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45 of 1977 - Amending secitons 47-3-2(2), 47-3-2(3), 47-3-3(1)(a), 47-3-3(1)(e), and 47-3-7, and adding section 4
/VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, March.ez 9 77 ii Mr.Chairman \\\\ I move that th e di ancc be p sed. Agraz ✓ Greener r' ��C�C Hogensen Phillips / Result AN RDINANC AN ORDIN'1NCE AMEENDING Chapter 3 of Title 47 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to site development permit proce- dures by amending Sections 47-3-2(2) , 47-3-2(3) , 47-3-3(1) (a) , 47-3-3(1) (e) and 47-3-7, and by ADDING thereto a new Subsection 47-3-2(4) . Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Subsection 47-3-2(2) of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to site development permit procedures, be, and the same hereby is, amended as follows: Sec. 47-3-2(2). Each site development application made indepen- dent and separate apart from a building permit application shall be accompanied by payment of an application fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) . SECTION 2. That subsection 47-3-2(3) of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to site development permit procedures, be, and the same hereby is, amended as follows: Sec. 47-3-2(3) . The following information shall be provided in triplicate if requested by the Planning Director: (a) Details of any proposed drainage structures, cribbing, terraces and/or surface protection, not including vegetation cover, required as a result of grading and required for the support of adjoining property. (b) Grading plan. ti 6ti� u (c) Profiles or cross sections. (d) Drainage calculations. (e) Soils data including a report from a registered soils engineer, engineering geologist, or other qualified person. (f) Statement of the estimated starting and completion dates for the grading work proposed and any landscape work that may be required. (g) Landscape plans for the site, and if appropriate, infor- mation relating to the landscaping on adjacent or surrounding areas affected by the proposed development. Such landscape plans shall be prepared by a licensed engineer architect, land- scape architect, or other qualified person. These plans shall show: 1) Distribution of plant material, existing trees and work involved as related to slope control and/or physical environment. Rr ciTir -2- 2) A plan describing the methods of planting the areas to be landscaped with special emphasis on (1) soil prepara- tion, plant material and methods of planting and (2) initial maintenance of the plant material and slopes until a speci- fied percentage of plant coverage is established uniformly on the cut and fill slopes. 3) Such other and further details as may be specified and required by the Planning Director to carry out the pur- poses of this ordinance. All such plans shall bear the name of the person responsible for the preparation of the plan. (h) Such other information as shall be required by the Plan- ning Director. SECTION 3. That Subsection 47-3-3(1) (a) of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to site development permit proce- dures, be, and the same hereby is, amended as follows: Sec. 47-3-3(1) (a) . The application shall be referred to the City Engineer and Planning Director for review. Further, the Planning Director shall, upon receipt of any complete applica- tion for developments situated within the Foothill Development Overlay Zone, refer the same for review to the Salt Lake Soil Conservation District, the Utah Geological and Mineral Survey and other appropriate advisors for comments and recommendation. SECTION 4. That Subsection 47-3-3(1) (e) of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to site development permit pro- cedures, be, and the same hereby is, amended as follows: Sec. 47-3-3(1) (e) . Failure of the Planning Commission to make a determination upon the approval, conditional approval or dis- approval of the application for a site development permit within thirty (30) days after receipt of all necessary information for such action will constitute an approval of the application unless such time is extended by the Planning Commission subsequent to authorization to do so by the City Commission. In the event a site development application is made for an area situated within the "Foothill Development Overlay Zone" (F-2) the time period shall be extended 30 additional days for the Planning Commission to receive and consider the recommendations of the Salt Lake Soil Conservation District, Utah Geological and Mineral Survey and other appropriate advisors review said application pursuant to Section 47-3-3(1) (a) . SECTION 5. That Section 47-3-7 