45 of 1950 - Amending Section 3616, relating to licenses, auto tourist parks etc. ROLL CALL ' •
Salt Lake City,Utah, M.A.Y -9 195G ,195
Affleck v I move that the ordinance be passed.
Christensen . . '�� /4?
Lingenfelter . . .
Romney . . . .
Mr. Chairman . . j AN ORDINANCE
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3616 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah,r1944, as amended by an ordinance passed by
the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on December 18,
1946, relating to licenses.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 3616 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by an ordinance passed by the
Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on December 18, 1946,
relating to licenses, be and the same is hereby further amended to
read as follows:
the purpose of this ordinance the following definitions shall
(1) Words used in the present tense include the future.
>A (2) Words used in the singular include the plural and the
plural include the singular.
(3) "PERSON" means a corporation, co-partnership or asso-
ciation as well as a natural person.
(4) "FAMILY" is one person living alone or a group of two
or more persons living together in an apartment whether related
to each other or not.
(5) "APARTMENT" is a room or suite of rooms which is occu-
pied or intended or designed to be occupied by one family or
person for living and or sleeping purposes.
(6) "HOUSECOURT" is any building or structure containing
more than two apartments or any group of two or more separate
buildings or st> ures containing opt. or more apartments each
on one parcel of land or contiguous parcels under one owner-
ship or control, to be rented, leased, hired out to be occu-
pied or is occupied by two or more families living independent
of each other.
(B) LICENSE REQUIRED. It shall be unlawful for any person
to operate, maintain or offer for public use within the limit
of Salt Lake City any automobile tourist park, camp ground,
or other public places for camping, sleeping or lodging whether
in tents, automobiles, trailer houses, cabins, house courts,
or other vehicles or structures, or where automobile house
cars or trailer houses may be parked or located, or occupied
as living quarters, without first making an application to th::
License Assessor and Collector and obtaining a license so to
(C) APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. (1) Applicants for such li-
cense shall file application in writing with the License
Assessor and Collector together with a fee as hereinafter pro 4
vided: If such application is new or applicant proposes exten
sive expansion or alteration of an existing auto trailer park
the application shall show the plan and location of applicant s
proposed place of business, the number of rooms or spaces
available to tenants or automobile house cars, cabins, traile
houses, or house courts, and state in detail the source of
water supply and kind and number of toilets, bath and shower
facilities available for use by male and female guests respec
tively. Such application shall by the Lieense Assessor and
Collector be referred to the Board of Health, which board
shall, within five days after such reference, return said appli-
cation to the Board of Commissioners together with a report o
its findings end its recommendation as to the granting or den,-
ing of said license. In making said report, said Board of
Health shall determine whether or not there exists on such
premises adequate automobile house car, trailer, cabins, hous.
courts, house or spaces for the number of such persons propos=d
to be accommodated in said application adequate toilet, shove ,
bath, slop sink, garbage mid sewer facilities and a proper
and clean supply of pure drinking water. The Board of Health
shall promulgate rules mid regulations to enforce this ordi-
(2) The license herein provided for, togetheb with a
copy of this ordinance, shall be displayed by the licensee in
a conspicuous place upon said licensed premises.
(3) It shall be unlawful for any person to camp or place
any trailer house or other vehicle while used for human habit -
tion which may be conveyed either on its own power or by othe
means from one place Co another in Salt Lake City except with
in premises licensed as herein provided.
(D) SANITATION. (1) For a camp of ten units, or fraction
thereof, there shall be provided one flush toilet for each
sex. In toilet rooms for men urinals may be substituted for
flush toilets, if not more than one-third (1/3) of the total
toilet facilities are urinals. These facilities shall be
located convenient to all units in a manner approved by the
Board of Health. In no case shall any units be more than two
hundred feet from toilet facilities. All such sanitary facil -
ties shall be installed in an approved manner and located in ap-
proved compartments which shall be well ventilated, lighted
and screened, and the floors of such compartments shall be of
impervious materials. All toilets aid bath rooms must be wel
lighted from sunset to sunrise.
(2) It shall be the duty of the owner or person legally
in charge of such house courts, cabins, public camps or other
buildings to see that all such buildings shall be properly
screened, well ventilated, and kept in a sanitary condition.
