45 of 1904 - Ordinance 45 of 1904 – Sidewalk Extension No. 59. IIf AN ORDINANCE . An ordinance confirming the assessment upon the property on the east side of H Street between South Temple and First Streets, in Sidewalk District No. 24, for the constructionof a cement sidewalk. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah.: SECTION 1. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer, as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization and Review, heretofore duly appointed by the City Council for that purpose, of the property abutting on the east side of H Street be- tween South Temple and First Streets, in Sidewalk District No. 24 of Salt Lake City,for the purpose of constructing a cement sidewalk upon said portionof said street, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and returned in said completed lists are hereby confirmed. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. Sidewalk Extension No. 59. *eased by tife City Ooenei.l if Salt (take City, Oteb, April 4th. 19®4, I y'" and referred to the Meyer f cr his ayerotisl. --��` Aoprotad this 4 day of !aril, 1104. /,/` City cesorder. Meyer. 45 i . a3aA T;C. HQ itA , sat no i;f.b foYG a; ;,- noyu IneMa[3seas o,r;F -,ntriit'trioo suu t i1)/o '* nt ,afno•t it fattit bns etgrzeT :.fuot uoswfecf Josit$ II 'to ebta tam) r.3wai.].ttr; ,tnef:ioo .3 'tcnoiJotr^t&aitoo 31-.1 Yoh .t,,!' .A. fat-iJet ,!%rzwf..). ::a :.,,,tu , y3•10 o:s.I fLoill 'to tt°on,,o0: +ta ,; bon/Lb-to le-maze-IT -.,.:!}3�sr.1 �;rY os Ja1L1 {� saas• erf esr,T .1 WIT noiJzutl$tr 14, p=q 3o baa ;,sr'f .�: a 1113 bevo rc,ga ,�-efoe-r o as Jw:J "NI 1toCoD3 11111 cl e loin*. i s Soto—rani ,ire' n,o -z fo,;•sJa .o r--' $ s errf <,t g.0 ^tego-to s:.3 rug S at e �i� s, «\ � .oft fo bt , e k o 044 J3 tcburs olt�:�T rrluo .= 1.1 xlswa;tta jr/A n 72rii •if3nooRlo eoc;•urc 4t 'So"r,cJto egaz d��r: ao r a 5, . o',J fin.A , etnt'noo g.fe-tell at e3edfaebras 1 o r_ot1•roci bt u t. • \,ie.or[ o..2 afetI baJSIL,csoo bias ai ban.'t 3-t brie obr :: afno:zW s C .berry t'Tno n .1.nvo..;(1n n.),iu loo?ie oxal 1I;lia onndniDIo air;T .S NOITOZO .83 .oit no/anal/A x1I46ue1,i8 0491 sda3 ttil9 tell •TBi'J *tad ;1t4 It tlatsie6 tli0 N bused! i .t.,eitees ate n 5 save*, ede e. situ az e.,a .iee/re31 v$1,0 4611 Most 10 P1^ ate3 twoovoo4 ___* .n..M.....eY......