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to site development permit procedures, be, and the same hereby is, amended as follows: Sec. 47-3-7. Inspections. The Building Inspector, with assis- tance of the Planning Director and City Engineer, shall make the inspections hereinafter required and shall either approve that portion of the work completed or shall notify the permittee wherein the same fail to comply with this ordinance. Where it is found by inspection that conditions are not substantially as stated or shown in the site development permit application, the inspector may stop further work until approval is obtained for a revised grading plan conforming to the existing conditions. SECTION 6. That Section 47-3-2(4) of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to site development permit Try�s,e -3- procedures, be, and the same hereby is, amended by ADDING said new Sec- tion. Sec. 47-3-2(4) . Notwithstanding any foregoing provisions appearing to the contrary, the application for a site develop- ment permit for any area situated within the zoning area designated as the "Foothill Development Overlay Zone" (F-1) shall also include the additional information: (a) Soils reports. 1) The U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation Service publication, Soil Survey of Salt Lake Area. Utah (April 1974) and Soil Survey and Interpretation, Summit Soil Survey Area, Wasatch Mountain Portion, Salt Lake County, Utah (June 1975) , are hereby adopted as the offi- cial soil maps and interpretations for soils in Salt Lake City. 2) The surveys adopted in Section 1) above are to be used as a guide to land use planning for those items covered in the survey in Salt Lake City and are not intended to replace on-site soil investigations. 3) The Planning Commission shall require a soil inves- tigation report if the Salt Lake County 208 Water Quality Soils Map and Interpretation shows soils in the area of development which present one or more constraints to development as defined on said map. Such soils report shall be prepared by a person or firm qualified by training and experience to have knowledge of the subject and must contain at least the following information: a) Slope analysis; b) Estimate of the normal highest elevation of the seasonal high watertable; c) The location and size of swamps, springs, and seeps shall be shown on the site plan and an investigation made to determine the reasons for occurrence of these under- ground water sources. An analysis of the vegetation cover or other surface information may be used to show the presence of underground water; d) Unified soil classification for the major horizons or layers of soil profile or of the zone of the footing foundation including where appropriate the Plasticity Index (PI) and Liquid Limit (LL) ; e) Shrink swell potential. Said potential and its characteristics shall be determined and classified accord- ing to the tests proscribed in Section 2904(a) of the Adopted Uniform Building Code and related references; f) Potential Frost Action based on the depth to water- table and the Unified Soils Classification; g) The soil suitabilities, constraints and proposed methods of mitigating said constraints in implementing the proposed development plan; h) A verified written statement by the person or firm preparing the soils report identifying the soil constraints to development and further stating in his professional opinion, the ability of the proposed development plan to mitigate and/or eliminate said constraints in a manner as 4- to prevent hazard to life, hazard to property, adverse affects on the safety, use or stability of a public way or drainage channel and adverse impact on the natural environment. (b) Geology reports. 1) A geology report shall be prepared by person or firm qualified by training and experience to have knowledge of the subject. Since the nature and distri- bution of earth material, faults, folds, slide masses, or other significant features cannot be described fully and effectively in words alone, a geological map shall accompany the report. Mapping should reflect careful attention to the rock composition, structural elements, surface, and subsurface distribution of the earth materials exposed or inferred within both bedrock and surficial deposits. A clear dis- tinction should be made between observed and inferred features and/or relationships. It should be understood that Salt Lake City is in Seismic Zone Three, such zone having the highest probability of earthquake damage. 