(3) It shall be unlawful for any person, owner, or per-
son legally in charge of such buildings to permit or allow th
beds, bedding, floors, roofs, ceilings, or walls to become
dirty, broken, foul or become or remain infested with bedbugs
cockroaches, injurious insects or rodents. It shall be unlaw
ful for any person owner, lessee, or person legally in charge
of such house courts, cabins, public camps, or trailer parks
to permit the premises or surroundings to be littered with
accumulations of garbage, rubbish, trash or wastes of any
(Li) It shall be the duty of the Board of Health to in-
vestigate and determine the necessary facilities required in
all premises where camping or lodging in auto tourist parks,
or camp grounds is permitted to the end that same may be kept
in good repair, in a sanitary condition, free from infectious
or contagious diseases and comply with the terms of this ordi-
nance and the rules and regulations of the Board of Health.
It shall be the duty of the owner or caretaker to report imme-
diately to the Board of Health anyone having or suspected of
having any infections or contagious disease.
(5) An adequate supply of,hot and cold water under pres
sure shall be furnished to meet the requirements of the trailer
camp. Such hot and cold water as may be needed in utility and
toilet or bath houses shall be furnished at all times. No
dipping vessel or common cups shall be permitted.
(6) Every trailer camp shall be located on a well drain
ed area and the premises shall be properly graded so as to pr.--
vent the accumulation of storm or casual waters.
(7) Every trailer camp shall be provided with adequate
laundry facilities consisting of two compartment laundry tubs
or automatic washing machines. Adequate slop sinks shall be
provided for every trailer camp. All trailers with toilet
facilities which are not connected to a sanitary sewer system
shall not be permitted to use their toilet facilities while
in the trailer camp. Adequate metallic garbage cans with tigh
fitting metallis lids shall be located convenient to all trai -
er units and shall be emptied daily or as needed.
(8) Sink and other liquid waste drains from trailers
shall be connected into sanitary sewer lines in a manner ap-
proved by the Board of Health and the Salt Lake City Plumbing
Inspector. All houses, house courts, apartments, and other
permanent dwellings shall be provided with sinks and water
closets connected to the sewer.
(9) Any trailer camp and any toilets, baths, or other
permanent equipment connected therewith must be kept in a alen,
sanitary and operating condition at all times. Where three
or more families reside in any trailer camp a resident care-
taker must be provided at all times. It shall be the duty of
the caretaker to see that all provisions of this ordinance ar=
complied with.
(10) No person, having control of any animal, shall
allow it to run at large in any trailer camp.
(11) Any available unoccupied space of 600 square feet
shall be provided for each trailer unit, and driveways of not
less than fifteen feet in width, giving easy access to all
units, shall be provided in each trailer camp, and such drive
ways shall be maintained in proper condition for traffic and
shall not be obstructed in any way. Each trailer space shall
be not less than 20 feet X 30 feet with a minimum of 12 feet
between each trailer and an unimpeded space of not less than
four feet at the rear of each trailer.
(E) REGISTER TO BE KEPT. Every licensee of such premises
shall keep a daily register of all guests or tenants of such
premises, which register shall be available at all times and
for one year thereafter for inspection by the police depart-
(F) AMOUNT OF LICENSE. The yearly license fee for such
parks shall be the sum of fifty cents for each sleeping room
or trailer space located on said premises; provided, however,
that no license shall be issued for less than $25.00 per year,
or any part thereof."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety df the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effe ive immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall : 'feet= upon its
first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this ql- day of . , A. D. 1950.
(19:77 )" ,
City Aecor er.
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
of Utah.
That the advertisement
3t). 17.--No.._.45
was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
day of Ai D.19
and was published on May 10, 1950 ;
the last publication thereof being in the issuC dated the
day of / A,D.19
/ Advertising f�
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th I day of
May A.D.19 50 i
Notary lc
'r10N 1316 nI Inc Revised Didlnencea
Of Salt Lake City, titah, 1944, a
etersBard ofnriert Inv r Commissioners sat Salt hev ILSIM en a other
vehicle while Heise
Lake City, Utah, on December 18, forsed
n btte.tion witch snag be
1946,relating in lilIensos. conveyed either on lie own pew
ee or
Be It. rdained by the Board et by means m s from one glare to
Cnnmissldner.e of Edit Lake'City, another In Salt Lake City except
Utah: 1011Am Premises licensed as herein
SECTION I.That Section'I616 of provided. in) S R d the
the Revised Ordlna _ [ all Lake ID)SANITATION,(1)F p d.a�ns f t 11 h 1i 1
City,than,1314,a ended by a I t units, or fraction thereof, coed Isar aanllaea ^ [ ll
nrdln _ Passed by theBeard nl I,herennshall b- pray.tled one Bush n, n yPznved d tl A asd
Cnmr 1 1 nt,Salt Lake Olty, tlllet 1 h s In toilet t Henithnaend lire Halt k. Llte
Utah, on December I9, 1945,xelnt_ [or urinals may he substituted enlrla ng Inape<ter.All houses,house
log to licenses, ha.and the sag le for flush toilets, 1( of more than Darts apartrnenls. d bee
further amended to read an one-third a u/3)rinals.
