45 of 1928 - Sidewalk Extension No. 228-2d and final estimate C'• ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, Nov. 15, 192.8 Burton - - 1 move that the ordinance be passed. Fehr - Finch Moran - Mr,Chairman - AN ORDINANCE Result - AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A. TAX and for the assessment of property in Sidewalk Districts, Nos. 44 and. 45 (Sidewalk Exten— sion No. 228) for the purpose of constructing concrete sidewalk. Be it ordained by the Board. of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah. SECTION I. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the same upon the property hereinafter described in Sidewalk Districts, Nos. 44 and 45 (Sidewalk Extension No. 228) for the purpose of constructing concrete sidewalk, to—wit: Lots 1, 5, 6, 10, 11 and 15 to 20 incl. of Vialkers Sub. of Elk. 4 and Lots 1 and 2 of Elk. 29, Plat A; Lots 13 to 19 incl. of Elk_. 1 of Snow Sub. and Lot 7 of '31k. 69, Plat C, Salt Lake City Survey; Lots 6, 11 and 17 of Rik. 22, Lots 12 to 22 incl. of 'Elk. 9, and Lots 12 to 22 incl. and 24 to 31 incl. of Elk. 10 of Main St. Sub., Lots 12 to 22 incl. of silk. 1, Lots 1 to 9 incl. of 0.k. 2, Lots 9 to 19 incl. of 612. 3 and Lots 20 and 1 to 10 incl. of Elk. 4, of Columbia Sub., Lots 2 to 11 incl. of Elk. 1, Lots 1 and 12 to 20 incl. of Elk. 2, Lots 1 to 11 incl. of 31k. 3 and Lots 1, 2 and 12 to 20 incl. of Ilk. 4, of North Columbia Sub. of 81k. 22; Lot 11 of 131k. 23, Lots ;.,3 and 24 of Elks. 1 and 2 of Glenn Sub. and Lots 1 and 35 to 57 incl. of Elk. 1 and Lots 14 to 34 incl. of Elk. 2 of Vest Boule- 45 yard Sub. of Hk. -,,');; Lots 49 to 54 incl. oC iS. 1, Lots 1 and 49 to 58 incl. of 31 . S ,nd Lots 1 and C to ft incl. 1 of Ilk. 5, of Lavis hart: hcrna trinersi ub., Lot ,:4 of Ilk. 7 and Lots 1/1. to 17 incl. of 'lk. ;1 of Goat( ; coo forums 1,outh Gale Sub. of Ilk. I. , 5- cre flat v; Lot: 10 to L9 incl. of Slk. 1, Lots 14 to 42 incl. of 21k. S me Lots 17 to l0 incl. of Ilk. 3 of Albert ?lace ub. ano Lots 14 to ',„,6 incl. of 41k. 1, Lots 1 to 26 tel. of saks. S L.no 7 of luscalinc Place Sub. of 81k. 8, 5 Lore Plat Lot 6 of 8, 5 8cre fiat S; Lots 8 and 10 of TUk. doS Jhcrood :orsst ac .; Lot 1 and 104, 17 to 48 incl., 85 to 96 incl. and 113 to 12,9 incl. of Poplar 1 ?lace Sub., Lots 1 ana 44 of a. IC and Lot 1 of TIks. 23 and' 24 of Jordan Place Sub. of Sections 2 and 3, T. 1 4., L. 1 W.,; S. L. B. & M.; Lots 12 to 18 incl. of hlk. 7 of 1st s',urlington; Add. to Glendale Park, Lots 74, 8 to 21 incl., 08 to 51 incl., 1 80 to 85 incl. and 90 to 105 incl. of SrI ;urlington Luc., Lot: 1 to 15 incl. and 19, 30, Ll, slk. 6 of -vans Add. to Poplar Grove of Section 10, T. 1 S., 1 . 1 ., S. L. . ; Lots 55 and 72 to 37 incl. of One l;urlinsston :d,. to Glendale 26rk of Section 11, T. 1 1 ., F. 1 L. s., also part of Secs.; 1 2, 11 and 12, T. 1 S., a. 1 s. L. -. & -.; abutting on the east side of Chicago ft. south 418 ft. and on the west side of 1 Chicago St. south 701.5 ft. from ;,„n6 North :t., both sides of Montague Ave. east 27.5 ft. from 8th Lest St., on the north side 11 of Fayette ove, east ft. and south aloe cast 505.5 ft. frwo, 1 1 8th best St., on both sides of l_ton -ve. from Jeremy St. to 9th best St., on the east side of 3th est : t. from 0th South [ to 74.69 ft. south, from Montague AV'. to a point 118.71 ft. north and to a point 80.89 ft. south of balton ave., ana fron Fremont i,ve. to a point 775.91 Sb. north, on the east side of Jeremy ft. 1 from Mead Ave. to Dalton sve. ens sost side of Jeremy st. from ! Food Ave. to Fremont <ye., on the north sloe of Iola Ave. cast 302 ft. ano on the south side east ',51 ft. from Navajo ft., on ;1, the north side of hrapchoe eve. from Emery to Concord. St. and 1 f from Navajo St. to 1'th i'.est Ct., on the west side of 11th 'e:est and Navajo t., cast side of Concord St. and Moth sides of 1Pithj r :est Sts from 6th south to Lrapahoe Ct., on the nest side of Navajo St. from 5th to 6th youth ,;is., on both sides of 14th I i est St. from Indiana t,vs. to 9th :-south rt., on the vest side iof Concord St. from Inu1)na !-eve. to 160 ft. south of Jth south i I t., on both sides o,:" .1th south :b,. from 1't'n F.s:, to 'roe ,c.ct St., on the north side of 8th South St. from CheyenJe to Mont- jl gome_ry St., on the Nest side of Cheyenne :'t. north f:5P.75 ft. ii from 8th South St., on the north side of 5remont [ye. from Lest' i Temple to 1st :rest St. and on the south siue from 1st ;,cst to a; point 525 ft. east a:ncy from 3th `nest to E point '',:50 ft. cast, i on the south side of Herbert L.vc. from State to 5r.jo.r :;t. and p r from a point 6 . 