain shall connect to the recirculation pump suction through a surge tank of suitable capacity which also is fed from the main pool drain line through a suitably designed float-controlled butterflyvalve, or other suitable float valve. High float level (valve closed) shall be at the center line of the main overflow trough drain where it connects to the surge tank, and low float level (valve fully open) shall be the level of the center of the recirculation pump impeller. In gravity filter instal- lations, a similar arrangement shall be provided, except that the filter wash water gullet may be utilized as a surge tank, if desired. Design of these units shall be such as to make possible deliveryof a constant predetermined flow from the main pool drain line to the search tank with the float valve in closed position. ,-z 28. Recirculation pumps shall be capable of delivering the required recirculation flow (see Paragraph 14) at a total dynamic head which includes, in addition to ordinary friction losses, an additional loss of 15 feet for any type of sand filters or for gravity (vacuum) diatomite filters, and 40 feet for pressure diatomite filters, as well as a pool inlet orifice loss of about 15 feet. Pumps to be used for washing end filters shall be capable of delivering a flow of 15 gallons per minute per square foot of filter cell area at the calculated total dynamic head. For pressure filter installations the center of the pump impeller shall be setfer enough below normal pool water level to assure adequate main overflbw trough drain capacity (see Paragraph 26), and adequate delivery of required filtration flow and filter wash water flow through the main pool drain. Pump location shall be kept dry by means of an automatic sump pump, or equivalent. 29. Pools having a water surface area of less than 800 square feet may be provided, in lieu of overflow troughs, with a minimum of two suitably designed skimming devices, each of which shall serve not more than 30 lineal feet of pool periphery and all of which shall discharge through a suitably designed main drain system similar to that specified for overflow troughs. Hydraulic design of this skimming system shall be such as to insure system delivery at a rate not less than the pool recircula- tion rate, with a variation in individual skimmer deliveries of not more than 10%. Wading pools need not be provided with overflow troughs. 30. A chlorinator capable of continuously feeding chlorine to the kecirculation system at various predetermined rates shall be included as part of the pool equipment. Such machines also shall be pro- vided for treatment of the water entering flowing through pools. Maximum chlorinator capacity shall be based on a feeding rate of at least 10 parts per million. Chlorinator injector water supply shall be provided by means of a booster pump fed from the pool recirculation system or from a surge tank supplied with water from the domestic supply system through an air gap. Gas chlorinators shall be installed in a separate room provided with a suitably designed exhaust fan and vent capable of exhausting each three minutes a volume of air( equal to the room volume. Fan switch shall be 114 - 7 - located outside the room, and there shall be on hand in a permanent loca- tion outside the room a suitable gas mask for the use of persons finding it necessary to work in a gas-laden atmosphere. 31. A suitable means of introducing filter alum (or other coagulant or filter aid) and soda ash (or other alkalinity-producing chemi- cal) shall be provided. Flowing-through pools need not be equipped with such devices unless filtration of the water is necessary for compliance with water quality standards. 32. Suitable testing equipment, in good repair, for determina- tion of hydrogenion concentration (pH) and chlorine residual shall be provided. 