1 the total toilet a eat tlwellingt shall be rle aped
follows: chat'tles re urinals.These[aeill:tee with sinks and water closets con•
"SECTION 36I6. AUTO TOURIST ahal' be located convenient to all nested to the sewer.
PARKS.(A)DEFINITIONS,For tin unit;;In a ma C approved bys the (ell Any trailer camp and a
purpose of this ordinance the fnl- Board of Heath. In r shall
Iodate. baths, a other permanent
lowing definitions shall Isle any nits he more than two hundred be ka.en'.o or
Y.herliwlth mu t
• (A) ollide used In the Present feet from tolle.r facilities. All such be kept In oaueciean, anttzey and
tense Inehlde the ratio's, sanitary facilities snail be Installed peratln condltlnp nt all Imes.
(f/ Words used In the. singular In a approved manner'and located old ere three or more families re-
In he plural and the nro,l In apPrnved eolllele m ; hick Bide In any testier�.amP provided esltle I!
In^lode the 5 Douro. shall be well v tllated,lighted and c retaknru mu t he theditto a I3
n, “PERSON"m P re screened, d thefloor.,pe diary lleurIona-
CM times It shall bethat ditty the
floc. co-partnership I'Inn pertinent shall of impervious ma caretaker t 11 Provision,
and! al p. 1 Is. All toilets'r and bathrooms of thin tlf t ❑11 d itoe
ess(11"FAMILY"uls one pnnenn I(on use h.well lighted Irani sun et to (101 No person haven„control of
Ino alone.-or•a group of two o n'Isr. any animal.shall allow 11.t run st
Per'nnna Ilvhrg together h, an
nv(g) It shall h rho duty of the age In any tr'aller .amp.o
nnartment whether mimed to each o r person•legally In charge r T(11) Any avapafile .copied
p I,er'Al'not. f owner
house col s, cabins, pub_ apace I on ovto 10 lent nalrall hr
!SI 'APARTMENT"'la a m or
he camps n otnm building, t provided fee each trolls[,unit and
auitn eff r which Is necnplet that all crly ,ell nullroe] .hell chn feel t ayes of not Ie55 to an fifteen
r' Intended n nr,designed ter be on-
and kept In screened,
Led, ili tut its Itlhall gh ring eldaeda II,ea th
hyd//or sleeping.pucpne..family or person tar ntll It shall shed unlawful for any
trailer ramp, and Peach driveways
III"Ii0I16E000RT"Is n,v build- person,, r person lege ley u hull be me)rvtrvtned to p[nper
Irtg ntrnctlrrq containing morn
that, otuMINI nbulldlnes in Pe1'mlf ((Non for tr•wff{n a shall not cou-
than ntwn apartments or son groan allow the hods, hash:Ina. 'In.,
obstructed In r. wave Each trailer
of two more separate bnlldlnae roots r Il or toYams shall h not leas than 2d Sept
or strut n taint a more
diets. broken.foul wby 50 a.t th a minimum of tT.
apartments earl a parcel sae main Inf.rd with rn dbuns, cock_ Iset be' _ cool(nails-e d a
land n ohtlguoue parcels under roaches,Injurious inserts n rodents, fmpetlede Pace of not leas thane four 9
ownership [ control. tn-he
It shall he unlawful[p-any person
fee',at, he all of eaph trailer.
rented, leased, hired out to he n- Der lessen, m' pennon leg rl:y in (Si enaaeSTER TO HE SOFT-Cy--
rented,opted n la ccupled by two n charge of.tech hnuaerrpu x bins. I •[v Ilcenaee of shrM pr'emjaee 5he11
famllles living Independent of Public. camps, nr trailer,oarkds 1n keep a dwil,v [euclste[ ! all goes Ln
a h other. Pcl'nrlt the premises o r un toga r tenants f s h➢r'emitcc bleb e(un LICENSE REQUIRED.It shell Ln be littered w11h ac tnulatlpna of ':"Ieher shall be avails been •11 times
he le. m[ill It,any Person,,In p- arbnge,rubbish,trash orwastes of Sod fee ne year hotter for 1n-
rnte. maintain nr offer Inn publln ¢lure. epee Elon b9 the police dcpertmenl
widths the Il lotto n(1111 Lake
4) II ah all be the duty of the • (P) AMOUNT OF LICENSE, The
C 1lv any nl.or
other e
tourist panne Board f Health en Investigate end yearly license fee for such ❑woke
R oche'Public I rn determine the sally t ellle re-
moll, shall be the sumof[If Ls toe
1 camping, sleeping lodging
n Iced I. 11 premises. h p each steeping r om e trailer p ce
hel.he E. tt n boles fin,I-
lodni.3 Into tourist parks.