25 ft. �:es� of Major st. to iirLn St., on the : south side of Kelsey t_ve. from Main to tito.te +t., on the cast Iside of Major St. south 255.1 ft. from Herbert vve. :nc:. from Kelsey .lava. to 521.1 ft. south, on the „pest side of Major St. from a point 55.1 ft. south of Herbert 'Pve. thence vfo,ft. south, 1 from Kelsey Pve. to 254.1 ft. south and from a point 'Ori.1 ft. south of Kelsey P_ve. thence 2 .0 ft. south, on the north side of I, Fremont Ave. from Main to Richards St., on the north side of Paxton Ave. from i',P..i.o to '.:eat femple :t. ant from %,>nd to Srd Lest St., on both sides of ;ich ra , St. from ;'reisont to 'n'ton 'lye., on the west side of dni!. l.<,ob St. from ",aeon ive. to 0 1: 15/_.5 ft. south of Lucy Atte., on the east side of Main St. from Herbert to Harvard dye., on the south side of 8th 'outh St. 1, from Main to jest 'Temple St., on the north side of 9th South :,t. i from Main St. to a point 185.1 ft. west, from -tichards St. to [ points 100.6 ft. east and 18=.8 ft. wrest and from '1-Nest Temple St. to a point 101.8 ft. east, on the east side of Vilest Temple ii St. from 8th to 9th Couth St., on the north side of 6th South ' 1 :t. from 8rd to ath a.cst ,'ts., on the south side of 9th South ilt. from Main St. to a point 180.97 0 ft. ::est, from a point 19u,717ft. i Ino west of Main St. thence 554.8 ft. west, from 'r;est 'Temple to points 134.66 ft. east and 691.16 ft. west, from 1st West to a point 18.84 ft. east and to 'r.oshington St., from Gale St. to i e point 265.8 ft. west and from 3rd ';.est to a. point 76.01 ft. east. 1 1 This tax is levied to cofr y the expense of constructing concrete sidewalk four (e) feet io:e on the east side of Chics-,:o jS , south 318 ft. ano on the west side south 3tt1.5 ft. from Inc i North St., Montage Ave. (both sici-es) east St7 5 -t. from 8th 'test ., rt., 2ayette Ave. (north -ae) cast °"0S.5 ft end south side cyst 502.5 ft. from 8th best St., llelton -ve. (both sides) Jeremy to Sthl nest at., 8th Vest St. (e>..st side) from 9th South to 33.69 ft. south; from Montage Ave. to a. point c18.71 ft. north and to a point 80.89 H. south of Dalton Ave., and from Fremont Ave. to a point 3.1L.91 ft. north, Jeremy St. (east side) Mead Avel to Dalton Ave., and ;west side Mead to Fremont Ave.; Iola Ave. north side, east 302 ft. .and south side east 352 ft. from Navajo St.;.Arapahoe Ave. (north i rside) from Emery to Concord St. and from Nay.:jo St. to 13th Vest li,St.; Ilth West and Navajo St. (west side), Concord St. (east side) '! ;and 12'th West (both sides), from 6th South to Aresahoe St.; Navajo i St. (west side) from 5th to 6th South St.; 14th rest `'t. (both sicier) from Indiana Ave. to 2th ;south at.; Concord A. (sect side) from Indiana Ave. to 150 ft. south of 9th South St.; 9th Louth Street i (both sides) from 14th !est to ?rospect St.; 8th oath rat. (north i side) Cheyenne to ,'Montgomery St.; Cheyenne t. (- c t hies) north 1 ,-5�.;.75 ft. from 8th South ;a., Fremont !ye. (north side) from Test 'temple to 1st '=est St. anc+ (south si ce`.- from 1st est to a point ! 525 ft. east and from. 9+th -.:est to a point '.0 ft. east; five (5) 'feet wide on Herbert :_ve. (south side) State to f'.,'jor St. end from 1 a !;o9_nt 63.25 ft. 1,rast of Si jor Rt. to :lain `t., Knlsey Lye. (south isic'e) 14a.i.n to 1-tate St., 27Ljor `t. (eLst side) south f55.1 ft. from! ;Fer':ert f.ve. end from Lclsey i vs. to 5 .4.1 ft. south, (west side) 'from a. point 55.1 ft. south of l:Ier'ncrt -vc:. thence t00 ft. south,. Hom Kelsey ['vol to f.:5 .1 ft. south s+no from a Soi it 9 V.1 ft. Fio.ut: -5- of Kelsey Ave. thence .bO "t. south, Fremont rye. (north re) •.in; ,to Richards St., Paxton Hve. (north side) -Main to ':,eat Temple St. 1 and from 2nd to hid ,:est St., 0ich-,ras St. (both sides) Fremont to Pa-xton Fve., Ond ',Pest (a,.est side) Paxton Ave. to 15 -.5 ft.. south of ,Lucy Ave.; six (6) feet wide on Min Pt. (east side) Herbert to rIvrvc.rd .Ave., 8th South (south side) Main to '.Hest 'Temple `.t., ''th "oath (north side) from Main Pt. to a point 185.1 ft -west froa,s ichards St. to points 100.6 ft. east ano. 181.8 ft. west and from est. Temple St. to a point 101.8 ft. east, ..cst Teoule (east side) [8th to 9th South ;:t., 6th ::oath (north side) "'ro to /2th t;es.t St., Pth South (south side) a,i,An St. to a point 130.07 Of. . cat; from. a ipoint 790. ?7 