33. Vacuum cleaner equipment for removing sediment from the pool floor shall be provided. Recirculation piping shall include suitable connections for this equipment, or a portable, self-contained cleaner, com- plete with pump, shall be provided. It is suggested that the portable, self-contained unit be provided for all pools designed with diatomaceous earth filter systems, and if this is done, adequate drainage piping must be provided to receive the vacuum cleaner discharge. 34. Hydraulically balanced multiple inlet orifices shall>be provided for introduction of treated water to the pool in such a manner as to insure its complete distribution throughaut the entire pool volume. Only easily removable, non-adjustable orifice inlets will be approved. A spacing of 10 feet or less between inlets will be acceptable. Inlets shall be located in the pool wall near the floor, with discharge horizon- tally and perpendicular to the vertical portion of the wall. In pools having a large-radius fillet between pool wall and pool floor, inlets shall be placed at the mid-point of the arc section connecting wall and floor, and shall discharge horizontally as described above. Inlets will be considered to be suitably balanced if maximum variation in flow between any two orifices is less than 10 percent. One method of accomplish- ing this is to design orifices for a head loss of 15 feet and limit friction losses in inlet piping which must form a complete loop around the pool, $O 2-1/2 feet, based on normal recirculation rate. For pools having a water surface area of less than 800 square feet, and for wading pools, the required number of inlets may be subject to modification where jxstification can be shown. 35. A suitable factor of safety shall be allowed in design of main pool outlet drain line to insure free flow of pool water to filter, based on the total recirculation rate, or the filter wash rate, whichever is larger. 36. Total area of openings in outlet gratings shall be such as to result in a velocity of flow through the openings not to exceed 1-1/2 feet per second at pool recirculation flow. 37. Physical connections between the pool recirculation system and any public water system are prohibited. For pressure filter installa- tions, discharge of filter wash water to sewers shall be accomplished through a trapped sump which will provide a suitable air gap between pool recirculation piping and sump overflow level. Sump discharge line shall have adequate capacity to carry the full filter wash water flow. 38. Toilet and shower wastes from bath houses shall be dis- charged into public sewers or into an approved individual sewage disposal unit such as a properly designed septic tank and sub-surface drainage field. Plans for bath house construction shall show complete details of sewage disposal design in cases where such units are necessary. 39. Foot baths are prohibited. _ 8 - 40. Circulating foot washers are optional. If foot- washers are installed at any entrances to swimming pools, they shall have minimum horizontal dimensions of 4 feet and shall extend at least 1 foot beyond entrance-way gate posts. They shall be provided with about 5 gallons per minute of flow from the pool recirculation system, through two suitably designed orifices set in one wall and discharging at right angles thereto. An overflow outlet shall be so designed as to maintain a water depth of two inches to three inches, with discharge to pool overflow trough drainage system. A valved drain to waste or to overflow trough main drain shall be provided at the low point in the foot washer. 41. All features of the design of the pool and its appurten- ances which may result in intermittent or regular liquid discharges to any water course shall meet all requirements of the Utah Water Pollution Control Board. "Section 18-10-4. Exceptions for wading Pools. 