2) The report shall contain at least the following infor- mation: a) Location and size of subject area and its general setting with respect to major geographic and/or geologic features; b) Who did the geologic mapping upon which the report is based and when the mapping was done; c) Topography and drainage in the subject area; d) Abundance, distribution and general nature of exposures of earth materials within the area; e) Nature and source of available subsurface informa- tion; f) Estimated depth to bedrock; g) Bedrock - igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic types; h) Structural features - including, but not limited to, stratification, stability, folds, zones of contortion or crushing, joints, fractures, shear zones, faults, and any other geological limitations; i) A verified written statement by the person or firm preparing the geology report identifying any geological problems to development and further stating in his pro- fessional opinion, the ability of the proposed development plan to mitigate and/or eliminate said problems in a manner as to prevent hazard to life, hazard to property, adverse affects on the safety, use, or stability of a public way or drainage channel and adverse impact on the natural environment. (c) Grading and drainage plan. 1) A grading and drainage plan prepared by a professional engineer registered in the State of Utah shall be submitted with each application. The plan must be sufficient to determine the erosion control measures necessary to prevent soil loss during construction as well as after project completion. 2) The plan shall include, as a minimum, the following information: -5- a) Map of the entire site showing existing details and contours of the property and proposed contour modifications using ten feet contour intervals and a scale of 1" - 100'. b) Map(s) of area(s) to be graded showing existing details and contours at five foot intervals where terrain will not be modified and proposed details and contours of two foot intervals where terrain modification is proposed, using a scale of 1" - 20'. c) An investigation of the effects of high intensity rain storm (100 year occurrence according to U.S. Department of Commerce Weather Bureau Frequency Curves) evaluating how the proposed drainage system will handle the predicted flows. Include effects of drainage areas outside the development which drain through the subject area and the anticipated flow of the drainage leaving the development. d) History, including frequency and duration of prior flooding. e) Location of any existing buildings or structures and the approximate location of any proposed buildings or structures on the development and any existing buildings or structures on land of adjacent owners which are within 100 feet of the property or which are on the land of adjacent owners and may be affected by the proposed development. f) The direction of proposed drainage flow and the approximate grade of all streets (not to be construed as a requirement for the final street design) . g) Detailed plans and locations of all surface and subsurface drainage devices, walls, dams, sediment basins, storage reservoirs and other protective devices to be constructed with or as a part of the proposed work, together with a map showing drainage areas, and the compote drainage network including outfall lines and natural drainageways which may be affected by the proposed project. Include the estimated runoff of the areas served by the drains. h) A description of the method to be used in obtaining fill to be used on the site and the site of acquisition of such fill. i) A description of methods to be employed in disposing of soil and other material that is removed from the site, including the location of the disposal site. j) Plan showing temporary erosion control measures to prevent erosion during the course of construction. k) A schedule showing when each stage of the project will be completed, including the total area of soil surface which is to be disturbed during each stage and estimated starting and completion dates. The schedule shall be drawn to limit to the shortest possible period the time that soil is exposed and unprotected. In no event shall the existing "natural" vegetation ground cover be destroyed, removed, or disturbed more than 15 days prior to commencing grading for development as scheduled. A verified written statement by the person or firm preparing the grading and drainage plan identifying any grading and drainage problems to development and further stating in his professional opinion, the ability of the proposed plan to mitigate and/or eliminate said problems 'fi )e -6- in a manner as to prevent hazard to life, hazard to property, adverse affects on the safety, use or stability of a public way or drainage channel and adverse impact on the natural