46 of 1907 - Ordinance 46 of 1907 – Amending and re-enacting Sections 720 and 721 of R.O. of 1903 and adding a r,dsJ AN ORDINANCE . An ordinance amending and re-enacting Sections 720 and 721 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1903, as amended by an ordinance passed by the City Council June 20, 1904, and approved by the Mayor June 30, 1904, and adding a new section to be known as Section 728a, and repealing all conflicting ordinances and resolu- tions. Be it ordained by the City Council of:Salt Lake City, Utah: ' SECTION 1. That Sections 720 and 721 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1903, as amended by an ordinance passed by the City Council June 20, 1904, and approved by the Mayor June 30, 1904, , be, and the same hereby are amended and re•enaoted so ;as to read as follows: SECTION 720. RIDING BICYCLES UPON SIDEWALKS PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride any bicycle, tricycle velooipede, motor or other riding machine or vehicle upon any sidewalk within this City, except that between the hours of 3 and 8 A. P.T. and 5 and 7 P. M., between November 1st and May 1st following, said riding machines (except motors) may be ridden upon any sidewalk where the street is not paved or macadamized. SECTION 721. SPEED. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride any such riding machine or vehicle upon any bicycle path or street of this City at a rate of speed greater than eight miles per hour, or upon any sidewalk at a rate of speed greater than five miles per hour. All persons riding or wheel- or other riding machine ing any bieyclexon any bicycle path, or street or sidewalk, shall, when meeting another, turn to the right. SECTION 2. That a new section, to be known as Section 728a, is hereby enacted to read as follows: SECTION 728a. BICYCI,HS TO B7 2EOVIDHD WITH GONGS AND LIGHTS. It shall be unlawful for,any person to ride or ua'e, 4 bicycle, tricycle, velocipede, motor, or other riding; macnine; ' 46 • j -2- vehicle or apparatus, on any of the sidewalks of the City, of '{ upon the bicycle path in Liberty Park,Lwithout having in con- nection therewith a gong of sufficient sound to warn persons of i its approach, and using the same in warning of its approach./ It shall also be unlawful for any person to ride or use a bicycle, tricycle, velocipede, motor, or other riding machine vehicle or apparatus, on any of the public c#+syrslR, ummomm, sidewalks, ANW 4s of the Gity, or upon the bicycle path in Liberty Park, between sunset and sunrise without a lighted lamp or lan- tern so conspicuously placed thereon as to warn persons of its approach. SECTION 3. All ordinances and resolutions and parts of ordinances 1 Viand resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the exteni of such conflict. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. ji Passed by the City Council n.f Salt LaJte City,Utah. <Is) r A, 1907;i and, referred to the Msy-or for his approval - is�. r�Pcnxde x. Approved thi.e q day of•Tu1y, 1907. 94A Manor. II 3 i 't-,;,---_:-- - ==.4 - _.----,---- . , - :-: ,.. 0i'll: :i'_-- VIOdtr. III 114,(, 010.:3i: :, ,1 ,r0y ..n. fl'::J -!. (7, IT-Ity (-.7: i. J16 rioil'irie. lo 'iaol ,--; g:tc76-1,15LTI zoii-o6a ., -r—.y,-, t- '• rip- frt 9,1i3t! : :-.1- xilar E,IIA ,11:0130'n,A43 0'1 ' .niery, ,E1 el2u 70-: 01Ji"., C) ao,-is,„ it.trt loa letwitur oci ouir, i1',1;c. -.,-o el0111 RU±.6.03L1 •„-ii.s.t. 7111,..1 --io 7/34%-i- 0054aalGolev ,elo,-oi7* ;ft ,a.--.1. ;-(9.bla ,.:= VEV17-,7 ,i000e,104 ol4dzil sat 20 %Am go ,inintivrawy P.:i3 v.,16 v / =VI le ,I010 tAt Is ammugagiC-AtA4V -- TC. c,U5-;.1. 1- 11 a tkolittw siataita Ema tosamit soovIed oiTJA. iiii-079c., rem, ot ,ia A007f1::‘t teeslq lagromakenoo oe null .sLoacex(itca alf.,..io lo .7-.171.4(,-, Las anoltploset Am sepsaattIo /AA .E 10ITOEL I -c,I. Lelkerpri 7,cren" s'37,4 fillvroler: $0111avo al anoltaloae/ ba7 - .1clrictoo ir:-: to • .1,13v0.11, 4 flat 100'116 621.z., .1.4alie onaalL•xo a UM .1, a•DrooT ,... : .11\ 1-, , t.I3 i , ".; '.= '.,t,, 4,-- - • • ' - , •; .---.:-? ,1-0 i ."-'. . , '-• 1-. t - 0 -.. = ,... . •k .... 4fg// ,8T.Ifn mr_fl.i. #nn. i44.0Z, v..?..7) twItt vf horrInl - ''''. - 4—I 4-_, ,.4 • '''F' '' `1` ,. , ,-.4 a., •!A' -„! :......1 :,:,%,:n.vi::: !4,-ft ozl• hier..4-. 4.4-e. ;If tt `1.:•-• *--' - •%-, i'i e., '\\I 7 i ,r I" ' 1 % •• ' = . ... .,. . ..-. ..31 _ _ -i Ft.,c:,-,., .,„ , ._ , .„, -, ,_,P.,17t i•-,—,-. •1.,,, ,rt•- . 01;11:-. -;.'. • ,- •:i .-, - 1 H . . , i 1 1 ilk