1. Wading pools shall be governed by the foregoing standards except for the following modifications: (a) Bath house facilities will not be required for any wading pool not part of a swimming pool. (b) Overflow gutters will not be required for wading pools. (c) Vacuum cleaning equipment will not be required for any wading pool not part of a swimming pool, but all wading pools must be so designed as to permit frequent draining and flushing. (d) Wading pool overflow or recirculation flow may be discharged to an adequately designed swimming pool overflow trough drainage system, but not directly into the swim- ming pool. "Section 18-10-5. Safety Prov sions. 1. The following safety requirements shall be maintained, ' 1 pools and all parts of swimming pools, including their premises and appurtenances, be designed, maintained and operated with strict regard to the safety of bathers and operating personnel. (.fie) An adequate number of lifeguards shall be on duty in the pool area at all times when the pool is open to bathers; also, that one or more elevated life guard chairs be provided to permit unobstructed view of the total pool water area by lifeguards. (6) At least one throwing ring-buoy, attached to a 1/4- inch line equal in length to the pool width be kept at a con- venient point in the pool area at all times when the pool is open to bathers. (d) Ropes equipped with floats be extended across the pool at the 5-foot depth, and at any shallower depth where slope of the pool floor changes or where pool depth changes abruptly. (A ) Easily read water depth markings be provided at suitable intervals on the deck or on the pool walls above the water line. ( Lighting facilities, either natural or artificial be such t at all parts of the pool floor can be seen easily from the deck at all times when the pool is open to bathers. ) Diving boards and towers, when provided, be rigidly con- structed and securely anchored, and covered with non-slip material. - 9 - (4) No diving board or platform which is elevated more than 10 feet above the pool water level be made available for general public use. (ii) At least 13 it free and unobstructed head room be provided above diving boards and towers. (4) Pool water depth in the diving area be not less than 8 feet and in cases where diving platforms are elevated more than 8 feet above the water surface, that such depths be not less than 10 feet. () A properly equipped first aid ket be conveniently avail- able at all times. • ( ) The pool management be responsible for prohibiting boisterous or rough play, except supervised water sports, in all parts of the pool, bath house and appurtenances.° SECTION 2. In the opinion of.the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect uponjts first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 30th day of June , 1959. 0 SEAL ) BILL NO. 4 of 59 Published July 8th, 1959 44 ORDINANCE Amending Ordinance governing Swimming Pools. • •(COPIES OF THIS ORDINANCE NOT - DISTRIBUTED SEE BILL No. 68 of 1959) • PresentedA erAdg gp 1563/1e6 JUN3 011253 tkl;hfitt91)b1/41:41'44 CITY-RECORDER Brat Publication i* _ THE,DESERET NEWS-SALT LAKE TELEGRAM Ah1959 • t"40,14W4tiVt1+411\1 • stry RECORDUR L llllt/.Q.V LI. ILJA. 1 L111114,.,QL1V11 STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake D. M. Ockey Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- lish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto Salt Lake City Bill No. 44 of 1959, An Ordinance Governing Swimming Pools. was published in said newspaper on July 8, 1959. j L G-L E ems . Legal Advertising Clerk " Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of July A.D. 19 59 Notary Public My Commission Expires 196C. Dian. 4,7 i -AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 18 of the Revised O di• 13 enL f flowing- 'lancesy f Salt Lake- City, Utah, - - th h I thefilter _ I e 165 - t t tl-l h by nd itsq t and ay tea I 1 Paragraph 12 • a g Chapter in ( -d a Y d Mall b bbm t[d at•' (above) Y b Waived,provided inns 0approved.b D111.11o..32 on C t kill yy t[Pent tof Health Thre bat t I ameets 1 tor- 'a • 4 1 d s hall'n include chlorin lay bl with d germicidal corestremtioatad d 1operation;t f - 1 atel H d treatment. tp the oelp t 1G,Sand Eaters' d pressure andb t permitsprescribingfort 1 on I \ 1 1 tat te,qq thin e diatomaceous earth lilt