environment. (d) Vegetation preservation and protection plan. Vegetation shall be removed only when absolutely necessary, i.e., for build- ings, filled areas, roads and fire breaks. Every effort shall be made to conserve topsoil which is removed during construction for later use on areas requiring vegetation or landscaping, i.e., cut and fill slopes. Vegetation sufficient to stabilize the soil shall be estab- lished on all disturbed areas (including lots which may be subject to future grading) as each stage of grading is completed. Areas not contained within lot boundaries shall be protected with adapted, fire-resistant species of perennial vegetative cover after all construction is completed. The new vegetation shall be equivalent to or exceed the amount and erosion control character- istics of the original vegetation cover. The property owner and developer shall be fully responsible for any destruction of native vegetation proposed for retention under the approved vegetation plan and shall be responsible for the replacement of such destroyed vegetation. They shall carry the responsibility both for employees and subcontractors from the first day of construction until the certificate of occupancy is issued. A bond in the amount specified in the approved vegetation plan shall be posted prior to issuing permit to ensure completion of vegetation plan. A vegetation plan and report shall be prepared by a person or firm qualified by training and experience to have expert knowledge of the subject and shall include the following: 1) Survey of existing trees, large shrubs and ground covers; 2) Plan of the proposed revegetation of the site detailing existing vegetation to be preserved, new vegetation to be planted and any modifications to existing vegetation; 3) Plan for the preservation of existing vegetation during construction activity; 4) Vegetation maintenance program including initial and continuing maintenance necessary; 5) Determination of proposed bond necessary to insure soil stabilization. Bond should be provided in an amount sufficient to pay cost of grading, planting and maintenance necessary to stabilize the soil in the event the developer fails to complete the same. The bond need not cover the expense of items which would beautify the terrain beyond its natural condition, but only work necessary to restore the terrain to the relative stability of its previous state. 6) A verified written statement by the person or firm preparing the vegetation plan and report identifying any vege- tation problems to development and further stating in his professional opinion, the ability of the proposed plan to mitigate and/or eliminate said problems in a manner as to prevent hazard to life, hazard to property, adverse affects on the safety, use or stability of a public way or drainage channel and adverse impact on the natural environment. 15 -7- (e) Fire protection report. A fire protection report shall be prepared to assess fire probability and potential hazards by a person or agency qualified by training and experience. The assessment would help those agencies responsible for providing fire protection. Elements of the report should include the following: 1) The width and approximate location of any easements required for access of fire protection equipment; 2) Agreements, if any, entered into by the applicant and a fire protection entity or other government agency that could have concerns about fire probability (State & Federal agencies); 3) The approval of the subdivision design and fire protection measures by the fire protection entity; 4) A letter from the chief of the Salt Lake City fire department stating; a) Fire flow recommendation by insurance service organization. b) The existing fire flow capability or the fire flow capability proposed to serve the project. (f) Access to public and private property report. Assure that there is provision made for dedicated rights-of-way to provide access to public or private lands adjacent to the proposed development. These rights-of-way shall be designed and constructed to a standard acceptable to the Salt Lake City Engineer. No access if terrain is too steep or unsuitable for use. (g) Notification of adjacent landowners (public or private) . Owners of adjacent lands which may be impacted by the proposed development shall be notified and given an opportunity to appear before the authorizing agency when it reviews the development proposal. This process will help to ensure against future boundary and use conflicts. Without this measure, agencies could be legally responsible for "land locking" property, therefore creating a situation beneficial to neither the public nor the private sector. SECTION 7. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 8. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first pUbli- cation. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 22nd day of march 1977. MAYOR A CITY RECORDS (SEAL) BILL NO,45©f 1977 Published April 5, 1977 „o Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, I ss. County of Salt Lake • - MCE -"--`- Shana D. Palmer AN ORDtNMCm - __ AN ORDINANCE AMENDINCpi CI meter 3 of Title 47 of silo „ Revised eat Ordinances ofSalt Lake City,Utah,1965,relating to.Ile development permit peoeedure-s ho an dnendinn47-3-7 Sections 47-3-2(2). therg(31,new Subsect n 173-2(4)-and 4r-5-n and by ADDING thereeedainedbypnaard>.. Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver- Be it oEatftad by the Boom of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah: using clerk of the DESF,REI•NEWS, a daily (except Sunday) SECTION o 1. That City,awn dr-31965,re the Revised .sev aces f Sag Lake ure man, 19M relating to site newspaper printed in English longtime with general eir'- dey Iopmenrpp tong procedpre•...be,and me same hereby is. P 1 the g a amendedasfollows: c•ulation in Utah, andpublished in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Sec dr-3-2(2). Each site developmnt epplicetion made } Independent-and separate:apart from a building permit c U lepiteatlenghall dntlecenewitiedbypayrnentetallonokalien• County. in the State of Uta1L, a of rwenly-flve dollars(5234001. SECTION'2,'That Substation 474-213)of the Revised drinances Of Solt Laketo evelopment Permit erocedCohes,heal and the sateen ng hereby site amended asfogays, That thelegal notice of which a copy is attached hereto Sec.47-3-2(31,The following litormafion shall Sr provided in triplicate if requested bt the Planning Director: la)Details of y proposed drainage structures, Pub notice to amend an ordinance relating to cribbing,terraces antf/ar surface Protection,not Including ---- -vegetation cover, Trod as esult of grading and required for the SUpnere of adigining property. (b)Grading pinch. site develo ment ermit_procedures (c)Protlteserarosssecpcns. _.. _ _.- � � )Drainage a cdlions. le)goil data Including a report a registered sells engineer,'engineering geologist,or other wieldiest pets n. (i) ss a the estimated alprting and nd ale- ----'-"'--" land dales for hat gredeg work prola.iad and a landscape(50Landscape ds itch fans for then sod. ny intorm)ais, ingl tosthe the aodstcaaelee Itappropriate,dlecnon -- undine areas affected by the erepesed docalsammt. such landscape Plans shall be ftrneared be a licensed engineer architect.landscape architect,or other qualified person.These plans shall show: I)bistrilsotlon of plant material,existing trees and - "'--- -'---- - -'---' ' work involved as related to slope contret and/or physical environment. 2)A Nan descrtbi them-sheds of planting the ores A nil Sr 1977 to be landscaped with special emphasis en n) soil was published in said newspaper on _. P paration,plant material and methods of planting and (21 Initial maintenance of the plarrt material and slopes until a specified percentage of plant v rave is established uniformly on the cut and fill stones. 3)Such other and further details as may to specified --- -and required by the Planning Director to carry out the purposes, sof this ordinance.Ali such plans shall hear the a f the person responsible for Inc preparation of the plan.(h)Such other information as shall be required by the Planning Director.. Ordinanccess of ECTION 3. That san Lake City, Utah,on le S,Na)relating to f the sited eh'�.e �1 }�, -L l_�'-'4 Yson/\(N,-,Q.�\� development permit procedures,be,and hie sane hereby is, - -� amended as follows Legal Advertising Clerk Sec.47-3.30)(a). The application shall be referred to the City Engineer and Planning Director for review.Feebler,the Pholyatl Director shall, u receipt of a complete application for line, situated within any Fool hill Development Overlay Zone,refer tit,sane for review to tie Salt Lake Sell Conservation District,the Utah Geological and Mineral Survey and other appropriate advisors for comment and recommendation. SECTION 4. Thal Subsection 47-330)(0 of the Revised 13th ddevelopmentof permit Procedures,Utah, ean and the same nhe to rebysile 7'e me this day of amended as folo is, Soc.47-5-3(1)/e1. Failure of the Planning Commission to r1 'r/� Make dissapprteri of line uinlicatonaidra site devdelooppmentpermit - A•so• ■) 77 within thirty (30) days after receipt of all p cry information for such action will constitute an approval of the application unless such tone is extended by the Planning Commission subsequent the to aauthorization iterdeveiotanMt apnllvntIoe Ills - v Made for C areaslruated within the"Foothill Development Overlay Ste" F t)the hole riot hall bo extended 30 •. /�f• , �. additional days for the Planning commission to receive and considerthe recommendatio of to Salt Lake Sag Conserva- tion --' District,recommendation of Utah Geological and Mineral Survey and other Notary Public appropriate advisers review mild application pursuant to Section 47-3-3(1)(a). ' SECTION 5.That Section4r-32 of the Revised Ordinance^.,of Salt Lake City,Utah,1965,gelatin to Site development permit procedures.he,and the same hereby is amended as follows: Sec. 67.3-7. Inspections.The helloing InsoeCior,whin msistance of the Plannlou DIrector and City Engineer,shall ake the inspections hereinafter required and shall either approve that portion of the work completed lt shall etty the perrnittee wherein the same fail to comply with ihiserdl nonce. Where it is found by i pectien that conditions re not substanially as stated or sawn In the site development permit th application, e inspector may slap further work until approval is obtained for a revised grading plan conforming to the. existing conditions. SECTION 6. That Section 47-3-2(4) el the Revised Odevelopmenttof Sall take Citv,rmii procedures,be,and the same herebys is,1 --J amended by ADDING said new Section. Sec.dr-3-2(41. Notwithstanding any Ionegoino Iirovi•:lams appearing to e contrary, the application for a site d the permit for any aria situated within the toning area designated as the"Foothill DevefupMtt Overlay Zone" (LI)shall also include the additional Information: I (a)Sobs reports. II The U.S.D.A.Soil Conservation Service I publkation,Soh Survey of Salt Lake City Area Utah(April: 1974)and Soil Survey and Interpretation.Surmmit Soil Survey Area,Wasatch Mountain Portion,Salt Lake County,Utah (J une 1975),arc hereby adopted as the official soil maps and 4 interpretations for soils in Salt Lake City. 2)The surveys adopted In Section 11 above are to be used• as av guide n tSaltnLake Citvnatndfaret1101 Intended to mntlaie on-site Sy oil investigations. 31 The Planning Commission shall require a soil investigation report if the Salt Lake County 296 Water Quality Soils Map and Interpretation stows soils in the area of development which pe.,eat cote n constraints to dove onn-.-ect as defined of said map.Such soils report shall be prepared by a person or tren guanaco,by treating and contain at he'd t the following to have information:e subiact and roust a) loIb Estimate (the rerntal highest elevation of the seasonal(high wetertahlel and slid oft:vamul,eprines,and crees shall besownonthe site planand i slued gat left manna determineh the reasons for occurrence.these undcmro: r water sources.An analysis or the vegetation cover or other vrfar.e information maybe used fo show theprase.¢of the underg water; d)Unifiedied soil classificat ion tar Mentalor horizons or layers of soil profiler of the zone of the footing foundation induction v:here appropriate tiie Plasticity Index(PI)and l quid Limit(LL); e)Shrink swell potential. Said potential and its characteristics shall be determined and classified Adopted to the tests nro. In Section 2WA(a)of Me Adopted Uniform Building Code and related references; 1)Potential Frost Action based on the depth to wateHable and the Unified SO.Classification; g)The soli sultabilltles,constraints er a oposed pmethods of mitigating said constraints in implementing the roposed development plan; h)A verified written statement by Me person or firm cparine the soils report identifying the soil c eroleslnis to dnvelnp ant and further station In his professional mitan,the ability of the proposed development plan to igate and%or eliminate said constraints in a mender as to prevent hazard to life,hazard to property,adverse affe on the safety,use or stability of a public way or drainage channel and adverse Impact on the natural • I meet. (b)GnIMv reports.11 A geology rapert shall be prepared by person or firm qualified by training and experience to have knowledge of the s bled. Since the stature and distribution of earth material,faults,folds,slide masses,or other significant features cannot to described fully and effectively in words alone,a geologic map shall accompany I the report. Mapping sition, t should reflecttelements,surface, ,and on isubsurface distro the roof ibution of the earth materials exposed or inferred within I YqM bedrock and sat-tidal deposit.A clear distinction ' should be made between observed and inferred features and'or relationships. I Zonet Thrmd,b cuhn deornsetoda vhag Salt 4.ake City is in heism;c hiuhesi prubatrility of earthquakei he dreport shall contain at least the following information: a)Location and s of sublg general area and its geral setting with respect to matter geographic and/or geologic features; h)Who did the geologic mapping upon which the rants is based and when the mapping was dime; c)Topography and drainage an the subled area: d)Abundance,distribution and general nature of exposures of earth materials wuiin the area; el Nature and source of available subsurface inform a• lion; f)Estimated depth of bedrock; q)Bedrock—igneous,sedimentary,pvtamorphic lvnen)Steodural features—including,but no}limited to, stretiforatiae, stability, folds, zones of contortion or crushing,joints,fractures,shear zones.faults,and any other geological limitations; i)A verified written statement by the person or firm Preparing the geology report identifying any gelogical problems to development and further stating in pis professional opinion,the ability of the proposed develop. went plan to mitigate and/or eliminate said problems In a as to prevent hazard to life,hazard to property, adverse s affects on the safety.use,or stability of a noblle way or drainage channel and adverse impact on the natural envlronrrent. Grading and drainage plan. 1) grading and drainagehe Plan prepared by a professional enaiineer registered inthe State O4 Utah shall be submitted with each application.The ea nest be sufficient to determine Mee oono control measures necessary opev lossdurlm construction a well as afer eroeci completion. )The plan shall include.as a minimum,the following.I information: existinga)Map Of the entire site showing existing details and contours of the property and proposed contour modifica- tions in u .,t o ten feet contour Intervals and a ale of I I".IOdS 121 Map(s)of area(s)to be graded showing existing details and contours at five foot intervals where terrain will net be modified and proposed details and centaurs of two feet intervals where terrain modification is proposed, using a scale of 1"-nl'. c)An investigation Of the effects of high intensity rain storm(100 year occurrence according In U.S.Denarim.ent evaluatinf g bow the Prce roposed her drainagedrainage systen1i willl Curves) the predicted flows.Include effects of drainage areas Outside the development which drain through the sub8"ct area and the anticipated flow of the drainage leaving the development. d)HlStary,Including frequency antl duration of IMior flooding. the )approximate of anyoff floe e�scrdings er l bu dross anal structures the develop.ant and any existi.twlkhmrs IrUtr Kos f the p�of adiacent owners which are'cdlhin ent t and may be affectedb or ivthepmpmAd devech are en the land loprnenf, owners Tin direction of profaned drainage flow and the • mate gra of all streets 4nR to be caislrued as a • requirement ds ment for the final street design). 1 Detailed plans and IocafisOt of all surface and basins,storageereseervolrsrs and other)protective dewkes to be constructed with or as a part of the proposed work, together with a map showing ciraieapa areas,and the complete drainage network including sutfall lines arte natural drginlgenraes which may be affected be the proposed pr'olect.Include the estimated ruraff of the areas sc r'eetl by the drains.fill tho iM A drain hon soifte haen tmehheosdt eo Wecq4lstn onoa iou 1)A of sc-peon 1 methods eria to be employed In dispoti,Including soil and olonst material That Is i site. from the site,lanshng temporionary y ire di nxcontrolo II Plan onion daring rempeary rse of c ccnrml ono res to preventerosion oIrahen each crostrot fete measures k)c completed, including g the Baal araaa f the pm1tt1 who be S to be disc r sest ter the total tape of ills surface Which Is to be disturbed d vhw oath stage and tea moaol starting tand ote shortest delve. period Mhla shaftha soils eueosto e t and unprotected. shortest Osl, p e o no event n tlsa all that soil Is " xisting natural a vegetation ground coverbe&xhowM,rroaeoOvied, or disturbed(pore than IS days prior 0o e4Mmen'irA eroding foe development a shaduled. A verified written a ter!he tau•reason or firm preparing Ithe grading end drainage plan identifying one further stetitiea In nd his orro esslonage al gnllnlo h theeatlllltenf the Proposed plan to mitigate and/or eliminate raid prabums In a manner as to prevent haztrd ta MT,ereperty,adverse affects on the net",usa,tr stability ozard f a public way or grouse channel and adverse inspect do the natural environment. fill Vegetation pr'IrrvetIon and p'eteci,on plan.Vero, tattoo shall teollool vran,lrwhsnclflc firebreaks. for buildings,filled areas,roads and firebreaks.r« Eve,v ed.,shalt Po made to conserve Meson which Is remnant durii'q Ge nY.:11,111'Cn tor Icier use Oh areas Tequila no Li veyu or Tarid :,ilSiitp;is