ft. west of .Ycin St. thence 05.F.0 ft. west; from Test I'i' iemple to points l'H4.6's. ft. cast anc_ 604.16 ft. west; from 1st 'Pest ko point 18.84 ft. cast and to '_a,shin ton St.; from Cale "'t. to r; a point 265.8 ft. west and from ";rod- T-est to a point 76.01 ft. east;; sc:.id sidewalks to be four (4) inches thick, the topping to be one- !half (0 of an inch thick with three and one-half (PO inch bate, upon the portions of said streets oposite the property here inbe-- 'fore and hereinafter described to be e -.;ecia.11y affected, and bene- !cited by said improvement, and. it is hereby djuc-cec', c'c:tcrn ncd c,.nc cstsblished that said property sill be especially benefitec thereby! %to the full amount of the tax hereby levied and said parcels of land pare hereby assessed. at an ecue.l end uniform rate in cccorca.ncc withi j:the linear foot front: c upon said portions of ccic streets, front--i Iing upon and 'to the entire depth back therefrom, and the tax_ hereby: 0.eviod and to be as csec. u ;on said parcels of lc.nc is I"enty--"even! pousa.nd Seven Hundred 'Fifty--five and 50/100 G:.`7,755.50) Sollars; flChirtcen Thousand. even Hundred :'s:enty ci ht and S1/100 (: ,7i_8.61) UFol7.-rs or Ninety-five One Rune'rc_the (` .95) , olla.r•s per front or ;linear :root of abutting property for said four (t) foot ,Ealk, there: Laing 14,451.17 feet abutting said portion of said improvement; ;'ix: 1housa:nd. Seven Hundred Seventy-seven and 35/100 (6,777.85) Dollars; t , • 1 pr One and 2100'/ Gl.F�:) dollars per front or linear foot of abut ;king property for said five (5) foot s:elk, there being 5,510.45 fee is '! pbutting said portion of SriG improvement; sewn 'housrnd 19.0 Funor60 !forty-nine and 17/100 (,7, 19.17) Loners or One cnd 50/100 (v1.50)! bailors per front or linear foot of rbuttin,:; property for sLid six (6) foot walk, there ',icing .75 feet ributtin-, iortion of isPid improvement; r,Ithin the Sounds rice of the lots, bleeps nn(1 !streets above mentionee in spiri districts, which is the totel ;abutt,ers, cost and cost per front foot of si-iP sire\rlks, eceor-in[; Ito the contract entereL into for thc i:criormance of semi yor1 and Imsking said improvement vrith Christensen, Jr cob 5Ci nine'', Inc., !contractors, dated the loth day oil July , 10`8, no the city !treasurer is hereby authorizer: no director to assess in LccorCence: !with the provisions of this ordinncP, for the purpose herein r!len- !tioned: FOUR-FOOT 11.LK, The east side of the north 11.5 ft. al' th- cst 111 of Lot 13, the cost side of the rest Li if, of Lot: 1-1 to 10 inc1.1, the Grist side of Lot 19, Tlf. 1, nor riub. of Pik. 69, r'let LCr; 't,he west side of the north 116 ct. of the east 118.5 ft. or Lot 7, the west side of the south 180 ft. of the north 71'a ct. of the tnhe City coot 148.5 ft. of Lot 7, cal:. CO, Pict "Cr; AgxViRix :urvey; the mouth side of Lots 1 and 75 to 57 incl. of flk. 1, the north side of Lots 14 to 34 incl. of bak. 2, 1,est "ioulevard of °ill:. Pb; 5-Pcro Plat A; the west side of Lot 59, the north side of Lots 10 i Ho SO incl., P1k. 1; the south side of Lots 1'1 to incl., the west side of Lots 29 fi [0, the north side of Lots to /12 incl., raik. the south side of Lots 17 to 1 incl., thc -est side oC Lou 29, the west side of the north H.O9 ft. of Lot 30, the vest side of the south 78.71 ft. of Lot lbert Pines Cub. of 'ilk. 8,5- Acre Plat B; the west side of Lots 14 to L6 incl. of ilk. 1, the fwest side of Lots 14 to 56 of Tak. the south side of Lots 17 & 14 of 91k. 2, the east side of Lots 1 to 10 incl. of P1k. 5, the north side of Lots 1 & 26 of 6,1k. 7, the cost side of Lots 1 to if incl. of Dlk. 7, Muscatine Place Ciub. 01115. 8, 5-Lcre Plat 1; . . „ fronting on on Fremont Are, coTu encin at a point north 07.66 rods :Ted ivest 106 rods from the SE Cor. of Soc. 13, T. 1 S., T'T. 1 L., S. L. I 0. & M., thence east 170 ft., being )art of Lot 5, Sec. 11, T. 1 ; O., S. 1 B., S. T . 0 & T. Lne 010. 8, 5- Acre Slat B; the vest sin of Lots 25, 26 & IA to 23 incl., the west side of the north 10.89 rft. of Lot 24, the west side of the south ft. of Lot T-4, of 031k. 7, Muscatine Plate Sub. of 715, 8, 5- Pere Pie t TT;. the north Hide of the south 22 ft. of Lot 3, 71'7. 4, 22cre002 Forest add., being a part of Sec. 2 & 5, T. 1 S., L. 1 S. L. 'T. & n.; be- Inning 16.5 ft. south of the cor. of Lot C, slT . 4, Sher, nod florest /Q1(1. or noes. S & 7, T. 1 1 ' L. ,'. & H., thcncci east 507.5 ft., being a part of Sec. 2, T. 1 5., L. 1 1 ., F. L. 