45 of 1926 - Curb and Gutter Extension No. 57-1st and final . , ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, Lccemliar..12i., I926._ Burton I move that the ordinance be passed. > Fehr Finch --- • Moran Mr.Chairman - - - Result AN ORDINANCE AN ONDI?ANCE IETLI 2- A TAX and for the assessment of property in Paving District No. 32 (Curb and Gutter :,__tension No. 57) for-the purpose ofproviding for the curbing and gutter- ing. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City does- hereby levy the to:: and. orovide for the assessment of the same upon the property hereinafter descried in Paving Dis- trict No. 32 (Curb and Cutter Ate.lsion no. 57) for the purpose of providing for ebnstructing concrete curb and gutter, drainage system, private driveways and sidewalk, to-wit: Lots 20 to 33 incl. of 31k. 1, Lots 1 to 25 incl. of Silk. 2, Lots 1 _.-lh l_ to 27 incl. of >lk. 3, and Lots 1 to 12 incl. of 712. 5, Normandie Heights u'u. of 71k. 30, 5-Acre Plat "C"; also part of Tot 19, 31k. 30, 5-`.cre Plat "C"; Big Field Survey; abutting on both sides of Laird '>ve- nue from 13th -cast Street to a point 779 feet oast, Princeton Avenue from Laird :venue to 15th East Street, and 14th Past Street from Princeton '.venue to a pint 25 foot southerly from Harvard `.venue. This tax is levied to defray the expense of constructing concrete curb' and gutter, drainage system, private driveways and_ sidewalk (said sidewalk to consist of a 3':y inch Portland Cement, IH45 (..., ,.._ . . -2-- concrete base and l'i. inch 2ortimd 'S'e'siont 1.0.stord.n. :Toin', sur- face), said roadway to iTo thirty (se) foot -Jotween curbs includinG five (5) loot oiftoou-ll: on Lairt lvenue from 15th East :Arcot east 159.02 feet, and sLid roadway to en :apanty-eialit (20 frot between curbs includin fire (d) foot side wall: on Lair ..",vonuo from a point la;.02 feet east of lah 1uet• 2troot to a. )oint 770 feet coot of .• lb:th . cot f,treet, 2rinceton yonue from Laird 1-vsnne to ldth ,].ast et:coot 5nd 14th East troot from 2rincoton ... cranuo to a point Sc feet souttorly from. Pa2rvard 1vbnue, the portion of said stroots oosits the 1,Tro2orty horeinbefore and bercinafter debc.olaed to bo os)ocil- ly Douefited -o. said improveLnwt, and it is ' croft D:),,IU,te,i, deter- mined and etac1ieI.c that bald ,dro.porty will be es)ocially bene- fited thereby to the full amount of tbe low horoby lovio0 , and snit )arcels of land are heroy assessed at an eaual --.nd. uniform rate in accordance with the linear foot frontaEe vion said -)OrtiOPC of sbliC. L'troots, frontinc upon Lma to the entire doa)th bsci: thnrefrom, onnd 'tLe tan. hereby levied and to be aoobsed coon e It )arcels of land is .i .e Thousand 2ive 7undred 'ire Llod 21/1C0 ( a03.21) Dollars; .;ficht Thousand !]1_[-_.ht Tandred 2Jonty-two and 3.,1100 ( 822.J5) Dol- lars or Ewo and 10/100 ( 2.10) Dollars jer front or linoar foot of abuttin2: ioroserty for twonty-oiLEct 128) foot roadway hid to five (5) foot wall:, the bein 4,201.11 feet of abuttin,a •)ro,)art:fl .J.:..: 7undred :al=ty-seven and 36/100 (NO7.36) Dollars oa ","Ivo and 10/100 (. .10) Dollars .per front or linear dcot of al)uttina ;:col)orty for thirty (s..)0) foot roadway inoluaina. five (5) dcot wan:, S102..:: Osincj JlO.04 feot of aiiuttin dfo_ y; Eitoon end 60/100 1 ';?15.00) Dol- lars for )rivate dri-aeara,,, t!,ore. boinE one (1) facivato drivol '; at ifton and 00/100 (./1b.00) Do1lars for each )'iv- to friveay; with- in the boundaries of the Into, hlocka and sta. ots abovo mentioned in snid district; which is tbe total abutters' cost a coot or front foot oT said i1,1o2ovodnt, 22oconai11: to Vac contract enterod into Tor the porforilanco .D.'.' said work and maki., . sal& ntorov..a.lont with Christensen, J...coL Serdnor, 2ontractor, dated the 20th d.a.T. . . . . . • L . 1 111411 i (.... Of Cc toper, 1926, .od the -t 0J.rer is LoreLy authorized and directed to assess, in o.cco_1- she )rov Lsioi.s of this ordi- nance, for the oorpo°w_; . :,rein tentioned. T J;i.`TY r.T -.7T 400 _( Fi.):'J.t S. r ontlilg on Laircl_".venue._ The north ,pit_ of the east 22.48 ft. of Lot cl, 012. 