Man be t 1 operation: 1 t rl f h 1-Is d/o Silo sh, designed tar filler rate of i a fat- hedand¢loss fillet h. exceed 3 elms et inut struction d:fort d.. feion lmg ed rheEvleeaforng and drsfn ue •I. and safety t tl sani- tary r' t Pool decks f e t at- h Il b 12'i 11 nil nil bath h9use,bather load a d Bei �t ordained by the Hoard of fje Ouch other information as r a by 'I L l p foe t t E gravity C io s of Salt Lake City, . Helltri DeFat2rrle halt LakeCity ).diatomite 1 filters.d Filthy U h ` SI CeI N 1 That t Tolle 1H ( tl 12 D I heel t f a avail' I bi d D to re th Revised Ordinances f Salt able1 t shall be vide t - of total of rot Lake Cit.,U1 l I955 as amended d fromf hours I. Dill r 37 f 1958 1r yp public o e_ 1 t £ d g I Proved by the Salt Lake rCily De- railmentvolume a maximum of 4 hou .mote' 10 (card Tlrle nil en Provedby the al I plus additional requirements Coy fillers Sewrrereby is. din bee fro 13.Interconnections o' other o shower's rances rad°alc-]gift V.Il 1s, a o.detl t. plumbing features whuh mtNht torlsalraro and ether ion i t [lows such as for S 1R lOL Df t t - t Th t - b water 1, other il f t h ' wading1 1 al t 1. b. back-siphone1 S df tt I d shalt means aar e or otherwise me hlblt d. b 'designed ate I nlln• artificial or in. IS Toilet and h wastes oI t' h t 5 o Ile tondoetlf at container d t d 11 £ bath houses shall b oe designed sit [ tl .i a son• of water r which a per. I charged n blla such 'Wheeler bottoms uiairi Deis 1 d d rir ' ib tea 0i r atea ttogether i 1 11 tad Luros.cold,oth facile- l5 operating-I disewage c harges leot o v manifold stems and laterals consist with di ILud tics utilised t intended for utill- d regulation 14 above shall dices.The r of total a a f cation en and about the oneration c eiela le the o ulrementa of all orifices to ratio beg a es'hrll the.Utah Water Pollution Control c e U.00:1 Total and -of.such paps. Heard. sectional [ 'II laterals cshall 2.The t swimming pool. ❑ s , as used oo r -Section Sf 03 D and al, es twicethe total l area wading I r c -t - 1.o L 'h 11 be pool used and intended e t t d f h orifices ther f Id shall be. be • o les uscd see eby the owner,oncia thereof and his shall have epPellicle oolls. le.and t mesl I attle tiama total !preferablyss seOon e family and b friends invited In Slopef the pu l floorshalt rr f all laterals.f Orifices-n the use it without payment of any not exceed oeee foot vertical In .tld-h bedulled along the f -consideration. e feet h t] en shallow t▪ and provided tl umbrella S.Thet hl' 1 e t' f th 1 t that. strainers. All otherlute shalt pool d -1 here- th t d- d ay be motlttiea for 1 drilled th d ode of h facilitythey roots having a ter surface laterals. Orifice d l to mac - than.e family swimming pool or f less than 80D square feet. -hall he about r al, el watling Pool of of water in e feet. I gists tor^ .equal. al bri,ene '9gclml 1U 10 2,-Regulations. 1 shall be at least 8 feet d urn shall t d,r Bach'magic a sad eases where e divine boards o If 1h the aented to ahreh en one 1 0 t'nx rgllrc 31y ! tplatforms elevated 8 feet o ears outside the filters,reducers salt Lake shall ac rider an- no cove te at as surface shall be used for the transition- sup Of n ❑eb=.nt ail.- u h depth shall be at]east l0 v 01 a shall hrnve. feel. 16.(a)Gravel s yea shall the ihcrr[sip responsibility of effecting full 3.A concrete Walkway at least sand bed i .sand filters shsui c liahce with these regulations. 