'O.; the south sine of Lot 10, s11.--. 4, :.'ner,:ood [ores t being part of Secs. 2 & 3, T. 1 F., 2. 1 , 5. L. '. & beginning at the SE cor. of Lot 10, 81k. 4, Sherwood Forest flee, of Secs. 3, T. 10., n. 1 v.., c. T, & H., thence east 15 .5 ft., bring a part of Sec. 2, T. 1 S., 3. L. S. & n.; the east side of, 0.,ots 17 to 32 incl., 81 to 06 incl., 117 to 158 incl., 129 & 134, the west side of Lots 33 to 48 incl. and 65 to 80 incl.,' the south aide of Lots 1, a, 07 & 128, Poplar Place .121-)., and the cast tide of Lots 1 & 44 of Blk. 18, the south side of Lot 1 of aTc. 22, the south side of Lot 1 of -1k. 24, jorCtn Place Lub., being a part of flocs. 2 & 3, T. 1 S., F. 1 11., S. L. b. & ;A.; the west side of Lotsi Hi to 18 incl., Blk. 5, 1st SurlinF:ton Lcd. to 61end! 1e Purk, being' -1 port of Sec. 10, T. 1 S., L. 1 S. L. -, & n.; the earl side c)f Lots 25 & to 77 incl., 2nd ,Jurling-Tton Ad. Co rlendale Park, being a part of 5ec. 11, T. 1 S., 1 P. L. P. 8 11.; beginning: kt a point 66 St. south of the SE Cor. of Let 37 of and urlington Add. to Blends e Park, being a part of Sec. 11, T. 1 S., L 77. L. D. & M., thence south 150 ft.; the north side of Lots 8, 28, 80, 90, 9 to 21 incl., 81 to 85 inc] ., the south side of Lots 29 Ito 51 incl. and 91 to 105 incl., the cast side of Lots 29 & 74, krd Burlington Leto., being a part of 5ec. 10, T. 1 S., L. 1 S. & M.; the south side of Lots 1 to 15 incl. and cast side of _o_ li ;Lots 1, 19, 20 & 21, of 2lk. 6, :Evans Ldd. to Polar Grove, being a pa.rt of Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 1 ,.., S. L. B. & 11.; The north side of Lots 21 & 22, the west side of Lots 12 to 21 incl., of '31k. 9; the north side of Lot 21, the north side of 'the west 72.875 ft. of Lot lC, the east side of Lots 24 to 51 inc14, jof Blk. 10; Main Street Sub. of elk. 22; the south side of the north 2:54.1 ft. of the east 297 ft. of the west 695 ft. of Lot 6, Blk. 22; the west side of Lots to 11 incl. of Ink. 1, the east side of; Lots 1 & 12 to 20 incl. of ?37_k. 2, the west side of Lots 2 to 11 lincl. of P,ik. 3, the south side of Lots 1 & 2 of 7l1:. 3, the east !side of Lots 1 & 12 to 20 incl. and the south side of Lots 1 & 2 I ! !of "31k. 4, North Columbia Sub. of 7;17. 22; the west side of Lots 11.2 to 21 incl. and the west side of the north 20 ft. of Lot 22:, of G1k. 1, the east side of Lots 2 to 9 incl. one the east side of the.j 4. (north 20 ft. of Lot 1, of Blk. 2, the west side of Lots 10 to 19 inc1. and north side of Lots 9 & 10, of,B1k. 3, the cost side of Lots 20 & 1 to 9 incl. and the north side of Lots 9 & 10, of Elk. :Columbia Sub. of Blk. 22; the east side of Lots 49 to 5d incl. of 1131k. 1, the east side of Lots 1 & 49 to 58 incl. of Blk. 4, the ! south side of Lots 1 & 24 and 6 to 113 incl. of 31k. 5, Davis, Char; Stringers: Sub. of Blk. 24; 5- .Acre Plat .'., Big Field. Survey. SIX F00T._.%LLK. The north side of Lots 1, S, 11 & 16, the :rest side of Lots 16 to 20 incl., the south side of Lots 5 & 15, the south side of the east 29.1 ft. of Lot 10, the south side of the vest 100.6 ft!. of Lot 10, the south side of the east 28.3 ft. of i,ot 20, the south the west 101 .3 ft. of dsid.e of/Lot 20, V.-''.lkcrs Sub. of BM. 4, 21 t Lake City 1 Plat A, Salt Lake City Survey; urvey; the south side of Lots 1 & of '31':z. z:9si/the north side of I lithe west 131.63 ft. of Lot 11, the north side of the east 55'.'.6 ft. Ij hof the west 500.65 ft. of Lot 11, the north side of the east 180.971 kft. of the west 693 ft. of Lot 11, the vest side of the north 1 b5.1! lift. of the east 660 ft. of the west 726 ft. of Lot 17, of sl1. ithe sect side of Lots 11_ to -1 incl. of 317. 10, Main `st. Sub. of 1 rak. P0; the north sic° of Lots 23 & of oC U. 1, the north side of Lot 24, the north niae oc the sent 1.1:,.16 ft. of Lot 0, the north side of the west 18.31 L. oC Lot fr, olUiP. , 'lc-no —ub. the north side or the east 15, .CL, ft. o the u;e5t 717.74 ft. of Lot 11, the north side of the cast 15; rt. of the , Host 5'8.62 ft. of Lot 11, of Plk. 03; the'llorth side of Lot 15 of 11-11k. 3, the north side cp,: Lots 14 to 17 incl. of c, Coatetn l& Corumts South Gale Pub. of Blk. 5-4.cre Plat 7ig Field Cur-' 17-ey; and beginning at the Ni cor. of Lot 17, Blk. 4, Coatets & k:orumts South Gale Cub. of Blk. 24, 5 acre Plat 6 thence west 25.7,. pft., being a part of Sec. it, T. 1 S., 3. 