44 of 1971 - Vacationg a portion of Fairfax Road northwesterly from Arlington Drive. ' KULL LALL
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah May 11 , 197 1
Catmull . . . ✓ I move that the Ordinance be pa d. �7
Harrison . . . TV - r �.�- 47
Mr. Chairmah . V 7110N
Result . . AN ORDINANCE D •'
AN ORDINANCE VACATING a portion of Fairfax Road northwesterly
from'.Arlington Drive.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City Utah:
SECTION 1. That a portion of Fairfax Road northwesterly from
Arlington Drive, more particularly described as follows, be, and the
same hereby is, vacated and declared no longer to be public property
for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way:
Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 12, Block
23, Unrecorded Plat of Bonneville on the Hill and
running thence North 26°36'06" West 130.0 feet; „evce
thence Northeasterly along the arc of a 1,047.13
feet radius curve to the right 15.0 feet; thence
South 26°36'06" East 130.07 feet; thence South-
westerly along the arc of a 917.13 feet radius curve
to the left, 15.0 feet to the point of beginning.
Contains 0.045 acres.
Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights
of way and easements of all public utilities of any and every des-
crip ion now located in, on, under or over the confines of the above
desc ibed property and also subject to the rights of entry thereon
or rerouting said utilities and all of them.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
llth /
this day of May, 1971.
,---r r f
'fia/(- '
BILL NO. 4 of 1971
Published ay 14, 1971
(A certified copy sent to the City Auditor's Office 5/14/71, for recording in the office of the County
tportion of Fairfax Road northwester.
yrfromAorllnpton Drive.
Be t darned b the Boertl of
Commissioners f Salt Lake City,
G�a r'ECTIRoadlnorTofhwesla portionf AOf
Iinttyp ds ve m pa rticularly de-
`\�-1 hereby is,tv sated be,
declarethe sda no
a lower sttreeb,vacated and
alley orf pedese
of BLatm12 Blockt23,Unre ordetl Plat
of Bonneville on the M r
MITI and running
thence North 26 de.36 min.06 s
West 130.0 arcfeet;thence Northeasterly
-`1 long the. f a 1,067.13 feel edl-
v Us o of
right 15.0 feet;
thence South 26 deg,36 m O6 sec.
East 134.07 feet;thence Southwesterly
alone the arc of 977.13 feet radius
saint to nienino.lSConttaiinsto0 the
sub5ect vacation
all existin adehts xbfresaly m
and eas m me of all public utilities
y and every description
of any
i n, der r the
J \ fines oa the above described pron-
ertY and also subieecrtoco the rights.of
entry therreon tine said utili-
ties and Ily of them,
Pesse ofbSalt LakeaCity,Utah,this
11ih day of May,1971.
BILL NO.44 of 1971
Published May 14,1971 (A-79)
Recorded...-MAy.24 1 1.._.,, .... _.fT.
2387378 Request of..
Si."' LAKE CR`f_..- ......_.._.k_.
Fee P f JS ., h
Record:.;;o L;,1;. nty,
STATE OF UTAH, NOFEE py...�fi . �4=—Deputy
ss. 6 ��, � - /.,. ,_ :t V,->c ,S
City an o County of Salt Lake, Ref.
I Herman J. Hogensen City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the attached document is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
AN ORDINANCE VACATING A portion of Fairfax Road northwesterly from Arlington Drive.
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
May 11 19471
as app•ars of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WH P"Irve hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said o
2. '0. ''a l May 19t..71. CAD
City,tfis d �� �
(SEA ) R a N)
. JJL I I i I ' 4i'1\1440M)1.1.?4) -,,
City Recorder
` ' /17;Fr' \. 71 W
•e4P Y lied May 14 C
B LL NO, 44 of 1971
Affidavit of Publication
C¢uuty of Salt Lake
Betty ahe-lpa
Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver-
tising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
AN ORDINANCE newspaper printed in the English language with general cir-
AN ORD0 r 0x� VAnC°ATI 00 • cuiation in Utah, andpublished in Salt Lake City, Salt lake
'P'tie°ioor11:, eeenw a er. y
commla,loner, Rr $eu Leharcuv; County,in the State of Utah.
UNCTION 1�That oorlian t
fi I fax Noad mtnwet�a rrom Ar-
II be -Os lve or ,arrlcV r,stung d-
��e��,,o�l°a�b�l,an°dcr� That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
On aer ro nc as Vn�10°sC rN nor
as%street,avenue, Ilex M Redene
ee nit`RB at the aJ southeast , _An_Ordinance y ea_t �.4-;nrfion_f,Fairfax-R Read
klulnvllli°Vf ttre HIII i Cd`unn
;h nca NVrth]b daR.�6 7n.�e,M. northwesterlyfrom Arlingt�Dr-)
wlpinl rsmo tees:thence N°rtneaetarly
ay cur cart el a 74;; Ner real• --
to ih< PRht. in.9 leer;
ines<e 5°vlh:ld deR.V6 In ab sec.
e tan.m r t�:}then�e sourmveMaerir 44 of 1971.
aUint of fie lnion. 1n4er°t iodine --------- - -
°IneetS5 of eaRlnnl°R. COnfemt o.oasi
t5ald acatlen Is made ex et,ic
is blest In ail existan Inhrs ul gi
e d ee,em nl,°I IP OVEIICC tlllles� -------
i P nE eve Y des<rlatloen
i located in, n. Vnder Or r ihe�
Conflnea of the anove t 1??b00 nra.,
I`fiv i�caeon a°nie`,rwtlnp`taire ulill _-----
'filet and au of inam. 1
Passed n the Boere I tommit'I
ibn oev ot�iFwv°19nCINe Utah,tnis was published in said newspaper on -_1'_FI.y-1tf,.-1971_-_____
(SIEAL)O.N e}79n
Pg&LisnlNJed MeY le.1971 (M19) ----- ---
Legal Arertising ClCrk
Subscribed and sworn to before the this 14th__- - day of
Nay A.D. 19__71
. -/ r l
L : / r" .,•
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
February 12, 1974