4 r more eet vide hal stet f at least a etayera a.ietably compliance • All parts of each pub. pletely encircle.the 1,andrthe graded linen a coarse i f t2�/ swimming d I '( shalt e slightly eluding the1 -t e d t danger of rough-- more than i 3 32 inch,with a depth d appurtenances. he be main, Ad a drainage facilities t 1 than12above -t A d operated withstreet m t be provided for the walk- strainers. t extend er above thei lino of laterals 1 eo I o. d person- w4 tabs ladders, eo hales. strainer n airy Gravel hall M bathes'and on raLn.. 1 os COr O1 f Hard. Piled 'times.near h handCaere shah be provided All n f each public h corner of the pool.c b P t d h 1 t o 1st wading pool, appurtenancesl1end preferably f I silica aeons eluding and d d > not theh p required t ih h 11 a I h d bed shall b l Moat t - shall, t all times f theI 'f thedistance from h41b i d Ud5f ILI' t and while the I I the tofl t th le a 0 55 all [ d the n bll h, t 1 Mean th _ uniform- andsanitary. d t I h l Psle £ht 8 0 4 FP itel.,' It leke eat btl to support tex eked bc4 renu'Vvd ot0 Inlet a rO�arssia1 ladder at each end c Pray cbe nil I filler sand n a 3 inc a.vcr-ot 'h balk before L the ce t big. ne torpedo h f. Pool. S A .t e r 1 'd tl gha t[ between 0.8 millimeter t d P I -I- .f( .t^d h. f 1 tl c irdelimeters L d throe 1.7.y Ile bl, cleaning.and h i[tb seeirr''lel tea.loll.sh 11 b 1 d d f- n signed as t drain of tencethe po or ol.rr 1R Wash toughs f av- [ filters hall b designed to height handle t� fall -1 water flow f Common towels, combs. bonier of least 6 feet- I f t5 gallo ref ns t mint. -he I brushes mid drinking cups are shalt completely I thel b7.athing Al bathing furnished towels d hotel ntllithat lmodificationsthe n mei I (submergence. The1 f.the the1 shall b 1 d tl Ms ions al. of hit 1 d landscaping e ia diatomite diners, 1 b rleast dried in a manner reouirements.provided the barrier if h below the, flow approver!i bail t Salt Lake Clt> es t l - than 3 feet high and • h l hother distance Ifaalth Dep t d d f 'the it d. L 1 ful- fills --- to dthe I el 0 Halh hour Hours and n to [function f excluding all Ir 1 filtntron flow to the filer shatcnancee,as well a pn 1 decks, spectators from the pool emir- er through the. cam flow ll be rubbed at least on n 'e C1nlugh drainage system n,through day or .t sufficiently f' 1 - clod theessential part f the standing 6 -inchesI, ..ash t Disinfection its chlorine 8 I t 'lit d trace t' lip. T shall otheror r. 1 I b h l b 1 l e th t b thus tee li d ;filter It trough tl S It I'k C't D t 1 [ leavingthebath A 's enter s m area Hcanh shah be nccoml b5hea re the 1 0l area nearthe shalow , and o that , r holemiel: nearly. end.Hate houses shell be so de- ' eaaver o ash eater to trough tin e,i9 fee t.' d in nl d er t showers 0e a ere does l be t exceed 3 feet. Toughs h hl d g Colt d of before iter sand 't toprovide gl b free nool hall I t the folios, ' rn thei Bath horse ing t, facilities d t b provided for space d between t t tgh bottom h d 1 Not than f thet d I for {It d b d d thh I ers a nipe may be a samples f' the l hotel d motel swimming d - t d f 36 wading 1 easeswhere o or lien t d Mallcontain t ho havve rented E h trough th t ll t' l provided themrneee 200 bacteria ae s r ed hotel motel [i Silt shell t d for area of counted t il l ne 'tt d th 1 1 11 h 't tat ( - B Ad q tde d b yhc CC f' d t d I .30 a must b provided t the it distance th,, t]t Iral 1£surface portions. Analyses hall U d n il Iniu n ran b t b lb eat oho tl d lh p d s peeled to attar -� the 1 .t n- ft'' V A-s- 1 I_ h any time Means shall b provided li tt 1 sure t later. 1 D 1 ld al [hH Slih.O 1h or heating shower t The lfl 5. d fill- and le- Ulcollected hi theI bathing load shall b t t d o shall be designed-.tl h bathers ell 1 he basis of 30 ra a fee, of a filter wash rat,of a le tit that d d t aWon of combined pool and deck re e gallons re.minute per watert bath ThisEnos t i bn r b obtained,O' d r h.A all shag I' d t h b lid Mall bsufficientlyI g tom In dee, al It shall I h + the f hotel d motel ills o t t. wash that that di 2 : I t I. f N t toilet d h � `cats D. without surcharge. wheel,'. l l i t u l is pi if f are available `l each 18 Arm,b 1thattfillers It 1 f I a br p II b clearly a l b l ail H(1 h fl h1 be b hosed d diming elements I tl t 15 11 f d M. constructed t 1 ` 1 I design which 1ff t die d t - til preferably slightly ghprovidesto t h_ 1 bl.. D a d n l h adequately effectiveness win.be Accept- ( TI L shall p t o bath ld L fl d D i ri t bbbb h11 b P d'd 'TA" h l the1 t flee d Malt b h n thvicinity t washing f th f l t f r iltate 'd u'11 t- hi s - e a fcU 1v t t' t d rranh 1 iaftoraii re h iekstree 20.O t operation." 