1 S. L. P. P hi., and H.eginning at the NI cor. of Lot 71k. 3, Coate's & Corumts 'outh! 0c,le Cub. of Plk. 5--- cre Plat a, thence cast 9.01 ft., bdng part of Sec. 12, T. 1 1 NV., P L. r. 4 71.; as the sane are. shown upon the official plats of said city to the entire depth of said parcels of land znd to collect neid tar. SECTION 2. That the crcen:ment list 2rac the City Crcaeurco, as correctc, , ax.rovcd —n( corizletc( 17 the or ' or 'eualia:ation and invicO or the property Ccncribc in Jection I of rthin oreinance in Ficeelk . int.,icts NOS. :n; _5 (:,L6c-alk ! bennion No. 003) of cit Lake City, for the .Trdose a con:t ;uctim;! sidevLlk upon said oitenns of said strcctL, is hereby con 'irmcc,, and the assessments mnuc anh returnee Lu r[ td co,-, artod 11 etc rn hthe report of the Boars o: :-.(_11,...1i7tion one kevis:- to the Poar, of ICommisnionern of 01t Lake City ore herc'y sO.LOis , cp.rovc. and HooCirmeu. SECTION shall ' e to five equal yearly' HZIStLiiMentS cc prod ii et 2yirs one or. Liancc hitb intop, t on the hole sum Unpaid sO tic rate of five ocr cent per anclum, oayahle Ht the time each inntllmont is cue. In the event any instalim.eht , HOs; the interest aforcnid is not pair on the (,;_y the Lame hecomcn ; cue, the whole amount of the special tar unpaid et the time naid hin: tallment and inter'.nt arc ate, shall become ;,...ue rn, ajable, and I -10- ishall draw interest at the r�:te o-' t:eelvc cr cent her �4nnum unt�.'t 1 the rule of the nroperty assessed. I" L SECI'IOIV 4. This ordinance shall tale effect one csy I (after its first publication. it I! Ij Pascec' by the h.oara of Commissioners of �.lt L,ak6:City, I Utah, the 22d .. d_,,y of td ov emhi mot.--- , f.. D. :L9�8. 1 glot....cr.r.....„,.............. .,. Cit ccoxc 'r. 1dCvrallt Extension No. 228. r C,nd & Final Estimate. 1 (� it Ij is II! '. 1; I' P I I II IiiI I! I , 11 1' It 1 • `��' { s jK �Q_ �0 CIq s. • • n_-l� Proof of Publication STATE OF UTAH,} ) County of Salt Lake 1 4 C2/ �aaG'�� deposes and says that he is the principal 'q AN ORDINANCE ti add"par¢els of land are hereby assessed ; at ee!!RLp 1 and if to I ao- AN-ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX abidancewith thelinearAfoot fro tageET NEWS, a newspaper published in • t g, thett{a{ t of property In L o 1♦p D t1 of Id streets;out- 1 k Blaine* NOB 44 d 46 leg pet and tothe entire depth back Ik E t n N 228) I h tl f orh, d thetax hereby levied Olt. of t p ti t ski d t actress*tress uD td pare 1 of;e County,in the State of Utah. .{� land 1 i Twenty-seventhousand Seven �Bu� It Ordained byt the a d of Co Hundred F1fty f7 and 69 1b0 ($27 t go.0or B [ Salt It Yy Utah. 765 59)411 Thirteen Thousand S // i/S BIs 10N 1 Th t t B▪d e Hun d Twenty-eight and' 61100 - - /(�,l 7` Commissioners of Salt Pala CUY'd (513 red)tt) Dollar, or Ninety-five One he by levy to.Rtax nd provide for theH 0.edj`PPtl (a 96) Dollars perfront W DOld th Dr p 'lineartot [abutting property tot Id M ft d crib dfn Bldawak four (49 foot elk, therebeing 19 'o hints,NO°.,44 and 46e. 6.(Sidewalk Ex- 'four?othe abutting°aft portion oY said tenoion No. 228) for the• purpose of ImDio4erhant;Six Thousand SeYen Hun- , _ril-ntructingC coucreZe sidewalk, to-wit: deed 8ev hty-seven and 85-100(077.33) - c>Ihpfat 1, b, G, 1 11 and 16 to 20 Dollars r One and 23-100 ($1,23) Do]- y�i Si _ mbe.'pz Walkers BDb. of Bl. 4 anS tare Per,Sroht or linear foot'of abut-- --L T1nA--ta 1 nd 7 o4',Hlk. 28:Plat A;'Lot°;t!nr Progeny for said five(6)toot walk, 13 to•19 Ind. of Hlk 1 of,now Sulr. here ba'tig 6.61t�.46 feet abutting raid d Lot 7 04 Bllc fiA,Plat C.Salt Lake p Mfon f said Improvement; Seven City Survey; Lots 6, 11 and 17 of Hilt. Thousan 'Two Hundred Forty-nine aaa 22, Lots 120t0,22 Incr.'of Blk, 9, end 18.100 (724813) Dollda or One Ankh Lpp,,-0 19 to.22 tnol.and 24 to al I"N. f 60.100 ( 1.60) Dollar, pet front r •Blki)016 P •Main St. Sub., Lota 12 to linear fo t o1 abutting property for said 2a:.final- °P BIk. 1, Lots 3 to 9 Incl. t Ix (6) foot walk, there bbleg 4,832,76 o attached,was first published in said tots.*and 9 to 19 Incl.of Hlk,9 and fret abutting id portion of .Id im. Collodb a Q 1 to 10 Incl.of IncBl. o 4, of Drovemeht' Rhin th boundaries a V///q CO Lots Bub.,lade 2 0 IS Incl. 4 BI:t. the lot°.'``EfoCke and treats above m n L Lot°-.1 1.t0 20 IneL of Blk. ts 2 d iq'Bald districts, which' Is the aced the dayof Lots 1 to 11 to 2 I 1, 8 d Loos total abktttere' °oat,.and, t per front . 