located id preml provided.
ns houses. cabins, horse roar' ' ^amp ground permitter: o however that license shall befno
nthel oho 1 structure, h end Ih b p,.i sued to I ban E25 per year,or
vhrn automobile h d 'ep I Is
en -'
yp N h
Ilnr houses y he parked r f fen infectious 1 contagion,
"6F.0'PION 3 I the la i of the
noted r rumind es living quayher., 1..-aces d ply with the tern,
Board of Commissioners. it Is nee-
diseases first king a PPllcatlon of this ordinance-and the ales and anv to the peace health and
to the License Assessor and Collector regulations Ia n( fir 11 Board of H canner PSfety Of the Inhabltan la of Salt
and nbr 1 I g, l to d all . the duty ( h Lake elty that this tdin acne he-
(C)APPLltACiON YOR I.reNSE.. to thor e nL Flom, ft to Health Immediately e IrnSECTION I3'�ll,edl dinlanre shall
f1le Aapplication
ppll. t [ h licenseshall log n suspected of hash v In_ take effect upon Its r11th publtrl-
fil m 11 tl writingwith the
' R
if ,se. A d C ll..t t feel Ionacontagion,d' 1JOn.
nether cal h bereft-tart, (5)An .den pl- l het and
Pannrtl b the Board of Co nni1F-
added. If .h sinners 1 Salt Lake City,Utah thin
np II 1. _ cold water meet
pressure emlev a Th day f May.A.D.11i50.
apple proposes :1
or furnished t he 1 L
p3nelnn 1t fexistingye ex-
f the trailer camp. Such hotd D. A. AFFLECK,
auto troller k the n111 ,l Id water Y be needed 1 ill- Tempo C Inman.
auto show the plan am Incntcat n[ It end far Hot or bath houses shall t tRMA F.city
applicant's proposed place ns bus_ be furnished at all times.aNp dip. 'TALI C1ls Rsrn rd sr.
Y.14[ ClN Is
loess,the 1 fspar, ben permitted.
common cups shall - Fnnll.,hrd Mar It.19;;n.
Ilea.hlar t tenants binl' (SI Every trailer r shall be
h t a Inn.t`z1i e houses. located n well deemed e rea h courts. slate i dated thepremises .shall bep perly th hon.,
f I. 1 d
kinf and 1 f moll t b h end grade of 'r D' aarm nr l n ecunt
by ^leshower t 11 It. .rail bl t t�.n l Eve II amp shall he
Provided with Adequate laundry it .I Sash pll al:n h h toe yl aural, rasp,- I
ellitles consisting of two r t•
LI _ d InU. Board f Health, me laundry be or automot;r,
which',nerd h .l Ithl f1 devn wa hensmachines.e ed for
eftel' such rrfe et return said trail hall be ptovlded nor every
mppilrWALA t the tItoacd of Com- trailer romp.All trailers no con tolled
lad/me, I nell,er with a reverie facilities hfeh a not connected
n?1ts findings and Its rren mends, M eanl m.seI s hersystemran hall
t the granting d. I g t b permitted their ,hilt I
m f II _Inkl g 1d f iutiee ill.Inh-trailer
p t said Board f Health shall d adequate t.11l,garbage h I
tight f t lid II he I
ternilue whether or n t there Malted co¢enlrn to eft trailer unit s
sts nn such nrnmIses ariennate out, end shall he empted d Il or mIe h ?Taller. bins, needed
hlo imuse or anace,for the
of such P rolmeed to
.,Dolor se inswld a ntiratlmn
r'enuaIr toilet. shower. teeth. ,Inn
Ink. taeuhles
and a 1pr oc1 and Mean supply of
Hear drhrkin,water.The Bard of
lth shall promulgate rain, and
enelnf.inne ID enforce this mall.-
IS) The licence herein p000lded
for. tnprthea. with e f this
rdinanr,e,shall he dl0Played b the
I.110 oe h, on browns pla^emann
told licensed eprenlsea.
(S)It MIMI be unlawful for emu