1• the. chlorine-ammonia cgs eta letlons shall b earth filter tn- ' e In• ut contain residual florr-.1 bins the tleelgned ]iE Sand loth and g o at erny point residuals e c n f l,0 r areas Pr.p. Chlorine typo, all all be pooshal not su cnless grass rthe e[above 0eneresiduals a all rim he root enclosure Jess bathers are nil chloraminc resr.ate -hall be Oil tlo to O pass shrough a o¢tinu I 'This above U.d isr.m. t an threes, us-flow clew befog shower and This 'c ration-s of ee.chlorine .e Pont washer before returning to csid ails the eusexc of free chlorino thIL from such area_ [ th- I r'is Ad c nfacilitieshall be. -t by provided, the t l d 1 a h ]d t tcd of rutspectators.o This th abilityPerson tob lice f II y.d' ice! should include toilet f facilities. . I no All t eIne oresa must be spectatorsBoni hebath as to exclude shall be End al2.Pools Shall be provided a eth collected s k] [. r l 1 I a pool while '4 i„In use sh n be submitted to a tabus Woe complete to recirculation ne eat, ,I approved I v the S.1f Loke City consisting of num..ran Cetor.r.filters, )epartrncnt of Id Ith. Analv.srs chlorinator, And _ -shall be completed s described 'until aces, arilo outlinedarIn the followrC Mali'''9 I ), hrveoa re re roil mmonite dI then i m p it ell to the Salt f.alcc C tr Dam.,t I' n1 e(IEaltb.S"6i xamnlos r b¢lm c15 ed Hnal hlall,abtat topes for artth..IR.ttedcsl1ea,d oh all rbc It.A avail Ibfmeran.'oiml r nanetanonfdr sanitation of Note s not yy 1a10 !, eGir that Water b ouiated •throuh v� and filteringunite. legal notlYes'- , i through filters to waste dulnoq i.5 Vacumn cleaner equipment the pre-coating process,,. nd s for'removing sediment from the lhalt.bR Yov�xgL8l6$-t b-So12%ofng thoat Gach f11t x nt cer Ue prepoolloor shall be provided.Redly standards—except for,the follgw- tea Indfvldually. c ation piping shall include suit- jug modifications:21. Dlatomacepue earth filters able. connections for this qui lam Bath house fapiltties will not e » be provided i Deadeye eat,o a portable. if-contained be r¢aired for anyding pool e7ip1 Cement type slurry feeders leaner,complete with Damn,shall not cart of '' iw poi)].I be ble t dehvering alatomaeaous be pro d d It suggested that an Overfrewagull pow ' {atlh bod'ounces toed a o a rate [ ,t the portable, If-c t 1 d t required for wading else no east two p - ¢ogre fodt be p tl a f ail p 1 d g ed Ic)nVacuum leaning a nipme t ! f filter surace area during each with tU [ tl filterwill of be required fore wad- ,24 noure@ tees,and'f this be d adequate jug pool not .22 rTp.safe¢¢¢!-room dnau'bCC drama t cleaner provided dm- pools b t u° tarn ll tli 1 d3iv ihle t tb! 'bbol drainage inag the m cleaner de be designed t _p- It 1 e- n Der p tot t '''''''''I'll'" charge. ¢vent d 1 g tl fl h' g ul nt Cnq b s d Rd Hydraulically balanced mul Cda \V dl g p l fl srl b the 1 [ Sufis- ❑plc Mitt if shall b 1 )tl flow b d r 'eat floor -shall n provided hided fintroductionf treated charged ul to an Beau t 1 d ifo d 1p permit t- t I q m- waters to tl P .4-t n complete dig _ !mete g of flow trough m29 G it f )flt. hall iributi throughoutg theti drainage aystem,bit not directly be so designed that the I r- l volume O 1 easily into Sec a swimming S fpool. P for ell e lire !able tl' t bl f fled .I'The following lno isafetyd e. fll In bed C L t el b tl A l , be24 »fl [ti a t .. t all feet 1 between l t will ebe d ban -d d at all I f v. stable Inlets shall belocated ted )n All 1- d tl '1 de t of bath recirculation Meek, elthe pool wall n ear the floor, ] including their and filter it leagrr-tes, with With discharge horizontally and ' remises and appurtenances, be P and t t leant 20. L btdtPerpendicular o thet 1 Do- with t nacre a operated ends f n indicator nits t -y theit I D h g a 1 d thet I ere t b l a ( such le ] it d fillet between 1 a(be. d operatinghall f placed t suitable di.