2 and n 20 Incl. of Hlk. 4, 1 Yoot of}}aid eid to dl g to uhe �*Ct 'C lu bl $db•oY-H11L Ea,Lot 11 t dot6 t d i to 1 thay rfOrm- [ Jf 23 L 2 -23 ante'24 Y Blka 1 Ito a f 41 Sub h and t t. 114 86 ainier p6a t1Q P[Christensen,iao o&- A.D. 192. • bo ,Inc 3 L C B2 1 d Lots ev L 64 11 f Blk 2 Y Waet Boulevard d Gardner, yd fry inc.,y '1928 contractors the cityhtrleaah 1 1• Y Boot 23 Lots 40 t 64 1 I. 4 ° and 4s 1 Lots aand 4 tto 68 41nc1.of Elk, to as.* yccotdance d with the'pro. 4 sad Lots 1 and 8 to S Incl.of Elk, accordance w 6, of, mule Sharp and Stringed? hub.,T Visions f this mentioned: for the DUM1 /�/C�y/ T.c-D- 3 1 Blk. 3 and Lots 14 to 17 pass ha4oln mentlonefl: eof being In the ocs dated the' J In03:'b[ Blk, a of carse and co[nm•e i Four-foot waits. $oath Gale Sub. f Elk,24, 6-Acre Plat The ennt side of the north 41.6'ft. f D tv at.141 ft.of Lot 13,the east aide A;. Lots to to 29 Incl.of Blk.Lot 1,Lots 14 th0n ta,aa,incl.Of'Hlkofa Albert°place t ant n east Bile lof ft.of i°e`,°silt-°118 caw' A.D.192-(�' ithOInd.t.62 Elk. 8 west --- 1nti."26 14 to 20 Incl. and 7 1, Lots side Ofgqffe 00 68, Plat of the e the 01 tine 6 Inc, of Place Sub, of 2Blka 8,P6 knee a1,of lLat 7°the rth lwontt.of side of the 148.6 south Plat B,Lot 0 of BIk.8,6 Acre Plat B; 180 ft, 41 the north 918 ft.of the°Oast Forest`Add.;10 of B1and4 Of 134, 17 t000d 48 Salt Lake.City Lots Survey;;l he8south Plat sideCef inch:•86 to 08 Incl.and 113 to 129 loct, Lots 1 d B6.to 67 Incl.of Blk 1,the ,of PoIM plar Pd 10 Sob., ..,Lote I and 44 of north l°,f0 of Lots 14 to' 34 Incl.of Htk, Bike. 23 and 2,rWest Boulevard Sub. f Bile, 28; a- p¢ of Jordan Place Sub. Of 5 slopps 2 Acre 000b et the west 0e of Lot 1. t 8 T. 1 B.. R. 1 S L. )S. & the port Id of Lest 10 to E9 1vo1.; Lots 12 to 18 1ncl,of Blk'9 f 1st Blk. 1,(the south aid of Lets 14 to vrlington Add,to Giant/ale Park. Lots 29,Incl.,;thewest aid f Lore 29&80, - . 74: 8•ta 21'Inr,], EB t° 61 1 i, 80 to the north sideof Lot 30 to 43 Ivcl., 6,'64nc1. and' 0 to'106' tp1,1 of, and BIk 2' the south Lode of tote 17 to - neiington Add.,Lots 1 told Inch and 28 0h t., the roll side oY L°t 29, to 9, 20, 21, Blk, d of Eva. Add„ to aLet'RSd4 of the north.SS.69[t.89.Lot --- - .13r GroVe' Y Seetlon 10,T.1 S.,R. 90, the 1 {{ Ide of sae south 76:71 Ft: -W„ S. I. B. & M: hots 26 and to of Lot 3,b, blk, a, Albert Plane Snb of ttoo'p7n.Incl. [ bad Hur11n8toa Add..to BIk,8 9-Ac[e Flat B.the west side oP 1 epd to P k B. 8 .. T 1 B., R L to 14 4 28 1 cL of Blk. 1,the WW S. L D i M leo pert f rile of t 14 to & t Hlil 2 the -l. .0, 13 fl 12 T, }g, R 3 B lt uth,°d�Ef ateLate?&14 of Bik,e,the L.l H, & 00 b T'tth 318t ft, a d t node of Ins o lit 1 I of Bib,2 ' 0 f..0000 g $t :south i?Lid t,Loan 1&86 t,B. 7 th oM p 6. e t Iti t o h1O eo¢t ""••yy2Zt'6 St.fromR d'Norta 8b b to side the }�, 'Ide,- t 1 I2 SfaMpdSugu v .the 827 Ohf eta, t SNh of Bllk 8 6 A Plat Wee$ g P 402.6 ft d ouotn 1 00000 .Fremont Ave, co,• oeo-1 day Of FLY ate Av gti W t Bt., Ing t point ors B7 66 r• rid sot AAss 80$6 4t 4ta y n..e. de from theBID.Co of! Lol1x dltee'o>"'D 78°n'!6n t1h1,9 m rt Side BB°Y 21, T 1 , R, 1 w 8, L. B.Of 8t CO eth West o0 ,. S6nth t 39 0A that♦ et 330 ft being Dart 1t'euutlt, front. front Monttgn Ave., to f L t S 11, Lk). 5 ....al W„ y ibt 214.71 fin n frt Dph a to a.Dad B-thetest r d of Lot 265,20.a d]14t{ ��� 20$9 Y;' f t 312 81 to22 In 1 thewest sloeof tri rth 1 f 7 Frem t Ave„'to p PibTth, tt the abst s)t6 [ 7 rainy 10 88 P. 1 Lot 24, th at Id Ot M d AV to Delt n AV a d the tb 12 el f{. f Lot 24, f H 7 t f IQa of ------t A$t. 'from Plat aP Bub.of BIk,8, 61 eat y Pl t B;to t side t to oath sa < otary Public h@ d i°pvlie id AL° 1 1e• At ft I t 6 Btl6. 4 Sherwood r 9t j 'south'`ei00 Add be s part Is B 2 and a T 3,4 74 d �q1 NI''A A St 3 8 L.I W $, L, B & M.: b'I E 67,., rt Pt P-• rap'}} • fr ning 16, ft. south f the-.NE t• I • SDec Yrtoo Concord.St.B tt t dtn.av o0 of Lot -fah 4,fide p d Forest Add $t'0 13th West rSt,aoa the-W ek else t of Beoe 2 & 8, '1' f Da=the c t 2036 H; nth-West f oe s1 Q2th befn6 eH &t I Bea 2T i 6 ,v 1 L d'$t "6 boSh t hires fa o S. �J. M,the'south s ee t Lot. W an tine in sgi 'South.00 bo !' �fr of S. B] 4, Sherwood F eet'ge •d J g$4t torte r 1,?o St. Ntll LD Bth.,south S21¢t1p b0R eal=pebOtto Tail a da-B a, -Iv 8 L. 14th�weft 8t f e yjest of Qohhe rt M„- be Inning t-Int dE .''_,t, +' le r'^�sp'yyyny°�'AC*Albet ft n{h t 38 ? i gh°rwopt 1epic, AtaO�•$Lltthdirl 9p tan.4 tbf-9th So th go.? i T 1'a _ PieaP M th n et L63 6 t. b la g 14tri Wept t Ss 8-T.1 8, R 1W B, B orth Ida ut 9tere St., 8 y{rthe' the east aid f Lo'tt�q1..14 to 8 er�,.�_,y�,pp Moot St:north 229.79 to 9g Joel 118 i 1;e 1 1.