46 of 1926 - Paving Extension No. 196-2nd and final ROLL CALL VOTING AYE .NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, Dec. 16, 1926- Burton -- I move that the ordinance be passed. 1 Fehr Finch e Moran Mr.Chairman - - - AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE LEVYI:;G A.TAX and for th.e asso:mceut of ?ro- perty in Paving District To. 32 (Paving Extension :No. 15:6) for the purpose of dressing subgrade,- constructing curb and gutter, drainage system to carry water across and along streets and intersections, sidewalk (said gidewalk to consist of a 3z inch Portland cement concrete base and '; inch Portland cement Plaster wearing surface), and paving Harvard Avenue from 13th East Street to 15th- East Street, Normandie Circle northerly from Harvard Avonue to end of street, and 14th East Street from Harvard venue, southerly 25 feet. Be it ordained by the 'Board of Commissioners of salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That tha Board of "JoLlmIssioners of Salt Lake City does hereby levy the Ira: ciii :rovido for the assessment of the same upon the property hereinafter described in Paving District Ho. 32 (Paving Extension Into. 1(26) for the _curposc of dressing cubgxade, constructing curb and gutter, drainage system to carry ,;rater across and along streets and intersections, sidewalk (said sidewalk_ to consist of a 3r inch Portland cement concrete 'J5se and inch Port- land cement Plaster wearing surface) , and paving -cith Portland ce- ment concrete thereof, to-wit: Lots 4 to 14 incl. of 21k. 3, Lots 1 to <9 incl. of ''lk. 4, and Lots 12 to 24 incl. of 31k. 5, Normandie Heights, Sub. of Blk. 30, 5-Acre Plat "C"; also part of Lot 4, '1'3. 30, 5-Acre Plat "C", Big Dield Survey, abutting on both sides of Harvard Avenue from 13th East Street to 15th East Street, Normandie 46 1,1 i ---- !,....a ...„ -2- 1 Circle northerly from Harvard lvenue to end of street, and 14th hl]out 6treet from Harvard Avenue, southerly 2h. feLt, .!! 0zat 7!mae City, Utah. - This tax is levied to defray the expense of dressing sub- !grade, constructing curb and gutter, drainage system to carry I water across and along streets and intersections, sidewal-m and paving with Portland cement concete Tarvard lvenue from 1. th Just 2 Loot to 15th last atlect, Zormandie Tirole northerly from Parvard Avenue to enb of sAreet and 14th last 0treet from Farvard I ' Avenue, southerly 25 feat, said. pavement to be twenty-eight (28) feet wide including 5-foot wall: on the southerly nide of harvard I lvenue, 25 feet easterly end. 25 feet westerly from 14th e,jt 'Street, and both sides of 14th Jest :.3treet from Farvard Pac,enue southerly 25 feet; thirty (JO) feet wide inelai_nF: :-foot wale on the north- . erly side of Har.crd Avenue -±20M a point 194.04 feet easterly from 16th East 'street to 15th last Street, the southerly side of arvard ilvenue from a point 276.70 feet easterly from 1.3th last >Street to 25 feet westerly from 14th last street, and from a point 25 feet easterly from 14th East Street to 15th last 6treet, Nor- mandie Circle from F.arvard venue northerly 115.04 feet; two twenty-four (o4) foot roadwazsn with jarl: and 5-foot wa-2111: on the lintherlyside of Farvard Pvenue from 13th last atreet to 1U!l.34 foot easterly, the southerly side of harvard %mace Irma 10th last Street to 276.70 feet easterly, and all of J.:arm:nal:: ::ircle notth- 1 lerly from a point 115.04 feet northerly from 7arvard Avenue, aaid. i !pavement to be six (6) inches thick; the portions of said streets I !opposite the property harohnbeforo JI]a hereinafter describeS to be especially aTfected and benefited by 2.-)j_d_ improvement, and it is .hereby adjudged, determined and asta-olished that said pro)erty will be especially benefited there0y to the full amount oa the tax hereby levied, and still reels of land mre hereby assobsed at an equal and uniform rate in accordance with the linear foot frontage upon and to the entire depth haci: therelkom, and the tax hereby 1 LI , I . 1 . Ill I I I I ------ Levied anci to be a!'utoanod u.:on said oorcels of land i Twenty-three :Okgol!Yincl, 'tight Fundred 7ifty-one and 57/100 ( 23,851.57) Dollars;' Li:ntoon Thousand aeven 7undred h!]ighty-two and 76/100 ( 16,782.76) ) Dollars or five and 84/100 (::35.84) Dollars per front or linear 'foot of abutting croperty for said thirty (30) foot roadway,inClud !ing five foot walk, there being 2,37!).76 feet a:Out-tili:7! so.id portion of said. improvement; 2-ix Thousand 3i-_,L Nundred Twenty-seven and Lm• 88/100 ( 6,627.88) Dollars or iight and 58/100 ( 3.53) Dollars leor front or linear foot of abutting preberty :for ,aid two - twenty-four (24) foot roadways oritl oark and five-foot walk, there being! 