- c and 1£1 I t shall I ` (bl A f adequate b and [ I nto pl ed thedp s f he I ¢utyi d e shall n mice, h uro cc disturbing inDn� section 11 d duty l- L t 11�4 a once t ( as floor,tll d y as shall discharge described h bg l l-it- when the1 t bathers: 25 Sealableless-or-head ee I t ill considered tobesuit- also, that elevated shall b provided f measurement Vably will balanced I f lifeguard chairs beprovided t - • lost head through f If Prot, I flowb I. two 't b t [a f th c total Y d - d pressure gauges win nice lessthan 10 percent. ole t - b- Mecum.. d be acceptable for thispurpose. One method of s for this n lc)At least Innocenceg- .,Pools havingt surface Is to design orifices forhead buoy, attached to - h lint f than 500 feet loss of 15 feet d limit ariction ti 1 th 1 'd Ir shall be provided with a uilable losses in Inlet piping whim t be kep e t point In overflow trough exending gar' d complete oon around the the pool care cat s all timeswhen c rtirc of ei.iphei.v.iteeo form Zion rat,based o Deanal the pool is n to batters trough sda ll be t least 2'/inches tec,e recirculation rate.For pools having (ill Aones eauin d with floats bwide an : inches deep and shall ater surface area f less than bee tended acrossnthe pool t the e provided at 10-foot intervals I I square feet, ,nd for wading 5-foot depth.and at y shallower the strainer-equipped drains die- pools,therequired r bet ,- depth where.slope of the pool floor charging through 2 Inch pi s to lets e be ubiect to motlifica- hangers r here pool depth tn tow In designed to a Lion were justification can be changes abruptly. otals flow cr unl to the ooln trait- shown c (el Easily read water depth ulation ate without sing .•b. A suitable factor o[ safety markings be provided at su Rabic trough submergence. Decks level Shall he allowed design f intervals o the deck o r the overflow troughsne provided with ins n inlet drain line to pool walls above the waterline. iable continuous stings,will u flow [pool r a rip (t)Lighting facilities, her nrL he ce ble f hydraulically f'fliei''i n.d o the total re- ola- rat p artificial be such that all equivalent to the foregoing. lion 'a c r the filter washy rate, parts or the pool (toot t ll og27. In pressure filter i stalls- whichever or larger, of t from the or can be lions, the main overflow trough 9a.Total arc' f openings in out- Lines easily the poet is open to drain shall connect to the sec cu- ]et stings shall be such eu to bathers. lotion su p a uction through.a salt in a velocity-of flow through (g) Diving boards and towers, lank of s suitable capacity the open of t exceed when provided,boards rigidly t eon. which also 's fed from the main feet per and at pool s ttrueted and securely anchored, pool drain line through a suitably :in loss se I and covered with urely p material. rich i designed f10aLconlrolled butterfly 07.Physical Connections between hr covered diving board i laterite valve,or other suitable float valve.. the pool recirculation system and which is elevated more than m rich float level Naive closed) halt n bile wales sy'tehr r'e le Sect base he d pool owatoe level 10 be at the enter line.of the n hi.;4,Y.Fnr;;'g2•re fi»cr Install- l e pride a the foe general Pub- lic trough i main bons, d 1 [ fill h use. shall b (I>At toast 19 feet free Mw float connects t el Ivs l e fully t k and lish to I hs t'p..d p u bsly le head r n free and shall lnb thelevel f the u tee it ll d I bl ,p I towers. t al g b 'd d of lin- cap b if tin teen a gravityInter ll lla to wer.Pool des the - lg tnau a'en s r n u n t s a d pl tl t lh filter capacity tothe 11 filter ' nd be fhl ere diving a feet 1 wash gullet be tl»zed wash t flow. forms _ - AA. tank, 1£ desired. De- �8 T 1 t tl h signe elevated more than [make possible h e b ch char d iht h ble I e b ,rto thatee above depths ebe water less than etdelivery of 10 feet. o - t approved Individual (k) A properly equipped first from he t I predetermined drain all designed disposal - such iv aid kit b. convenient, available the s with the float valve meta adseptic field Plans(or all times. 