•1 q�ty81 o1 '4,8t o th rth,n1 4 the Went plde of L?tn 9a!y eb ft lrom eth 8 4t1}fe m� t 2BnrD1 L a 86 t.SA Iz(1 the 0 t5 d14 s. f Fremopt h Iflo[ibm.I 1 88,88 and 1i.1,P,0plef Plate Bub - '. Y'pt Weat 8t6 gdllplDt 62$� �t and, d the0 dt dd oL Y]5te-Y+BX!(.01'�'&�_. 11att--lw'6R5'tt eat t w ioih4.a¢D if wet, trier eoyth et o�� 1 fY6m Ht]r W., t w`r 4EnYath ,eboth pt ('�dt�tsf 9f�•�4,, the 8Q11th skid 01 16 fi BA us t .paa]9Ti�)A,�A��"afDRr�ti_eAm a bP87�S1d vg�,,�8J�7n p�� p1� fs�g7.ig at.6e 1R'i4x4,,ae 71 10.7A �akora �K 5t,,R.4,W6tt a2 Yrota 6i•1.a aF u�+t la 1T}1'�.•i �#t i�i99eCaa E8a.;#aM to tp ttfei bm a t f ord't 14': i.e P°fii we a"rtb'.yp Bt p11a 1 _ „ayd lydta g2ai mat �t►i w4• nr�a ��C+)4A �7', .frpmto Y 1'n4M tt O;,,,b• ih Ot „�jbe}',t. I 0hd:, Ip.v Mad !g Y610 der y 20 � eb tbt Iom IIn1e0Y� rle DB1pt'te(p60�1'f-800 1T T L'�... r`�yppjry�mjy t g q 3T�a 861:1 ft tlth phd efyronity8n., pefdjy Q4(5t tit. A[[{)1 DnBIDD•Cpn'oi M1. :' nt 04 1 fit, eb¢tli Pt{K rt!th leis'.P.8.27,of"Me.:L ell latdii Ad to Glen• e 220 t.■tie Main t RI he der. l R.e W Ba Lpa9 &.- It, n e- 'fo °II• 1 ;,td e td Te�Yoo b00 6n& ep t a 16n,`ft i the pprth fde f f.te- West$t,`o lane , 28 8e.Mi. 9 to.21'M1 81.t 86 tt m Ma D hoop .irym-Sdfl t:yard Fr yn !t pee., 1h01 The•e uth side of. Lot 88 to. -61. r df aide;Bt trp>,rirt,u(fe 1 2 4 waxt• i p1 dt tl t 106.ftict: -`4 etefd0 t a th°0 tent,doe to b th f tote e r a 74 3rd H 11 gt Atfl.1 St,Lfrom p4xt'oh 't.Id of Mein-bbl g a part of Sea:th Ti t B.,.e 1 BpAvO�„On h a A, °¢ 0, B L:8 &M. and th Ids'of 8,=cert_t Ira front, Lots1 7to4 i6 Mel. d east.sere of theI t Y weeto0 nle St.,-a south pthe rto Lot 1, a: 60 &.al of' Blk -e Evans Pe of 9th Bo th 8t'Y m M f Be to add 100D Toy11 BGR i Wm& fiat..'. 2. hlotl 11 ft • t ft and 1181 8 it M.{apdaand tOOth tt c I -h4 Foot w of 'W C'any fYot. Wept T thnDl0 5tIIelde of 8 871e north slab Of Itote 21 & ter, Dolnt 303.,8 tt.eae_t,oa Bik, yy, the rfth.side f Lot 81. the Ste�tonethe north e1d0 o1h'eth the.00th Perth Oeide of a the west 172.876Mft of+Lot 9rd to 4t1 West Sts., tka °nth 22, the es0t Ode of Lots 24 to 21 Incl., 4440.04.0010'South Bt,frnm Main St.,to t 81114 10; Mafn Street Sub, f R1k. ,8t�n:.110100 1H0.el ft, wet, tram TA I. the eu east ide f the orth 164,1. }02.37 ft.west of Mal;Qt.thence 864.8, ft.of the a et 0297 II,of-thew t 039 {t, weeG tram Wool TemDla totphone .tt. of Lot 6, B1k, 211 the watt side y14,088.It.0oet odd 094.10 ft,weer of Lots 2 to 11'1001. of Bile. 1, the 8)t West to a Bvlut 19..8Gate Bt+t to�a:oast Ids Of Lots 1 & 12 to 20.Mel. t WWehfagtoh ..f BM. 2, the west mde of Lets 2 to lot 205.H ft.west.and from Bid Wit';11 incl. of Blk. 3..the south olds f CT:plaint 78.01 tt.east. the ex-,Lots 1 & 8 of Bik. 8, theo-east side ""Thla=az fe levied to defile eldew1tk of Lots 1&12-to 20 Iool.and the south 7;0'(4) o etPa00bet• Ore ,side of .sidle of Lott 1 & a of Btk. 4, feet N'la the rt North Columbia Bob. f B1k, ;2; tho Eh 818 Elio 2 d N rth t plat f Lotsli to 81 Intl. and. W Otag1O 8t•nth sal 61t tent 800 aid of thep north 20 ft. of ''_� Ue • (b th 1d of▪ j,t 82 of.'Balk. 1. the t elan of B if f th Of{$pec6• aW0° ut 2 to 9 Inc; and.theeast eke. 8 ut V rrt-t e10.) a Y;Ile zth Le"-t<rtod'ner t t,,�f�{g� bt•;oal6 a gy 60(both`tides)2tJ wet a th t dd O[ktot l0 to 1' 9 IgOI. West e.t. - t °rth fde Of Iota 9 & 10, :b1 tO"0th West Bc:, 8th Hlk. E. the at akin f Lore 20 I, 1 south;)Loom-Mont BuehAve. to8 00!LQ tt 10, d thenorth Ida- t Lott a°the 9 & 22; of Bea 4, Columbia Sub. o gqootnt 219.71 ft north and to Do1nE!. glk. 28; the .1, side of Lots' 49-to ,...sg9:91..fa•south Are,tDoltDnint SI�:91 ttl 64 Incl.of Mk.1,the east skier of Lots cfrom;Fremon - 1•t 49 to 68 intl. of Blk. 4, the ..to th,Jeremy St.((ease Ids)Mead Ave.{south side of Dots 1 and 24 and 0 to 23 �•,8q pan.Are,and west side Mud tol-ir.1, of Bof. 6, Davie, Sharp& Stint,. .i.Siemorit Ave.:Ia16 Ave.north tide,eaot( Bb, of Hlk. 24: 6 Acre Plat A 0 v p}„and south tide Boat no [c tram; &1g pyold Ste 0. 1Q a1° St.1 AraDabee Ava (north a10.e)I Bfz loot�pgi}, from Emery to Conoord 8t.and from Nn-1 The'north tide of Iota.1.'e. 11 & ;, ,,,a3e,to 12m went Bt.;llth Weetandj- Conooid St.