772.48 feet abitting so.id portion of said improvement; ''our Fundred :! arty and 93/100 ( 440.93) Dollars or five and 50/100 , ( 5.58) Dollars per front or linear hoot of abutinE oroeerty for said twenty-eight (20) foot roadway including:, five foot -walk, there Laing 79.02 feet abuttinc; said oortion of said ipprovement; and all within the bouearies of the lots, elockL; and streets above :meutionea in said district, which is the total abutters' cost and cost or front foot of said imdrovei5eut, according to the contract lentored into for the 2erform2nce of snid work and :!aking: sid im- ci-)rovement with Christensen, Jacob !'! Dardner, Oontractors, a!-T,ted the 20th day of October, 1923, Old the O:5!Ay Treasurer is hereby author- !ized and directed to assess, in acoordance with. the provisions of 1 1 !this ordinance, for the -.D -2020 herein mentioned: i rtNL2OTI-EIGT71 fOCT ROAD1A1r9 ! 1 in !Liding five foot wafk,. -5eginning at a. )oint X. 20 Di' J. 43 ft. from the I 13outheast corner of Lot 1/2., MU:. )!, mi-ormandie reio.hts 3ub., thence around a curve to the loft nad- 2aft„. .51 ft. boing s part of Lot 14, ,310. 3, Nonrinnaie 'Freights 2g.P. of 51odk 50, 5-1!.cro Plot LC"; beEnning at a )oint F. 20' 51' .1. 87.33 ft. 'con the outh- avest corner of Lot 12, 513. 5, ]Thrin,ndie Yeights )46., thence !around a curve to the right :. ,.a. 25A., 3). 1 ft. beinj! a iart of 1 Lot 12, 110. 15, Normandio Nei,ghts.:3ub. of 31k. ''')!5, 2-bra flat g-ig 7iell 2urvey. ! ' .! 11111 1 ',.....- __ -4- IN= POON NOADWAT:., including 5-foot walIE; 7dontine; on Normandie Sirele., The westerly side of 5ot 20, the easterly side of Lot 27, ak. 4, Normandie F.OirE St11). of 51M. So, 5-Acro Slat "0", ia 7ield Survey. ?ranting on Harvard Boo. The northerly :31i.a0 of Tot: to 14, incl. of 511:. 3, the southerly side of Lots 27, 28 out lit: 1 to 20 incl. of 810. 4=, and the northerly sidu of "lots 12 to 24 isci. of dlk. 5, of Nor- mandie 1-eights Sul). of -810. 20, 5-.tore Slot "0", 5ig :jell Survey. 2- Twenty-four foot roadvays with L-)7„/.4, sna 52foot walk. Nronting on Earward Ave. The northerly side of Lots 4. to 7 incl. D 511. 5, the soatherly side of Lot 20, 7., 41, of Yorm,andie NeightsUub. of 310. -UO, 5-Acre Plat "C", -7,io Dield Survey; and. besinnins at the South.- west corer of Lot uS, --.U_k_. 4, .Thrmandic EeiLhte Sub., thence westerly 125.52 ft., being a oart of Let 4 of blk. JO, 5-2cro Flat "0", 'Sig -Yield Survey. 7rontinE on Normandie Circle. The westerl:,,, side of :tots 81 ---:nd 22, the southerly side of Lots 23 and 24, and the easterly side of Lots 35 T:.i:Jd.. SO, of lk. 4, Normandie Neishte dao. ) 10. 50, 5-iavo Plat "C", 81g diell Survey; as the same are sho,m uoon the oNliciel ,21,ete of . ssid city to the entire depth back from e,-.:.ia 2troots, :red to col- lect said tax. SECTION II. That the assessment liet _lade by the abity TorAser as corrected, J )::co-o..1 asd completed by -V.° board of Sauolization and Noview of the property descriSed in Section I of 1 this ordinance in Paving Natessioa 183, of Salt itoko ility, for the :purpose of dressin siNaTade, constructina curb an utter, drain-7, age system to carry water across and alon , streots and interseciiip* I11 i . 1 . . sidelwalk, and paving with Portland Bement oonceote ,lore ei, is hereby confirmed -.n8_ tiro assessments ;wade and retur,ie.- in sold aom,leted lists, and the report of the ',our. o_' _, uolizr.tion and evieat to the Joard of o:a:i5:Toners of Salt L.:_e '.ity are hereby ratified, approved Lnd con 'ir;;ed. SEC'TIOh1 III. ;paid tat, shall be oa.yacle in ten equal yearly installments as orovided by lay and ordinance -:;ith intercet on the whole sum un ecid at the rate of si:: per cent per sneers, ua'i:ible at the time ccec ins t:.la;me;nt ._s due. In the event any in- stallment or the interest nforesets i2 not a id_ on the day b e same becomes due, the mhcle";acypunt -a. t _e scecial tam unpaid at the time said installment and interest arc . ue, shall become wuc and pap`u-ale, and shall draw interest at tie rat of twelve ;Ter cent berr.srum until the sole of t': e _property assessed. SEC210'_i IV. bLi 1 ordinance shall take a,P est me d;.y after its publication. Passed by the orb- o "i;om..11 ssioners of _ _t 7,ome .:it:, Utah, this ''A' day of , ''..D. 1"26. __ ___-- --/4( �� 11 or. — T— Oity( c_, bcr. Davin,,; ..]_intension ::o. 196. tad Pg Pinal ':Stinate. I I� it Cam, s g: e 4: Fj