1; f V the northerly side of Lots 22 to 53 incl. of 012. 1; the southerly side of Lots 2,0 to 25 incl of 71k. 2; the southcrly Jaide of the easterly 49.73 ft. of Lot 19, .5.. :southerly IS. of the easterly 59.36 ft. of Lot 27, f15. 3; ='forciandie ceioi-tc fu?t. of J1k_. 30, 5-Acre Plat "C", 0ig ::'ield .purvey. _,'rontinr on 2rinceton '.venu:c. .The norther';; aide of Lots 1 to 15 incl. of 012. be- ginning at a point northwestorly 49.73 ft. froal the cor. of Lot 20, flk. 2, 1r;or..colic 7lei hts Sub., thence around ..- curve to the right Rad. 37.55 ft,, 77.45 ft. ; thence northeasterly 79.31 ft., bein; a part of Lot 19, of '1'i-. 2; the southeasterly side of Lots 17 to 20 incl. of '%15. 3; the southerly side of Lots 1 to 10 incl. of 712... 5; the south side of the cot 14.44 ft. of Lot 11 of 7,1k. 5; •r y Heights - -:'12. '�0, 5 Pi o..t �,C„; ;oe:.i0nin7. �, t,o�•;aaa,ndi© .qua. �- ., 5-Acre __ at the - . ,. cor. of Lot 1, 1_2. 5, 0or andie T e ;fits Suh., thence easterly 108.10 ft. being ,_.ram of Lot 19, 01L. :50, -ner _ at "C"; Big _Field ,Survey. fronting on 14th :ast `.trout. Ti-o eaSt0Y1J L.idAD J3 LOtS 15 ana 10 nn.1 t,e ofsterly lido of the southerly '-5 fl. of f,ot 14, of 012. 3; Locinning at c. pint 14.14 ft. woof fro::. Pr. o.. Lot 10, i'_. 5, iforandao J i,;hts oub. thence filrOLICI LI cur ,o to t ri 55 Rad._�0.15 t., 93.74 "t., thence no tCrro t 11y 51.50 ft. uor..5 _ rr ;f Lots 11 and 12, 21k. 5, Nor,,,ardie -leiLfts Sub. of 21.. 03, 5-'u_c ?int "0"; -''ir5 field. Survey. 9'7I2.TY-?00T 50:4)4AY. son tail ; on L_.ird . venue. II -4- The north Llle of Lot 20, the north side of the west \'' 2,C.02 Ct. of Lot 21, Pik. 1; the Louth ita of Lot 1, :lk. J; the _..... _ _ Louth side of the west .35.02 ft. of Lot 27, 51 . 2; of JTormandie v. /,hts ,oh. of 'Clk. 510, C-Ccre ?int "0", 'dig n'ield Survey. P:2.0.Pd1R7Y__AC2CED A).Ci 2aIVAT0C0RITC4AY2TV AD0I71011 TO 97h'7 HT.;:ITIpAr', dr,d5C/ 2EZT. 015.00 )er arivewamA neinning .it the ,3..)]. nor. of Lot 1, ...ak. 5, Normandie Seights Sub., thence easterly 109.10 ft. being a- part of Lot 19, ...,,, of B11.-_. 30, 5-Acre flat "C", CiF -field 2urvey; ac the some are showa Flpon the official 2lat3 of said city to the entire de:pth of said parcels of land and to collect said tax. SECTION 2. That the asse(Lment list made P.),.- the lily 2reasurer, as corrected, n)iiroved and compdleted by the f.oLard of 2ciunlization and 2eview cf.'h the property described in notion I of thin ordinance in PavinL District Zo. 32 (Our).) :,,Lia Cutter the anion • .ho. 57) of Salt Lake lity, for the jur)ese of Providing for the con- struction of concrete curb and autter, drninaete system, ,drivate Ariveays and sidewalk non cf-.ia dortion of said streetL, iB hereby on.hirmed, and the assecLmonta mcds and. lapturnea in said completed tists,,. and the report CC, the ...)- (i 011: I'ldualization and .i:eview to the eara of 0ommissioners if anit Tnike It;; .21:0 horeby ratified,)raved and confirmed. '6E0TI02 5. Luid tax all a da‘y.able in five eaucl e/cray Lnctallments as drovidee. aw law an,1 ordinance with interest OD the whols sum unpaid. at .1*0 rate of Li3,.: der cent .:, -.2 mnnum, depn5le at ▪in time each installment Is Cue. In LI 1 svont It, Lpsttcllmout or n he interest aferes/id it not dui4,. on the To; the same I.J030 .0i due, Phe whole amount oh the Ldoci-1 tem uniaid at the tot said install- ment 0.Yld interest ites due Lhall bccosic due p.aa iayeele, end shall draw interest et the rete of twelve or cent per annum until the ale of the property o,icossea. 2EC7IOL 4. rhis orainanco shall tare ,mffect ODu day after, Lts sublieation. . . . . . , . , 1 . . 5 p . . I - - • P Z-17: ed. i)y t' -0,=_(.1 of lu 11,1Lsiollers of -alt Le Ut- I;I-e To .r, curl) r, Gutter 7,':,:te,Isio,) c. 1st an3 Anal !IstiTi-tc. — , . , ..._ .,. , . ..._... r . .. . ..-. : ,. ,.. ,. • i , . ,; i•R ... 1 A• . ',251• [. . . . , ( . . 3,3, IT'l -,; . • ti P.. , ...-., ri 045 dl 1 . ;1 ,,,, - . E 1 , I I-- I A • . i . , 4, . . 1 IT I --t ,--_z, 1 1 i ---- I j '[4 T , r,.. i