�. I6, the west Ida of Iota 18 ts'40 p,,,777yyy,,,aeot' 8t. (Woet Ids), lncl., the a th fde O[ Lots 6 & 10. ,$r'eomi pth toutl.t 2 A Dario(6t.;Nt oosl)ol th a th ld t the t 29 1 ft. f tlSf Lot 10 the th lee of th welt 300.8 tlt vest 4 o t eth South: ft. Y Lot 1D th ;rth efd f-the t,t-14tD Weet St (both Id e) 1 m t e8 8 et f Lot 2o;tri th alas paw Qt tide) frome 7n 11Onh A e, t° of thee t 1018 ft. of Lot a0, Walk Bt to. p eSb. of Bik..4o Plat M Solt Iake 1t100t(both sINee)from 619thth We• ti &2 of B11.,: the nth Ids f Lora 1. ,,y8'� 8th Booth 6t. rots &2 Slk 89;Plat A.Galt Lake west ':., ity 8fd) C1001 00 to Montgomery St.;) Survey; the north etde. e wesf Cheyenne -Cheyenne 184,63 ft. of Lot 1L the north tide of , Cheyenne Sher (west Aldo)'north 262.96 the sc H64.0 ft f the ®at 600:03 ( from job-Routh St.: Fremont Avs.l 10 t I.0.of the nst 6 ide of tLo ea t north side) front Weet Temple to LEI 180.97 Y4 the f 092 It. t Lot:1, "_Woof t)t. a0d (south ldelst fr°d frog thew t tide of the north 265, ft. of 0 aat to a Do mt 826 ft,.• the oast 660 ft o the rt (0) feett to a point bor•It. east; utflv ft of Lot 17 I..Hlk, a a tr. e (6) feet Ode Herbert Ave. (soot - et aide of e.tots�, tr to,21 lool. side) State to Maher t• d f .. 4 at H11(. 10 north e -St ter Bub .f I 1 83 26 ft.. t of M 1 6t, t B1k. 22;the side t Lott 23 4d ° R.I Ht.� Kell Y . (soot gqh fde) 24 of 8115.1. thert'h•ale of Slot 14, ..hid)UMW''to'0St 2te...Sttt from Herbert(Ave the north-aide pt theea t Y1t.18-fie oL •-'Udde)fr m Kelsey Aveto 024.1 It.south Lot 23,the north 22)00,of the vs00L'18.H h ide) Y m D lot 4.1 tt.tout ft.of Lot 20 of Blk,8 Glenn,SUM.ere ''6f074070rt Ave. thence 200 ft, soot Hfk.23;thenorth otde of the qet 162:182 from Kelsey Ave to 224.1 tt lout ft f lode o et 717 74 ft, f Lot,11 th0. point 804.1 ft. Bout rth fde [tee e[.1$12 68 Ek'di; 'C at'tieiooY Ave.thence 2201t.south lore the tnorth Seidel 05 tot 23 e[•Bler:8.'tu r)}ont Ave. (north tide) 11a1n to RICK north side.of Lots 14 to 17 inc),of Blk. "•4itde Bt..Paxton Ave (north etas)Mal>, tit 4.'Corum's_to Gels Sob,oI r<Wet.Temple St, and.from 2nd'to Blk. 24; O.Aore,Plat A.Btg Field Suo• ....Ord7(0.t St..Richards Bt. (bath afde0Y v y; and boginning at the NW of Ferrant toopitzton Ave,2nd.Wool 10000E Lot 17,Blk,f4,E.Coate'c&Coront'e Booth `"al I) P ton IX v f8)fot feet wide On Main thence west 86.8 fE belo 6¢Oe0tpof Sea iY'A nod Bt ( t side)Herbert la fI d Valli 12,T,1 S.,A 1 t7 4.B. 8'of ko T S lh (0h South ( M 1 t Wee Blk. 8,g t'th rho T [Lot 'G[est the whole a ne*ata•t the ;:'$1tT irD1 Sto'a point (north side)front from Sub f 131k te24 5-Acre,'platB lath.;`1 a 1{f Irma%e st.io°Dfiai H 100 et fe ti t and t 9.01 ft., being port of e .,,11,treat tt fano lib neeracentn t ll t'le qua In' 184.8 f.west.nod from West Temple SG T.1 B,R.1 W.,S.L.B.Sr 8f.;es-the he'eveot' y 1 tallm t tke.Miter. f bt p 1q) 101 0 ft ast. W t T mple am a eh W Deh rho ffblol Di tQ t aforesaid 1 t paid theday the, 8th t 9th B th Bt 8t11 f ld Otto't the Qnth• d rtlf f a iQ d he doe .tn h 1 a2¢Ubt j�p1q thnorth ld) 3 d to 4fh West el. parcels of lad and,::t 400120pf,`said f th ape 1 1 t- op ld at ttrep'time ,"galnt 1 65 97(south nf0 t;from) Main D point 192.29 tax Sootiest 1 That the,: ee ent list eh70i become installment due d intermit Y payable, art shall, , s.t of Main St the -854 6 ft N by theCity Trust'OOr. °Pt4OY aW 1 t l-et t the rate of 12 p r cant' west;5 am West Temple tO D t t-184,01E d approved p d aotYlnc d by OhsB.er anhuM until the male or th.pr pr ft a end 89410 ft-wet from let 'Roo 4-of Eq llaatl �y II.Review.'Of f fly ten 1 d'Thla oral ee shall take a D 1 t 1B 84 ft t and t4 th 'p p rty d soi16 �h � 'y hl gt0n'BC t o Gale BL tp Dotnt thl dI an 0 I 01 1k Anent':Icte-Nb0 1f ton d 0'after ft clo t Dubl1O tl)0. =8•2y6111E f•9.01 11,,and st-onto eld• e'tkeO tp 41 e t 4La$idCltal l) °ra thnio pope 228 i s of 81t the eCitY Utah,oard of Commission, : issi24O p doh (4)111 11 thick,th-c yp9ng to Ceh t ttng tlawalk D a eil by bL N mD r.1 A.D 1988. be Mn-half (6) f Loeb th1 It with.Portions.00 t meld et.Lt hereby.°04 f ent,I SOHN F. S WMlly,.'.'' trip 0 don h It(86)Mot;M1 e dD P firma fl a iodate.11 t &:Lhd STBEL'MACDOhi BB@.oto done f data streets pDo It the: returned,fn al d pf Egoall ptl d City NALppDoa` yfr0DB y her lab Y End h rem fde t of flat/H M'of C 1 elon M.WARREN SMITR w Qenif"tbs t d to beD Sally ff t e an Rev 1 't° tY e hereby ratifies.- Chief DerutY City RbsSrder.• "b eTft a by 1d d, determined err t 8d f r It ten firmed BSI.Teo.'45 ''es la by t1 b i d, PD tied tend I. tOz shell be payable 'Sidewalk Extension N 228 aaanttaan,xlf heft that i, DroPertY 111 bp I Section 9 "*A...II,9 e ltea thereby m th.will ��.1n lden q W and ordlnuoi Wlth 11. Published Noveamiber t29th,19f8:' igwgttwwy�p tot hereby levlOd 4tD{k,provided by : / ora .._ . • I