1n an.Ra position.i latl .h ll he bath h t u n shall show at(1) Thel management be capab1 to details of rp sewage die responsible f prohibiting b's recirc l it adelivering(see thye '- ed complete design cases where suet) lions or rough play, t super 141 at total dynamic had which u v sedn waterpots. ell part el includes, 1 additiont di y 3) F t h th- h'b t d she oo ath ho and pp - rict 1additional 1 40 Ci ]t g f re f is feet i ,typef -loss optional, If footwashers are h n the CT ION S. I he opinion or Or for stalled at ern tone' the 'ILL'' d f CVV 1 n( drip e I filters, el (l feet t tor ming pools.they shall h 1 - ene1 L k C t sy h t 1 - r s diatomite filters, well u hrizontal d- f a thee h lth d n 1 1 -fi 1 f D ut foot and shall extend t least l 1Gl f That l h b l 1 [si 1! toot beyond wit gate Lake elf. to t,hls d.dt 1 be.- W5 of t P e b d far co p st They lane b provided with nab! f delivering fate shaner ll o f is hoot 5 gallons minute of SECTION 0 nee l lust recirculation 411 a- 1 t• eltcr cell ns per minute t the calyeel.-arc fiend system, through a suitably yde. tlnP1assed by the Board of Commis- t. otal dynamic head. For n ssur aye! d,setae eo s t in e r 11 5 gait Lake Pelt, Etch, ' filter installations the centerof I tlischargang t rich! aneneeI this etlth day [Sune.1950 l the p speller shall e st far thereto. An rflow 0 tlet shall ADtEL F. 9TE4 W.c lenough below normal pool water be. so designed as to nainta n a Mayor evel to assuredequate m: water depth f two inches to three riEAMAN T.fIOGENSEN, overflow ro drain capacity inch with discharge is noel Ott}}••Brenelee. II eIflrnw trough drainage ysem. (fi EAL1 doe Para Paragraph d soeee t- A calved drain to waste or to delivery of required filtration flow overflow trough ,a dials or BILL NO.44 of 1959.Published shod filter wash water fins p loah July 8,1959. rB-45 e main a kept drain. Pump lees- hoe fond washer.the slow point in Lion shall m kept dry by means I equivalent.rt etomatlp sumll pumnpr l ndAll Us ann tto design en nth .P ntl and Us annul which a Pools having Ater surface m l•r 'ant I. iSChegeSintermittent or rang area f less than¢t00 square feet ular Ic¢ourd dlschai en to v be nr a tt'It !iglu en o sal c use shalt et '1?"'"; ll c tips triages, designed a amino[ u eats f the Vtah Water two suitably Aeslgnod krmming Pollution Control Board. devices,ea Ir of hich shall serve 'Section 1g-10-1, Exceptions for not ripe than no lineal fee wading Pools, 1. Wading pools pgcd r 0aphers and all of which dyie nd eter c drib h e.sr tnbin• designetl n n drain system sim- ilar th thatas ccltled for p crflow skimmi. B.ya dune design of this ki insure e system shall be such to i yhan e pool r a l A rate notate.less the pool n i recircu- lation rate,with a variation In In- dividual skimmer ading 1300. Jca p not m e than I ttd.et with vn yc need of he provided with river-flow w not so,n chlorinator name of con- tinuously Iccdbrg capable at t e mauon 'ates at recirculation s rnroe grates shalt various yesi Predetermined Suctla i m rlchidosnarleor cbafl hG ov idea fur treatment n(the water [ximu flowing ehr0ugh ca- pacity Illalli he basedin heo is feeding Sale ofs t Icast is par�esap II- Ilm,. Chlm'n,a to[ lore rat.• supply shah be t provided by tin of rbnenln ating lay llmraeine,the tank supplied with water r from froinnehe domestic supply sbAtom through hail nil in roiled as chlori- n scrp- TblestteW11;dtl pexlraus[iehana end sable of exhausting e.elr three volumeof air gal nt etolatheei volume. Fan ,mom. shall be located outside the and there shall l hand in a pecmenent location ou0tsfde ine r one c toe �lpeina tnitlaen'tan air A r aliu to m other ir°rivlant t' leifey slim And ehdaeiscne Inc ether Ill bete-oroddeing chemt- call shall be provided. Floweee- poolnyr cols eetl be equipped soh such de,'%""tens £ilh'atlon of the water Js n ,1st compliance ntC with water 32. standards ` 1 i quality2. d eePie testing d equipment, oRand rn :nr concentration f hydrogen-ion horie residual hall b and chlorine rGaianat shall be pro t �� yide<t.