cut ails tic fTrispro. ell be en Vol,11,Mafibn sufficient to stabilize the knit shall be estotrllshed on an disturbed ersas(including Iota which may to***of to tnturr graded/as ach stage of grading Is nplela Areas not contained within lot boundaries shall In protected d with adapted,fire-resistant species of perennial rnetative cover after all construction Iscempleted.The new vegetaton shall be equivalent to or exceed the amount and erosion control characteristics of the original vegetation pv,Tile property owner and developer shall be fully responsible far any rf st uctionof native vegetation proposed fo retention under the approved vegetation plan and hall be t �Tnsihle for the replacement of such destroyed vegeta- lrey shall carry the responsibility both for employees and subcontractors from the first day at co nsir0ctlen until the certificate of occupancy Is Issued.A band In the amount specified in the approved vegetation plan shall be.posted Plar to issuing permit to ensure completion of vegetation n. ovogiioalilnainc1haes rrmquied b training ad peree o have expert knowledge of the subiect and Shall include the following: 1)Survey of existing trees,large shrubs and ground covers:Plan of the ero0osed revegetation of the site detailing existing vegetation to be preserved, hew vegetation to be planted and any modifications to existing yea:nation; 3)Plan for the piclty; Ion of existing vegetation during construction activity, s)Vegetation maintenance program including initial and continuing maintenance corral necessary to Insure :oil stabilization.Bond should be provided in an amount sufficient to pay cost of grading, mine end maintenance necessary to stabilize the sotf In In the event the developer fallsfo complete to me.The bond need not cover the export.of items which would beautify the terrain beyond its ntural condition,but only worse necessary to restore the terrain to the relative stability of Its previous state. 5)A Nerdlee!written statement by the person or firm ' r the ingveneration clan and report identifying any problems vegetation problems to develility and further stating in ability professional opinion,the ability of then n nlgnrl plan to mitigate and/or eliminate said properly', ms in a manner as to ant hazard to Ste,hazard to properly.adverse affects prevent n the safety,use stability of a public way or drainage channel and adverse Impact on the ir natural environment to)Fire Protection report.A fire prateorion report shot e prepared to assess tire probability and potential hazards by a personor agency qualified by training and experience. She a nest would dip those agencies reopensible for o0001 afire arotectlon.Clements of the report should include ihe following_ 1;The equir and approximate protection of any ravens-Ms required far access offire vrotectlon equln- ent; I)fire protection If ntit entered into et the applicant and a ild have cone too or other government agency that ran have concerns about fire Prohatility(stare k Fed3raTileapp agencies); 3) ne approval of the subdivision design and tiro protectionI)Aletter byIathehief ofothe!blentity; !r A letter from the chief of the belt Lake City IhF department.stating: a)Fire flow recommendation by Insurance set - vice r i tl. b)Thehe existing tiro flow capability or the fire flow capability pron..nd private the o e12Cr. (th Access 10 pubic and',for e c n report.eay Assure that sera is access to pun merle for dedicatedlds odlesotwoY to to public or a private lands b latent to The proposed andcotetructed.These darldsa acceptable shallto he act nrxl and engiiue'constructed to a standard r..is to tee,or Lily Cille engineer.No access If terrain Is too steep or ui- rotor ustii.ra lludr .(c Notification of a lacentnt land landowinch may (public or rrl vase 1.(posers of adlacent lands which be given an opportunity I lr l ni proposed de appear before shall 11 be notifieda and 0.110 an -grfunihe 10 appear before gas 1. 100authorizing agency when o ws the ns future ens proposal.This process will help to rasa future coufdbol and use carpets.fWithout or"land tillshro,vieingaspropeagencies y, neecold Wi ttingly reituaton fan"iced to neither PIle p public inorthe crate Co a situation beneficial to neither the wthe nor the fff10 Board of SECTION Inv t In the easy,nion an welfare of enheboners.il sa ry to the thisor dean abewelfareccthe Immecetantsn. Salt Lake City that this ordinance become of iccflre I mrnediaiely. .'.FCT'ION B. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first 1'c setl 00 ihe Board t Commission^_r5 of halt WY.e City. Ilia M1,this 21nd day of March,ip1]. TIED L.VJ I LSDt1 Mayor a11L�rtD V.l nvffnfa i sari.) MLA L1.NO-IC of 19%] I ✓