45 of 1942 - Amending Section 318 Revised Ordinance 1934, relating to salaries of deputies City Auditor's office ROLL CALL VOTING ._ } f Salt Lake City,Utah, 194 • I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser - - - - Matheson - - - ‘O McConkie A kleetcbulocc - - - TdQs�o Me.Chairman - tN OROstANCE Result - - - - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 318 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to City Auditor. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 318 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to City Auditor, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: ''SEC. 318. APPOINTMENTS. DEPUTIES. ASSISTANTS. THE city auditor may appoint two competent persons as deputy city auditors, designated as first and second deputy auditors, at salaries not exceeding $3000.00 per annum each; said appoint- ments shall be confirmed by the board of commissioners; provided, that when the city auditor is absent on leave of absence with- out pay, the first deputy city auditor shall receive the salary provided by law to be paid the city auditor. In the absence of or during the disability of the city auditor, the first deputy city auditor shall exercise all the functions and powers of the city auditor. In the absence of or during the disability of the city auditor and the first deputy city auditor, the second deputy city auditor shall exercise all the lusictions and powers of the city auditor. Each deputy city auditor shall give bond to the city in the sum of $5,000.00. The city auditor may appoint or employ such account- ants, clerks and other employees as may be necessary for the proper conduct of such office, subject to confirmation by the board of commissioners, at such salaries as may be designated by the board of commissioners, and all of said salaries shall be paid monthly or semi-monthly as are the salaries of other `fit- l -2- employees of the city. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Noarc3 of Comaissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3• Ibis ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication.. ji Y/ Gv Passed b*the ��oard9f Coimissionerk,,Af Salt Lake City, /" w � ep,. feeiber- 8th . 1 i1th, thisye is t ' .is * Y — --- --—--— ^ F '1i g-'^J 5. '' I V / I �- a, a O� f p S. v K RECEIVED sr!, 1 ( 1942 crni rur.cHAsrm ,--5, corrirvs Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH,k County of Salt Lake - IT—Legal Notitti —-- Le.n_II_ Young i' kt-ON •-.1i1.-et,lisc.,.) .1 - ore...4,ot lnati Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- ,Tionr.,ott.t, LIM AU; relatinti'to, 011., ,..1t1ILTS.,:ft Rad 18,the iaerh a emenge; vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper .•:"°!flit6'1.,ItliiV,I;It p.'I the a‘ 4 r, ......,:,..,a„.c.„,„,..„,,,,,vt.h. published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State A V?:-LC:'atter gr.,,:::4—ty i of Utah. tit'afkliaTAISEPRiVER:.'arit:: rder appoint two competent pardon, an atuly city calditoti, detlittated '., Sr.? :Aliiee172%80111'644' That the advertisement 2. L ...V a'Z'Per 4.Vgal board of :gtaqi'tv,e'r 41 t?eltyelnehieh'rtoilit'l C.,I.4-i-,- e-e---1-).-I-1-1---.“.,-,- 1='64 odd Pay, one litat':dotntir oily _penciller' shill radeip the.ettare prattled!,IT le. 105;1'..Ptitti,b41.,...,auditor. . , ,..,....,,,,,i,„,-elt;46Aitod,ulg at dol. 6,---e-t-i-oi:e praittrypeg"it ir, oily t&ig: :',i. 'UVrititi0P..tibtfetlittrai `Igli.04347.triergh,111111.ad ',V.,: ,,,. ,,,,5. oi Ottidttpr: Esah lints, was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the iiii.4,01et.,,,,,,,Nr..7. beond; ;6.101E2!clirk:Ii'snoro 41thc; 9 tin .day of Sp_i_lts3..LaLr. A.D.19..4.1. gem so Of b., be 11.00..STY ler th0 hooter, oo.nduet of Ouch office, eubleet to .An,Ire=1,,,,,,tIr beard Of e:notteston., be tn. no.',.r"oi'LLi2g1g.'4; and was published .o-L-.,a i-o.3•11-e ,vattiii,,,,of:::,gli..!aliegoa shall 13;3,pale itinifffr 888810;Oes'orth:14.°"a' the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the ,..,...i.(.,, o.44,!T.im,...,opinke,of the Board name;health ad tisPty":1"tt.4:11ole- ,'44 'Of 111144 01tY!hat ale ordinance trl 2›.... :7,I!! i e Ore icametately. day of A.D. 19 nt .,. 0 3. Thie ordinance ellen take ex OC IlD911 14 E pahliatten. Commieelenera of 5 thie 8th day of Berl.; teltber,1.1.'IN, ! Alt:381813INS dvertising Cl r.sio?,v) ' rtgn.:vaonolaitii'' Aii:(11..000,ele.,ParelieheedUntatenib Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10t2 day of A.D. 1942 Notary Pub"1 .--*4 tri .. _ *fr• . • Oci ri• cZ s'sX g