45 of 1971 - Vacating two dedicated streets known as Temple Avenue and College Street between Main and State Stre K(f!LL LALL VOTINIG Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah May 13 197 1 Barker . . . Catmull . . . i .;f ,, I move that the Ordinance be passed. Garn . . . . ; Harrison F . . _ Mr. Chairrhan . %CRiirfFCJ�E Result . !,AN ORDINANCE D /moo 2Pit AN ORDINANCE VACATING TWO DEDICATED STREETS known as Temple Avenue and College Street located between Main and State Streets and South Temple and North Temple Streets. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the streets known as Temple Avenue and College Street located between Main Street and State Street and South Temple Street and North Temple Street, more particularly described as follows, be, and the same hereby is vacated and declared no longer to be public property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way: Beginning at a point 18.0 feet east of the South- east corner of Lot 3, Block 88, Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey and running thence north 167 feet, more or less; ,rh. thence northwesterly 38 feet, more or less; thence a'ty north 131 feet, more or less; thence west 320.0 feet to a point on the west line of Lot 4, said Block 88; thence north 10.0 feet; thence east 330.0 feet to a point on the east line of Lot 6, said Block 88; thence south 135 feet, more or less; thence southeasterly 40 feet, more or less; thence south 172 feet, more or less, to a point on the south line of Lot 2, said Block 88; thence west 10.0 feet to the point of beginning. Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights of way and easements of all public utilities of any and every des- icription now located in, on, under or over the confines of the above described property, and also subject to the rights of entry thereon for the purpose of maintaining, altering, repairing, replacing, removing or rerouting said utilities and all of them. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 13th day of May, 1971. --/ Z., -;( ity MAYOR 4 CI RDER (SEAL) BILL NO. 145 of 1971 Published May 18, 1971 (A certified dopy sent to the City Auditor's Offic/24/71 for recording in the office of the County Recorder) I` s' AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE VACATING TWO TOem GIeA AEe ue Ta 4EC II ge w5lret Temp Streettl petwean Main le Tint State Streets d South North Temple sol;eets. yy �i lEEI��m lsslonersneai p9a liheLakealC lfyf knownIONTempl T Avenues anbtrCots lsue Sleet located between Main Ttemple�tree a d1r Nevamde Templle ousel, mO particularlvartdescrlbed s tyollows,be, d the s hereby icd and declared noslonser to be poblip prroperty for 'Pedestrian a street, a , alley pedestrian Bep lnningn t a point 1a.a feet east Bt the Southeast e t Lot j, lock s9,Flat A,"Salt Lhor City Survey n,ore rn'q thence th it; a less: tthencb rth. thenca earth tr31e1/eetm o thence e f 320o teat toga pointB6o' the t 1 line f Loi 4, s id Block Baas thence ortth Ipoi fear; thence line OfoLote6,ca'td pplank oeaorthence thsoulheecterly 1GUm(eet,omores or hence encepeps utth 1722�west,more Rees, ctl; fsaid Blo k Os,thenceh Meet 10.0 feet o the trains t besinninq. SaiQ tio� made en presaly subject fo all xlstlnq hfs t y and ea me of all public u111itles IocatedsIn,d Ve underc o Attoer She tines Of the above describetl rprop, P ty, nd Isc ubiect to the Ights of ray thereon far the purpose f a"titainlntl, aiterinp, lepelrinp, rePlaVinq, Ye g rry ! Utlnp sa ass/eoliby ache Bentt 91mCemmia.toners f Sall Lake City,Utah,this 131h day of May,1971. 2.BRACKEN LEE NERMAN J.HOGENSEN Mayor CITY Recorder Bill No..45 Of 1971 A30) Published Map Ie, 1971 O O Cr) W •V W ys Recorded.,MAY 24,1J`I 51''�b,m. 2387379 _._..t_ Fequest o4 wyii- Fee Pzid Jc F.;,J'',1,hl MARTA_- STAT OF UTAH, Fecordor,S out b �I/y/3 SS. s-Nl2FEE-By- - .. Deputy City :nd County of Salt Lake, Ref. -tf — ' —d� j act I l e g-- I Herman J. Hogensen , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certif that the attached document is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, AN ORDINANCE VACATING TWO DEDICAT ED STREETS, known as Temple Avenue and College Street located between Main and State Streets and South Temple and North Temple Streets. passe+ by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah, May 13 1A 71 as ap r ears of record in my office. WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said _, o City, his , 0 Lr_c_ day of May 10 71. iv 0-1 �. / J�ti ice. v'.. ? ' k1)104,400 City Recorder m `v,p :' ubl sl ed May 18 19 i 71 t3 BILL NO, 45 0fa'''411, '' q5 ADM.. Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, } ss. County of Salt Lake _natty 'Phelps elf tPil otJC A'&T Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver- DEOIC�ATE]ASTREETSllkNo�wn ell Temple A�¢nee e e mlen¢ street using clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday) locales netw4e¢n Munn nd Slete i"m;�vresan Tow end Norin newspaper printed in the English language with general rir- o4,1e5=f ble¢eL kg rda+v', relation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Vtan: sectloN 1. .'"Z me veers County, in the.State ofUtah. known a Y>mele Avunee�nC Col-' ,y epee 51and tate eetW M In Tem a eet6te Street ontl South I1}ree+le Slr¢et�r�LIV neeTMfg ae tdo ,brAa me eam¢e¢r¢cv What the legal notice of which a ropy is attached hereto s` e led ens eeolered no Ion as °ueuc oropar ror us¢ B rceei, avenue, a��er or petleirren it "e,n 1Onina a p t nt.o fear eau+ zr�ce-seating_two_dediaated_stree s_ka known__ 1 fne .u' t-A," Salt Lake Clfyy Sertv"a t'.Rn�lnA tnenee'n fh 16]. ,eau br le,e; moues n rrn.• 2s Temple Avenue and Co].i4 e. St t 1 ���9tpr�Qp �' Lfl�__ ggaY 1 inencel no'th 131etteei�f dYe¢ - :tTence e 1 32.0 leaf+a ebi,)It so one west Ilno of 1.1•sa ltl 61ock eafi menee norm topI,¢a lhxt MainandState Street-,_aDd_5041 b_TBnIp].E_ariELNDY�4i_ lire AtD nlf'dl smlo tAckess;thence Inouln 105 tee{, D 1¢se:aknence neee+nrN<o te<+.'"ee '¢ee, T.errp_le Streets. Bill No. 45 of 19p7q3 ence M na lout. o r less, -.11_ to a Ate,on 1 t ence one 1 0 tee? ---- - -- -- -D '- .oft 91ock eSt thence west I" ie ins point.o EeRlnnl a. ed caegg n le rde xeressav ee`bq ca an it e>oteu were° r v e d e e u 71 t erl�public tllltlee -' f Y nd v¢��escrlp+lOn iocatea In, der r thn nllne5 of 1�¢o0ove descfltetlr4raP lenv,and leD ip01a<I la me Ipnee was rublished in said newspaper on 1�_1sr, 197-L .p i Iry tn°. a rer the puree I `1 sfnt�Inlna. ooI a t, ree1mi lath re vinp thig s°a uliiim a a au et in¢m. Faesnl nY+ne eoere m eammis- ,___ inIhe lev At Man aR e191 IRA, ACKE Mevor I NERMA.N J.e*OtSENSEN City R corder (SEAL) IAMB) B III A 45 M- P�ihll n tl,_May fi,B,1Dn _' Legal Adeertising Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of hIay A.D. 19__71_. Notary Public lily Commission Expires March 28, 1972